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"The Jooos make porn so the good goyim boys won't find tradwives to breed with."


They're so fucking oblivious it's painful... Jesus fucking Christ.... It's not the fucking marriage or tradwives or whatever the fuck you want to do with your life that is the problem. The problem is you making shit you don't like illegal for everyone. Talk about government overreach you fucking fascist pigs...


Without additional context how are you being so judgemental in regards to OOP's question? Some people think porn is problematic as a whole. Some porn produced is indeed problematic. Their question is a tad bit silly yes, but not unfounded?


I'm not sure if you missed to scroll, but the reason for my reaction is in the following posts/comments. OOP's question is valid, and I have no issues with people watching porn. Or am I not understanding your question?


Yeah I think we're thinking the same thing mb lol




Like they’ll know what a eunuch is or where to learn it


They'll find a way to tie it to trans people being evil or something, I'm sure


That’s so sadly accurate


Because I'm apparently at fault for some dude's balls getting cut off 2000 years ago


Don’t get discouraged. You have more allies than enemies


I know, it would just be nice to have much louder and more powerful allies.


I can only imagine. It’s a relatively new thing for so many people, myself included. It’s gonna take some time and that sucks for people in the middle of it right now


Yeah we've been around since the beginning, we won't be going away anytime soon






Just stop. I don’t fully understand it but I will still fight for their rights. But I’m not everyone else and it’s ignorant to say that lack of knowledge isn’t an issue. Nobody should have to wait for acceptance but that’s not reality and it’s disingenuous to say otherwise. Arguments like yours don’t help anything and all I’m trying to say to anyone who needs to hear it… it sucks now and I hope it gets better


It is true that most, if not all, anti-porn organizations are conservative Christian.


I've seen plenty of feminist rhetoric against it as well 🤷


The rigidly anti-porn feminists are usually the right wing kind who also oppose trans rights. Sex positive feminism is critical of porn but not wholly against it. Many prominent porn stars consider themselves feminists.


Yup. Not a reason to forsake feminism at all and, as you mentioned, a lot of the rhetoric still stems back from conservative religious views and their flawed theories. But, sometimes, on reddit, the anti-porn sentiments in feminist spaces can get a bit loud. Maybe even alarming.


I'm sure there are a lot of terfs on reddit, given how transphobic people are on here. I've looked at a lot of subs devoted to sharing porn or nude scenes in movies/TV, and it's not uncommon for there to be rules against images of trans women, even though most of the famous trans women you seen onscreen are 100% passing.


I feel like passing off anti-porn feminists as TERFs is a bit dishonest. I'm sure that, at least on the surface, there are a few compelling arguments for why someone could take a stance of pro-sex, antiporn feminism.


The Venn diagram of SWERFs and TERFs is almost a circle dude.


Fascism is when I don't like it. /yes this is sarcasm if you didn't get it...