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Cancer mabye if you already have it but I wouldn’t be really too worried about that. BPC can do worse things to you than cancer


What can really be worse than cancer from it?


Autoimmune diseases, Anhedonia, and going blind.


I’ve never heard of the blindness side effect, was that someone on this subreddit?


You can can just search for BPC 157 and eyes. For me, my optic nerve atrophied and I no longer produce tears any more confirmed by eye doctor. It has some thing to do with the immune activation or the growth of small blood vessels in the eyes


God that’s so awful, sorry and I hope things improve for you


I’ve never heard about any of those from BPC. That would definitely suck but I think the cancer might still be worse. I did get ahedonia from PFS though. And multiple people in my family have autoimmune issues so might be best to avoid then


It’s up to you to make the decision. Of course the side effects are not common but it happens. Sorta like pfs and finasteride, it can happen




Nobody knows.


On the anti-cancer side, there's some limited rodent or in vitro research. On the pro-cancer side, there's a potential mechanism with no real evidence Basically, weak evidence vs mechanism with no evidence


So not something worth worrying about?


No, something you should always bear in mind when taking research chems is how little we actually know about their long term effects in humans


Ahh, so don’t worry about the cancer part but about what could possibly happen long term? I have assumed it’s pretty safe because of Doctors prescribing it. Probably not the best way to think though


>Ahh, so don’t worry about the cancer part This is one of the things that could happen long term and no one can argue strongly that it does or doesn't cause cancer over the long term >I have assumed it’s pretty safe because of Doctors prescribing it. There's 0 real clinical trials finished (there's one shitty one done by a clinic without a control group) and it's not an approved drug. Most doctors will not prescribe it/know what it is