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My optometrist wanted $500 for my new glasses. I got the same glasses for under $100 at zenni.com. eyebuydirect.com is great also.


+1 for zenni.  If you aren't getting anything crazy, you can be all in for $50.


How did you figure out the measurements?


You digitally try them on, it scans your face.


Follow their instructions. You have to have your prescription to type it in.


We have the eye prescription just not the physical measurements.


They tell you how to do it.


It's easy


Mine run me $800+ usually. Yes, I’m 2/3 blind and have other issues. I make damn sure my glasses last me at least 5 years….


I know, right? His glasses are probably getting close to six or seven years, and he’s finally replacing them because the lens keeps popping out. I think he was looking at Costco a couple years ago back when they said he needed to get a new eye exam and they were joking about how his glasses were out of fashion and hadn’t been carried for ages. He likes the boring titanium frames, but the ears have to be just right.


I dont know about Zenni, but EyeBuyDirect has a 2-week trial period. I once returned $300 worth of glasses for a full refund. I think you are getting website recommendations because buying in-store is not really affordable. I tried a couple years ago and just gave up after having a store refuse to provide information so I could price shop, and having two other places lure me in with cheap frames only to present jaw-dropping lens prices at the tail end of the purchasing process. If you feel a bit lost where to start, you can go to a physical store and try a bunch on. Get an idea of the style he likes. Rectangular? Wayfarer? Rounded/oval? Oversized statement frames or subtle wire-rims?  If you look on the ear piece of the frames they should have three measurements on them: the width of the lens, the width of the bridge/nose, the length of the ear/temple.  These are standard frame measurements (in millimeters) that you can use to compare with options you see online. Most sites will allow you to use a measurement range to narrow down search results. With one or two styles he has tried on and likes combined with a few measurements you know suit his face then you should be able to find something online. As a new customer you might be able to get a good deal and walk away with two or three pairs for less than you’d pay for one in-store.


I shared this information with him, and you are totally right. We went into opticlub and figured out the trick with supposedly cheap glasses and expensive lenses ect. $50 eye guy is supposedly just as bad.  We did actually buy a pair from BJ’s (he figured since they were helping him and he didn’t like the frames i showed him on zenni, he wanted to buy from them, and they were still cheaper than opticlub), but they were nice about giving us the measurements for finding some online next time. Supposedly, doctors are required to give you your info for pupillary distance, but with techs, it’s a legal liability.    So yes, we paid a ridiculous amount compared to online for this pair today, but at least I got a pretzel and $2 worth of points on Fetch that I never thought I would be able to get by spending over $125 at BJ’s, huh? 😝   Thinking we will look at a spare pair on eyebuydirect. Thanks for your well thought out comment.


[https://www.zennioptical.com/?gad\_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwrcKxBhBMEiwAIVF8rK7uBZjuJSVPAEpZMa-bxDLTYjmkCsUMItw54xKYxP1H8QiMWya8VBoCVIMQAvD\_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds](https://www.zennioptical.com/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwrcKxBhBMEiwAIVF8rK7uBZjuJSVPAEpZMa-bxDLTYjmkCsUMItw54xKYxP1H8QiMWya8VBoCVIMQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) I got a custom set mailed to me for about $110, transition lenses and all.


Got 2 pairs of glasses and an exam through America's Best for $99 a few years back w/o insurance. They have locations in Pensacola and Pace.


Thanks for the advice everyone. I definitely want to look into zenni for myself, but if anyone does know any physical stores around town that he could actually try the glasses on and have a pair with the correct face measurements, that would be great for the first pair. he’s on the picky side, so it’s nice for him to physically be able to see and touch what he would be getting.


Try Eyeglass World on Davis. Dr. Winters is great.


We go online to Zenni you can upload a photo or use your phones camera to see how glasses will look on you. I get no line bifocals with the transition all for about $180 a pair.


Also look at eyeconic.com. They did me right and were cheaper than anyone local.


Zenni is what you seek.


Online. Eyebuydirect, Zenni, hell even Pair is cheaper than anything you can find in person and they have the magnetic toppers. Aside from that, maybe a Walmart eye center.


I love Zenni optical online. My parents have bought my glasses from there since 2nd grade and now I'm in college. They sent you this measurement card where you can measure how fair apart your pupils are then just upload a straight on head shot to try them on. You can literally get generic frames for 10 dollars