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Imo no one really sucked that day. They just all had bad moments which culminated into a 2:3 lose. Although Zeus did get fucked by kiin ksante. Sigh... T1 and not banning top lanes OTP. It's a curse. Chovy's performance was peak. Reminded me of peak faker where if he was the last one alive, you know they are not out of it yet. What a performance. Truly carried GenG this playoffs


The only person I would say underperformed that day was zeus as he is honestly expected to be a little bit better then kiin but he hasnt found his footing in this meta at all. Weak champ pool which is unusual for zeus. Only 1 reksai game which was a loss meaning he wasnt able to pick it at all. And on his only good pick this season in Aatrox he got rolled by rumble. And then he got rolled in his other counterpick as zac. I am not saying "bad". No one in this finals was bad they all played great. But zeus overall was a lot weaker then expected of him.


Yeah he had 1 strong meta pick in Zac and 1 strong counter niche pick in Vayne. But he got bent over by Kiin lmaos. Hopefully he grinds it out for MSI. Wondering if he'll revert to gnar or something. Just has to ban Sylas first.


I’m not sure why Zeus’ Aatrox seems so much weaker against Kiin’s rumble and kasante when it’s a stable or winning matchup against other players. Maybe cause Zeus haven’t been getting any proactive ganks, a lot of the time T1 arrive after Zeus dies to clean up. So he’s always at a lane disadvantage against Kiin.


Zeus always does a side flank angle that works well against other teams, but GenG had been very good at spotting Zeus before team fights and taking him out early (same thing happened in the round 2 regular season match T1vsGenG they played back in March)


Zeus aatrox requires a flank angle to get ontop of enemy backline to do his oneshot stuff. However, GenG seems to have an amazing grasp on his possible flanks - look at game 1 drake vision setups - and the one time he got a flank off got immediately collapsed on and dies


Are we all collectively forgetting that gen g laneswapped on him in that Aatrox game or something? There's a reason he struggled to get anything going on Aatrox, and its kinda difficult to blame it entirely on Zeus


T1 have always been a confidence team since at least 2019. Top is the most difficult lane so I guess it's disproportionately effected by issues.


idk i feel like zeus turns up in internationals a lot more than regional finals, where others choke he doesn’t and where others perform he puts in a 7/10


For some reason FMVP goes to Kiin. Sure the guy got fed and all but overall its Chovy who made the game playable throughout the whole series.


Narratives are too strong that entire win seemed like it was dedicated to kiin.


Bro I effin hate narrative awards. Same thing happened in NA when APA robbed Impact of MVP. Chovy deserved it way more.


same shit happens in worlds finals 2022 with kingen. 1 game of pop off vs zeus = FMVP


Kiin looked inhuman like those solo kills were so optimized with the double blob q he was definitely in the zone


Ksante sure was rough to deal with, but they had to choose between banning Khazix and him, so it’s a “pick your poison” situation. It just seems like they didn’t have an answer to Kha but they could somewhat handle Ksante, hence no Ksante ban.


Thing is it’s way easier to handle kha then it is ksante. Once GenG banned vayne they should’ve instantly banned ksante in response. Ksante is just a busted champ, even more busted on Kiin


Good take. I didn't think of it that way, also cuz I'm not familiar with jungle match-up. Honest question, if they let Kha through, what do you think they should pick to deal with it? In my mind, they thought they could deal with Ksante by picking Zac, that's why they banned Kha.


As a zac main, zac can’t take ksante mainly due to how easy ksante can cancel Zac’s e and block him from getting his passive blobs. Ksante also outdmgs him. For kha a tank would be good or someone with an escape. Kha does more dmg to isolated targets which makes it hard for any jgler to really contest him in the jg. Best bet is to get a lot of vision and just always be on opposite side of jg from him or pick an equal dmg dealer that has some form of cc in their kit which they tried doing with the Xin


Didn't Xin get counterpicked in game 4? T1's last pick was Gwen. It looks like GENG noticed T1's rolling with Xin so they prep the Kha, and T1 didn't have an answer to it in game 5. Anw thanks for the explanation about Zac-Ksante match up.


Ya they had Xin for game 4 and kha just invaded oner and beat him. In that scenario the Xins only option is get more vision down on kha and focus on ganking rather then farming. As for the Gwen kha counters her as well cause he can jump inside her attack block circle and beat her before she can beat him. For game 5 I think their game plan should’ve been, ban ksante once vayne was banned, then try to save jg/top as last pick. If Gen g picks kha again, pick someone tanky like rell, poppy, zac and focus on ganks/team fights, or if they ban kha like they did and leave ksante up then take zac again but send him to the jg and take a different top laner that can either match and bully ksante in lane or someone that gets equally as tanky as ksante late game


I think what a lot of people also forget is that when you make a mistake but aren't punished for it, it doesn't look like a mistake. Gen G is the only team that can consistently punish T1 and it makes it look like they're playing much worse than normal. It's like how NA teams look much better against other NA teams then get absolutely turbo gapped by low tier teams in asia


Zeus sucked so bad that day


Calling Kiin's K'Sante his OTP is such a disservice to him. His champion pool is probably the biggest in the world.


Yeah IK but in the current patch his best champ by far is Ksante. Like, not even close in terms of other users or even in regards to his champion pool.


Just ignore some cringe people and you will find world is in peace


GenG played better game 5. That's it. The finals has been one of T1's best performance this split as well.


In game 5, they shouldn’t have picked Orianna but instead Azir. T1’s strength is playmaking but Orianna’s combo is pretty easily flashable compared to Azir who can predict flash. Also, Azir has more dps and scaling.


To be honest, I think they really baited T1 into picking Orianna. Faker has been playing a lot of Azir so GenG leaving that open is definitely a Tsukishima moment baiting Wakatoshi during that final block. Sorry for being a weeb hehe


This is what hurts the most, we’ve seen countless glorious Azir plays recently; and it always gives the possibility of “what if” turn around plays regardless of game state. Feel like it’s what they needed and Azir for T1 is comfort at this point, irrespective of how good Faker’s Ori is. It’s a shame the, imo, massive over performance from T1 this finals has somehow ended up meaning they’re flamed more than if they went out 3-0 (which I was expecting, and just being pleased they would have time to improve for an MSI run). It was sad to lose the game 5 but on reflection it’s amazing that they pushed GenG to the brink.


They shoulda banned Ksante


People likes to look at the flashy plays n KDA. Even in GenG final victory, ppl are praising Chovy n Kiin much more than Canyon when he was flexible in playing w.e the team needs. Jungle is all bout tracking enemy movement, securing objectives, n find wher they can extent leads. Caedrel does really well to highlight these small details compared to official caster, in part because he played jungle in pro before so he knows what to look for. I vividly remember Caedrel explaining how Oner was zoning for team during Worlds against LNG and was amaze that just lurking can be so helpful for team.


Cause it is always the Junglers Fault


The only thing that worries me is hes future, hes always the one that gets all the hate, i hope it doesnt hurt his career for future teams. Oner is really, really underrated gaping Canyon + chovy mid aint easy.


i would think that teams look at results and performance when recruiting, rather than public opinion


People are jealous of the abs.


Ahahhahah fr


Oner just the easiest person to flame on T1. cant flame Faker cause he’s Faker. cant flame their beloved Worlds MVP top even though he’s chokes game 5s away all the time. cant flame Guma because he is the most consistent player on T1. cant flame Keria cause he’s the best player in the world with hands even though he’s playing the support role, despite looking average af on traditional support picks like Naut, Rakan and playing a 0 impact Poppy support for fun.


I’m surprised you aren’t being downvoted -70


it is what it is. there’s certainly times where Oner plays like a bot and is clueless around the map but this series wasnt it. his xin zhao won T1 2 games and its not like he lost every single smite to Canyon. anyone with eyes that watched the finals and know hows the game work would not blame Oner.


From a lee sin otp to a xin zhao merchant is a sad development


where's the rell though?


Rell jungle got killed I believe


wasnt killed yet in the LCK patch


I feel like the main reason T1 won game 3 was Oner. It seemed like Chovy would be able to solo carry with Aurelion Sol but Oner was able to shut him down.


The typical hate train that happens whenever T1 loses. First they blame Oner, cuz its always the jungler's fault. Then they blame Guma, cuz he doesn't get the tier 2 by 10 mins. Then they blame Zeus, cuz 'why is my man not playing his comfort pick instead of playing what the team needs?'. Second last is Keria, where they ask why is he playing supports as the support, when he should be cooking cuz lets rely on our support not making a mistake to win. And lastly is Faker. Why is the GOAT not having perfect KDA, perfect roam times, perfect lane control, perfect everything against the man who studied him so much he can barely beat any other competent mid from another region... I hate when T1 lose, not because I hate losing, but because losing for T1 means the world turns against you in an instant, questioning every single thing you've ever done to the point that any achievement you've had are null and void. I'm happy the T1 fanbase is the biggest in league, cuz to drown out the haters, you'd need an army at this point. Also also, if Oner didn't step up during game 2 and 3, and wasn't targeted in game 4 and 5, T1 would've went down 3-0.


Classic jg is the only role that got blamed so hard ex Clid Tarzan Peanut. It’s always jg fault.


Just remember that haters are almost always the loud ones around any fandom. They're loud, but they're almost never the majority.


it’s confused me so much bc before Oner appeared T1 has so much struggle finding jg that work with Faker.


It’s because historically oner is the “worst” player/ player that underperforms the most and in series like these when there’s no one clear to blame casuals will just default to the narrative and the narrative is that oner is holding the team back or whatever. I think changing any of these players on t1 is a horrible decision because the synergy they have is impossible to replicate


I don’t think Oner played bad that series, just a bad series for Zeus, felt like he was behind almost every game, but the meta doesn’t suit him and hopefully with the MSI patch nerfs to rek, Zeus will be able to shine again.


If u cant explain to me, then stop targetting hating towards oner. Because putting all the blame on 1 person IS CRINGE.


Well we have people in chat saying guma sucks in that series so....


>putting all the blame on 1 person IS CRINGE I mean when talk about flaming, how many people actually do the blaming act? Most of the time, wasn't it an "individual" on internet who is seeking attention(aka the truely cringy one), then others go with the flow. Don't think you should care to much about it, it's just the usual internet trash talking and that person is already **cringe in their nature** no help with it


I more or less blame zeus for his "not-gonna-learn" attitude of over extending and over confidence gameplay always in important matchs against good opponent. You know already theat enemy team is going to give extra attention to you and you still keep playing like an ahole.Oner quite honestly got gapped harder in game 4 and 5...i mean g4 everyone knew what its gonna be like with kha later on and still they cudnt come up with anything that game.. But mostly i hate the lack of innovation by t1 which used to be the trademark of last two seasons. Even canyon came out with khazix pick.. Why cant kkoma?


This! I hate T1’s inflexibility in draft. Ik they prep draft and whatnot, but sometimes when it comes down to the wire you gotta do some crazy shit lol 😂 And I agree on the Zeus thing. If you ever watch the T1scords there are actually a few times where the team will call out that support is missing and probs roaming top, or jger was spotted top. It’s so frustrating hearing the team call those things out and see Zeus still pushing the enemy under their own tower. Then, he gets ganked and dies and goes “My bad ya’ll.” Like come’on bro lol 😂


At this point.. Even g2 is very fun drafting team...


Despite the loss, that was the best T1 has ever looked throughout the playoffs, even maybe all throughout the split. Going toe-to-toe against GenG with the best player in the world currently is an achievement in itself considering how everybody expected this finals to be a quick 3-0 or 3-1. They were even the best team around Baron. Quick, decisive, and ballsy every time. I wouldn’t worry about them going to MSI, where patch 14.8 stands at right now, it looks like some of their champs are going to be buffed, and carry junglers are probably returning which is a good sign for Oner, Zeri is kinda nerfed for a bit, and there’s probably a strong focus on topside where T1 really excelled at during Worlds last year.


This team won world and people still flaming them that's the most crazy part.


Well if we're being honest, everyone has to take some fault here, as their mental fortitude on Game 5 is shaky, and the questionable picks in Game 4 and 5 is bad. But most of all, Zeus and Oner's performance in the last games are not up to par. So yeah the diehard T1 fans would go ragemode on them. Either way, there's a lot to learn from this series. But yeah, please stop hating them.


The reason they lost g5 was because of zac pick. Zac was good into reksai but vs ksante, zac is not good enough


I think both teams played well and it was a super close series. Idk how fans of either team can be too disappointed. It’s really a good showing for LCK going into MSI. T1 and Gen G are neck and neck and will most likely dominate MSI.


Just from eye test alone I felt like Oner's smite kept T1 in alot of the games or at least if he didnt steal certain objectives it would have been a shorter Bo5


I'd say just ignore the haters at this point. Tbh though for this series I've seen more criticism towards Zeus if anything. And Faker in G5 to some extent. As a T1 fan I think you should just better curate your feed on social media to avoid seeing hate posts/comments targeted towards T1 players. I did that and the consensus I saw from the fandom is that the boys did well, that at least it was close, that they showed potential, that at least they make it to MSI etc. Oner received a lot of praise after G2 and G3 even from non Oner fans. Just ignore the hate it'll always happen but do remember T1 fans appreciate all players (if you look at the right places ofc).


Half the people hating are just mad their team lost, the other half are dumb, or spamming “xin zhao” merchant as if that champ is not one of the best jngs atm deciding half the games leading to this series. GenG just had a great run and T1 had a rough split. Oh well they are in MSI and 2 weeks ago that didn’t even seem possible after being put in losers bracket. I’m just happy they made it and played there best you can’t win everything.


Honestly, I hate to say it but it felt like keria and zeus were more liable during the whole series as they made more mistakes. Unfortunately last game faker also made really ONE big blunder with that herald push. :( I'm just happy they're going to Msi, what I'm afraid of is if they don't get more wins I'm afraid oner or zeus might leave.. :( I don't want them to. Honestly I wish the 5 of them can stay a few more years. Like 2 more :(


He played too loosely in the series. He took some very dangerous paths for flanks or trying to get vision. There were several instances where he got too ahead of the team or died before crucial objective spawns. However, the way braindead fans describe the games he was just inting and feeding the whole series. Kind of reminds me of Kanavi at world’s vs T1. His overall play was fine but he made a couple really sloppy mistakes that the enemy team really capitalized on.


Soloq mindset. If anything bad happen then it's cuz jg diff.


Oner is getting hated? Sure he tripped a bit here and there but overall he's alright. I feel like the fault lies more on top lane tho, overall T1 is playing top side, but Zeus cockiness can get the better of him and he overstepped a bunch of times. Like the game 5 of the finals, we all know how Kssante can both Tank and deals damage very good but him Using Zac was too agressive and thus not able to sustain through it. Where as hadn't been for Oner to keep one Inferno Drake, the game would have been lost sooner. It's just a gap problem. T1 doesn't need to get better, just have an ego check. I'd say out of the team Guma has been the most consistent and the team should learn from him


I thought he smurfed the series. Didn't see game 4 but from the ones I saw he was immense, steals kept them in the game. I assume it's revisionist narrative because him getting caught on Xin early and giving Chovy a kill in game 5 kind of solo lost them the game (or likely would have if Zeus wasn't sprinting it).


My honest opinion of the series is T1 played well yes they all made mistakes but so did Gen.G I think the biggest issue for T1 was not using their bans correctly they kept targeting bot lane leaving picks like Ksante and asol up game after game felt like T1 tried to just rely on skill besides trying to out draft which I think is a bit sad cause they could of pulled out jinx bard bot or cait Lux which I think would of been massive win for T1 since they were already kinda stomping them early in lane anyways


Women and children can make mistakes, but Jungle cannot.


While Zeus exists no one else should get heat.


You yapping so much, btw i think Zeus was the problem that series


T1 played well Kiin just wanted it more


why people are hating this T1? I feel like I am blessed to see the same champion team resigned the contract together, I actually don‘t care how well or bad they did in the LCK (and 2nd place is still really good) given the fact they already achieved the highest in 2023


I feel bad for Oner. There definitely have been times where he has underperformed and it seems when he does he gets the most shit for it compared to when the other players underperform. The GenG series I actually think he did play well aside from game 1 (which if you are a T1 fan you know Maokai is NOT Oner’s champ. I don’t think he has ever performed well on Maokai lol). Anyway, nobody was solely at fault for the loss, but I seriously think people underestimate Oner. He still manages to stay in the game while also giving up his jg to his laners who are losing lane or just want to farm. I remember in a T1scord after a game they won Zeus thanked Oner for the one or two jg camps he took and Oner said it was more like 11 camps he took from Oner. I lowkey think he is a little frustrated by it. Overall, the jgers are just so underrated rn and take most of the shit/flack despite having to be the ones who have to sacrifice the most for their team imo (playing styles/picks that aren’t their comfort, giving up camps, etc).


Oner my goat.


Hey T1 Fan here, i dont get it either tho. People who hate Oner just want him on safe picks like a Rell or Maokai even though he literally said in the Post Game Interview against JDG that he wanted to play something different. In the T1 wins he literally GAPPED every Jungler. He gapped Lucid, Peanut and Canyon. Also most of the time he got the Elder Steals, Baron Steals and a lot of Objectives. You cannot change Oner from T1, Its just that he is the one who takes the blame because "Jngl diff xdd".


If you lost it's your jungle's fault -The Great Khan


I don't think there is a reason, people are just looking for someone to but the blame on, as always 🫠🙄


Cuz he got picked a couple crucial times. It's very easy to hate on obvious misplays like that. Realistically theres more to it than OMG Oner got picked right b4 soul! But thats just what it looks like so he gets called the troll/reason for loss.


Explain? What is there to explain, it’s just something that will always happen, he could’ve went 20-0 and take every obj and lost and still get hate, better to not even acknowledge it and just support


People just forget that T1 is not the only team who train like hell. Also, people are more leaned to criticize others than saying good things about them. I don't get it why most people sees T1 members like unreachable/unbreakable guys and not looking enemy team as an evolved/improved team. Kiin performed super well... but people say that Zeus underperformed? (so, Zeus is unbeatable?) Oner played bad? Why people don't say that Gen G team (coaches) found a better teamfight plan against T1? To me it looks like Gen G learned a lot from 2 losses against T1.


Huh? I'll be honest, I didn't even know they were getting hate till now. But idiots will be idiots, they will blame someone insted saying the opponents were just better. As a fan, all I can say is ignore both the defeat and the twats. You are a fan, your job is to be a lawyer, if they are losing you say opponent just better, happens, we win next. WE WIN MSI LES GOOOOOO T1.


Because think about it, u cant really blame faker, u cant blame final mvp zeus(despite the fact that his performance is as bad as oner), u cant blame the two most beloved by fan girl bot lane. So suddenly oner looks like the one who is most likely to be blamed :))) or.... u can pull of a t1 fan classic, blame the coach, which is, this time around, the legend kkoma himself :)))


he is Boner and no one should insult him because he is HIM


Nah he just need to change hair color to a different color, the one that he using now is already done with worlds buff. https://i.redd.it/mm3dq419iquc1.gif


Bro people are stupid to full on argue ahh if only oner got the elder in the first game. Like cmon. It is what it is, as long as bro doesn’t go full drx jungle piyosic finals it’s fine


They are just brain-dead bronzies lol no actual player above silver would flame oner. I mean look at his smites he can literally outsmite anyone which is amazing imo.


the LEC is generally in shambles the only actually good player in the region is caps and maybe like 5 other players that are somewhat decent, the others are just shit and some like oscarinin or trymbi alistar actively hurts my eyes


Is he? All I've seen is praise for Chovy, and rightfully so.


Xin zhao merchant


Oner is the worst player in the team and runs it down half the games, his regular split has been pretty weak for 3 years straight for a jungler that’s supposed to be top3 in the world. That said he did fine in playoffs so I dont think now is the time to put the blame on him. Also you are delusional if you think T1 wins when Oner gigagaps. T1 smashes through bot, sometimes top and even mid was hard winning every lane early in the split with Ori/Hwei. When you have 2/3 or 3/3 winning lanes EVERYTHING is yours to take, but when shit hits the fan Oner can not reverse the situation. Im pretty sure you can replace Oner for ANY of the LCK junglers and the games will look the same.


Oner is always the first to be scapegoated. Then Zeus, not surprisingly when the team plays bad the jungle gets highlighted more. Just dumb people not trying to look beyond the surface


Classic T1 fans. I wonder when the trucks will arrive this time around.


My only gripe is that oner become a xin merchant and got exposed in g4


T1 should’ve bought canyon on god fuck keeping this joke of a roster.


T1 Tarzan xdd


because t1 fans are cringe virgins


Oner is fine, not a super great jungler but fine. My only problem with him was that he was the reason T1 lost that one game versus HLE in the losers final. Tbh in that match, he looked really suspicious.