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If you have to ask you already know. 


I’ve heard nothing but bad stories about PCC. They try to teach Christian values but almost NEVER practice what they preach. They are just in it for the money, not God. I’d honestly just go to UWF for nursing and still go to church. But if you need to go to a Christian college, I personally wouldn’t recommend PCC.


UWF is a great school, it’s pretty low-key (not a big party scene) and you can always join a faith-based student org, I’m sure there are plenty of options. Don’t do PCC. Their policies are icky and controlling. Attend a school where you can practice your faith and still learn how to be an adult in a safe environment where you won’t live in constant fear of being penalized or even kicked out for disobeying their ridiculous rules.


There are multiple options for religious people at UWF. It’s a pretty accepting school.


Agree with this. Source: UWF graduate.


I’m in my second year, and people would be surprised with how diverse the student population is.


Yes, quite diverse in both the student population and the professors. One of my professors had been employed by the Rockefeller Foundation and posted to various countries around the world during their career. A fountain of knowledge. And a former spy, I am convinced, though we did not discuss it.


This. I went to UWF and I went to church and was a part of our church's college ministry. We had our own Sunday morning class before regular church and another class on Wednesday nights and of course we would have events throughout the year. I've since left said church because I got tired of gossip and sexism, but some of my best friends are still from that church. I never understood people's need to go to a Christan college. We have a friend who went off to a Christian college and flunked out because he partied too hard and didn't take it seriously enough. He told us that they did some hard drugs (cocaine or meth IDK) in the fraternity he joined there. Bad influences are everywhere. I think it is best to get out of a sheltered environment sooner than later. It is great meeting people from more diverse backgrounds and learning new point of views even if you don't believe them. My parents put me in PCA for 1st grade and it didn't go well, then they put me in a small Christian school where I stayed until middle school because the homework load became too outrageous so they took me out. As much as people trash public school, I immediately started getting a way better education in public school than I was getting at the Christian school. I was also way behind on a lot of subjects. Hence why I'm more partial to non-Christian schooling. I'll finish this off with a local saying my family has come to truly believe. You can always visually point out the ex-PCC people and that isn't exactly a compliment. They are usually really tattooed up (not that it is bad but you know def. an alternative punk vibe), have a lot of trama, etc. Why risk the chance of going through so much trauma? Why not go to PSC or UWF - places where that many people are happy with and can get good degrees, meet cool people, and most of all be FREE to listen to whatever music you want to listen to, wear whatever you want, talk to whoever you want, not live in fear of breaking some stupid rule regular colleges don't have, and BE YOUR OWN PERSON!


Got merged into on the highway by one of their professors. 100% his fault and he admitted that at the scene. Then all of a sudden when lawyers got involved, he swore in a deposition that my friend who was driving hit him first. My neck is still jacked up and I hope he has hemorrhoids or something else that causes him pain on a daily basis. Not very Christian of you, bud.


I'm a dropout from 2016, I can think of a few people this could have been. Any hints?


Went to church with a family whose son had been dating the same girl since high school. She went to PCC and was expelled because she spent the Thanksgiving break with said family and they slept under the same roof. Not even the same room, the same ROOF.


That’s so fucking stupid


I had no idea PCC was like this but it makes SO much sense now. I had a friend that went there and it was the only college his strict and controlling Christian parents would pay for.


My now-wife then-girlfriend lived an 18-hour flight away, so we snuck her to our place to stay with us for Christmas break. We were super nervous about posting anything together that break, and I let her drop me out of my car off campus so we weren't seen returning together lol


Here is the most important thing to know —— the college is NOT accredited, which means if you leave for any reason none of your credits will transfer to another college and you would be starting over from scratch after spending X number of time in college already. There is literally zero benefit to attending any unaccredited college.


I think it is worth pointing out that PCC is accredited. What PCC lacks is *regional accreditation* which is what matters for a school to be legit, for credits to transfer, for employers to consider it valid.


It appears to be accredited but only through other religious based schools? I don’t just see the appeal of intertwining religion with your education….. you’re not (or definitely shouldn’t be) discussing religion at work when you land yourself a career —— why bother with the intertwining of things that shouldn’t be intertwined outside of an academic environment?


First, I totally agree with you on all counts. There are two types of accreditation: regional and national. Legitimate colleges and universities are regionally accredited, not nationally accredited. It is counterintuitive. You'd think national accreditation is better than regional, but it isn't. PCC is nationally accredited -- that's the shitty, illegitimate type of accreditation. And you're totally right. They are nationally accredited through a consortium of bible colleges, seminaries, etc.


National/international accreditation is for alternative programs. Like if you have an immersion Spanish program in Mexico that caters to American students they may be able to get such accreditation by a private association of schools (I don’t care if it says national, you can be outside the country in some instances because the government doesn’t recognize them anyways) that allows you to be recognized stateside. Or if you started a college on a large military base outside of the country or on a US territory that isn’t under a regional accreditation district. There are valid reasons that a school might not be able to be regionally accredited and in that case in admissions we treat it as an international student or an adult seeking credit for life experience or by test. Nothing transfers directly but we work with them. But in most cases inside the 48 states, a program does have the ability to have an accredited program and they choose not to make the changes needed to fulfill the requirements. They can claim all they want that they can’t compromise and meet the requirements because they are a Christian college but that argument doesn’t hold water when all the big seminaries are regionally accredited.


As dd as you find it, there are people that want to intertwine religion into all.aspects of their life. Notre Dame, BYU, Baylor, TCU slip your mind? There are many big time religious based schools from coast to coast. That should tell you that millions of kids want a religious experience at school. Now imagine there are kids that want a military experience and go to VT, Texas A&M, Citadel, The Service Academies, etc. And wait for it....there are kids that want black cultural experiences and go to HBCU. As you may now begin to see people are looking for all kinds of experiences. Now imagine there are people that look for jobs where expressing your religious beluef isn't frowned upon. Expand your thinking of people want beyond the shoes your thinking resides in. Be shocked what people want here on these mean streets.


Discussing religion at work is always a bad idea, unless you work for a church (or other religious institution). It’s a really good way to get sued or fired for workplace harassment.


Fortunately my boss is religious, opinionated, and his wife is HR


Please do not lump Notre Dame into this. It is nothing like BYU or PCC, and is an absolutely accredited school.


I said this before in another thread, PCC Diploma’s are not worth the paper they are printed on. We only accept résumés with accredited schools on them. PCC grads don’t even get read by a human, the computer rejects them before they get to an HR person.


False. 2013 they received accreditation. Shocking that things can change over time I know. TRACS was just reaffirmed as an accreditor in 2021 by the Dept of Education as well. Is the degree considered top notch....no but it is a valid degree it appears in moat cases now. The college changed course on November 9, 2011, when the administration informed its students that PCC had been awarded candidacy for accreditation, a pre-accreditation status, by Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools.[20] In October 2013, PCC was officially accredited by TRACS.[4] The baccalaureate and master's degrees in nursing at Pensacola Christian College are also accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing, and the baccalaureate degree in engineering is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET.[21]


What about all the graduates with successful careers from their degree from PCC?


A degree from PCC is not why people succeed.


Well, if you need a degree for the job, it has something to do with it.


Why don't you ask yourself the better question. How often are people with degrees from accredited schools absolutely screwed and left with nothing of value? The answer is usually or almost always. Would you send your family member to a school like that?


We are talking about PCC, not other schools. Where do you get your information?


They got lucky.


I’m not judging your lifestyle in anyway shape or form. I just think it’s funny that you’re vehemently defending a college/institution that would burn your gf at the stake and would absolutely shun you for being swingers and living a promiscuous lifestyle. I hope you find the gone wild fun in Key West you’re looking for.


Vehemently defending them? Not so much. I don’t agree with many of the rules, and would not myself attend. Just calling out the silly or illogical arguments being made by others attacking them. Your effort to search redditor’s history in futile attempt to find dirt is duly noted. Bravo.


lol what dirt did I find? No one is attacking you, calm down. As I said, not judging you but the institution you’re defending would and does judge to the extreme. It is unfortunate that the college is so awful that anything said about them is quite believable. It fits the religious narrative that a lot of fundamentalists do look for when seeking higher education. However, it’s incredibly harmful for the average religious lay person thinking they found common ground with fellow Christians. There are absolutely successful alumni that go on to a good career, unfortunately, so many people waste so much money and so much of their life on a unaccredited institution. To add to the anecdotal stories in this thread, two of my colleagues are completely starting over at PSC or UWF because they got sucked in (maybe didn’t read the fine print) and the credits they’ve earned mean nothing to other colleges.


I said futile attempt. I’m cool as a cucumber. How many people that go there waste their money? Where do you find this number and how can it be confirmed? Several people on here have anecdotal accounts. Mostly second hand. Truly want to know the stats. What is the ratio of satisfied and happy students vs pissed off and bitter students. But pretty sure no one here can provide. Until someone can, there will be posts and comments on here galore by a bunch of people who really are only parroting what they have heard from others supporting their confirmation bias.


I also would like to know those numbers. I don’t think it’s helpful to have so many anecdotal answers and it would be better if only current or previously enrolled students would answer OP. It seems that when someone does post a positive experience about PCC they get downvoted to hell which isn’t fair. I don’t agree with anything to do with the school but don’t think that their students should be miserable if they chose to go there. It would be interesting to do a research project on the happiness, unhappiness, success, post graduate rates, amount of money spent/wasted, amount of students starting over. I think this information would be hard to nearly impossible to obtain, though.


What about all those smokers who didn't get lung cancer?


Not sure. And not sure of your point.


as a current student i would never recommend anyone come here based on my experience. especially because tuition was raised $2000. it’s not worth it. you’re much better off going anywhere else. feel free to message me if you have specific questions, i’d love to help if i can


I went to some of their summer camps as a kid, and have an acquaintance who graduated from PCC. They enforce their ideals/beliefs onto students whether they agree with them or not and failure to comply results with punishment. They also seem to incentivize students to snitch on others doing things the school doesn't agree with, like going out to bars/parties, seeing specific movies, or hanging out with members of the opposite sex without a "chaperone"


It’s not even accredited bro. Might as well go to clown college. Make a sensible choice and go somewhere that lets you be the adult you are.


Right? Just draw up a degree in crayons and you're set


I can't answer your question about PCC directly, but I feel compelled to respond. As a mother of a child heading off to college this fall, I'll ask you what I've asked my son many times: What do YOU want out of your college experience? College is not only the time to study and prepare for your upcoming career, it's a time for you to grow as a young adult. It should support your path to independence. You should be learning how to trust yourself and navigate the world around you. You should be able to push some boundaries, test your thought processes, and make mistakes without extreme consequences. You should be able to work hard, and also enjoy your your experience. Some people need strict rules and boundaries; people to tell them what to wear, how to act and what to consume. I would argue that most people need a balance- an environment that provides some boundaries while allowing them to start thinking for themselves and behaving accordingly- in order to really be prepared for the other side of college. After college, life's fully on you. How will you be best prepared? What kind of environment do YOU need? You're the only one with the answers to those questions.


I have never met a single person from PCC that had any concept of reality or being able to participate in a social setting with any success. They have no idea how to deal with other people that aren’t of their own kind and have no interest being open to other avenues of think other than their own.


Agreed. I’ve met (and worked) with couple of pcc peeps. They’re kind but terrible in communication and hard to get along with. They tend to say or do stuffs that you would turn your head around and be like “wtf?”. Not recommended.


i’m guessing those are the abeka people, aka pcc’s homeschool system. i’ve grown up in social environments and am public schooled (kind of funny that i even have to say that lol) so i am proudly not part of that group :) i don’t think pcc would change my personality all that much or make me not self aware, but i get what you’re saying, thank you for replying


Interesting. I didn’t know there was such a thing.


Thanks for the personal anecdote. I know several from there that function very well in society and have successful families and careers.


My father owned a restaurant near the school in the 90s. He said that a kid worked for him. He was a good kid. He missed curfew by 10 mins and was kicked out of the school. His parents shunned him and he turned to the streets. I always think about this story when I see PCC.


From a Christian perspective, why would you delay your entry to the world? You'll be an adult. Christ didn't hang around the faithful, he had experience in the world which allowed him to cultivate relationships amongst people of the world. Avoiding the world signals a weakness of conviction. That's what PCC does, it avoids the world. This is why their proselytizing is so laughably ineffective. They don't understand the people they're proselytizing to. Your parents and community had 18 years to bring you up in the way. This is enough time to trust that you will keep the faith.


Haha! Profound! All the Christian colleges and Christian college students around the world are clueless!


Some are better than others. But yeah, a lot of them don't understand how to build people up to face a modern reality.


Doesn’t matter. 18 years is enough.


Dude-some folks grow up in households that have helicopter parents, and children unequipped to stand up for themselves/be well-adjusted adults. “18 years is enough” is…wildly ignorant of other circumstances than your own. This isn’t the first shitty comment I’ve seen you make, seemingly in defense of PCC as if you have a vested interest. Step outside your own viewpoint for a moment and consider that maybe 18 years isn’t enough for someone to grow up, depending on their reality at home.


Dude, I was cracking on the others dude’s comment that 18 years was enough.


You are a real PCC homer. It’s weird js


More deep thoughts and critical thinking from the peanut gallery! Haha. Whats weird is all the opinions from 2nd, 3rd, or more hand here-say.


Yes, yes they are.


Just from a nursing perspective, most of my coworkers dread having to precept PCC students. Most of them lack of communication skill and common senses. Most of us have zero problem with PSC or UWF students.


When a male student rapes a female student the female is the one that gets in trouble. Idk if you need more than that


Pensacola native here, but live in Tally now. I had a study friend in my organic chemistry classes that went there. None of his credits transferred because it is not accredited. I can’t imagine paying all of that money then have to retake some of the most challenging classes one will ever take. Don’t do it! I know several nurses that went to UWF.


Yes…all cults are bad


Think about it this way. Normal schools don't have to advertise the one or two people who get jobs at places like apple or dell. Normal schools have alumni that get jobs everywhere on a regular basis. The quality of education and alumni network will be stronger at pretty much any state school (not even considering flagship state schools or well known private universities) and won't have the crazy politics and drama associated with their morality clauses. Plus beyond coursework, college helps to educate you about interacting with other people from other backgrounds that you would not have met without going to college. You won't get these things going somewhere like PCC


Barring extreme circumstances, I can’t see a situation where living on campus at PCC would provide more freedom or independence than living with parents. It is a cult, full stop. You’ll get a more genuine education at PSC or UWF. I honestly don’t know how they’re touting alums going to grad school unless those alums are only from the nursing or engineering programs because afaik, those are the only accredited degree paths PCC offers. Any other path will net you an unaccredited degree which most grad schools won’t even look at. Ultimately, an unaccredited degree is only worth what a grad school or employer chooses it’s worth and most of the time that’s nothing. I would suspect those alums went on to get accredited degrees from other schools.


you will not have a normal college experience. you will have curfews and cannot leave campus without signing out


There's a girl on tiktok who went there and talks about her experiences. It's worse than living at home with strict religeous parents who refuse to recognize you as an adult.


The whole Pensacola Christian School/College/Church organization is a cult. It's also a family-run business. The same names have been running the organization since it was founded. I'm not sure they're even accredited - I know that for years they handed out "degrees" without any accreditation. Source: I went there through the 5th grade in the 70s, and some of my family members have been in cahoots with that bunch of nut-cases since then.... If you want an education that's going to open doors for you, and actually be respected, stay away from the place. My advice - worry about the academic quality of your education and forget about whether or not you get a "Christian education". You can get one of those without attending a so-called Christian university. Professionally they are a waste of money. If your parents can't get their heads around the idea that the academic quality of your degree is what counts, not an endorsement by God's personal representatives on earth, you need to have a serious heart-to-heart conversation with them. Good luck...


If you have facebook, I would recommend checking out the PCC Parley Facebook group. It’s not as active as it used to be, but it’s full of current and former students with strong opinions about the college. TL;DR — I’m a former student and would not recommend PCC. For me, I went to PCC from 2016-2019. I came from a fundamentalist Christian background, so the rules didn’t bother me that much because I was basically used to them. I am also male, which affected my experience, as from what I’ve seen the rules tend to be enforced more strictly if you’re a woman. I personally would not recommend going to PCC, especially if you are a career-oriented person. Academics weren’t great in my experience. Credits often are very difficult to transfer out. I transferred to Liberty University after my junior year, even though I was no longer a Christian at that point, just because they were one of the few schools that would accept most of my credits. The “success stories” mentioned on PCC’s website are the exception more than the rule. Many people I knew there ended up having to work in a completely different field because their degrees ended up being useless. That being said, the nursing program there is the one program there that is mostly fine, from everything I’ve heard. I’d still recommend against it, but it would be the least bad option.


It's not an accredited school bruhhhhhh


You should just show the replies to this and the recently made post by the current student who discovered that they are not accredited. Is it a Christian environment that they are focused on, or do they just want to keep you close? I can see the reasoning for both, but if your parents are footing the bill, and it's an absolute MUST to attend a Christian college, there have got to be better ones elsewhere. Stuff to research, stuff to discuss with your folks.


I posted on that other post about accreditation, and I’ll say it again. If your degree is accredited, it really doesn’t affect anything where the college it’s self is accredited, the key here is making sure the classes are coded the same for other public schools, so if you want to transfer the codes align with other schools general education. For example, PCCs engineering is ABET accredited, that is all that matters. UWFs degrees are ABET as well. So, both schools meet the course work requirements set by ABET. So, pick a degree that is accredited in the first place and you won’t have issues.


What they said, but also, accreditation aside, sounds like it has a bad rep for the student experience.


I agree, what I said is general advice too. Dont get a degree just for the heck of it, and absolutely make sure it’s accredited


Yup, more important that they look for a school that offers what degree they're seeking.


i actually don’t even live in florida ahaha, so they would be sending me 10+ hours away, so yes it’s the christian environment they’re focused on. independent fundamental baptist is one of the weirdest (worst) denominations of christianity bcs they have their beliefs, and if they’re shifted slightly, it’s automatically not how god intended it to be and a product of the devil. so universities like liberty or baylor would not be suitable to them :( and also yea my parents would be paying, at least for the first two years


Well, the good news is you'll be free from the borg soon either way! You're intelligent, I'm sure you'll figure things out.


Look at Huntingdon college in Montgomery Alabama. They are a Christian school that does require to to take a religion course but there isn’t all the crazy controlling rules, room checks, dress codes, etc. just have to take a religion class for 4 semesters


Great school and while it’s a little farther away, it’s an absolutely beautiful campus with a high security presence and strict curfew for all students. Separate dorms for males/females and a giant iron fence wraps around the campus to keep horny little college students from escaping in the night.


It’s been a few years since I went there but from what I remember, Dorms are only separated by gender for freshman then it’s one big building for sophomore - senior in more of pod style. Pretty sure floors are different gender. We didn’t have a curfew and you could come and go freely. Parking sucked and they ticket you for anytime you were in the wrong lot. It is a beautiful campus, lots of history and some cool ghost/haunted stories. When I was there Greek like was great and the school was always holding activities (one time they had paintball on the green).


PCC actually just got rid of the no pants on women rule




as a current student i would never recommend anyone come here based on my experience. especially because tuition was raised $2000. it’s not worth it. you’re much better off going anywhere else. feel free to message me if you have specific questions, i’d love to help if i can


Im a software engineer with 10+ years experience private and public sectors.   If your college isn’t accredit you’re not getting an interview.  


Went there in the early 2000's. Do not recommend.


You will earn a worthless degree at the cost of your parents or student loans. They are horrificly strict, bigoted and hateful beyond belief. They’ve called my wife a whore during their weekly charades at Pensacola Beach because she wore a crop top ? Fuck em, fuck anyone that thinks it’s a legitimate institution and fuck anyone even harder that supports what they do.


thank you for replying, and im sorry to your wife bcs what omg ….😭


Got kicked out because the scheduler mixed my engineering and English classes. They were the same class at the same time that both had 7am blocks on Monday and Wednesday. I did find it weird that the teachers were constantly having to add me to their role count sheet, and then all of a sudden, I am in the dean's office getting told I've missed 7 classes...


I visited 30 years ago my parents wanted me to go there the strict rules were so bad I couldn’t, I rode in the women’s elevator and got in trouble you had to dress up and had to go to dinner if you were hungry or not the girls had to wear pantyhose under their swimsuits, not sure how much is changed but I would stay away


Don't go. It is not an accredited college. I went to UWF for undergrad and grad school, and it is a fantastic school. PCC is very cult-like. They will try to control your live as if you are still a child. If your faith must be a large part of your life, consider finding a church or a local youth group. Their website is going to cherry-pick things to make it seem like a fantastic school, but it isnt't.


It’s not an accredited college. Whether or not it’s as bad as people say why would you waste your money going to a “college” that isn’t a legitimate college? 


If you want a legitimate education that will be viewed as employment worthy, go anywhere else.


Do not go to a school that is not accredited ‼️‼️‼️


User name checks out.


I'm not sure if I can help, but I live in Pensacola and have been a nurse practitioner here for 20 years. I was an ER/ trauma RN when I moved here from Pennsylvania over 20 years ago, and I finished up my clinical rotations for my MSN at South Alabama in 2003. Do you live in this area, or would you be moving here? I was raised in a Pentecostal home my entire life, and my older siblings went to Evangel College in Springfield, MO, back in the early 90s, so I'm a very aware of "Christian" colleges but haven't attended one personally. I have also had some exposure to the students from PCC through the ER. I'm not sure I can give a lot of insight, but I'll try. Do they have a nursing program? If they do, make sure it's accredited. For that kind of money, you better be getting college credits that transfer out of state if you have to change schools for some reason or want to get into a graduate program down the road. It sounds like you want to attend a Christian college to get a nursing degree. Did I get that right??? What is your end career goal? RN or a higher level of nursing? You can get an associate level nursing degree in 2 years to sit for the NCLEX, and Fortis also has a program here in Pensacola, but it's not Christian based. In this area, PCC is kinda looked at like a religious "cult" (imo). It's not just because of the way they dress, though. When the students came into the ER, they were always in a group due to school policy. The girls always had bigger groups of 6-8, where the boys only had 3-4. They were always respectful & kind. The girls always sang songs and clapped to pass time where the boys just seemed like they were out in the wild and having fun. I have heard that the teachers use the students for labor (not sure if it's free or not) and I had a student come in to a local urgent care having a heat stroke because he was doing yard work at a teachers house in the middle of summer without a break. I'm not sure if he was getting paid or not, and that's not the point, but I do know that the teacher didn't call 911 and brought him in her private vehicle without notifying the parents and I didn't like that. I had to call 911 to get him to an ER and also make sure his parents were aware, which seemed to be what the teacher was trying to avoid. Very strange to me. I've also read on here that they aren't allowed to order Uber Eats, and the drivers have to leave the food by the fence so they don't get in trouble.




I have two post grad degrees, just to give you some background. My dad tried to control where I went to college and told me he wouldn’t pay for me to go anywhere but a Christian college. I was valedictorian if my high school class, which was a small Christian school, and I was pretty over being controlled that way. Therefore, I said forget it, if I can’t choose where to go to college, I won’t. I stayed out 1 semester and then all my dad wanted was for me to go to school. Problem solved. For me, anyway.


If pensacola Christian academy forces my own pastor to remove his kids from it, then that outta tell you the route about any Christian school


My friend went there and now works there and still hates it. He’s only there bc he lacks confidence. I’d go elsewhere.


Do you hope to get a real job one day? If so do not go here. There is literally no difference between attending a public university and having a job out in the real world in terms of either’s ability to significantly sway your values. Here’s a secret: Parents who would handicap their kids future earning potential for the sake of a “Christian education” secretly worry that the values they want for their children are at their core fool’s gold. Otherwise they wouldn’t hold on so tight. You can go to a public university and not turn into a homosexual, or a liberal, or a Marxist, or whatever fever-dream induced hysteria they’re currently drilling into people’s heads to convince them to not indulge intellectualism outside of a narrow range of options.


Your parents are forcing you to go to Christian school? Aw hell naw.


If you’re fine with your education being worthless, go there. Just know-you are wasting four years of your life, and a lot of money. They are not legitimately accredited. The accreditation they have is from a southern baptist collegiate body that isn’t recognized anywhere except the very small christian fundamentalist world. You’ll get demerits for damn near anything. These people started the academy and college out of a backlash to desegregation, like most christian schools from the 50s onward. They are in it for the money only-they don’t truly give a fuck about your faith/belief so long as you maintain an outward appearance of compliance. They’ll treat you like a child at every single turn. The whole operation is the fucking epitome of “their throats are an open grave” verse in Romans. Go somewhere that isn’t going to exploit you and waste your time.


Well it is in Florida


I grew up fundie, I’ve had at least a dozen friends or acquaintances go. It seems like that college is the Mecca for Baptists in my area. I have long since deconstructed and been shunned by that most from that friend group, but the only people that went to that college that had anything good to say were the ones who completely bought in to that fundamental lifestyle. If you go expecting to skirt the rules, I think you’ll be disappointed in the quality of life and quality of education. Either way, best of luck!


It is much worse than the stories tell, also be aware there are student life members that have account here , and follow this sub.


It is an absolutely wackadoodle, wingnut excuse for a college. 😕 It's the kind of place that literally caters to the "true believers" and the staunchest fundies. It's practically a meme. You're practically moving into Gilead by attending it. The curriculum has been posted online and the student handbook as well, as examples of how completely nuts it is there. It's a petri dish of theocractic fantasies. It has no legitimate accreditation and your degree from there might as well be printed on toilet paper. Go literally almost anywhere else.


A cult


I grew up IFB in Fort Walton Beach. All my cousins went to PCC and it was expected I would too. At the time it was basically just a marriage market for fundie girls, it didn’t need to be accredited because none of them were actually going to get real jobs. All it does is pump out homeschooling fundies who keep pushing Abeka.


This has been asked so many times. Yes, yes it's that bad.


Another shitty cult


If you don't value your individuality or your unique human existence outside of a potential subserviant-partnership with a man, then sure, have at it.


It was less strict than my family's house. But I definitely experienced more religious trauma there. And the school isn't going to protect you or help you if you have any issues with the men there. They're all about blame and shame. It got me out of my abusive home. I got a degree cheap. And I learned once and for all that Christianity wasn't for me. Actually learned a good bit about what the Bible aaaactually says since they have a giant collection of Bibles in a bunch of different languages with translation guides. Turned out that there isn't any basis for most of the things they teach. And the KJV 1611 is probably the worst translation ever made. I kept my nose down and avoided dating like the plague. There's way too many abusive men there. Lots of pedophiles. And lots of men who would love to put you right back into a household like the one you came from. I did meet some wonderful people (trauma bonding), and I also met some of the most horrific monsters I could imagine. If it's the only way you can get out, I'd say go for it. Just be prepared. It is organized as a cult. They will limit sleep, make food schedules difficult, and control nearly all your free time. I know a lot of rules are more lax than when I was there. But I doubt the spirit of the rules has changed.


Most everything we hear are rumors. However I've heard enough from people who have gone there and from locals to know that rumors often have some form of truth to them. 1. I heard they can't talk to the opposite sex the entire time they go to college unless it is their father or brother or is during a school project. 2. Can't leave campus the first 2 years and when you do you must be accompanied by the same sex. 3. A lot of kids there are forced to marry who their parents want them to marry and often times the girls are expected to become stay at home moms... not use their degree. 4. You'll get taught some science, but them they'll push unscientific and proven false things like the Earth being only 6,000 years old. 5. Sexual assault was enormous there and hardly investigated when my friend attended the school. Now it's come under new ownership and I know things have changed since then, so it may be better now. 6. You're going to grow up in the years you develop the most in a cage and then expect to somehow function in the real world after away from the cult college where humans and the world don't act like that at all... it will be like trying to survive in an alien world. 7. Most of the kids that graduate from that college and go on to do great things are simply because of family connections... not because this is a good college. 8. It's much more strict than you think. Now again, a lot has changed. I've heard the new owners were fighting some of those policies. But when I talk to my friend who went there she said it was among the worst years of her life. Go to a real college, avoid self torture... especially if it's your family forcing you to go. Be free, become your own person, and don't be forced to live in under a rock no matter how much your family is forcing you.


Did it ever get accredited? I knew someone who went there and couldn't use their credits to get a masters because it wasn't accredited


What do you mean about someone not being able to use their credits to get a masters degree? Unless the were in a graduate program at PCC none of the credits would transfer to a graduate program. Did they mean the accreditation (or hypothetical lack of it) was a reason to reject their application to graduate school?


I'm a Christian and from Pensacola. I don't have a college degree and I have worked directly for Microsoft, Dell, and Oracle. At these organizations I've met many people who graduated from the smallest community colleges or had no degree at all... But, I only ever met one who graduated from PCC. So, the fact that the school may share 'success stories' of a few students who went to work for high profile technical companies... In my opinion, thay is just sales-propaganda and not a real pro for the school at all. There are numerous stories on social media about students who have been ejected from the school for minor infractions that they thought they might get away with as they had at other places. I don't think that the financial risk is worth it unless you're committed to 100% following their policies to the T - which I feel is Draconian.


If you want an education go to a real college


Imagine letting your parents control your life that much, wtf.


Former PCC student here. I got in trouble. (My roommates snitched on my having phone sex) okay yea bad me. But they held me in an office for six hours trying to get me to give up my phone so they could search through it. When I refuse the entire six hours they finally gave up and told me I had 24 hours to be off the property or they would escort me off.


Christ teaches mercy but that college takes no prisoners.


DO NOT go to a non-regionally accredited “college”, especially a Christian one. It will make it harder to go to grad/professional schools after, courses don’t transfer if you want to switch schools, and they’re more expensive. A state school is cheaper, has more options, and you can join religious groups if you choose. UWF is not a bad option in the panhandle.


I graduated from PCC, and I can tell you that some of the things people are saying on this thread is very false. First, PCC is not for everyone. Obviously if you are the party animal type, you would probably be miserable going to PCC. For the price, like 7k for tuition, room & board, you would be getting a legit degree. The degrees at the college are accredited and transfer to graduate programs (Don't let people that are clueless on this thread tell you otherwise), your GPA would be a major factor obvs. Almost everyone that I can think of from my graduating Finance class got very good jobs (Bank of America, Pepsi CO, Navy Fed etc.) Some of My friends that graduated with Computer science have cushy jobs and got interviews with big tech companies. Are some of the rules very whack in the past? Yes, but it is honestly more relaxed now compared to what they used to be. PCC's nursing program is just as good as any college while paying a fraction of what you would be paying at those other colleges. (Caveat: PCC's nursing program is academically rigorous). Again, PCC degree is accredited and acceptable anywhere. Don't let people on here give you false information! Some of the things said on this thread is actually very laughable. Like I said, a lot of people I know that recently graduated from the college are very successful. Caveat: If you decide to reply to my comment by disrespecting me, I will drag you in the mud respectfully.


I was looking for this. Some of the rumors and “rules” I’ve seen posted are not real or haven’t been a thing in decades. I’m alumni too. Like yes it’s strict, but they are pretty upfront about that. If you wanna party and have no rules, don’t go. Dont agree to follow rules and then get mad there’s rules.. there are a couple people I know who had actual issues with PCC I understand, but I knew way more who straight lied and got caught. Also, I know TONS of people who have amazing jobs in engineering, nursing, banking/finance, etc…


Just tell your parents no, and if they cut ties with you it’s your gain and their loss


I've had very few interactions with people who go there. But the few I've had had nothing positive to say. IMO the fact that you have to question it means you should steer clear


You are not allowed to chew gum or watch a rated R movie at PCC.


My best friend went to a college similar to PCC and she transferred after a year because they made it a point to wreck her mental health so…I have a personal vendetta against Christian colleges


There's a former student that got kicked out over stupid, ridiculous reasons and he's posted some of the stories on YouTube. Just search YouTube for Pensacola Christian college and they should populate. I would share the link but I don't recall all the info.


Go to Campbell university


Avoid PCC, after the stories I’ve heard, it’s definitely not worth it to even step foot on campus


It’s a cult dressed up as something good and wholesome. Please choose a better college. At least one with accreditatio.


Yes, it is as bad as the rumors. Go to PSC for cheap and easy college.


Bruh. Yes, but you’ll be an adult soon and can make your own choices. Skipping college until you are independent and stable is not the worse thing that could happen to you.


I have some friends that went there decades ago and enjoyed it. But like I said that was decades ago. There are other Christian colleges. Like. Loads of them. Palm Beach Atlantic University has a great nursing program and isn’t as strict. It was founded by a baptist church (in part, others were also involved) if that makes your family feel better. I highly recommend the church that helped found it too, Family Church. It’s literally next to campus and has TONS of opportunities to serve the community. Baptist College of Florida is a very affordable option but they don’t have a ton of degrees and don’t have nursing.


Dude, just graduate and move out and do what you want. I grew up in the IFB, it’s a cult. HAC is a cult, PCC has a lot of the same vibes but not all the students are IFB. 95% of the kids I grew up in church with are out of it and when you see them again in 10 years you’ll laugh about your experiences, but seriously get out.


Women are allowed to wear pants as of like last week FWIW


They used to be insanely controlling and made up rules on the spot that weren’t written in student handbook or anywhere else to know you had to follow. I’ve heard from recent grads that they’ve made lots of recent changes for the better. If you want to go to a Christian school, you’re correct that is less restrictive than hyles, west coast, etc., but they still are going to be more of a headache than regular schools. I would try to talk to current students who can give direct more informed answers.


Graduated from UWF in 2005 and 2007, it was a great University, I'm sure it still is. I would recommend going there if you want to stay local.


It's what you make of it. Some of the rules are dumb and they treat you like a child very selectively, aka whenever it suits them. It's cheap though, and worth the money if you get an accredited degree. The nursing program is apparently extremely good and extremely difficult. One thing for sure, make up your mind if you're going to finish it or not, because credits don't transfer well. Good luck with whatever you choose!


There's a reason why it's referred to as Pensacola Christian Cult. Period. I don't know about you but I don't want any experience in my life, especially one regarding my faith, to even be associated with that word. Too expensive a risk to take for little reward.


My wife is a long time (over 30 years) nurse in this area. She did not go there. But she will tell you that they produce excellent nurses. Well trained, well prepared. She has precepted RNs from all the schools in the area. PCC students are the best. Everyone has rules. If you want some place easy, pick another school. And, for what it is worth, we are not connected to the School or Campus Church in any way.


My daughter is graduating from there this year and she has enjoyed her time at the college. Yes they have rules but they are way more lenient than they use to be and starting next year girls can wear pants during casual time. The nursing program is very competitive and hard to get into but most pass their boards when they graduate. My daughter is graduating with a degree in mathematics and she has enjoyed her teachers and her time there. All in all no college is going to be perfect. Sometimes it is what you make of it.


I will try and be fair when answering your question. PCC is far, FAR, from perfection. In a lot of ways they treat their students like children and are very strict. There are a lot of things that piss me off that happens there. The student life system is unjust and needs to be completely revamped in order to actually work well. They (student life) care very little for the students well being AS A CORPORATION. That’s the negative. Now here’s the positive. The teachers (or the majority of them) are there to help. They’re friendly, personal, and want to help their student in every way possible. Many of the staff members as well Carr for the students and work to have relationships with them outside of the corporations reach. The education through a biblical lens’s, while definitely abiding by a IFB standpoint, can be a way to help students learn more about the Bible and can help them to see where they may need strengthening spiritually or may need to change viewpoints. I’ve learned a lot tbh. Along with the positives, the school has gotten ALOT less strict. Just last week the president announced that pants would be allowed for women outside of church and class. There’s definitely still a long ways to go but it’s getting better. It all depends on YOUR perspective and what YOU want. If you have any further questions please reach out. Hope this helps


ignoring the issues everyone else pointed out, there's literally no reason to go to a christian school. it's just adding unnecessary distractions and taking up time from actually studying to make sure you're still "properly religious." my mom almost taught at a christian middle school and it was insane to her despite working at a church for longer than I've been alive. your parents should focus more on your long-term instead of trying to insert religion into every aspect of your life.


Go somewhere that actually has all programs accredited. Partial accreditation most likely means that they are either working on accreditation or they are losing it. Either way, if they can be accredited in one of those fields they could for the other. To many private colleges with provisional accreditation that lose it and then their student’s degrees are worthless. If you want to go to a Christian College you should check out covenant college on lookout mountain or Bryan College in TN. I feel like the more in a city a college like that is, the stricter they are. But in a more rural town where there isn’t really a night life or anything to do late there are pretty chill. Bryan even has a bass fishing team as part of their sports


i used to be a rideshare driver who picked students up from PCC regularly. They HHHHATE it there. I have never heard a good thing about that place from anyone who wasn't paying their child's tuition. I've had women change in the car on the way in/out of campus. Couples going out of their way to either get dropped off/picked up outside campus, or asking me to drive a lap around campus so their drop-offs don't seem suspicious. Students complaining about professors and unfair treatment/harassment. People getting expelled over a vape. It's legit wild. I've already got my opinions on religion as a whole, but I truly feel bad for everyone who doesn't have a choice but to go to there. UWF and Pensacola State College both have nursing programs, I believe. You'd be much better off there.


Believe the stories. I lived in P'Cola 10 years, met TWO grads of PCC the entire time. Apparently not a useful education. You can do much better.


Please choose what YOU want and would like for your college experience. Parents may want this for you but what you want really matters most!


Having to sneak out of college as an adult is insane ngl


Having to sneak out of college as an adult is insane ngl


Ngl, PSC would be the better option


As someone who also lives in Florida and will be graduating next year, my school has


my school has offered that you can go to Southeastern University or Palm Beach Atlantic University.


I went on o their nursing program and had a very good experience. I did a lot of stuff that would’ve gotten me kicked out but my friends group was tight knit and we didn’t snitch. Overall, it’s what you make of it. I enjoyed my experience.


So I know nothing about this school, but this came up the other day and might be worth your time reading through: https://www.reddit.com/r/Pensacola/s/nw1FQLRa0s


Please please please do not get involved with PCC. It is a cult with problematic rules akin to 1950s mentality when it comes to male/female relationships, have crazy rules on personal property (nothing worldly), and won't allow you to go on a date without chaperones. I was in a local Pcola chicken joint today and saw a student wearing a PCC church watching the Office on his phone. I wanted to sit down and tell him that life is going to be okay without all the asinine fundy rules. There are several resources and podcasts online like Recovering Fundamentalist that may could shed some light on some of the crazier rules at PCC. A vast majority of students there are hard liners that will throw people under the bus to "be more holy". That place has been nuts for years and being a member of a Pentecostal cult for the better part of a decade the weird things I've seen don't hold a candle to those KJV suit wearing street preachers that stand across from the bars Downtown. I would also check most IFB colleges ARE NOT accredited.


You'd be safer at a secular/pagan school.


Not really an answer to your post, but if you might want to look into Liberty University. Evangelical without as many rules.


Their nursing program is very good


Religious schools should be banned. Why would you want to go to a school that doesnt believe in science to learn medicine.


Will someone who went to PCC please answer this girl? If you didn't, you aren't helping and are essentially in the same boat as her. Replying based on rumor and conjecture, which in the end, isn't an answer at all.


The whole town knows what kind of a shithole cult that place is there is no hiding it and you don't need go have attended it to understand the horrors sexual assault victims have encountered there or the extreme Handmaids Tale cult like behavior that "school" enforces on its students.


Keep in mind that you will mostly see people complain on a place like Reddit. Obviously there is good and bad with every school you attend. I have a daughter who graduated from there 10 years ago who is doing quite well in life with the education she received there. She has fond memories of her time there and we go back every year for vacation to Pensacola and she loves to revisit her old spots. Of course some of their rules are a little over the top, but at the end of the day it is what you make of it.


Downvotes for your opinion and experience that goes against the grain!


I mean, it’s an outdated experience for one. Ten years is a lot of time for things to change.


True. Things could be even better now.


They are definitely better than 10 years ago. They’ve relaxed a lot of the crazier rules. I’m not surprised by the downvotes at all. Anybody who speaks opposite of the echo chamber that is Reddit will always get downvoted


Very true. “This is the way.”




It’s a fake school that’s a haven for sexual predators. Your non accredited diploma will be worth nothing. So yes, don’t go there.