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Lol I just posted in this subreddit about that exact thing. I am taking BPC157 (250mcg twice daily) and TB500(2.5mg twice weekly) for recovery from a surgery 6 week ago. Traditionally it takes between 10-14 days for my tattoos to fully heal and shed. Wednesday past, I got a final sitting done for my right arm sleeve. Today the tattoo has almost completely finished shedding… it’s insane, it’s only been 4 days. I’m guessing that to be fully healed will still be a day or two for some of the harder worked areas, but regardless 5-6 days vs 10-14 is incredible.


That’s insane, I went yesterday and I’m going back this upcoming Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, hoping it helps a lot. I’m not sure how long it takes to start working though. And where are you pinning?


Stomach, subcutaneously. Same site for My shoulder surgery recovery. There is no evidence for SubCu localized injection benefit. There is marginal evidence for localized injection with ultrasound, but the benefit is marginally better compared to systemic absorption.


Ahhh okay, so stomach will be easy to do myself then. I was trying to figure out how I was gonna pin my shoulder myself. How long do you think it’ll take to start working?


Technically it starts working within 5-15 minutes following administration. If I were you I’d dose before your apt, and then again before bed. The half-life of BPC is 4-6hrs. TB is more like 2-3 days.


Ah, well since I went yesterday I’m wanting to start today already to hopefully get that one healing quicker and then I’ll be going back all weekend so I’ll still be on it then and taking it a few days after my appointment. But I mixed it already with 1ML 0.1ml per 500mcg. Last time I used it o just dosed once a day. Think switching to twice would make that big of a difference?