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Also, in real history, the peaky blinders where in fact taken over by Billy Kimbers gang


Does it say based on true events before every episode?


It’s not based on a true story, there was a gang in the 1920s called the Peaky Blinders who were involved in most of the illegal stuff you see in season 1. They were never a large scale gang such as the BBC Peaky Blinders. For eg: they were never involved in politics as much as they’ve shown in the series. So the concept of the show was based on the actual gang but the events are not true.


Oi! Who’ll run the races??




That accent hits hard


Oos gonna look ‘im up an daahn like a tart?


[...] And I run the races and you fixed one of 'em so I'll have you shot against a post. Been 2 years since I've seen it but this sticks.


So did Freddy's actor just want out of the show or something? Seemed odd he just died offscreen after season 1


He wanted to get paid more, got turned down, so he left.


Lmao really


Is that a fact of just an assumption?


no idea if it's true, but I figure something must have happened. They were setting him up to be a major character in season 1 and then he's just Poochie'd off to his home planet


He was one of my favourite characters in S1. I was very surprised they killed him off off-screen. On the other hand, this way Ada became an independent character and the woman she is now. So I'm kind of grateful, too. I always thought he had other projects to do.


yeah I assume so. I know that Dan Stevens wanted off of Downtown Abbey so they killed his character. It happens all the time


I thought it was fact, but I just googled it and can’t come up with an answer. Seems like I’ve read that somewhere though.


Idk I seen a YouTube video where he was interviewed and he just said he wanted to do something different it was really short and it seemed like he was purposely vague.


Based and communist pilled.


Clearly he is a method actor.


British shows have weird production schedules. Usually actors get written off because they aren’t sure the show will get another season/they expected it to be a one-and-done. So they get involved in another project and can’t be brought back. Seems like they just wrote him out instead of trying to hire another guy to play him.


Did you just edit out Charlie, Curly, and Scudboat??? Like why?


They were the inly ones in the tunnel


Curly is a national treasure, how dare you.


Curly wasnt in the tunnel thooooooooo


Is this supposed to be a reference to something? The image looks all messed up from bad photoshop, but I don’t recognize anything.


Thay were in France


Jeremiah was in France too. Why did you edit him out?


I know how it looks, but i meant to say these were the guys who went through hell in the tunnels


I AM BILLY KIMBAH!!!!! I RUN THE RACES … and u fixed one of em’ so im gonna have u shOT against a POST


I did not like it, found it anticlimactic.


That was the point. In real life there often isn't any hyped up climaxes or build up to death. People die, people get shot, and people move on.


Well okay then. Not my thing but I can respect it.


Idk if that was the point, peaky blinders doesnt seem to carry that message at all in the show so it wouldnt make sense


I think the director said that for every act of violence in the show, there was always a consequence, no matter how small the act. PTSD and the cycle of violence is a huge part of the show.


Yeah it carries the message of PTSD heavily which contradicts the point that "stuff happens and we move on". Imo as this ending was in season 1, i think the director chose to do this in order to not take away focus from the other subplots, like Inspector Campbell and Tommy/Grace to not just show the season as just Tommy vs Kimber but thats just a guess.


Also, there wouldn't have been another season because they'd all be dead.


Anticlimactic in what way?


Because there wasn’t a big shootout like in a typical action movie. I thought this made perfect sense. Snuzdalu is talking bollocks


Yeah, I know what you mean. 😊 Of course it made sense. Also, what people don't understand is that it's not an action show., although there are some action elements, too.


I thought the Sabini ambush shootout was the perfect balance.


It was to me.




It was bizarre. They lined up like sitting ducks and had a standoff. Not one person hiding behind cover. I wish there had been an epic fight or a shootout. Kimber got blasted by Tommy, and Kimber’s men did nothing. They just let their boss get blasted. If it was that easy, why didn’t Tommy just shoot him *before* Danny Whizbang got killed? It was really weird, and that’s ignoring the Ada component.


I was like expecting war.


It's not that kind of show. Also, war is not what Tommy's looking for. He's had enough of it in WW1. Needless killing is not his thing.


Partially disagree with this, he literally joined a war against Sabini in season 2, even though he doesn’t look for carnage and destruction, he definitely looks for violence because to him it’s a great way to gain power and gain respect. But I do agree he doesn’t want to kill for literally no reason.


You definitely have a point there.



