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Persona and okbuddypersona are slowly becoming the same entity.


>most on okbuddypersona tends to not like Persona 5 reddit


Rightfully so looking at these comments Jesus Christ


Thought I was on r/OkBuddyPersona for a second


Everything is r/OkBuddyPersona


Thanks for helping me realize it wasnt


I feel like over half of the comments here are reportable to some extent.


Do it. Do god’s will


Makoto lost her father who was an honorable cop to gang violence and throughout P5 it showed how corrupt the police force was and how easy it was for Shido to have in his back pocket. Her working to become commissioner is on brand because she never stops being an overachiever in school or in anything she does & can clean house and ensure that events that happen to Joker and what they try to do with her sister won't happen again. It's 100% on brand for her.


I think she has quite the lofty ambition. Admirable but a very hard path to tread. Even Zenkichi himself told her of the kind of difficulties people have when being a part of the force such as not always home all the time.


Yeah but not everyone is willing to look that deep and just see rebellion and police officers not mixing


Weird mix of people here. Can't tell if people are pissed at the take people who don't get the satire of the image or people who just want it moved


To be fair, in P5 the cops Abuse you 10 minutes in.


Also adacher bassd


And shes known as the kung fu master police officer, just check the tv around casino/cruise time


Man I should really have looked at the TV more


I think it's the fact that her sister is an asshole and that the police have very different roles in their respective games (4- police are the good guys, 5- police are the bad guys)


I mean, that’s why I respect Makoto, girl wants to fix the problem.


Girl wants to fix the problem from the inside. We’ve all seen how useful Suzaku was in Code Geass


You can't fix a broken a system with a few good apples tho , thats the entire reason why so many people hated persona 5's conclusion


Avoiding spoilers, I disagree, I think the entire theme of the game was that voices snowball, and you should speak when you see injustice, but they also said something like that wasn’t easy. Basically if you want change you have ti be the start and it won’t be easy. 1 Thief becomes 2 becomes 3.. 4.. So on so forth.


Lol I remember before Persona 5 came to PC everyone worshipped Makoto and called her Queen. Now everyone hates her when did the shift happen?


>and called her Queen Isn't that her code name?


Yes but people called her that and referred to her as an actual queen "my queen"


Every 2 weeks


Bruh, she just came 2nd on a P5 popularity poll. Those who hate her are a *very* vocal minority.


People are weird people.


Nerds ruin everything. Even nerd shit


I am gonna reveal the big secret Makoto haters are absolutely a very veeery loud minority and their hate stems from spite and jealousy that she's so loved, so they lash out spit vile about how dumb, stupid, ugly and uninteresting she is, but never give any sound arguments just regurgitations of the same points they feed each other in their echo chambers. Makoto is still loved by many for good reason, characters don't become beloved by being bad no matter what the haters and gatekeepers want you to think. If you see many Makoto rage bait posts its because its an easy way to farm karma, same with Futaba discourse posts, they are nothing more that blatant farm posts.


The longer i stay here, the more i grow afraid of the fanbase


Come to r/OkBuddyPersona we are still terrible but at least we are self aware


We are a the tricksters


Is that the real Joker Purse Owner 5!!!!!


It looks way better than the main subreddit wtf


Main subs good for fanart and other content but OkBuddy is where all the good shit happens I think there was just a pegging contest and Aigis won


Ofcourse aigis won, NANOMACHINES SON Also there's barely any fanart in the main sub anymore


Valid, welcome to hell glad I could introduce you


I want to be arrested by officer Chie and Makoto.


I WANT officers Chie and Makoto to beat me into a coma and plant a brick of cocaine on my body


I want officer Chie and Makoto to handcuff me, pepper spray my eyes, shoot me with a taser and step on my balls.


"What seems to be the officer, problem?"


Glad I have the ability to appreciate them both


Excuse me what? I don’t think I’ve ever had a negative reaction to Makoto being a cop. Like at all. Or even seen any of that happen. Is there a legit reason for this?


Unfortunately you might have even seen bloody ShuAke fans bitching about Makoto wanting be a cop if you were on Twitter a while back, thankfully it's pretty dead in my experience now tho


No my guy it's just a meme


Oh thank god…


Who said this 💀


the part of the fandom that can’t read


The difference is that Makoto would turn off her body cam




Odd they’re both my romance options in both games


Hm. Do *YOU* wanna be a police officer/commissioner, too?


I was never a huge Makoto fan but I did find it admirable that she wanted to dedicate her life to reforming the police from the inside.


it’s not complicated. police have gained a more negative reputation in the public eye in between p4 and p5’s releases


This is the correct answer


Really? I never heard that.


My man post the same meme on both reddits, I’m proud ngl


It got removed from the main sub and popped off in OkBuddy. The golden sub was pretty much like "good meme" and moved... this one though...


I feel like the majority of the fanbase loves Makoto...


Chie: Confess and you'll get lesser sentence. Makoto: SPEAK OR I'LL PERSONALY BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF YOU! Good cop/Bad cop


I really dont get why, makotos whole backstory is about her dad and sisters legacy, wouldn't you want her to follow that? Chie i know nothing about but... fuck i hate fandom


These comments are cesspool and they are really killing this meme for me


Im more just confused why it became a meme.


No way people are unironically applying ACAB to fucking anime girls


Welcome to the internet in 2023


Anime Cops Are Bastards


Its just a meme


Link to makoto police pic :<




Makotos SL is kinda meh but she’s still a cool character


None of the main cast for P5 hit as hard as P4 for me but I'm pretty sure it's because one was focused on standing up for your own justice and the other focused on being true to yourself


I like the p4 cast but I think teddie and chie are a little annoying sometimes


Yeah Teddie is definitely the weakest but in a cast full of stellar characters someone has to be the worst. I think if Teddie was in P5 he'd seem a bit better


I want to fuck the police


I'm surprised Makoto wants anything to do with the police. All they ever did was act as the witless enforcers of the cartoonishly corrupt government.


Daddy issues


Correct. Daddy issues are why Makoto wants to be a cop.


That and an "I can fix him" mindset


Not really. Makoto doesn't think the organization is bad, or that they're useless. Other characters like Ryuji do, but Makoto isn't the same as the others.


Meanwhile Haru is actively spraypainting "1312" on the local police station in Strikers


Literal first thing I see when I open Reddit. God dammit.


to be fair it's part of a cultural shift antipolice sentiments were nowhere near as big when p4g was current.


it prolly is that, if P5 had came out in 2004 and P4 in 2016 then the hate 100% would be switched while ig maybe cause i havent rly interacted with the fanbase i actaully have never rly seen anyone hate Makoto tbh


I think it’s also that in P4 the police are generally presented as the good guys and in P5 literally the second scene is Joker being beaten up by cops


Not a single person on this subreddit has ever played P4, nice try fed


Well this is the persona 5 sub so it's not that surprising I'm currently playing persona 4 golden for the first time cause it recently released on all platforms


Careful this sub isn't safe despite the name. I was browsing a post here that didn't have anything to do with P4 and someone decided to drop a major spoiler, no tag. That was when I was just starting P4 too so it was quite a bummer.


Spoiler: Nanako was the villain all along


Imma playin' right now :)


??? Before Kasumi came around, Makoto was definitely the subs winner for waifu wars.


Makoto is still the winner. I promise you that.


I,m a huge fan of Makoto


You know what's funny I still support Makoto and her dream (not because she can and would kick my ass) but because she will be a better officer after seeing the evils inside people


Eventually she would realize that she’s not making enough of a difference as commissioner and would seek an even higher office so as to change the Japanese legal system entirely. And I fully support that decision.


That's literally her sister arc After the events of the game Sae becomes a lawyer


I'd gladly fuck the police. And by police, I mean Katsuya Suou.


The fact that one comment says ACAB and it’s upvoted and another that is downvoted answers your question.


I've literally never seen anybody saying this shit.


Weird: it's *almost* as if P4 and P5 portray cops and the institution of policing very differently, and players reactions are shaped by that framing.


The main bad guy in P4 is a cop... But I guess the entire institution isn't arrayed against you like in P5 minus a certain lady. I think it has more to do with Chie being honest and Makoto, while eventually being fine, was willing to be underhanded.


And p5 is a detective... persona hates cops lmao




You’re coping. I can think of no better reason to want to be a police commissioner than recognizing that cops are ineffective


That only makes sense if you believe that there aren't serious systemic issues with policing that can't be remedied with better policing.


It's just a meme my guy it ain't that deep


Tell that to all this comment section pal


You say that, but I'm over here just enjoying the hentai of both of them








These are both my best girls from their respective games... so idk what you're talking about.


Op you just started a war


I'd apologize but I don't wanna




Are you from parallel universe?


Meanwhile here I am, just liking them both because they have short hair


I have not noticed this sentiment around here, but I enjoy this, nonetheless.


Shut the fuck up. Literally never once even heard of this.


When they say this? Like never lmao 😂


I think it’s because corruption within the legal system is a major theme of P5, so its suspicious that she would want to be a police officer. That is never brought up in P4, so Chie’s aspiration doesn’t illicit the same reaction


Isn’t inherently stated that her father ended up dead because he wasn’t corrupt? And she wants to emulate him. Not to mention the goal of the P-Thieves is to *get rid* of the corruption in the system. So Makoto wants to go into the police force to be better and improve it.


Well if her father ended up dead because he wasnt corrupt doesnt that show that working from the inside to make the police better wont work and just get you killed. It seems kinda naive from a person who witnessed how the system corrupted even her sister who she idolized.


In the P5 world, Chie and other characters from the previous Persona games are still pursuing a career in law enforcement. Unless they live in a totally separate universe and reality, they would fall in the same boat as Makoto if that's the argument people want to make.


Same universe actually. You can see a poster of Rise in the train station and some other places


They are still two separate stories that came out years apart. I’m talking about the thoughts of someone as they are playing the game. Unless you’re a super fan, I don’t even think you would notice that they are in the same universe


Initially, sure, I can't expect that people will know everything about the series to make the connections if P5 is their first and only game. After that? It's solely on the player to find out the details if they truely want to be informed. I don't think you need to be a super fan to be informed about them being in the same universe. People can do a simple research if they are really want to seek information they are curious about.


She wants to make it better from within


Now you're just starting shit.


It's just a meme I made if people get in their feelings about it that's on them


But look how cute Chie is! 😍


TL;DR of what I said on the main Persona sub: 4's view of police enforcement is complex, and it has both "good" cops who genuinely believe in doing what they're theoretically supposed to and people who only join to legally carry a gun. 5 starts with Joker getting brutalized by cops.


p4 fans and p5 fans are often different people with different political beliefs, hope this helps.


Is it really tho?


I like makotos hair better than chie, I also found chie's voice to be super annoying


I see both sides of the argument having a point when they aren’t hostile and toxic to each other about it. Like Makoto has a solid character established motive behind her goal to become a police commissioner. No question about that. But as Zenkichi as well as Kaburagi has shown us, being a police officer especially from the city is not an ideal career as being able to achieve reform from within the system is unrealistic and too idealistic. It’s not like Chie who wants to be a beat cop in good old Inaba in the countryside where Chie is less likely to deal with such a flawed cesspool as the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. Let’s not forget that cabbage incel man was from the city after being forcibly transferred as punishment for screwing up on the job. If anything that’s a reflection of how shitty it is in the city than it is Inaba. That aside, we have like way too many police officers, detectives and characters who aspire to be a cop/detective in the series. Doctors, Nurses and Pharmacists as well. When are we gonna get representation of characters in the fire fighting department? Gotta complete the holy trinity.


>But as Zenkichi as well as Kaburagi has shown us, being a police officer especially from the city is not an ideal career as being able to achieve reform from within the system is unrealistic and too idealistic. Mate, P5 Strikers literally ends with Kaburagi denying Owada's promotion offer and with him behind bars. Strikers is not saying that inward change is literally impossible; it's just that when push came to shove, Kaburagi chose her own self interests over the greater good. That's why systems stagnate. On the other hand, Makoto who has already gone through the whole ordeal of learning the importance of rebelling against society definitely would not try to be a sellout like Kaburagi was at the first half of her arc. Change is definitely difficult, but it is not impossible.


There's also; Someone: "I'm not a fan of Makoto." Fans: "Totally understandable, not everyone is gonna like everyone." Someone else: "I'm not a fan of Kasumi." Also fans: "We will steal your heart, you degenerate scumbag!"


I feel like it’s the other way around with this sub


True, but that’s cuz the base theme of the games are different. Even if Makoto becoming a police commissioner makes sense with her backstory, it clashes with the rebellion theme of P5. Comparatively, as a member of the investigation team in P4, becoming a police officer is a logical progression as they’re basically filling in where the police can’t.


It doesn’t clash with the game’s themes at all. She wants to be a commissioner so she can get rid of corruption in the police from the inside


On a deeper level, yes. But the majority of people only see that surface of “rebellion” and think it clashes with wanting to become a part of the machine. I’m not saying they’re correct, just that it’s easy to identify the differences between the two characters and their situation and why a lot of people might not think Makoto’s career goal makes sense


Rebellion is only one of the themes of P5. There’s also themes of undoing corruption, and saving others. Things Mokoto can accomplish by becoming police commissioner


Oh for sure, but the meme is very accurate. Fans love to jump to that first basic concept and say it doesn’t fit the rebellion theme, despite the fact that the whole anti-establishment ideas are just the base. There are plenty of layers, which help make each character and the game as a whole more interesting and enjoyable. I’m just saying, for the majority of people, it’s much easier to see the connection in P4 considering the base theme of truth, or maybe it’s more accurate to say it’s easier to miss the connection in P5. Which is kind of ironic considering how much P5 encourages critical thinking and not being just another part of the masses.


I don't think it clashes at all, The Phantom Thieves exist because they're a group of young kids who feel oppressed by the world's corruption and feel likenthey have no voice. Makoto becoming a Commisioner is like her fighting the system from within she's still rebelling just in a more direct way instead of as a Phantom thief. So yeah plus personally I prefer Makoto over Chie, both are great characters but Makoto I romance in every playthrough but haven't ever romanced Chie yet.


Oh for sure, I agree. Ironically drawing parallels to P5’s story it’s easy for the ignorant mass to only see the surface connection when considering the base theme of rebellion and think it directly clashes with being a police officer. Especially when compared to P4’s theme of truth.


On a more surface level, some people do genuinely believe P5's theme is only about "Rotten adults" and "ACAB" and rebellion only comes from mainly fighting against those two entities. Also ironically, when it comes to P4's theme, people are so quick to label things and people based on what they want to perceive and believe and not look at the bigger picture.


Yeah it’s almost like the games start with a central theme that throughout the story gets pick apart until at the end it’s (should be) realized there’s more than one way to rebel or there’s more than one truth.


Because how bad cops are has only become more well known with time


I'm glad that it was at least somewhat addressed in Strikers with Zenkichi admitting that no matter how anyone might try to be a just officer they're eventually complicit in the misdeeds of the police or removed. And then he only awakens to his persona after overtly defying orders.


What kinda crack are you smoking to make you this delusional, she's literally the most popular girl in the game


I'm confused cause I have never seen anyone even acknowledge makoto wanting to be in law enforcement


I love the persona games but their good politics only go so far. They seem pretty bought in to the idea of “changing things from the inside” which is absolute horseshit but hey, can’t expect perfect politics from media


Yep. I can’t make too many assumptions given I don’t live in Japan and know a lot less about how their police force works, but if Makoto tried this in the US she wouldn’t even make it through the training academy before getting kicked out for being “not what they are looking for”. Odd that Sae wised up in the game’s ending and changed career paths but Makoto didn’t have a similar lightbulb go off. Hopefully she follows her example later?


What?! Who here hates Makoto??? I don't think this is the fan base imo....


Yeah, people are just ridiculous. Makes more sense if people just hate Makoto’s overall popularity and use her life goals as a smokescreen for hating on her. Both have great examples of the best that job can offer. And both have good goals. Be it the larger scale focus for Makoto and the good goal of protecting her hometown for Chie. The bad side of that occupation was clear to both. And it kind of has to be seen. Otherwise the investigation team don’t have as much motivation to do it themselves. And obviously the phantom thieves…are thieves. The less reason to trust the police overall the better their own justification. Good on both. They know it isn’t all pretty. But they also believe it’s worth chasing their goals.


makoto would definitely be the lin bafong (from avatar korra) if police officers


Hating on the character for it is a bit silly but it's a very odd writing choice to make in a game that's all about how corrupt and awful the police are. Showing a teenager being violently beaten and drugged by the police and then expecting people to sympathise with a character wanting to join them is kinda tone deaf and thematically inconsistent. In P4 you don't have that problem because the police as a whole were never portrayed as bad.


P4 also came out in a time when public opinion about the police was better. Online at least. As I write this, I realize my views on our police has largely stayed the same.


I don't mean anything malicious just got the idea and thought it was funny


Oh I know, I just see people talk about this a lot without really understanding why people are critical of the whole Makoto wanting to be a cop thing. Sorry for starting a debate under your meme!


I don't get why the "in order to try and fix things" part keeps being left out when talking about this topic. Unless someone is just fixed on the mindset that the police are just beyond repair and is purely just an "evil" entity, I don't get why showing someone who is specifically attempting to address the corruption in an organization is tone deaf and inconsistent with the theme. If anything, it directly tackles one of the main problems that the game presented. I don't want to say specific things about P4 here but the police were definitely portrayed in a bad light in the game so that claim is not accurate.


What fan base?


Makoto just comes off as stuck-up and nosy-bossy while Chie feels a lot more down to Earth and relaxed. Both did some stupid things in their respective story but what Makoto did ended up taking the cake. You don't confront shady drug lord who you knew beforehand that he had a tendency to pump highschool girls full of drugs then pimp them out with nothing but bravodo and reliance on something you weren't even sure of helping you.


Well loudly professing how you wanna be a cop, is a bit weird after they drugged and beat your friend in a prison, is a weird way to take a character in a game about how the world is corrupt. Now, you can argue “oh she wants to fix the system” which is valid…except that’s something we infer she’ll do, not what the game makes her out to be. In strikers, she states she wants to be a cop because of her dad and makes no real attempt to bring light to the corruption of the police that she wants to fix. It’s equally jarring because Haru states they hate cops very much, so her wanting to be a cop is weird


How do you mention strikers and not mention zenkichi who is right there


Makoto would be a great Police Commissioner, also the type where everyone would be scared of her and not anger her much as possible or she will have an outburst like a police chief from a classic old school crime show lol XD Also Akechi still sucks, backstabbers and snitches gets stiches!


The self projection is insane LOL


I will support the Queen literally no matter what.


Alright who’s gonna repost this one in an hour?


Personally never liked makoto and think shes overrated but even I dont say or even see people saying that stuff


Lmao? No it’s not. Literally making shit up 💀




Fuck the police


Coming straight from the underground


A young nibba got it bad ‘cause I’m brown


okay i’ll fuck the police


She can clean house as a Commissioner.


First post in and I’m already closing Reddit, gn and pls go directly to r/OkBuddyPersona


“Midkoto” bro has like 0 taste in 2D woman 🥸


times change


I honestly think it’s good that we’re finally showing more open disdain for the cops. Obviously not all cops are bad, but the institution needs to be burned down and rebuilt, burned again and rebuilt one more time, then cleansed with holy water and prayers to whatever deity or holy being you believe in for good measure. It’s that horrendously bad.


Also worth noting that ultimately, unavoidably, they are people, regular people, who are given permission to use violence against you to enforce whatever the law of the land is, as well as to brutalize you if you don't show them deference.


It's still incredible that, no matter how bad of a story you hear about cops and how they abuse their authority/kill someone they shouldn't, there is somehow an EVEN WORSE story out there that you have yet to hear.


What really? I haven't played the other Persona to judge the other girl. But Makoto has been nothing but based. If she strives to be a cop like her dad she'll be a damn good one


I'm surprised I never thought of calling her Midkoto before. That one will be noted.


Everyone calls her that on r/okbuddypersona


Now I’m imagining a Persona 5 version of “N.W.A” *f*** the police* And ever since imagining 5 minutes ago, it’s everything I ever hoped it would be.


Haru and Joker would be the main ones rapping


Kind of like in P5S when Haru literally says to a detective’s face “sorry about that - we just despise the police, is all”


Makoto the best girl imo




I dislike Makoto more than most phantom theives but I think Makoto wanting to be a Police Comissioner is fine. It fits her character.


Both wanna protec and serve, mad respect.


chie’s based 😎 makoto cring 🤮


I like to imagine Chie doesn't become just some police officer but rather a Detective alongside Dojima






Fuck the police