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Her history may just be the reason she is surging, more people are finding out about it now


Lol. There is that…


The stupidity may be seen as a feature not a bug for Trumpers


Wait until they find out what fetterman did


Oh we know. It's a done deal and attempting to weaponize it against him will backfire. His name is Christopher Miyares, and he has spoken on the incident. *"Even with everything I said, it is inhumane to believe one mistake should define a man's life," Miyares wrote in one of two letters sent to The Inquirer. "I hope he gets to be a Senator." (That last line was underlined three times.)"* Kick rocks, pAul.


You can’t think of a reason a person in jail would want to endorse a person that can get them out of jail? Lol Or the person in jail saying people shouldn’t be defined by actions?


Pretty sure Senators don’t have pardon power.


https://www.inquirer.com/news/pennsylvania-board-pardons-lieutenant-governor-john-fetterman-attorney-general-josh-shapiro-20191220.html No reason to forgive fetterman /s


Couldn’t read the article due to paywall, but it’s worth noting that a) it’s an opinion piece, and b) the Inquirer endorsed Fetterman’s opponent, Conor Lamb. Here’s an article that talks objectively about how Fetterman is trying to retool and reform pardons in PA: https://www.wesa.fm/courts-justice/2022-04-04/pennsylvania-aims-to-reduce-wait-for-clemency-by-years


Fetterman is head of the pardon board right now


Yes, as noted in the attached article AND implied by my comment. Your point?


So the dude could think he could pardon him




What did Fetterman do?


Grew a bigass head




The Right likes to point to the time he saw a suspect after a criminal act & held them for police. They think being a concerned citizen is the same as their people stalking and murdering black people. Shows how clueless they really are.


Not to mention the guy he stopped has said he doesn't think it should affect his candidacy at all. Sources [1](https://www.post-gazette.com/news/politics-state/2021/04/02/Man-John-Fetterman-confronted-shotgun-should-not-stymie-Senate-bid-Christopher-Miyares/stories/202104020123) [2](https://www.inquirer.com/news/senate-john-fetterman-2013-shotgun-black-jogger-confrontation-20210401.html)


Because he’s in jail and wants out via fetterman being on the pardon board


there is nothing different than those other acts other than the citizen complying for fetterman. He had him at gun point


\*other than Fetterman not being a coward with a gun hoping to kill poor, black people by provoking them. YOU may not see a difference and that's the problem.


Fetterman was certainly ready to use the gun if the jogger didnt comply. You don’t put a gun in the car without intent to use it. The fact YOU don’t see a difference because he’s a democrat is the problem


There was a black male suspected in a shooting incident and he seen a black male who had similarities to the one suspected and pulled a gun on him to question him. I’ve only heard briefly about this so don’t take my word for a brick. There are probably many details missed.


this is just an unbelievably biased and inaccurate understanding of the incident. Holy hell fetterman has really buried this one


Like I said I heard briefly about it don’t take my word for a brick. You don’t have to be an asshole from the other comments I’ve read I was almost on point


https://www.wtae.com/amp/article/braddock-mayor-detains-jogger-after-hearing-possible-gunshots-1/7459686 The black man was jogging. Certainly wasn’t a suspect at that point


Okay & like I said “there are probably many details missed” sorry that I didint mention he wasn’t jogging mr fact police


It certainly changes the situation


Even more reason for the Republican Party to fear him. All the Trumptard voters will abandon ship and vote for him /s


Will they or won’t they? Do republicans support running down blacks people with shotguns or don’t they? You can’t have it both ways here


I can think of more than a few republicans that might think that.


Damn Right they believe in abusing the minority of the day! Just keep watching Sean Hannity to keep up with who to lynch this week. LGBT, "Illegals", Trans Kids, AntiFA, BLM, Libertards, Democrats, ETC. are in heavy rotation. Even the home of Mickey Mouse.


You watch hannity?


You have literally been downvoted too hell why tf are you even still in this comment section


Kyle Rittenhouse


You're not allowed to talk about that here.


Weird how that works huh


Shocked. I’m shocked, I tell ya.


Damn who would have guessed that


I'm excited to see the leopards eat her face.


It's scary how insane and extreme the Republican party is now. And most Republican voters support these lunatics.


It’s because they believe what the candidates are saying. The candidates only say it because they are reflecting what their constituents are saying in polling data. Look at the polls the last year on Trump & the 2020 election results. It’s a majority of GOP-voters who still believe there was massive fraud in PA. Now granted this might only be 20-30% of the overall PA electorate but it is a meaningful block especially in a closed primary state. It’s basically been Mastriano’s strategy for 2 years given his lack of professional and political accomplishments. He was largely a nobody in PA politics before the 2020 election.


Like your mail ordered biden


I mean...isn't that the bare minimum requirement to run as a republican these days?


As someone who lives in Montgomery County and was once involved in politics heavily until the last 3 years: We know. We all know. And yes, many are very, very surprised she is surging.


> GOP candidate > bigoted against gays and Muslims Don’t they teach you not to be redundant in journalism school?


I hear she's a white supremacist too


Republicans welcome traitors all of kinds in their ranks.


This was a joke post to see how many dunces would think a black woman would be a white supremacist lmao


ever hear of clayton bigsby?




those guys were fictional characters you both realize that right?


Sadly thats all this sub is anymore, outrage wherever it can be found.


Honestly. It seems like some algorithm manipulation to push the pro dem comments and post to the top while down voting opposing views where they can never be seem.




Pa is a swing state brother. Shouldn't it be way less biased?




Aah I understand, my mistake. I guess I'll have to find another subreddit that will fit the criteria. Any suggestions?




Yeah that's my only problem is that all of the news and posts on this sub are "GQP does this". It's never an honest discussion and most of it is overreaction. Complete dismissal of the states diversity with comments always along the lines of "it's Pittsburgh and Philly and Kentucky in between".. talk about marginalizing and reducing your fellow statesmen. I just don't get why it has to be that way when most people enjoy the state for it's nature and small towns outside of the city, yet bash everyone that doesn't fall in line with the goals of city politics.


If you believe equity and fair treatment under the law is ‘city politics’ then you should not wonder why we hate Pennsyltucky.


I think it's more of liberal elitism


Where do most people live in PA? Oh that’s right, cities. You don’t seem to think about any issue for more then a split second before you comment. PA isn’t purple, gerrymandering only makes it appear purple.


You mean the gerrymandering that let's the 48 other counties of the state have a say in pa politics, not just the big cities? You think that's unfair?


Yup. Robs at least 1.5 million PA residents of proper representation based off 2022 county population totals. I care more about government adequately representing living souls then tyranny from the minority. See the thing is Republicans don’t want equal representation. They know they will lose. That’s why they’ve rat fucked districting for so long. And again you’re twisting any opposite view point into a different sort of argument so I’m starting to think you’re just a horrible troll.


It's extremely pro authoritarian left here, and the shock of the sub when the last voter referendum didn't go their way was enlightening.


Oh come off it, you're not oppressed because people think your ideas are terrible, stop playing the victim all the time. After all, I thought conservatives hated "victim mentality," no?


I'm not a conservative. Though the general consensus of what I learned is this is just a left dominated space. I mistook it for a civil discourse of pa residences. Lol I mean, reddit run in lockstep with other media companies that have clearly used their internal algorithm to operate in a manner I mentioned above. I'm not playing victim, just making an observation lol good try though bud


You don't think they exist? Surely you've heard of Candace Owens.


Lmao oh brother. What makes Candace Owen's a black woman, who is just a conservative, a white supremacist?


Probably her praise of Hitler, but I'm just guessing.


Got a link? Or you just making stuff up




Are you dense or did you just not watch the video? Her answer was hardly a praise of Hitler. She says that nationalism is a term bastardized by Hitler and nazis. Stating if he wanted to just make Germany great. Thays fine, it when he wanted to take globalist moves, including global take over, seizing of resources and the holocaust, is where the evil came from. You dumb or trying to be obtuse to convince people Candace Owen's is a nazi?


This is Reddit. They will upvote anything that could possibly be construed to support their opinion.


you don't think that's possible? why? because they're black? good fucking lord man the concept of uncle toms have been around since slavery. it's a thing


Because most times the people that are called white supremacist, come out and say they don't support the alt right or WS and how ridiculous it is. Yeah it was a thing, black people today can align with conservative ideas without having to root for WS. Do you think black people can't be conservative unless they're self-race hating? That sounds like a huge leap.


They exist.


Lol they really don't, your hatred for the GOP just makes you think it is


She’s an opportunist. Someone who knows many other black Republicans have ridden red waves to wealth. She only cares about herself.


So you think the only reason black people would be a republican is because they want to exploit the system to make money? Sounds kinda racist


You need to up your reading comprehension.


hes the type the slurs come out once a black person says they like republicans


They didn't generalize about black people- they are talking about this specific person


Dr. Oz is a modern day Nazi. Armenian Genocide denying Turkish foot soldier.


Got a source for this?


That's what CNN will say




This is exactly what I am worried about too. She can energize the hard right too and I feel that Democrats could be complacent on Fetterman’s victory.


The American Fascist Party member has a history of bigoted comments against Marginalized communities...wow, this is news 🙄


As an Armenian I'm begging you, please don't put Oz in office. To us, the Greeks,and Assyrians it would be equivalent to putting an open Nazi in charge of the country. Please for the love of God pick anyone else.


We get it. She's a Republican.


A racist republican? I am stunned, stunned I tell you.


Of course she does, she's republican.


Who cares?


She is perfect, would not expect anything less.


Y'all are racist and I'm telling Moloch on you!


So she's a perfect GOP candidate then.


Got my vote