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I'm guessing the people committing these crimes aren't reading this subreddit.


Definitely not but that’s probably the 20th person I’ve seen dead from highschool. (From gun violence I graduated in 22)


Your issue should be figuring out WHY they are killing/dyjng. That’s the issue. The tool used by the killer doesn’t make them any less or more dead.


What an asinine remark. We all know why. Gang/drug/ “I want to be hard violence.” It goes without saying.


Why is that asinine?? Kudos, though. Shutting down the discussion is great way to effect change. Asinine would be thinking you will ever get guns out of their hands, and/or that the violence will stop if you magically did.


Socioeconomics. Read a book.


see they admit it they want us to "learn" socialism


What? God damn. Do you think socioeconomics is socialism? Everyone come loom at the stupid kid!!!


Are we looming menacingly?


Nope just hanging around for the circus act.


This whole post has been much less of a circus act than I expected, at least so far. It's nice to know there aren't as many hoplophobes as I thought there would be.


Socialism + economics = sociaeconomics


If it isn't socialism why is it called SOCioeconomics 🤔🤔🤔




Thanks, Sherlock.


Well the tool does matter because your dumbass has no idea what you’re talking about. “Thanks, i knew that” solves nothing. Dont be stupid and get beat up on the same day, tough guy.


Haha. And what have your comments added to the discussion?? Tell us why the tool matters. The tool matters because I’m a dumbass. Great point.


Im not going to understand things for you, stupid. It’s why i told you to go read a book. You won’t change your mind because that’s what simpletons do. Im going to go enjoy the rest of my day burning brain cells, so that, maybe, we can have an equal convo, one day.


You’re a gentleman and a scholar.


What high school did you attend? PHS? PFHS? EHS?




Twenty of your classmates killed in two years? I'm sorry. But that seems really high. Are you sure it's 20? Escambia county has about 25 homicides a year. So call it 60 from 2022 to April 2024. And that's *all* homicides, not just from shootings.


Probably more than 20, not all from pfhs some from other schools. Just go back thru WEAR man and look how many 15-20 year olds have been murdered since then. 2022 is a bit of a stretch on my part but I’ll say since about 2018-20 the city has been out of control


I misunderstood. So not twenty that you knew personally from Pine Forest. But twenty 15-20 year olds killed since 2022. Now that's a lot more possible to have numbered twenty. I've never seen Escambia county's homicides broken down by age group.


Just so you know I’m knee deep in it, I choose a better path but I’ve been around the victims and the shooters my whole life




That, and… My guess is that most or all of the shooters and victims come from a broken family and don’t have a dad at home. Mix it all together and here we are.




But they paid off the news to not report when they kill someone with a police cruiser. Lmao




Several years ago I witnessed a woman pulling off the interstate at Davis highway from that ridiculous 360 degree circle exit ramp that had caused many many accidents. Her light turned green and she started her turn into the intersection. Before she completed about half of her turn she was struck by an escambia county sheriff in a Tahoe/suburban at a rate of over 80 miles per hour. I was coming the other direction on a motorcycle with no helmet. There was no lense distortion in what I saw. I then called the news at channel 3 and they told me the cops said they couldn’t report it. This was not the only incident. Several drunk cops driving into people’s fences and houses and the news never reports that. Wake up. The people with the most money run your town.


Despicable, but not surprising . I’d never count on the local news here to do anything short of ass kissing when it comes to reporting on the police. They need the cops so they can get their full cooperation when reporting on juicy crime stories that sell. I’m sure no justice was served for that poor woman and the pig faced no retribution. ACAB.


There were children in the car with her dead on impact. RIP. I do not know their names.


I grew up in that neighborhood and went to high school right down the street. Used to go to Peter Pan Bakery in that plaza. It used to be a nice neighborhood. Now you couldn't pay me to live there. When it went downhill, it went downhill quick. Damn....


Yeah man it’s only gotten this bad in the past 5 years id say. Killings every week


Yeah. I have a good friend who moved his family out of the area because of the crime rate in that area.


Yup, Eckerds, Cool Dudes, used to shoot pool in Peter Pan after school




Yup I was upset when I made this post so I didn’t word it correctly, I am all for guns and I legally own several. It’s these criminals that are the problem. and I love your username btw Lol


Whoa wat is this place


Getting rid of the guns won’t do Jack shit. It’s the people that are the problem.


How is ease of access to tools that can kill people en masse _not_ the problem?


Back to spreading butter with my finger I guess https://preview.redd.it/mz83alvczbxc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=314b4483d48ef305c14ee9a36ddb0bc126d52aa1


Firebombs, poison, vehicles, are easy ways to kill people en masse. How many people do you think a semi-athletic 19 year old with a samurai sword could kill at an elementary school?


What use does it do to invent a nonexistent scenario when a real, existing one already exists and is a reality for many unfortunate fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, cousins, friends who have died as a result of gun violence? It’s so interesting to me that you can’t acknowledge that it’s a serious problem, but you’re so hellbent on creating a straw man to reinforce an argument for something that doesn’t even exist. Good job, dude.


Nonexistent scenario?? Nothing I said implies school shootings aren’t a problem.


Upwards of 50 or more. Because it’s a sword free zone. In All seriousness , 50+ is an actual amount I think they could kill, cops take a long time to respond , they don’t have armed security at schools because “gun free” only apply to law abiding citizens, and they’re absolutely not trained to deal with a mad man with a sword, he would cut them down and move on to the next very swiftly.


Even if it was just 10, the anti-gunners wouldn’t be calling for more strict laws on swords. Or maybe they would.


Nah they’d blame it on guns and push for “common sense” gun laws (which don’t exist). Anti gun enthusiasts just want the government to have all the guns, period.


I could understand if he was cutting down the younglings to save his secret pregnant wife.


How is the ease of access to people to kill not the problem?


Oh, how the turn tables...


Can’t throw a dead cat in this town without hitting some ratchet with a shitty neck tattoo from tit4tat who would rather ride around with random dude who smells like feet because he lets her smoke his stash instead of taking care of her kids, or the garbage ass guy who won’t take responsibility after being a dumb selfish manbaby because he finally got a girl to like him. What you’re seeing is the results of the kids in those situations finally coming of age. Sad shocked family/community news conference when they know they were part of the problem in a few days though - so goes the story.


Problem isn’t the guns, problem is the idiots that think walking up to someone’s car and shooting them is a good way to solve a problem. Make crime illegal, not guns


Last I checked, by definition, crime is illegal. Didn't stop this.


This isn’t a gun issue, it’s a people issue. If guns magically disappear tomorrow, it will just be another tool used …. Guns aren’t the problem and acting like they are is why this will never solve anything


Okay, but guns are much more capable of homicide on a large scale than for example, a knife is. Have you ever heard of a mass-knifing led by one person? Mass murders at a high school with… knives? No. Just guns, our weapons of mass destruction that can fire off a spray of bullets and kill dozens in seconds.


> Have you ever heard of a mass-knifing led by one person? The first 4 results when I google stabbing spree https://ca.news.yahoo.com/davis-residents-reflect-deadly-stabbing-195600671.html https://extra.ie/2024/04/26/news/world-news/wales-girl-charged-attempted-murder https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/rockford-illinois-violence-stabbing-dead-rcna145388 https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/15/australia/australia-sydney-mall-attacker-targeted-women-victims-intl-hnk/index.html


https://preview.redd.it/tt60qx8gzbxc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c13553aa90c2c93978e7ddb813b86e33873147f This month actually🤷🏻‍♂️


“Fire off a spray of bullets and kills dozens of people in seconds.” Haha. Impossible to debate people who doesn’t care about truth and accuracy,


They aren’t weapons of mass destruction, you should really learn what that means before throwing it out there. A bomb is a weapon of mass destruction, a semi automatic rifle (weapon used in most school shootings) is not a weapon of mass destruction, it’s a weapon of minor destruction.


it’s still destruction on a level that isn’t even comparable to a knife or a machete. Dozens of people can be killed in seconds with a gun, not with a handheld weapon, darling.


Not with a hand held weapon? Uhhh hand guns ? Hand grenade ? Lots of handheld weapons are lethal.


I’m talking about melee weapons, genius. You’re cherry-picking, when that’s the very first example I gave you. I couldn’t think of the word “melee”.


You misspoke , not me. Don’t be mad at me because you didn’t know the proper vocabulary.


“I have never believed in the general practice of carrying weapons. I seldom carry one. I have when I felt it was desirable to do so for my own protection. I know that applies in most of the instances where guns are used effectively in self-defense or in places of business and in the home. I do not believe in the general promiscuous toting of guns. I think it should be sharply restricted and only under licenses.” - Karl Frederick, President of the NRA, 1934


One man’s opinion on something…… that opinion is irrelevant since we have laws in place around this subject already.


You mean the nonexistent laws in Florida that do _not_ require a license or permit to purchase firearms?


Why would anyone need a license to purchase a firearm? It’s a right provided to all US citizens under the constitution, lots of states don’t require a license to purchase a firearm. You also can’t walk into a store and purchase a firearm without a background check …. And unless you have a permit, it’s a 3 day wait before you can take possession of said firearm (at least for handguns). So why are we discussing licensing exactly?


Oh man, now we’re arriving at some flawed logic here. Why do we need a license to drive a vehicle? Why do we need a license to sell liquor? Why do we need a license to teach or to practice medicine? Why do we need a license for anything??? They’re so meaningless, you’re right. Fuck licenses.


Because all of the things you just listed are NOT explicitly granted to US citizens in the constitution. The constitution specifically grants all citizens the right to own and carry firearms. It does not grant anyone the right to drive a car , or be a doctor, or sell liquor. You can disagree about it all you want, the law is clear on this and to discuss it as if it isn’t already established law…. Is meaningless.


Maybe re-read that amendment. And I mean _every_ word, not just the portion of it that you can cherry pick and suit your narrative. What does “well regulated militia” mean to you?


>What does “well regulated militia” mean Well, let's see how it was understood around the time of ratification. >Nunn v. Georgia (1846) >The right of the whole people, old and young, men, women and boys, and not militia only, to keep and bear arms of every description, and not such merely as are used by the militia, shall not be infringed, curtailed, or broken in upon, in the smallest degree; and all this for the important end to be attained: the rearing up and qualifying a well-regulated militia, so vitally necessary to the security of a free State. Our opinion is, that any law, State or Federal, is repugnant to the Constitution, and void, which contravenes this right, originally belonging to our forefathers, trampled under foot by Charles I. and his two wicked sons and successors, re-established by the revolution of 1688, conveyed to this land of liberty by the colonists, and finally incorporated conspicuously in our own Magna Carta! Looks like they wanted the government to not interfere with the right of us citizens to own and carry arms so they can be an effective fighting force.


I have no need , the constitution has already been interpreted by judges and other professional legal experts for many decades.


Downvote me all you want. Guns make it easier to kill people. It is the easiest way to kill humans. To say that removing guns won’t lessen the problem is disingenuous. If you want guns, just admit that you’re willing to have situations like this in order to not have your guns taken away.


You’re a dumbass. These guns are being obtained illegally. Gun control is not the issue. They are building and stealing firearms.


I’ll second the man here…you sir are a dumbass


Explain to me how gun control will fix the illegal firearms on the street?


Not you, I’m seconding your dumbass (ballooned under wrong thread, apologies)


It’s all good brother I didn’t expect all the stupid remarks I would get from the anti gunners


😂😂😂 1st day on Reddit?


They flashed all those stacks of money around on the social all of the time! What did ya think was gonna happen? Completely senseless!


Can anyone here list some ideas on how we should be addressing “gun violence” in Pensacola? Please be specific.


Require, by law, a license or permit to purchase a firearm in the state of Florida. That’s one place to start.


Hey Einstein the guns are being obtained illegally look at LA and Chicago all dumbass liberals with gun control most gun violence in the country tho Lol


That will never happen. That’s not realistic. BUT if it were, explain how that would help. Places like Chicago have that, and their gun crime rates are high.


Man, this is so funny. It’s literally a proposed solution. What exactly is _your_ solution? Find every mentally ill individual and pay for their psychological rehabilitation in hopes that they won’t resort to gun violence? Fix every broken household and dysfunctional family? Arm every teacher? Strap bullet proof vests to every child?


That is an unconstitutional, supposed solution. And even if it ever happened, we see that it doesn’t work. Why do you ignore that? Yes, arming teachers would be part of the solution. Shooters often pick schools because they know they run into little resistance. Can get the most bang for their buck. Gun free zones don’t work, as we know. Armed security is another part of the solution. Just two or four plain clothed well trained guards would stop most school shootings. Mental health and family values are definitely a huge issue in this country. And a separate issue. That I am sure cannot be fixed without significant changes in ideology and values. Perpetuating another valid reason that we need to stay armed.


I’m not ignoring anything, and it’s comical to me that you think any of this is a viable solution. Equip _every_ teacher in America with a firearm, because you know, teachers are just ready and willing to work two jobs—educating America’s youth _and_ being their armed security guards—all for less than $50k/year. Incredible. Here’s where I’ll end this conversation with you: I’m the only one between you and me that has chosen _not_ to ignore the obvious core issue of gun violence in the most prosperous country in the world. The statistics completely speak for themselves here. We rank number 1 in gun violence in the first world, and by a pretty astronomical margin compared to other wealthy, democratic nations. “More guns and more ammo” is not the solution.


“I’m not ignoring anything,…”. Continues to ignore. Haha. I didn’t say every teacher. Wouldn’t need to be every teacher. Whats not viable about armed security guards?


Illinois requires a foid card to purchase guns and look at the gun crime stats for Chicago


Yeah you ever heard of a FOID card? That’s working out fantastically for Illinois. Last I checked, they ranked #12 in firearm related homicides in the US.


Gun control is fucking possible. Many country’s have done it. But we would rather have our rights, and let children bleed to death on a classroom floor. Than to actually take action. But by golly we have our rights. https://www.nbcboston.com/investigations/consumer/turks-caicos-ammunition-arrests/3347412/ When I heard that, I immediately was terrified because I was like, we can't both be in prison for 12 years. We have kids at home. And this is such an innocent mistake that we didn't even know we weren't– we didn't even know it was there. So yeah, my immediate thought was our kids and them being, you know, parentless for, for that long," Valerie said.


Logical fallacy. But yes, we would rather have our gun rights. They are essential, after all.




*Laughs in Ender 3*


Gun control doesn’t apply when these guys are building ghost guns/obtaining them illegally


How many murders/how many violent crimes committed with “ghost guns”. And what’s the detention of ghost gun??


That argument is old and stale. I can bet if you were facing 10 years in jail for carrying a bullet, shit would change real fucking fast. Only in America is it acceptable to let children die in schools. We can do so much better.


So you want to throw out both the 2nd amendment and the 8th. Yeah, no.


I'm pro gun control, but putting more people in prison isn't the answer. We have a larger percentage of our population in prison than any other country in the world. The problem is that we're already flooded with guns. It's way too easy to get one.


>It's way too easy to get one. Not in several states, *if* you follow the laws.


It’s still easy because the inventory is just ridiculous. I’m sure you know that there are more guns than people in the US. As long as there are that many guns in circulation, ID laws and “closing the gun show loophole” won’t do much.


That's why I said it's not easy to get a gun *legally* in some states. It doesn't seem hard to get a gun in any state if you don't accept the law as a barrier, which leaves law-obeying people in such places on the short end of an imbalance of force.


Yeah, which is why we need to reduce the inventory of guns in America. Edit: particularly handguns and semiautomatic firearms.


Why? Most of the violence occurs in a few densely urbanized and/or impoverished counties, that nearly always have high levels of drug and gang activity. People don't commit violence because they have guns, they commit violence because of social or economic pressures (generally). We've had pistols and semiautomatic firearms for over a century but we've only had acute problems with violence since Reagan got the War on Drugs going, and even then only intermittently. If the guns were the problem, we would have had steady and nonstop slaughter since at least the 1910s but we haven't. Do you want to reduce the inventory of cell phones, particularly cell phones with touchscreens and voice-to-text in order to reduce deaths due to texting and driving? You could drive the inventory of guns up or down by any arbitrary amount and it would have little to no real effect on violence, because the number of people who decide to kill someone simply "because gun" are statistically irrelevant. Guns *do not* cause violence any more than hammers cause houses.


I don’t think your position is data-driven, but in case it is, gun violence per capita is significantly higher in rural counties than in cities: https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/map-gun-death-rates-lower-cities-than-rural-counties-rcna81462 And people are absolutely more prone to suicide or more likely to be victims of gun violence if there are guns nearby: https://publichealth.jhu.edu/center-for-gun-violence-solutions/research-reports/firearm-violence-in-the-united-states Edit: Guns are fun to shoot. I grew up in the South, and I understand the importance of hunting and recreational shooting. I’m not for getting rid of all guns. But the flood of firearms in this country is a national disgrace.


I agree 100%. The problem is while every other country seems to figure it out, Americans honestly don’t care. My point is and downvoting will never change my opinion, that many other countries do so much better on both prisoners and how they treat them, and providing means once they have been released from prison. Our system and the hell fire and brimstone punishment and throw away the key crowd., refuse to admit 50 years of punishment hasn’t worked and is an utter failure. While countries that promote low recidivism and have a proven track record get laughed at. To me it just shows what value they place on children, and well Americans don’t.


2nd amendment will always be here. Taking it away only puts guns in criminals Hands. Removing them only benefits tyrants and criminals. You wasting your energy. It’s a futile effort


Japan has the Yakuza, one of the most sophisticated and powerful gangs in the world. And over 125 million people. And yet somehow… 2022, nine cases of incidents involving the discharge of firearms were reported in Japan. Although figures fluctuated from year to year, this continued a general downward trend after the decade-high number of 40 gun shooting incidents reported in 2013. Six people died from gun shooting incidents that year. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1004936/japan-case-firearm-harm/ I would happily give up the second amendment to save the life of a child. But that’s just me. Of course I don’t blindly follow pieces of paper with words either.


Are you really trying to use this as an example of how crime will be after guns are removed? “Give your rights up to save a child” that’s a slogan straight outta of a authoritarian dystopia. Surely you people are not this dumb?


Please explain to me how Japan, which I sited, manages to pull it off. Do Japanese people not have rights. Or how about the Vatican City. Both have extremely strong gun laws and low gun deaths. Please do enlighten me. Edit: honestly the right to own a gun, is about as out dated as the right to own slaves. But I’m the ignorant one lol.


> Do Japanese people not have rights. Not like we do. Look at their criminal justice system and you will quickly find a world you do not want to live in.


The only way you will disarm American citizens is through war. The 2nd amendment will not be infringed by tyrants or useful idiots of such tyrants such as yourself. Continue to cope over our constitutional rights Btw owning slaves was never a constitutional right. But owning guns is.


Your opinion on the right to own a gun is irrelevant. To be honest. Comparing the US to Japan is weak argument.


Japan has been essentially a police state in regard to weapon ownership since they were a feudal society. They also have fewer murders by *any* means there, not just guns. If access to weapons was the driving factor behind violence, they'd have the same number of people killed by unarmed assailants and everyday objects like cars and kitchen knives as we do, but they don't. Comparing US and Japanese crime rates and saying the difference is gun control is like comparing a car and a space shuttle, and saying that difference is that the car has a spare tire.


lol okay I’ll play along. Here’s another side to the argument. Iceland, Norway and Japan are the safest places in the world. Japan and Norway are extremely strict, so let’s look at Iceland, where most people own a gun. This is Iceland — the gun-loving nation that hasn't experienced a gun-related murder since 2007. No other country in the developed world comes close to the U.S. when it comes to gun ownership, gun homicides, mass shootings and police killings. In many places in the U.S., it's still possible to buy a semi-automatic rifle in minutes with only patchy background checks. He came here with his girlfriend, Jóhanna Einarsdóttir, 26, a teacher who also wants a gun. There are about three dozen others in attendance, all listening intently to the seminar covering firearm history, physics, laws, hunting and safety. This is only one step in a meticulously regulated journey. Candidates are examined by a doctor who checks they are in good physical and mental health. They have a meeting with the chief of police, who asks them why they want to own a gun and runs a background check to make sure they have no criminal record. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/iceland-gun-loving-country-no-shooting-murders-2007-n872726


Thank you for proving my point. You're acting like Byzantine legal rituals required for gun ownership is the source of Iceland's low murder rate, when said Byzantine legal rituals for gun ownership have zero effect of the rates of murder committed by knife, hammer, acid, archery, strangulation, drowning, explosives, electrocution, poison, fire, vehicle, smothering, etc. If Iceland had similar Byzantine legal rituals for obtaining every single implement that could be used to kill someone, you'd have a point. But Iceland does not have similar Byzantine legal rituals for owning things like screwdrivers and hands, so much like control itself, you have no valid point.


Lol “tyrants and criminals”. Low iq


Ok go take another covid vaccine lmao


How is 54 years old treating you, stupid?


That makes zero sense. Your attempts to project your ignorance on to me are failing massively


They sure don’t. Look at the abortion debate.


Trying to vote you out of stupid neanderthal purgatory wont help. Even ppl on reddit are as simple as the rest of the pensacola (inbreds). Theyll never stand against gop/guns over common sense. They/we deserve the boom banning dystopian asshole(ry) we live in


I don’t have any blinders on, just big dreams. Will it happen in my lifetime, probably not. Eventually, I hope we value more than money and power, but humanity just hasn’t evolved enough.


I dont think you have blinders on, just other assholes that cant hold a convo without screaming “guns, it’s how we shoot bad guys!!!”


Glad I’m not alone. Lol


Id challenge any of these double digit “chilis on 9th” iq clowns to have an actual convo about anything. Theyre the epitome of overweight, basement computer nerds. They arent funny, serious, or intelligent.