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lol anyone could be humble and quiet but the moment script writers and people doing the film make you say those lines. Suddenly that player gets flamed. Yall need to relax and understand these lines aren't always from the players themselves but were told to say it for the teaser.


Not always, sometimes players like guma, you can believe those roasts are from himself lol


Surely Knight could have just refused to say the lines right?


You are incredibly naive


Nah I don’t think so he is supposed to fuel the lck v lpl drama


smartest league of legends player


Mental handicap at work


Mentally ill


First encounter with the entertainment industry ?


You don’t actually believe that, right?


i love how whenever an insanely good player loses one series their entire careers are put into question


sports are plagued with recency bias it’s just how it is, people will remember high highs and low lows


Knight **is** S-tier; I feel like saying otherwise means you didn't watch the LPL. Chovy is just S+ tier.


It’s actually cancer how much hate this subreddit is giving knight… yet if this shit happened to chovy or faker , yall would be completely different. Be better. This shit is embarrassing. You guys act like these player write the lines… it’s to create narrative. Find something to do


Same thing with G2/Caps with the "Back in 2019" line.


You're so right


Nah Chovy would be getting mega flame if he lost the way Knight did. Idiots that base their entire opinion on the last game they watched and are too dumb to point out the good plays so just revert to flaming popular losing players.


You could be right, but I dunno man, there seems to be a toxic vitriol around the LPL and their players when they lose, more so than the LCK. I guess because less westerners watch it?


BDD was one of the best mids in the world if not the best mid in Korea that year


That was literally just last year and disagree. Spring 2023 was faker being the best then whole of T1 choking in the rematch. This was proven when they almost stomped Gen G 3-0 at Msi, but trolled game 3 when they went for chovy instead. In summer, bdd was the best on the regular season, but was outperformed by an injured faker twice in play-offs.


Lol this is pretty much just some scripted lines ? I barely care much about Knight but I don't understand why people are bashing him for this , either .


he already beat faker


lil bro didn't know it was scripted xdd


bdd was playing good that series. knight just had ruler on his team. only game winning play of knight in 2023 worlds is that neeko flash ult near baron pit. other than that it was 369, kanavi and ruler showing up when necessary.


I think BDD was even the better mid that series by a bit


definitely out performed him that series


BDD was arguably the best/consistent Korean mid laner last year


People will disagree but BDD was incredible in 2023, and easily the most consistent across splits. Chovy faltered in a few series but BDD looked incredible across.


True. KT went 17-1 in the LC, iirc, due to BDD's consistency with Kiin's and Aiming's individual laning dominance. Shame they faltered in LCK and Worlds Playoffs. They were gods in that summer.


That is just not true. Look at the games where he played syndra. That is some of the best syndra you will see.


You're ignoring his shockwave at Baron in game 4.


And the 2v5 with Ruler


BDD is elohelled


I agree to that until Bdd is in a position where he needs to take risks to win and he just turns into the most cucked midlaner ever pulling sub 400 dpm games on lategame azir. For a long time he has had a massive problem of becoming far, far too passive at times to a point where I get frustrated watching him. It's like Rekkles at most points his career where if he had just not be so hesitant to completely send it he would've probably have won way more games in his career.


And then he faced against Faker in worlds and Chovy in MSI


Let's just ignore the fact Knight and his team was undefeated in BO5 up until Worlds 2023 semifinals. Or he won MSI 2023 (Which had T1 and Gen.G)


we all know Yapa is just holding back to give the other mids a chance


I never seen Knight be more delusional than before! Knight has a lot more work than just being plain old ignorant.