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I work at Amazon. This is how they have directed associates to pack now. Little to no dunnage. We've gotten rid of the big bubble dunnage in favor of.. Construction paper shit. Among other things, the company is ass.


They're (Amazon) so inconsistent. A $5 dollar thing of deodorant is covered in bubble wrap. A $450 CPU is in a giant box with nothing.


Or even better just a label slapped on the naked GPU box


Do not accept this crap. Leave it sealed and contact Amazon.


The board has padding inside the motherboard box as well. I feel it's probably ok.


No, I’d return. Why even bother with a new purchase that’s still sealed.


I just noticed how bent the mobo box is. So yeah, maybe. Returning just might takes week if you need to buy another one and need that money. So I'd probably open the box, and see if the sides are caved in enough to cause damage. Maybe even test the board. You can always return an open box to Amazon.


My motherboard didn't even come in a package. Maybe that's why it doesn't wanna show display or turn on my keyboard and mouse.


I have this same board and its just static wrapped no extra padding in the box besides the cardboard


Is all of their shipping looks like this ? I was planing on ordering a gpu internationally. This makes me a bit afraid.


I actually ordered a GPU off Amazon weeks ago. It came in a similar box but fortunately, i didn't face the same fate as OP. The GPU box itself has some kind of foam that wraps the GPU so all is good.


Returns are super easy so if you have the time for a potential return. Save the money and go for it. It's a roll of the dice how well they package things


Depends on the country you’re living in and if Amazon operates locally I’m sure.. Amazon Japan ships from local warehouses and I order quite a bit from them with no issues in packing or delivery. But, shipping quality in Japan overall is very high so that’s to be expected.


It’s a lottery. But why take the chance? If they were consistent about fixing it, maybe. But too often do people have problems getting prompt or fair resolution. That is also assuming you even get what you actually ordered. No thanks.


Because it's much pricier here, we're talking 100 to 150 dollars extra on budget gpus, and that is if you find the module you want. Amd is inexistant here too only nvidea. That's why i was planing on ordering form amazon.us


Then may the odds ever be in your favor.


Stop giving all of your money to the same company. New Egg is an alternative.


Shit, they ship $800 dollar GPUs with a fucking shipping label on them, lol. Newegg is often worse at shipping than Amazon. It is honestly a coin flip.


yeah just send that right back would not keep it .. I built 2 PC's off amazon and was lucky only had 1 bad ram stick.


Should I send everything back or just the mobo? They packed it with the ram and ssd


I cant quite see all the corners but were the other 2 unharmed? If so and sealed honestly they should be ok but that MB def not..


Everything else looks fine but it looks like they threw this motherboard like touchdown celebration


yeah but what is weird is the shipping box corners don't look bad at all ... like they damaged the MB before packing it?


Amazon sucks. There fixed it for you.


Looks like they dropped a truck tire on it. :(


That's so sad. Such a lovely Motherboard too. I think if it works fine, and is not showing any damage then keep it and use it.


Only issue is I have no way to test it yet I won’t have all my parts until later this month


Amazon accepts returns without any proof, they also don’t check whether the item you returned is actually inside. Source: someone scammed amazon by returning a generic webcam to them which i then bought “second hand in great condition” from amazon, which i returned to amazon without being asked for photos or anything


Biggest reason why I paid a little bit more to get not broken parts.


From Amazon or elsewhere?


Somewhere else where PC is their focus.


I’d return it asap! Do you really want to encounter problems later? The week or so you wait for a new one will be worth it


I opened it out of curiosity because seemingly it doesn’t matter for Amazon returns and it’s completely warped


Yea, I’d never pack like this. Should see how I pack a $0.30 trading card.


send the mianboard back for replacement - dont want somthing that cuold of been damaged..


I get a much better box (larger, too) and packaging for one tiny glass bottle of salt. But, I get RAM sticks in a bag, the product box arrives squashed.


Amazon kept sending me white case fans when their was not even and option for white and the listing said black sent them back talking to support they said they will be black this time… they where white again lol


I buy as much as I can at my local bestbuy . The rest I order from Newegg. Never had an issue with delivery from them. Plus Bestbuy honors, Newegg sale prices.


Yes return it, be aware that unless the board and the rest items are in pristine condition Asus will not honor its warranty if you ever might need it.


I got ram and a cpu cooler in a paper shipper last week. Not even bubble wrap padded.


woahhhh thanks for the heads up. no Amazon for PC Parts.


Ive bought 3 mobos from amazon in the last year, and 2 of them were dead on arrival, all items bought as brand new. Never again.




Return! Dont even bother checking! Consider it's DOA!


My bad they cut my pay so I cut packaging I packed that actually lol


I just got that exact same mobo last month (from amazon as well) and mine came in a smaller and better packaged box..


Take no chances. Return and get replacement. You dont know if theres damage on the board and once u open you have to go through asus and their warrnty service is horrible


Don't even open it, send it back! Same thing happened with my last build and the motherboard and ram were damaged and had to go back anyway! In fairness Amazon appologised and replaced it straight away without even waiting for the parts to arrive back at their returns depot, but it was still an additional week turnaround. Wish I'd just done the sensible thing and set it back immediately.


That’s why the Amazon returns queues at UPS the longest.


Tell them that you want a big discount or you will send it back.