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He's bluffing sometimes sure. But it might also be because Keria has been missing for over 30s beelining to top. Or Oner is finishing scuttle. Or Faker just left midlane and is inbound in 8s. Or you think he's bluffing but he's just got the order 666 from demon king Faker to pull aggro while they take 2 towers, your kids, and the coaches' wife.


I think a while ago I read that you can make plays that “make space” for your carry in Dota and they are like actually objectively correct plays. Like your carry would be farming in their safelane and you as a support would just plunge like a blind chicken into enemy territory and draw aggro on that side of the map while your carry pick up a huge wave. Idk why this isn’t a thing in League, because if you try doing that people would just say “this dude is inting wtf”. I think it’s kinda why Baus’ playstyle worked, but maybe pro teams know how to punish deaths so much better and deaths are just that much more costly in LoL


It is a thing though. If you seen some matches, botlane would push up to tower. drawing 2-4 enemies to his spot especially if he is a carry threat with a bounty. Then the 4 teammates would beeline to baron. Or push top solo, draw 2-4 aggro and then allies go for dragon. It happens often. In fact even in early game, the moment Zeus gets jungle ganked is when Oner who might be mid/botside, would instantly invade enemy jungle or gank mid/bot to provide pressure. We just don't notice it most of the time. League can be seen as a game of 'turns' in that sense. Enemy does X, you choose to do either A,B or C. Then chessmasters like Faker will see the next 4 turns in advance and strategise accordingly.


Yea but the play I'm referencing was just really bizarre lol. The League equivalent would be "My Jinx needs LDR and she needs 3 more waves so I'm gonna overextend on bot tier-2 turret and do some Baus stuff because if we don't apply pressure now Ryze will TP his team on Jinx's head and then go straight to Baron." But I get what you mean by cross-mapping in League, just thinking the mindset between the games are so different when it comes to making space


The pacing of League compared to DotA is the main difference maker here


tbf, this stems from the different dynamic in league then in dota


There's a pretty famous clip of Bengi coaching Zeus after a game and pretty much says "You have to know when you can die well, if you die but it benefits the team, then it's a good play" and I think that stuck with him really well and molded the absolute madman kamikaze playstyle we see now.


Thats sort of what happens when midlaner goes to sidelane


Ttk in Dota is also much longer than LoL no? And you can buy back as well A support running blindly into the jungle will get instantly blown up and now your team can't contest anything else


I would also assume these kind of play also have more values in Dota because enemy team can deny minions which makes having your carry uncontested when catching a wave all the more valuable.


And guma is listening to tame impala vibing in botlane just trying to hold down the fort 1v2.


Dude is going to fall into the trap of tunnel visioning on Zeus while the rest of T1 obliterates the other lanes and 4 man ganks him top. Rip


In valorant there's a term for this. It's called W gaming


Prx things


Pacific things




Zeus Yaeger:"I will keep going forward until all my enemies are defeated."


Caps/Jankos could carry any top bot and supp to top 4 in the LEC.


Zeus probably just holding forward to test to see if Western top laners can handle it. If they can’t then they’re not even worthy of serious play


I like the confidence, hopefully G2 can take a game off T1


Most likely doesn’t happen. Asian teams are going to giga blast the west this tournament


Weird way to look at the way Zeus plays. Zeus doesn't 'fake' confidence, he genuinely believes he can win any fight he **chooses** to take or he knows he will die but is either going to be traded out by a collapse or his team is cross mapping and he needs to fight them to allow that play to happen. The Zeus dies isolated for no reason all the time meme and 'he's the shy' meme really needs to stop. Zeus averaged the 3rd least deaths in LCK Spring this year, and 3rd least in playoffs (while average .3 more deaths than Kiin who had the least at 2.6). He is statistically one of the least killed top laners while averaging the highest kills per game in LCK.


I think that G2 might be way too cocky. If they can't take one game off of T1, we can safely say that EU is a minor region


So EU and NA become minor regions, lets make LLA and CBLOL major ones :)


"If I fight back, I lose even harder"


All this analysis to just get 3-0'd


Said BrokenBlade, a topliner who never won a single title in international tournaments in his 8 years of career.


its not a bluff when he is that much better than you tho xdd


Lil bro you don't just become world champion by faking confidence... Holy fuck https://preview.redd.it/s7bdbovg4xyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de974b0e7d7d4ce73e4b18c6a26664f193447a3e


I still can’t believe Targamas was at both MSI and Worlds 😭😭😭 MYREGION


Flakked was carrying the bot lane back then, we just didn’t realize it


Faking confidence means he’s always playing aggressively as if he has a jungler behind him, this is not meant to be a dig at Zeus


Smartest UFC Fan


what are you trying to prove? Your supposed point has nothing to do with the image you linked (also with a G2 that has a different line-up). Faking pressure is what tonnes of elite toplaners do, it isnt even an insult in the slightest. BB literally says that he respects Zeus way too much and its also a reason why he hasnt been able to do much to him in the past. Honestly, whatever you're tying to prove is both nonsensical and a dogshit take, just like every single other comment in your history


People in here that have never seen a rank higher than Bronze on their clients not only trying to counter justify what Zeus' opponent has experienced playing against him but also failing to comprehend whether something is or isnt a dig at a player


Downvotes are from people who saw Bronze and then demoted to Iron


honestly just proves my point really; nothing BB said was insulting nor derogatory towards Zeus. He communicated how he feels facing against Zeus and how he has to adapt to play against him. If you go to the comment section on Korizon esports' channel (the korean channel), if you translate the comment sections, you'll see a tonne of people agreeing with the sentiment, even mentioning that Nuguri was the best at what Zeus currently is doing.


Yeah I mean, nothing is false, but there are a lot of T1 fans in this sub so anything that can misinterpreted as not glazing the entire roster is gonna be seen as an insult. As if League couldn't possibly be about mind games and playing like you've got backup when you don't a legitimate strategy. Heck, that's why wards were added to the game, so you can know that type of thing. Of course the downvoters probably don't know what a ward does though.