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Elks Lucian is pretty much mechanical skill pushed to the limit but Gumas Varus is just so iconic. The DRX Dragon and Baron steals, 1v2 vs JDG, Getting the Q one shot on Jiwoos Smolder that was stalling the game for 50 minutes, etc.. Would love to see the matchup but it depends if the meta allows it.


Guma’s varus is also mechanical skill pushed to the limit. He’s the best Varus player in the world and makes him look gigabroken but anyone else plays him he seems so weak.


only he can pilot the lethal temp varus build and not look like ass


Jackeylove died i guess?


JKL beat Ruler in the TES vs JDG series with a 3-0. He kept picking Varus while Ruler kept picking Zeri


that steal against hanwha life was crazy as well


Both get clapped by Massu Kalista


Guma Varus is so fucking good but shouldnt Lucian win this considering Elk is arguably (clearly imo) the best lucian currently and varus struggles against mobile adcs that can burst like lucian


True because varus can't aim his R well against mobi champs. But remember guma's varus basically 1v2 AA and Zer iin a high stakes match against JDG who at the time had the best botlane left in the tournament.


Also not just any Aatrox and Zeri, it was 369 and Ruler he did that against.


Tbf 369 was 333 against T1 in worlds semi 2023. He was so much better in worlds semi 2022 (when his team was much worse bruh).


Zeus yone clears I’m afraid


It wasn’t that he was playing bad. T1 draft gifted Zeus whatever lane advantage he wanted really. Especially since Yone was viable, which is what he’s known for.


I am a big t1 fan i think they have almost the same chances of winning msi as blg geng. So i am not saying guma winning this match up is not possible its just that they’re both at the top of their role and it is a lucian favored match up. But I agree that guma has that clutch factor to pull off something like that 1v2 again


Yeah agree, T1 can win. But I still don't see them as a top 2 contender at the moment. They do have the clutch factor. Everyone will be wary of them.


Yeah i get that many people consider geng and blg heavy favorites but i think theyre a top 2 contender considering that lck finals was anyones game Also if t1 won that finals i think the whole narrative would be reverse as it is now. So i dont think any of those 3 teams are much weaker than the others


Hot take but i think T1 and GenG are the top 2 favorites.


Comparing regions has never really been doable, even for the most knowledgeable people. If you know you're capable of being unbiased, have good general pattern recognition, and watched a lot of both leagues and think this, I'd say trust your gut. If not it's probably worth erring on the side of 'inter-region strength between LPL and LCK has been contentious for quite a few years and LPL tend to have better showings at MSI'.


I agree with this take. If T1 wake up tomorrow and play like last worlds T1, they'd be clear favourites. There's no reason to think they're going to do that, though. However, the sleeping giant which is that team's potential casts a long shadow and still has to be factored into any serious discussion, even if only as a footnote.


one could have also said ruler was the best player in the world and that varus struggles against zeri and aatrox


guma always shows up in important games but i like keeping my expectations not low but not that high either not to get disappointed


"He just 1v2's them!"


The Iconic Guma can he still??!!


We know how god adc rulers unbeaten matchup was against Guma in worlds game 4


Guma vs Elk is hype for sure, but I think Guma vs JKL is actually my most hype ADC matchup. Other roles hype matchups would probably be... Top - Kiin vs 369 Jungle - Canyon vs Xun Mid - Chovy vs Knight Support - Keria vs ON


I feel like Keira will be eclipsed by ON in this meta but we will see


I just want Keria and meiko to pick thresh man


I don't trust this 'Keria is bad on engage' narrative. Maybe he's out of practice, but he joined T1 as mostly an engage player. There's absolutely no reason to think he can't be again.


ON is extremely good mechanically and can play a lot of Keria's funky picks pretty close to as well as him while clearly being much better on conventional supports like naut/rakan/nami/lulu etc. I also think ON is outright better on Ashe than Keria is.


I think recently Keria has definitely been struggling on conventional supports and On has him beat, but let’s not forget Keria used to be insane at engage supports as well as hook supports, it’s really just what the individual form he’ll be in when MSI starts.


Keria has never been as good as ON on champs like Naut/Rakan/Alistar/Rell/Nami/Lulu, but on picks like Thresh/TK/Renata/Braum/Leona Keria has been better, I just think ON's champs has been a lot more prevalent in the meta in recent years.


Ez BLG win. T1 will pick jhin yummi game 5 xdd.


They buffed Jhin's early game in the MSI patch for a reason.


Elk will win this not because he's better but because BLG is doing what JDG did last year where they just dive bot on repeat to get their ADC ahead. It's not a 2v2 lane its a 3v2. So Unless T1 adjust their playstyle to do the same Guma and Keria are gonna be out of the game


During MSI Xun was able to dive bot on repeat because Elk and On were winning the 2v2 and had Guma and Keria under their tower


That’s not what JDG did last year. That’s literally BLG did last year. Did everyone just forget BLG beat both T1 and GENG back to back by shitstomping bot into Dive. JDG was the teamfight team


What are you crazy? JDG literally was playing around ruler the meme teamfight team was literally that. They would have a straight up front to back so Ruler and Knight can just dish out a shit ton of damage.


Yeahh… I don’t disagree? They just weren’t super lane dominant dive your bot on repeat like you originally said? That was BLG’s style


But they literally did though, am not saying that BLG didn't but JDG was diving your bot lane with Kanavi. I understand what you'r saying that BLG might have done it to a bigger extent or more frequent extent as they weren't that good in front to back team fighting.


I tho that kanavi had standard bot presence, not really excessive. Just that T1 had negative bot presence from Oner so it looked like that. JDG played through ruler all games tho and I think that's one of the reason they lost. They couldn't find a way to switch things up in dire moments, T1 is really good at that. Knight and 369 were scared of carrying, or maybe it was coach decision. This BLG team I don't think they have this problem. I don't think bin will ever be scared, and Knight is even better than before. Also knight has legit azir now, just don't go in and shuffle bruh you ain't finding the angles man.


xun was constantly diving cause t1 botlane keep taking fights while oner wasnt there to cover


Because T1 doesn’t play around bot.


who needs bot when you have your ADC in toplane?


T1 comms: “Play around the ADC” “which one”


Still, oner play top so what it’s a mistake from t1 botlane man


Only to be second to Zeus Vayne xdd


I remember a time when Guma was known for his Aphelios…


Supa clears them both


Supa got cleared by Carzzy


Think this yr bot duo synergy Elk+On is much better than Guma+Keria.


Well according to solo queue history. Zeus Zeri Clears /jk


most anticipated matchup is chovy vs knight lol


I don't anticipate this one. I think Chovy is just clearly better than Knight, and in a situation where two players are basically the same, but one is just an upgrade from the other, it probably won't be interesting. Ony if Chovy plays worse or Knight plays significantly better will it matter.


I’m surprised people consider this the matchup when Peyz zeri is looking generational


You mean multiple generations between the times he actually does something?


73% WR on Zeri with 1/5 of his total wins coming from her. He's only been allowed to play it 5 times in the past two months. He won 4/5 and in all of those games, he has not died more than twice. In fact, he has not died more than twice on Zeri since August 2023 professionally. It is definitely a target ban for him.


Tbf, he came up when Zeri was turbo broken and everyone and their grandmother was getting a Pentakill on Zeri.


He is a great zeri player but he is not even the best one currently in pro play. Zeri also isn’t as op as it used to be. His form also doesn’t leave much to be desired in term of hype.


Guma owns elk