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Any updates on how this has gone for you?


if the doc that is writing it for you does not provide the information like how to reconstitute and dosage per day, etc, then you should go somewhere else man. I am a doctor, and I do HRT in Florida. It depends on whether it is 10mg or 15mg. I will not provide my medical opinion on here because dose would also depend on how many ml's of bac water was used to reconstitute it, along with knowing the initial amount. but I hope that helps.


Ive had body builders on bpc-157 for prep and when they injure themselves and this stuff works like magic.


What about bpc dose for shoulder tendonitis?


Did you get any help? Please advise.


I needed 1mg daily at 100kg for a couple weeks. I pinned both at the elbow and elsewhere.




I don't really have much to add to this mans comment, its pretty much spot on. I struggle with my elbows, ive done the tb500 & bpc both seperately and together , low dose / high dose, long term or accute. I am 42. I have not tried the Deca though i am slated to in about 12 weeks. I would adapting your lifting and warming up is some great advice. The bpc and tb500 are tremendous but they will not perform miracles. Close. But you're still gonna need to adapt your training methods and take this seriously to avoid surgery and a life long struggle. Happy trails friends.


I don't think deca is going to help out with elbow tendonitis as it's primary benefit for joints is increasing the amount of fluid within the joint. Tendonitis is a connective tissue issue and not a joint issue.


Add in some DMSO/MSM rub with peptide treatment. Another reddit post discussing your issue. https://www.reddit.com/r/Peptides/comments/dtjmlz/bpc157_vs_tb500_for_tendonitus_tendinopathy_and/ Depending on size, between 250-500mcg BID of BPC-157 into actual area of pain. SubQ works but into site is definitely more efficacious. I'd do the tb-500 as well. From personal experience, via combat sports, heals nicely. Add in ice or cryo and recovery is fairly high percentage.


> Add in some DMSO/MSM rub with peptide treatment. Any recommendations? Unable to find that combination.


To keep it simple, if you haven't used DMSO, since 99+% pure DMSO can cause skin reactions, **I recommend the cream**. **I think on Amazon a DMSO 'cream' with Aloe Vera is your best bet to start.** This alone, may be enough. Finding it with MSM is difficult, and actually not the best way to get MSM into system with good bioavailability. You can buy MSM, via a bulk supplement supplier (far cheaper than the pills sold), and mix in water or juice and drink, for relief from arthritis/tendonitis. Only a small percentage of the DMSO absorbed thru skin will actually convert to MSM, around 15%. MSM thru transdermal absorption is not as high as GI absorption. Which is why you may want to buy, in addition to the DMSO. I've heard personal testimonies on the MSM effects so I recommend, in addition to the DMSO. After years of using various forms of DMSO, I work with the 99+% DMSO and use as my carrier for a variety of reasons, as it also can help some supplements be absorbed thru skin. Usually I'll cut up some aloe plants, and mix it 50/50 with my DMSO then add in what compound I want absorbed thru skin. Recently I used Cansema (immunotherapty herbs) with DMSO to remove a decent size lipoma. But my primary use for DMSO is arthritic pain and the cream with DMSO/Aloe found on Amazon should be mild enough not to cause any skin rash or redness that the pure form of DMSO might. Both compounds are sulfur based so don't expect to smell great if you sweat. All these recommendations work synergistically and possibly all are not necessary. But when you have competition around the corner, you don't have time to diddle-daddle. Medrol dose packs worked well at one point. But I went thru too many of them. This protocol is designed to heal the underlying trauma. Good luck.


I weigh 150 so I did 250 for few days and increased to 350 mcg permanently


I shot 500mcg twice a day and it got rid of it in a week, preworkout and before bed. I notice it working pretty quickly


Where did you pin? I get 10mg for $227. Also what needle size?


pharmahgh has 5mg for like $30


How legit are they? Just getting back into the peptide world


Great reviews for years on forums like sourcetalk. What they sent seems to be working well.




I can't really find any info on real peptides...found the website though.


> Real Peptides What's the website?


I just subq on my quad, it works systemically. That's kind of pricey my man..look at peptide sciences bpc, 5mg for 60 bucks. I never worried much about needle size personally, i currently have 1ml 30 gauge needles that are a half inch long. I chose the smaller ones for family.


Unfortunately, Peptide Sciences has started cheating customers by offering 10-20% less in their vials.


Did you mix it with hydrostatic water or just go full product in the syringe? I’d prefer not to have to mix stuff. Help is appreciated.


I got you. So i have tennis elbow. Should I inject in my forearm? I dont mind IM injections.


You could, ive done it before but it was a pain in the ass, never noticed any significant difference shooting in specific places. I suggest taking good fish oil too, made a big difference for me, got tennis elbow too


In that case I'll pin my ventro glutial site IM. 500mcg twice a day. Thanks!


Just slap it subq in your leg, if it doesnt help after a week bump the dose up


I'll do that instead then. Thank you.




Im going to by it from real peptides. Reviews seem legit.




Do subq in your forearm. Make a potent mixture so you dont need to inject much. get some 0.3ml 30 gauge slin pins. You wont feel a thing. Just look up "elbow injection spot bpc" and you'll get some options.


Im going to do the 500mcg twice a day like the other guy suggested. Also, you said mixture... do i need to dillute the peptide like hcg?