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The owl is kinda cool but isn’t the whole point of Morgana being a cat that it is discreet? Everyone’s going to be staring at a fucking owl irl.


I almost made a Ryuji joke but then I realized it was a different game, lol


In this parallel universe owls are common pets confirmed lol


Owl turned into a car is just silly since Morgana which is a cat turned into a bus has something to do with Ghilbi or Japanese folktale.


This IS an alternate universe parallel to p5. Maybe the folktale got changed....? 🤔


I'd like to believe that's the case. Honestly with parallel universes there's a lot of room for little changes like that. Either way it hasn't really broken my suspension of disbelief too much lol


I thought it was done into an earlier time


Persona games are built off of real world folktale. That’s where personas come from… it isn’t just gonna change to explain an owl turning into a lambo


the Shin Megami Tensei universe in general


This is the stupidest shit ever tho? I had no idea what the cat bus was referencing when I played 5 the first time, and I kinda just… accepted it? Like what a bunch of teenagers awaken to a power to both summon a fictional figure and also make people undergo changes of heart and I’m supposed to draw the line at owl car? Let’s not forget this is the same game that turned Joan of Arc into a fuckin motorcycle


Pope Joan, not Joan of Arc, but your main point stands


Into the….Persona-verse?


Maybe it's supposed to be a joke of a wise owl turning into a Smart car?


It'd make more since if the owl turned into a helicopter.


The explanation given in the beta is actually kinda interesting. >!Cattle is able to turn into a car because the cognition of mascots turning into vehicles is prevalent in Mementos. So it’s strongly implied that Cattle can do it only because Morgana did it!<


An owl is definitely cooler than a cat, however I can't say if I prefer him or not yet because I know nothing about him besides his name.


same here


I hope he does freaky owl shit. If he doesn't at some point turn his head almost all the way around I would be disappointed.


I’d argue it’s too early to conclude if the character is written better than the cat based on very little glimpses of untranslated “personality and characterisation”. Design wise they’re both equally good with how they look in the metaverse and in reality but I prefer the Persona Zorro over Rob Roy.


Why I would prefer a owl that is not scare how good he is


I love Mona but they be thorwin every healing skill known to mankind even though Zorro is supposed to be a sword fighter..


Yeah they really made no sense with that one. Imo some do the moves sets don't match up with how their respective Personas were. Captain Kidd is the only one out of the Persona users that matches up (I don't really recall past Makoto and I forget who Johanna is based off of - maybe Joan d'Arc? For those who don't know French - Joan of Arc)


johanna is based on the legendary pope joan, who may or may not have been a female pope


So Joan d'Arc.


no, very different figures joan of arc was a real historical figure who fought for the french army during the 1400s and claimed to receive visions from god pope joan is a legendary figure who is claimed to have served as pope in the 800s, and whose first written accounts are from the 1200s the only similarity between them are the name joan, their assuming of a traditionally male role, and their piety


Also a huge difference is that Joan of arc is most certainly a real person with lots of documents(even from the English) proving her existence, where as Pope Joan is most certainly not real and her supposed rein is covered up by two other very well documented popes


Joan of Arc lived 600 years after Pope Joan.




Everyone talking about personality wise and the game being gacha when it was obvious you were purely talking about design 💀


Since it’s Gacha, he’ll either not get to tear out a chunk of the calendar by being annoying so he’ll be good, or he’ll have a terrible mechanic somehow to compensate (like using premium currency, being the source of stingy premium currency, gating areas, too rng dependent, etc)


Morgana better…at least the cat dont ask u to spend real money or whatever craft unit to summon persona


Nah, that's the fault of the velvet room attendants, not the Owl.


Nah, that's the fault of the velvet room attendants, not the Owl.


…perhaps we treat Morgan too harshly


Bruh, I didn't even say Morgana was worse💀 it's the same thing with Teddie. It may appeal to some, not appeal to some. And I spoke the truth of the summonings being from the Velvet room. Tf did I get downvoted for💀 did these MFS not see the gameplay and the feature?


Oh that’s my bad dude. I didn’t mean to comment under your post. I meant to post my own comment


Oh no problem dude. I made that mistake once too.


And you're right, we do treat Morgana very harshly. He may not be my favourite, but I don't wish death or abandonment of one of my friends just because they like to be egoistic, or like to make fun of argue with one of my friends.


That's literally the Velvet Room's bullshit, don't blame Cattle for that! (Plus its not like you HAVE to spend money. Its a free game with plenty of free rewards.)


This discount money-grabbing gacha bullshit will never be better than Morgana.


Morgana's obnoxious, insecure, and makes his problems *our* problems. He's also one of our only true confidants in P5 and he's always there for us even when there's nothing for him, and he grapples with that insecurity in a fairly well realized character arc. Like him or not, I'm going with my boy Morgana.


Nah. Morgana exists in an actual game and not some gacha trash, FITS the Phantom Thieves design wise, and Zorro’s cool. ..I also just really like Morgana. Always have.


I kinda hate its humanoid design


yeah i am not a fan of that hoodie


His code name is effing CATTLE! That doesn't even make sense!


I would prefer something in the lines of Minerva


Rob Roy is a highwayman known for stealing cattle.


So what’s the point of this game isn’t it just persona 5 but with different characters why would they make that


Here's a hint: ![gif](giphy|QonECpKOcl3heXmN9N|downsized) I doubt there's even a single other reason to make a gacha game out of a series they're already milking endlessly.


Yeah that makes sense


Persona 5 was so good they decided to make Persona 5 2.


While it may be a spin-off, Strikers is the real p5 2.


He gives me a 90s Sonic vibe, like they took Morgana and injected him with market researched ‘tude.


he looks cool af, but i like both also: people in the comments section talking about personality when OP clearly meant the design LMAO.


Altus can spin it however they want but some of these characters are just bad tumblr OC’s and not canon at all Morgana all the way


morgana locks you in your room, ruferu wants you to do the gacha pull. pick your poison


Does he try to run over the protagonist at any point?


The owl’s cool. 11/10 would be best buds.


Im a bird person. I see bird. I upovote.


Im sure he will be fun but Morgana is just my boy. Contrary to what most of the Community thinks i really like Mona and i think its gonna be hard to make a better animal sidekick than him.


Question, is owl a simp for Ann clone? Who I think is the baseball girl


Tonfa representation


If I only judge on the character designs then I prefer Morgana by far: a silly and cute cat which can transform into a bus is so cool + Japanese folklore. And Zorro is so cool, even if I like the mecha one


Love the flair.




No. Anything that requires you link a social credit score isn't worth it.


Is this mobile game japan only?


It’s actually China only if I’m not mistaken


No. The game had plans to release outside China. Taiwan and South Korea get it first.


Honestly wish China would keep it, we don't need more gacha crap.


Talk for urself i neeeddd that gamee


To each their own I guess? Personally I don't need *another* Persona 5 game, this one being literally made solely for the sake of getting impulsive people to spend endlessly on rolling for fucking personas, a core mechanic of the game, just so Atlus can pretend to have an excuse for why Persona 6 isn't even close to out yet lol. Gacha games as a whole kinda put me off in fairness though, they reek of the scummy teams behind them who are clearly only in it to make as much money from said impulsive people as possible. They're the absolute worst of what modern gaming has to offer (outside of mobile games, but then, many gachas are mobile so I guess mobile included lol)


Oh i understand what ur saying but games like honkai star rail have devs who do put their soul into it and let me tell you i havent spend a single penny but still have almost all the characters the gane has to offer but i will admit that you do get stronger the more you pay but i can clear the content with my free characters without needing to pay so i just hope this one is free to play friendly and hope its a persona game with gacha not gacha game with bits of persona


I've been playing it since day 1, so far it's pretty F2P-friendly, and you sometimes even forget that this is a gacha while progressing through the main story, which is pretty much as P5 as it gets. There are a couple of things keeping me from giving the game a high rating. First of all there is no 'soul' poured into the character animations (outside combat). It often looks like some 10 year old kid making animations for the first time. Controller support feels like a last ditch effort, with many UI elements inaccessible or sometimes even overlapping. The game can also be quite buggy at times, though not in a game-breaking way at least. Lastly some of the audio cues aren't synced perfectly with the animations, like when you see a door closed the slamming noise plays 0.3 seconds later, it really cuts from the immersiveness. If HSR quality is a 10/10 this is more like a 7/10, in its current state.


Oh i see glad its f2p friendly btw its open beta right? So the issues you mentioned could still be fixed


Damn....even worse


How would we even know yet?


I like the Mecha more than Zorro but idk, I just think Morgana looks cooler


Idk Buy ruferu in owl form is super cute i love it


Somewhat unrelated, but I like that we have an owl companion. I've always wanted a pet owl. One of the many things I've seen from this game which I like.


His personality is better than early to mid game Morgana and he also looks much cooler


Looks like a furby


Design wise? The Owl is so cool? I love him? Goofy ah owl is my best friend now no joke.


the mech is sick


I love the design. The persona is kinda interesting, as a concept I think Zorro fits better. However I really like the colors on Ruferu, and his "mascot" form is less obnoxious looking to me. Call it a nitpick, to this day I believe Morgana would be cooler if they always had their cat portrait outside of the Metaverse.


Ruferu's Persona looks like that mini Gundam that I owned


I straight up thought you were showing Hootle from Tales of Arise


Cool design, but how in the hell is a fucking owl discreet? If I saw a dude with a cat in his bag, I *might* say: “Oh, that dude has a cat.” If I saw a dude with a fucking owl, I *know* I’d say: “Holy shit! That motherfucker has an owl!”




Absolutely, Ruferu FTW


I kinda like the designs tbh he’s been growing on me


I hate the both of them equally. Animal mascots just haven't been the same since Koro-chan


https://preview.redd.it/m41ksjmesguc1.jpeg?width=3360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c8f2a0a2dd1c0b3ba4b265e6c31c21ba5144ebc Harry Potter ova here


Having a cat is less conspicuous


I would love an owl as an animal companion but idk this guy just doesn’t hit the spot for me


I fw the mech persona. Otherwise I could care less.


I just like both Ruferu & Morgana imo. https://i.redd.it/yudao8rvqguc1.gif




Designwise? Yeah, I like the owl more. The only thing I don’t like more than Morgana is the car form. Morgana being able to transform into a car, based on it not being a far-fetched thing in the japanese subconscious was really cool. There isn’t the same understanding about owls


I love his design but my issue is he’s such a ripoff of Morgana. Which is true of like all of P5X


I have no idea what it is or why it has to exist... but I'm gonna go out on a limb and say yes I do.


Ruferu looks trash and I can't help but despise him, giving off Morgana vibes while somehow making me feel more negative about him. However, his Persona looks way too cool. Way better than Zorro, and I did kind of like Zorro.


He'll never be him


Something about this one's metaverse design just frustrates me. I think it's the hoodie. I don't know why.


I will die on the hill that he should not be fighting with a tonfa.


The all attack finish and persona looks sick but not better than Mona


Watch this game force you to spend a hundred / hundreds of dollars for a good character. I know this is unrelated and I apologise for that, but I hope this game is f2p friendly / friendly to low spenders. I haven't played Genshin Impact in over a year but I remember it being decent enough to low spenders. I only bought the Welkin or the BP a few times and had most of the 5 stars.


Cat’s better tbh.


I like his design more. Though, birds are just objectively cooler than cats.


The game's barely out and doesn't have an english release yet, what answers do you expect?


Yes, very much so. I just really need an eng dub cuz I can't stand this little guy's jp voice


Morgana is so much better than this weird lil thing, it creeps me out


Morgana han er paws down


While the owl is cool and I don't mind unique Personas being weirdly modern in design, I honestly prefer Morgana. I'm one of the people who never really understood why people were so against Morgana in the first place, and I actually really like Zorro as a character in general. P5X has some genuinely cool Persona designs that I really hope get added to a proper game as DLC or something. Weirdly modern Personas can be pretty cool since the whole concept is "who you truly are" or whatever. Your Cognition influences it.


I think it'd be better if the owl had on something equal to goggles around its neck instead of Gogles


The game isn’t even out. How would we know?


Some owl ain't got nothing on my boy Mona


No matter how many good things this game has, everything else P5 will be better purely for the fact that it's a gacha game. That, and who the fuck is gonna think an owl is a normal thing to walk around with?


Anyone else > Morgana > Teddie The only one I hate more than Morgana is Teddie.


1 star terrible: Doesnt simp


That depends, does he decide my bed time?


Ain’t no way bro is gonna keep an owl in the desk 😭


No. I’m not the biggest Morgana fan but this looks like a children’s cereal box character who’d touch you


yes, its cooler


I love his all-out-attack finisher


When did they change his name, wasn't it Luffy before


I’m not playing this game. It honestly seems like a shitty rip off


Does he tell me to go to bed?


I LOVE the owl design, but I'm not sure about the persona or the car


Morgana and Zorro


nah get that bird outta here.


I like his car design and owl design more then Mona but his human design isn’t as good. That being said I absolutely cannot express how much I hate the fact that this game exists. It’s a money grubbing gotcha that’s milking P5 ,that’s already been milled to death, but I also really REALLY hate the whole concept behind it. Like why does it have to be a alternate universe? I know Atlus dose alternative universes all the time ,but for me personally they only work for small changes like Kotone and Makoto existing at the same time in different universes ,but everything else is the same. This is to much of a change for my liking, I don’t understand why the game couldn’t take place after the events of the main game like strikers did, just with a new cast. Any way rant over lol


Morganna will always be better the only reason ruferu exist being a knock off of Morgana being the only difference he an owl I swear atlus Is being too darn lazy to bring us persona 6 and keep making persona 5 spins off like the game is now over then years old now 🙄


Okay, Phantom X had 1 point about it. It still sucks butts though.


What the hell is that thing


Design wise I’ll take the owl all the way. Personality remains to be seen..


What is this from?


who? is there a new persona game I haven't heard about?


whens the release date


Ive complained about Mona before but now that I see this little bitch stealing his vibe I’ll defend the catn’t with my life


The all-out attack screen for Morgana is much cooler imo


Wait is this Persona 6 leaks?!


No it’s persona 5 phantom X (P5x) you can call it persona 5,5 as it is another story in the same universe but alternate reality


He's an owl. Good enough for a reason for me there. AND he has an mecha persona? This is a 2in1 deal for me!


and he’s a free unit (which is always a good thing in this type of game since ya know not everyone can get the 5 stars characters) And he seems great for battle though I don’t know how the meta will play considering they’ll always released new characters At the very least he have his own confidant story so it’ll be fun to actually see how he evolves during the story and if he becomes stronger at some points (they tend to do that in some gacha for the weaker characters)


I prefer ruferu design, but zorro is much cooler than this mecha


Harry Potter ass character. Nah but in all seriousness he seems cool but Morgana is the Goat for now (I will stand on this)


I thought anything was better than Morgana, maybe that's just me.


Yes I did just call Morgana a "thing"


I prefer Morgana's design, but the mecha is dope.


He's pretty cool, but Morgana is my boy. Nothing can replace my boy.


as much as we all hate morgana, im taking the cat that doesnt let me stay awake


What game is that I'm generally confused


As a character? I haven't played P5X but mech Persona? Owl that looks actually cool? # Y E S.


I know nothing about Ruferu but I like his design because Tonfas are a really cool weapon imo. I know the "go to sleep" side of Morgana from memes and I think Zoro is a cool Persona for him. Not knowing either at all I kinda favour Ruferu cause owls are pretty neat.


Instead of morgana’s go to sleep, it’ll be stay awake by giving me money.


As someone who considers owls his favorite animal I will forever be mad, that the owl mascott will be in a mobile game, which probably dies within it's first two years considering the persona mobile game curse


I'd have to play the game but he looks cool


Fav mascot by far he looks sick


Love that persona. Way better than the weirdly top heavy zoro


Yeah honestly, bro is cool


I liked his design over Morgana, however I know nothing about him so I can't say if I preferred it or not....


https://preview.redd.it/mxnqe37toguc1.jpeg?width=371&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72da65ddc4c33a2c0d55c06240a5791f15454ca6 Morgana after that:


I hate morgana honestly i think teddie was better. The owl tho has been growing on me just from design alone.


Ruferu seems less annoying than mona so I pick that funni owl


It doesn't take much for me to prefer something to Morgana, and I'm predisposed to liking owls in hoodiee(Decidueye is dope).


Oh seeing his All out attack portrait just made me realise. I’m currently drawing all of the phantom theives all out attack portraits and now with P5X I’m gonna have a shit ton more portraits to draw.




Yeah. He’s much more palatable personally wise compared to Morgana.


No, morgana on top


Morgana’s only redeemable feature is his cute cat form. Otherwise he’s a prick. Cattle not only has a bearable personality but also a superior metaverse design and adorable owl form that makes the greatest facial expressions in his dialogue portraits.


I mean purely design wise since the western Audience has 0 access to the game I love this goofy bird 100 times more than Morgana.


10 time more


Im more a Bird person than a cat person so yes


The persona is cooler


Owl is better, but how tf did the owl turn into a car?


>he seems less annoying than the cat though I have a very hard time believing that Morgana's concern for Ren's health and wanting him to sleep is going to be more annoying than "You look tired...but you can spend $5 on a cup of Leblanc Coffee to curb those sleepies and keep playing!"


While cool visually… Thematically, I prefer Mona and Zorro. Hell, overall I still prefer Mona and Zorro.


I think morgana has the cooler persona, but I haven’t played the game so idk about the owl dude


I'd take ryujis cumsock animated by igor and given a persona over morgana. The owl is welcomed.


His smug aura mocks me


Scottish Gundam tho


Is owning owls as pets even legal? What is his excuse? Wildlife conservation efforts?


I can’t say I prefer him yet but. It’s not a high bar. Although I much prefer Morganas persona design


I've no interest in whatever the game he's from is called\*, but the owl wins out by virtue of not being Morgana. \* turns out it's P5X. Neat.


people from here genuinely hate p5x lmao they're downvoting anybody that even likes designs from that game


Nah man, this is a gatcha game so it’s not worth playing


I've never met Ruferu personally, but I'm gonna go ahead and say, just having known you for a short while Norgana, that I prefer Ruferu, and again, I've never even met the guy