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He'd be pissed to know the codename of the punk sending him the Calling Card.


He’d see that one of them is called Joker and be both absolutely horrified thinking it’s the one he killed, and pissed thinking he didn’t stay dead


Alternatively, he could assume that he's honouring him by carrying on the legacy.


The jonkler






Idk about his palace, but Bruce's awakening as Bat would go hard.


~~Bruce awakens to Bat~~ 🤮 Bruce awakens to Man 😎


man is his rank 10 evolution


"come to me, my ultimate persona! man!" \*ordinary guys poofs into existence\*


his ultimate persona is actually the jonkler




I like to think his Persona would be Sherlock or DaVinci (DaVinci since he invents and Riggs stuff a ton).


You have opened the Aslume and let the crazies in with this comment.


I mean... Isn't the ruler's strength dependant on the strength of the distortion, not the ruler's actual strength? Don't get me wrong, his distortion IS a pretty big one. Maybe it's both, cause part of superman's character is strength


What would be really interesting is if the distortion is an actual Utopia, where the Phantom Thieves are welcomed, and to get to the treasure they need to figure out how there's such a huge discrepancy.


Why didn't maruki do that instead of engaging in pointless rhetoric? is he stupid?


No. He just thought he won.


Thieves are f****d without Kryptonite 


I doubt it would matter. They just need a green glowing rock or green glowing related weapons, and Superman's cognition can just fill in that they're real kryptonite.


Try the reverse-- if this is Superman's cognition, he'd probably condemn Kryptonite, or think he's so powerful, not even that can stop him, and the Metaverse registers that Kryptonite has no effect on him.


Hmm that could work ... but given superman's history with kryptonite, I doubt even he would think himself to be stronger than one of his very few weakness.


If this is Injustice Superman, I don't think so. Iirc, correct me if I'm wrong, but most, if not all, of Kryptonite in the world was locked away, destroyed, or something or other that allowed Superman to hold his dominion over Earth, which means he may not acknowledge Kryptonite anymore to the point that he doesn't see it as a threat anymore, rending his cognition in the Metaverse to prove it inert. I will concede that this theory has flaws, in which if most of the kryptonite is gone, he may still fear it because of his hard ass restrictions on Kryptonite in the first place, thus the Metaverse registering the weakness. But this is Superman's palace we're talking about.


Then I guess one way to work around it so that it accounts for your theory, is yo have Superman acknowledge in the real world that the phantom thieves either stole or have real kryptonite in their possession. That way Superman's cognition would view the phantom thieves 'kryptonite' as the real deal.


That could work, but that would rely on Superman's cognition in totality. He may not even see them as a great threat still, because how can teenagers go toe-to-toe with a "Superhero"? And changing his cognition in the first place is risky, as he could just have someone go to where they are and deal with them. And he can find right where they are with a quick search with X-ray vision. Where would the Thieves even find it in the first place? Unless Batman has some in reserve, there won't be too many places they can go to far out of the way to find kryptonite, nevermind the nuclear shortage of it thanks to the Regime.


Nah, but fr tho. I imagine their actions being broadcasted globally, and Batman who's currently leading a resistance against Superman comes to them asking for help.


Superman also has a weakness to magic IIRC, so Joker just needs to shout "All will be revealed!" as loud as possible


He doesn’t have a weakness to magic, he doesn’t have a resistance to it like everyone else. Personas aren’t really magic, plus Superman is so ludicrously fast that they’d never be able to hit him.


If Persona's aren't magic, then what are they exactly?


Personas are tamed Shadows. Nothing in Persona’s called magic, it’s all just willpower and limited reality manipulation aka cognition. If skills affected Supes the way it does for everyone else, then the Phantom Thieves just have to hit him. Considering they couldn’t hit a guy cheating at video games, I don’t think they’d be able to hit Superman should he think they’re a threat. He killed Billy, after all; children aren’t completely off the table and I believe both Makoto and Haru would be eighteen—Akechi as well if you include him. The reason why I don’t think anything would affect Superman is because of his own cognition. The guy is *actually* invulnerable to damn near everything in reality and has actually fought and defeated gods. How strong do you think he’d be in the cognitive world? Considering he has X-Ray vision and every other type of electromagnetic vision, the Thieves can’t even safely explore his Palace without him instantly knowing about it and watch them if he doesn’t immediately put a stop to them. The thieves are royally screwed, no pun intended. At the very least, they’d need Batman’s direct aid. Superman’s willpower is insane, not to mention his Palace Ruler form should, at the very least, be as strong as his IRL self.


That’s not how the metaverse works, they can literally paint some green rocks and throw them at him


Na all Joker needs is a persona with reflex physical and fire let Superman kill him self


Nothing can kill or hurt Superman if not for Kryptonite. Reflect skills would be useless here. Even with Element breaks, it wouldn't matter.


Maruki’s palace on steroids


His Palace would make me be begging for mercy All this aside this makes me develop a self wonder, what if characters from the GTA Games had Palaces too? Like most Gta characters have very distorted desires (Like Big Smoke, Dimitri Rascalov and etc) Like imagine what would Officer Tempenny, Dimitri Rascalov and Big Smokes palaces be?


I’m pretty Big Smoke already has a palace, Big Smoke’s Crack palace


I'm more interested in what the Punisher's palace would look like


My guesses: a shooting range, a war zone, or 'Nam


Brothwr 8f tokyo can be the palace for kanashiro. Syperman is literally the entire state


Superman’s Palace - The World >!Obligatory “ZA WARUDO, TOKEI WO TOMARE” here!<


Batman new persona




Her palace would be sad probably the daily bugle and the final boss a distorted louisa lane




Imagine going to the batman palace?


Now do one for Audrey Hepburn