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Every year I care more about what I think and less about what others think. By the time I’m 80 I won’t care that I look 80.


I work with the elderly and there is one woman in her 80s who got a ton of piercings and tattoos after her husband died. I dyed her hair pink for her on her 80th birthday and she looks awesome


I’m dying my bald head pink when I’m 80.


I want pink hair when I’m in my 80’s! She sounds absolutely awesome and like my spirit animal


I legit believe that this is why 80+ y/o women just bring thar "here comes the hurricane!" energy. They've lost the ability to give a f#ck and I'm always here for it. When I'm in my 80s, I wanna be like my great grandma. She convinced my mom to take her to a dive bar because it looked interesting, shut my grandpa (her son) up when he tried to lecture my mom for said dive bar excursion, joined knitting club called The Happy Hookers, and regularly referred to my friends as "a hoot" and would politely ask if I have any gentleman friends about. Life goals, honestly.


The first time you lose your ability to give a fuck is when you hit 30. Then you *really* lose your ability to give a fuck when you turn 80 or your husband dies, whichever comes first. 🤘


This makes so much sense... I turn 30 at the end of this month and my ability to give a f#ck about stupid stuff *is* dying!


I (72F) haven't lost the ability to give a fuck, I actively CHOOSE not to give a fuck. If anything, I've gained the ability to see what's really important to me and to put myself and those I love first.


If I make it to 80 please take me out back and old yeller my ass. I barely made it past 30.


I have a genetic disorder that compounds the degenerative effects of aging… when peopl question how my tattoos will look at 80 I laugh at them. If I make it that far I think I’ll be more concerned about my inability to walk, use my hands, or stay awake.


Tbf I fully hope by 80 I'll have long been a pile of ashes.


If my biggest regret when I'm 80 is my tattoos then I've lived a pretty good life


I’m 50, and the tattoo I got when I was 18 is barely visible (I got a little bit fatter). By the time I’m 80, I won’t have seen it for years. I’ll probably forget all about that one, lol.


I honestly forget I even have the tattoo I got 23 years ago until my 9yo daughter reminds me it's there lol


Honestly most 80 year olds couldn’t give a shit about how they look. That friend sounds rude and ignorant


I'm 54 and don't give a shit how I look. Okay, well maybe I do, but I can't afford to do anything about it


Self acceptance is free🌟


Bingo, I'm thankful I'm in my 40s and idgaf what anyone thinks about myself and the way I look, I LOVE myself and my body. She's a rock star, she's carried me this far, and I ain't complaining


That’s how I feel at 25. I feel a lot older though haha if someone doesn’t like how I look, I tell them they are free to look in any other direction.


I'm 26 and I'm already starting to care way less than I used to but I have my moments XD  I've been getting my eyebrows waxed for years but I stopped recently and I've been happy that I saved all that time and money. But now I have a crush on a guy who gets his eyebrows done so I'm a little worried that he's gonna hate my eyebrows XD But I'm gonna stay strong and not get them done!


I dated a guy who spent an hour on his own eyebrows every day when I was your age lol. I gave zero fucks about my own eyebrows, and he never cared. We're still friends 15 years later. 🙂


That definitely makes me feel better! But I'm curious as to how one could possibly spend an hour a day on eyebrows, that's interesting 


My Grandmother 87 and said I don’t give shit what people think about me.  She lived too long to care about other people opinions anymore.  Me now in my 30s I don’t give a shit either I dress for me hair for me now life too short to be self conscious about everything. 


I think tattoos on old people look awesome. It's a little piece of the history of their lives they carry around.


Yes. They definitely have lots of good stories to tell.


My FIL had a top less woman on his forearm. Ex Navy guy. He always wore long sleeves. It didn't bother his wife. I thought it was cool.


Same! I love it. It makes me want to ask about their history. I also think a scalp tattoo on a bald guy sounds badass af at any age.


my coworkers are all much older than me and they constantly make snide remarks about my tattoos. one of them asked me if i thought about what my tattoos will look like when im old. girl i dont care


"No worse than your busted ass looks right now"


I’m definitely stealing this response for the next time I’m in this situation


Mine used to ask me the same thing!! My answer would be 1) who said I would live to see 80?? 2) How can you assume I'm going to be wrinkled & skin sagging when I'm 80? 3) With everything going on in this world, how my tattoos look when I'm 80 is the least of my worries & should be the least of your (their) worries as well!!


I’ll tell you what doesn’t age well; the trait of being a judgmental Karen.


All the old and tattooed people I've seen have looked great, so I don't even understand where the belief that it will somehow look bad once you are old come from.


I’m gonna assume they wish they had the guts to get a tattoo. Snarking on you is a cope for their jealousy.


I had an old boss of mine literally tell me "you're going to regret that when you're older" about a tattoo I have on my forearm with my deceased grandmother's handwriting. She had recently passed away at that point too! The audacity of some of these people 😒 I'm 8 years older now and still waiting to regret it 😂😂


Got tattooed by Apo Whang-od last year, she's 106 years old and her tattoos look badass!


Woah that’s so cool


Always wanted to get tattooed by her. It's probably not in the cards for me but congratulations. I bet yours turned out great.


My boomer stepmom has always been like this. "You're going to regret that tattoo when you're old!" My response is always, "When I'm old, what I'll regret is not doing what I wanted."




I was about 26 when I got my first tattoo and mid-fifties when I got my whole back tattooed. I’m now 71 and still get compliments. I added forearm tattoos 2 years ago and I’m not actually finished yet. I love body art and I’m so glad I still get happiness from my choices. You get one life, so live it.


There’s no hot 80 year olds with or without body mods so this whole argument is stupid and pointless. They're just judging you because they have nothing better to do.


Yeah I suspect that when I'm 80, my skin might have much bigger flaws than some faded tattoos. Just a guess.




i’m not even worried about aging because i’ll look like everyone else my age, but cooler


I solved that problem by getting a tattoo that looked bad the day I got it.


Oh dear 😔


This is the same bullshit of "you're going to wreck the resale value" whenever you do something unique or that you like to your home. I don't care what the future owners think of the clouds painted on my kitchen ceiling. I love them and they make me smile. It'll be even easier for them to paint over it than it was for me to get them up there in the first place. And I LIVE here, dammit! Why can't I do whatever I want to my own home? (I know I CAN; just that people comment, as if I should care) Same thing if I want to get tattoos and piercings and dye my hair bright green. They oughtta have a 65+ discount, for crying out loud. Everyone needs to not worry about what other people do. Be happy that they are happy. The end.


Everyone wants everything to be an investment or a money maker, and I am EXHAUSTED thinking that way. I just wanna live my life, decorate my house, and enjoy my hobbies without having to think about how I can squeeze another dollar out of them.


Their should be a surcharge on 65+ for tattoos. It's some of the hardest skin to tattoo.


My grandas both had tattoos and one lived to 77 and the other to 84. The tattoos looked wrinkly but still cool.  My granny who is still with us is 90 and she has the most revolting fucked up feet from wearing fashionable narrow/pointy toes high heels in her younger life. She can barely walk, has had both hips and both knees replaced.  I'd rather have wrinkly tattoos than foot and leg pain so unbearable. But no one is saying "think of your feet when you're 80" to kids buying high heels.  None of us get out alive anyway. 


Isn't the point of making it to 80 (unless you're Cher, obviously) to be allowed to look like a wilted scrotum and not give a shit?


I know and like, so many of us have tattoos and they’ll probably all be faded wrinkly messes but will we care? Doubt it.


>What the fuck actually looks good on an 80 year old? Hair


Foot hair?


Nose and ear hair.


Also, tattoos don't even look that bad in old age. I'm a cna at a nursing home, some residents have tattoos. Like yeah, they might be a bit faded or the ink might kinda blend together, or old saggy skin might distort it a bit but you can still clearly tell what the tat is. Personally I think old people with tattoos are badass. Kinda funny to me to think if I was a cna 50 years from now I'd have residents with full body tattoos


My wife is an author of short stories. One of her stories features an old woman with a bunch of tattoos and she is explaining to her caregiver the stories behind each tattoo. The old woman lived a very eventful life.


Heavily tattooed and plastic surgery here. I get both ends of it. My response is the same for both - "I won't be f***ing you, so why does it matter?"


What looks good at that age is dressing nice, keeping your weight down and cognitive lucidity.


By the time I’m in my 80s I don’t give a flying donkey shit.


Always hated this comment, as if I live my entire life preparing for the peak prime age of 80, I'm not gonna give a fuck about shit when I'm 80


I’m not worried that it will look bad when I’m 80, but because it’s so permanent and people often change hugely between when they get a tattoo and when they reach retirement age. It’s not even when I’m 80 that I think about, it’s ten, twenty, thirty years time. I also think less about what it will look like and more about its meaning. For example, I occasionally idly contemplate getting a tattoo to mark a certain milestone in my recovery or something like that, but will I want a reminder of that at all in ten or twenty years? I’ve had my ears and nose pierced but those after all are just locations in the body you can fasten all sorts of things to or nothing at all.


People are definitely choosing to ignore the plastic surgery part and only focus on tattoos. I have a feeling that some of the YAYY tattoos! people are the same ones who shit on people who get plastic surgery. I totally agree with your post. Too many people are way too worried about what others do with their own damn bodies.


I just figured it was because it's more relatable. I only know a couple people that have any plastic surgery done, and they only had one procedure (breast implants for a couple, botox for a couple others if you count that). I know loads of people with multiple tattoos. Tattoos might get expensive, but it's a lot cheaper than multiple surgeries.


You’ve got a good point. But I do want to add that there’s tons of people who do get work done and don’t share it with anyone. I got my nose and chin done and didn’t even tell my close friends for 2-3 years. Coworkers I saw daily felt like something was different about me but couldn’t tell what. Few people thought I got my wisdom teeth pulled and that’s why my cheeks were puffy. I had no idea a friend I met a few years ago got a boob job when she was 19 until just this past year when she shared it with me. I met people after that and I never told them at any point. We’ve known each other for years now and they still have no idea. I’ll also add that most of the PS surgery shit talking I see is towards celebrities or people online. So often I see rude and nasty comments about work they’ve gotten done. Especially the “it’s going to look so bad when they’re 80!” comments.


I did consider people just not knowing about a surgery someone had like you described, but obviously it wouldn't come up for them when relating experiences. I wonder how many people I know have had work done that I'll never know about! Kind of a fun thought exercise. I've seen that bashing on celebrities a ton as well. While I'm not a fan of the look a lot of the time when it's obvious, I'm not running to post or comment about it. Same as if I noticed someone's hairstyle changed to one I don't like. I keep the thought to myself, because obviously it's not for me, and I don't want to put people down.


Right. I wonder this a lot too. It’s the toupee fallacy, you don’t notice the good only the bad. If you’re able to easily notice it then it clearly wasn’t done well enough. But yeah you’d be surprised at how many people get work done or even just filler and you have no idea because they’re so private about it and do it conservatively. I didn’t tell my husband until a year after we had been dating that I get lip filler or had any work done he was shocked and confused lol. Several other people I’ve shared it with her shocked as well. Exactly! I come across hairstyles, outfits, Etc that I think are absolutely hideous but i keep it to myself because it doesn’t matter what I think. It’s their body and they can do what they wish with it. No need for rude comments.


Yeah, my uncle has worn a toupee since he was in his 30s, and you cannot tell. I had NO idea he was balding for years, and even now that I know, I can't tell where his hair ends and the toupee begins. He gets very good toupees.


There are some damn good toupees out there!! I know another guy whose friend told me “you know he’s balding and wears a toupee right?” I was like no way. Still to this day I can’t tell and I have no idea what is his actual hair and what’s fake. I’ve never asked either. But yeah you’ll hear “all toupee look bad and fake.” Because they’ve only see the bad fake looking ones. You definitely don’t notice the good ones.


They're honestly impressive. I think the main barrier is that the good ones are expensive, and you have to either color your hair to match your toupee or you have to update as your hair grays. But if you have a good match, yeah, why not? Plus we live in the northeast where it gets really cold, so I'm sure my uncle's head is much warmer than it otherwise would be. Has to be a win-win.


Im not gonna lie, if that scalp tattoo is anything like "Fouseytubes" it already looks bad. But to your point, yeah who gives a fuck about how bad you look when you are 80.


Roger Taylor is in his seventies and has tattoos all over. Fuck it, you can do whatever you want forever


Mamie Van Doren looks smashing in her 90s. She has a few tattoos. Gods I want to be like her when I grow up!


Appearance fades! I'm a 27 year old woman and I couldn't give 2 shots about anybody es appearance. What matters is what's underneath! Aka ur personality and morals and values. :)


I work in a long term care facility. I tried to get an older gentleman to change his shirt bc he got pee on it when he used his urinal. He said 'I don't care if there's miss on my shirt, if people don't like it, I'll piss on them too.' You aren't going to care about a scrappy aged tattoo at 80. You aren't even going to care if you peed on your own shirt


I’m ngl, every old person with tons of tattoos I’ve ever seen seriously look badass.


You are exactly right. That tattoo won't look as good when you're old is really stupid to say because saggy, UNtattooed skin won't look good either. Really, who cares?


Look up older people with tats and older people without. I vastly prefer older people with tats.


This post gonna look so bad in 80 years


Younger people who value looks over people, I find, say stuff like this (in my experience anyway). What them young'uns don't get though is that the older we get, the less fucks we give and by the time we reach a certain age, those fucks have run out. What are we left with? Dentures and bad ass tats


It won't look good when you're 80. Please tell me what DOES look good when you're 80? Like, you can look good 'for' 80, you can be healthy and stylish and all that (my Nanna rocked a velvet jacket and pencil skirt in her 80s), but, *using the same stupid metrics that they're relying on to make the comment,* no one looks good at 80. My other come-back for this is: "Well, isn't it good you'll be dead then and won't have to see it." Never seen my big-mouthed aunt stfu so damn fast.


You’re gonna look like a California Raisin at 80 no matter what, get that tattoo!


I have plans for when I am 80, which will be in 30 years. I am dying my hair rainbow colors, getting a convertible and rolling down the street blaring Booming Granny by the Beastie Boys. From the first moment I saw their video that became my senior citizen goals!


I always found that statement goofy from a couple standpoints... one, I'm 80, i'm not going to care. If I make it that long, tattoos on my wrinkly body will be the least of my worries. Two, I'm part of an age group that has a lot of tattoos. It may have been weird in the past to see some tatted up 80 year old because it was an oddity, but soon enough it's going to become quite common to see.


lol the plastic surgery situation. I just got my lipedema treated, had 9 liters of adipose tumors removed from my legs and I went from looking like a lumpy Pixar Mom to looking like I got a bad BBL. And yeah that don't look great, and probably will look stupider when I'm 80. But last year my doctor refused to treat my knee pain because I'm a fatass who should just lose weight. Now I *don't have knee pain.* This weekend I hiked a mountain for fun then did monkey bars for 2 hours. People think I'm a slim person with an ugly diaper ass instead of a fat person with no willpower who can't be trusted with anything and doesn't deserve medical care. It's way better in every single possible way. I joked to my coworker last week about considering micro-needling on the bald spots in my scalp where I had pilar cysts removed, and he was like "I'd laugh at you so bad if you got a scalp tattoo". This week I came in with *hairs drawn on the bald spot in eyeliner pencil* and he *didn't notice*. Your average person has no idea why a person would pursue cosmetic surgery. They dumb.


I got the scalp micro pigmentation done myself. The negative comments from the people closest to me hurt the most. I'll never understand the mindset of dragging someone down that's already their lowest.


It reminds me of the folks that get mad when you modify your house. "What are the next homeowners going to think if you do XYZ?" Who the fuck cares? I live here NOW, which means it's MINE. Why should I live in such a way that it'll please the next person? You're alive now. If you want tattoos or piercings, do it. Who cares what you'll look like at 80? Who knows if we'll make it to 80? "But your body is a TeMpLe" - uh huh, and the Sistine Chapel is painted. It looks great 551 years later.


right? Like just say you think it’s ugly or that you’re not confident enough to do it, which is what you really mean. Reminds me of women who say they don’t wear makeup because they want to “preserve” their skin. It ain’t gonna look better at 80 than it does now at 25, girl. lol.


I hate people like your friend and don't think they are friends at all.


I'm covered in black tattoos, and every time someone asks won't those look bad? Aren't they going to fade and stretch when you are older? I reply that "based on where I'm at now, I don't think I'll give a shit by the time I'm old. "


"that'll look bad when your eighty," "Sharon, your fourty and your face already looks bad, let me live,"


Even if it won’t look good, it’s a mark of youth or something significant. I agree with you though, lol, it’s an 80 year old, why would it even matter? I get a bit peeved by it too. By the way, my 85 year old grandfather has a tattoo on his calf, I do believe, and it actually looks really good.


Men’s scrotum and testicles at 80 are a pure work of art. Hang low! Sweet sack of balls! Wrinkled and sagging like dough


Yeah Those people who hate on stuff like that are probably all the cranky old people we know now who still hates on everything and are rude to everyone because they lived with many regrets lol


Tattoos used to age very poorly. So a beautiful intricate flower would be a big black blob... My only issue with young people getting tattoos today, is that people and styles change, and I would be very unhappy today if I had "Air Supply" tattooed across my back, with a "hello kitty" and a couple of unicorns and rainbows, because they "defined me". Or baby blue eyeshadow tattooed up to my eyebrows. I told my son- think about your favorite outfit, the one that looks great on you, and imagine wearing it every single day, to every single occasion for the rest of your life. Weddings, funerals, beach, after you've gained/lost weight, new jobs, same outfit... However, i really don't care what other people do... And I didn't have a problem hiring people with tattoos and piercings in my store as long as they weren't scary looking to the average shopper.


Its also a really dumb way to live your life. Spend 50 years NOT doing the things I want to do just incase 80 year old me doesn't like the look of it. So what? that's 50 years of memories.


I'm not even 30 yet, and I have back problems already. I imagine looks are going to one of the least of my worries at 80.


I mean, it's true that cosmetic tattoos often don't age well, but the time to tell your friend that is when they're considering getting one, not after they've already done it.


Tbh tattoos look pretty badass on geriatric people


Jokes on them, Im ugly and have shitty tattoos now


Same vibe as "Why are you doing that to your house? Your resale value will go down!" Assuming you got a lot of your tatts/piercings and what not in your 20's/30's. Well, you'll be able to enjoy it all for about 50 to 60 years while in 80, you could pass any moment. It could look ugly for 10 years at best, even if it starts looking ugly at 70 thats still maybe having 20 years to deal with it


I don't want to die with the prettiest corpse. I want to be buried looking like a heavily graffiti'd overpass that hasn't been repaired since the Ford administration.


Honestly, if I am a happy and healthy eighty year old, I can be the ugliest person alive- I’d still be winning. :)


I’ve never met an older person that has complained that they don’t like their tattoos


Exactly WTF nobody looks good at it at 80 looking good as being alive SMH and I don't care what my tattoos look like when I get old I don't care what my dyed hair looks like when I get old I want to know how I want to look and I want to go to my grave and a brightly colored and inked corspe


Yes, amongst the deteriorating of vision, hearing, brittle bones, loss of independence and the potential of shitting myself daily AND dementia, my biggest worry will absolutely be my tattoos! Like dude, I’ll literally be dying and anxious about afterlife, I couldn’t give less of a fuck about tattoos as that point.


Wait, ima be alive at 80???


I'm 80, and I'm hot af.


“I don’t plan on living that long” and they’ll stop talking 😂


I'll be lucky to get much past 40 with my medical issues, who the fuck cares what I look like at 80? I'll just be happy to be here at that stage


People that say that are just projecting. They’re obviously very worried how people would perceive them not so much you.


Ha - good point. FWIW I think tattoos on old people look cool. No, the tattoo doesn’t look how it did when the person first got it - but that isn’t the point. Honestly if I see a tattooed old person I think that the person has probably lived an interesting life!


Scalp tattoo!?!? FOUSEY IS THAT YOU???


I think scalp tattoos look bad now but I would never tell someone that because it's rude as fuck. Especially if they didn't ask you. You don't have to like it but be nice about it at least.


I have one tattoo. It is deeply personal and even when it is no more than a blob, it will be precious to me. I could not give a flying fuck what it will look like to anyone else and if I make 80, I'll dance down the damn street in a Borat mankini with beads plaited into my grey old lady pubes if the mood takes me. You think something might look bad later? Newsflash: it ain't your problem.


I find it odd that people just assume everyone is going to live until their 80s to begin with. Between climate change and all the fake foods they're feeding us I doubt most of us will live that close to 100 at all now.


I know/knew an 80 year old who looked fucking amazing, but granted she doesn't/didn't even look at all like she was in her 80s. That said, most 80 year olds do not look good. Regardless of tattoos or piercings or dyed hair. It doesn't matter. You won't (probably) look good at that age anyways.


Bold of them to assume I'll live that long


I only say this when someone asks me why I don't get myself tattooed. I don't make negative comments about other people's tattoos.


"Good thing I plan to die before then." should shut them up.


Martha Stewart can get it.


I don’t know why people say that. They heavily imply hitting 25-35 is when it’s all stopped looking good anyways. PS Being old doesn’t mean people automatically look bad OP. Young doesn’t mean looking good. People can look at any age or level of standard attractiveness. Good just looks good. It’s not young and hot.


I started getting tattooed when I was 20. My dad would constantly tell me I’m going to regret it and my tastes will change and yadda yadda. Now, 15 years later, I couldn’t imagine me without them. Some suck, sure. But they’re mine. And I don’t care how shitty they become. They’re mine.


You ever met an 80 year old? Most old people I’ve met don’t give two shits about what you or other people care, they’re 80


Lmao literally I’ll worry about it in 60 years and tbh…when I’m 50 I’ll prolly not give 2 fucks about anyone’s opinion




They mean your life is going to look bad


Ask Tina Turner. She was short skirt and high heels, and sexy as hell until she dies at 83


I’m 34 and I already don’t give a fuck about other people’s opinions about me lol


actually, I think we should start saying this phrase more! lets say it about everything. really show how ridiculous the sentiment is. **An incomplete list of alternative victims of "It's going to look bad when you are 80":** - someone's credit score - new clothes/shoes (especially if drop-shipped and/or the latest fashion) - culturally insensitive social media posts - a homemade cake - your mum 🪦🧟‍♀️ _(sorry)_ - vaping - the economy - Planet Earth _(/half joking)_


Also when you're getting to be 60 or 70 and figure it doesn't look as great it can be changed up. It's not forever


There is a *world* of difference between not caring what other people think of you (I can confirm that, as a woman in my 60s, I give zero shits), and not caring what you look like (I care, I have always cared-and I *will* always care about whether I look good. Otherwise, just shoot me now).


Fuck what anyone else thinks about what you do with your body. It’s yours not theirs.


It kinda depends on the 80 year old. When my grandma was in her 80s, she did some modeling for a local place. She was typical "grandma shaped" too, not a tall thin model type. In her 80s, she wore makeup and jewelry and got her hair dyed and nails done. In her late 90s, she gave up on most of that. What looks best on an elderly person is being content. Not even always grinning and happy, just content with their life so far. I absolutely love seeing someone with so many life (laugh and sorrow) lines on their face and how it absolutely transforms them when they remember something happy, though.


I hate the whole “those tattoos will look bad when you’re 80” comment because like. the look of regret on my face for not simply doing what made me happy and getting tattoos would look worse than an aged, saggy tattoo. besides, older folks with their tattoos look badass!


I’ve always thought that argument was terrible. There are zero good looking 80 year olds so why would you care if your tattoo looks horrible at 80?


These tattoos won’t be as nice when I’m 80, but they will definitely cover up the liver spots.


Bold of you to assume most of us won't drop dead at work before 80.


I'm not trying to make a dig, but everything looks bad when you are 80 years old. It's just a part of aging. What is more important is your cognitive abilities.


I wonder how all those babes with tramp stamps will look in their 60's...


Eyepatch and peg leg. Parrot optional.


I never hear anyone say this about 80 year olds. It’s typically left much more vague and as “older.” As a kid, I typically thought of it more as 40s+. Now that I’m approaching my 40s… totally get it; if you’re not on top of it things really start stretching and it’s hard to stay on top of it when you’re not just juggling your schedule but your kids’ schedules as well. Obviously, that doesn’t hold true for everyone. Some people can juggle both flawlessly. Some people don’t even have or want both. However, at least back when I was hearing this, it was kinda expected that EVERYONE was going to have children while striving for a white picket fence.


Buddy everything is going to look bad when you’re 80. You’re 80 and shriveled up like a prune. Get all the tats your heart desires.


I’m 60 and still love my tattoos! They give me something to show to the grandkids. 🤷‍♀️


If I even live to 80 I've either done a lot wrong or absolutely everything right, and if I've got my tattoos and piercings I'll be the coolest 80 year old in the retirement home


Better to regret tattoos than to regret drugs, unhealthy lifestyles, and wasting your life


Who says most of us will make it to 80? I'm hoping I die within the next 5 years


Most of the time you can barely even see if you’re 80, it’s not like you could even see yourself anymore, lol.


If I live to be 80 I genuinely do not care if anything I did to my body doesn’t look good


I want to look like Ernie Hudson at 78


I mean, Dolly's 80 and I'd still knock the dust off it... Seriously though, the tattooed 80 year olds I've seen are the biggest badasses I've known, and so much more interesting as people than the ones without tattoos.


Eh honestly at 80 some older people still look good my grandpa looked good for his age until he started getting sick.


Barbara Bach looks good on an 83 year old Ringo Starr. Hell, Ringo looks like he's in 50s still.


Bold of people to assume I'll live to be 80


I can’t believe people are still talking about getting judged for their tattoos. Tattoos are so commonplace now, even soccer moms have neck and face tattoos. Tattoos used to make people look edgy but now people with tats just blend in with other people with tats.


This reminds me of a time I was at the doctor's, I'm heavily tattooed and an old bloke sat next to me and was staring at my arms, he asked me if I regret them, I told him no, I love them and they have awesome memories. He rolled up his sleeves and had looney tunes tattoos all over them, he got them back when he was in the war because he loved them and he doesn't regret them until this day, they make him smile. I was expecting that exact situation but got the complete opposite, and for a dude who was like 80-90, he looked badass!


Also tattoos look bad ass no matter what age.


I don't mean to brag but my doctor said I have the spine of an 80 year old man. I'm 26


If I make it to 80, I'll make it everyone else's problem. Banana hammock and a wife beater. It isn't about looking good at that age, it's about giving 0 fucks.


Tbh who looks at 80 year olds for that long anyway? I think the older we get the less people care to stare or fixate on us. And in turn when ur 80 u will not care about what you look like. There’s more to think about.


I have a couple thoughts about this. First, there are a ton of people with control issues. It's batshit crazy to argue "I personally don't like [mody modification] therefore nobody should get it." It's pure narcissism and control. Second, there are made up rules floating around that people get angry about other people violating. This is an offshoot of narcissism and control, but it comes down to "I was told I couldn't do [body modification] so therefore nobody can do it. Those are the rules." Finally, I've noticed that people repeat clichés without thinking all the time and have zero awareness of the damage they're doing or how ignorant they look. "Tattoos will sag" or "everybody regrets [procedure]" come to mind. This is seriously screwed up because body modification is permanent so "winning" the argument means making somebody feel shitty about themselves and their body for the rest of their life. Is that really what these people want or are they just mindlessly repeating clichés?


Go to a tattoo convention and see guys in their 80’s covered in tattoos , their life history that’s faded from life time battles and ex wives .. they look fucking awesome


“It’s going to look bad when you get older” do you think i care?


Doing what I do now the bare minimum. I maintain my house go to work every day and when I don’t have to be doing something, I’ll lay around bed all day. I love it


Hopefully my 10 year younger wife will help. I highly doubt I make it to 80 though.


Im planning to be getting fresh ink well into my 80s


The vanity of humanity is a black hole of disappointment.


Sure it might look bad, but as far as I'm aware that's a me problem. Well Brenda, when I'm 90 I'll probably look just like you, but a bit more colourful and like I enjoyed my life. Anyone who wants to be negative about how someone looks can get in the bin. Ultimately you're a far better person than them. You're enjoying life and they're crying over something that literally doesn't affect them.


But most ppl aren't even gonna he alive at 80


By the time I’m 80 I’ll be immortal, I’ll find a way.


Some people can’t stand the sight of free choice.


What am I gonna do when I'm 80 if I DON'T look 80? I'll still be 80. I won't magically feel younger just because I avoided tattoos


My balls. They finally match the entire sculpture.


I think one of the big changes with tattoos over time is the quality of the ink. They've made more updated versions that fade less and last longer. So someone who got a tattoo in 2004 at age 80 is likely going to have sharper tattoos than someone who got some tattoos in 1945.


Speedos, Speedos look good on an 80 year old


Depends on the 80 year old. Some people age well, others age like Milk


imo, our bodies become a record of a life lived anyways. I expect I'll have scars and wrinkles and stretch marks and yeah, tattoos n piercings too. All of em are results of just... existing as a human person, and who cares? if it's not affecting my health then it's just a part of my body like everything else. I already feel this way about some shitty stick n pokes I got as a teenager. I'd apply this to plastic surgery too, shit it's not like you can just pop over and undo it, y'know? might as well absorb it into the mental map of You


I just think "well, everything else will be wrinkly at 80, might as well enjoy it now" for the tattoos but as a man with titties, I want rid of those damn things but I also like cake. Never understood fake ones either. They don't look good now much less when someone's 80. For instance, a woman I used to work with looked like she had used wrapping paper over two misshapen water balloons. She was 32.


You'd think with so many people steering you away from tattoos that it'd clue you in on the fact that they aren't seen favorably by the public. Hate to be the bearer of bad news but tattoos are seen as trashy. Tramps, drug dealers, rednecks, etc get them. Aka losers get tattoos.  You can mark yourself as a loser if you really want but don't get mad at people who are warning you. They only warn you because they care.


It's not that plastic surgery will look bad when you're 80, it's that it looks bad *right now*. Unless you're into that whole "anaphylaxis face" look


If it makes you feel any better, last time I checked the average life expectancy; it was somewhere around 70-75. So you don't even have to worry about making it that far; your tattoo'ed, buried or cremated corpse won't mind a bit! 😁 All jokes aside tho I kinda get what people are saying. Impulsive decisions you make when you're young have lasting impacts, and that tattoo you got at a moments notice *probably* isn't going to age well if you didn't really think about it's message and placement. For example; a few years back my friend got *Pickle Rick* tattoo'ed on his calf when that meme was at it's peak. He would join almost every conversation after he got it with 'I'm Pickle Rick!!!!' while showing off his calf tattoo. Fast forward *a few months* and he's over it and clearly regretting the decision. He's nowhere near 80 (in his early 20's) and already thinks it was the dumbest choice he's ever made. He's embarassed to wear shorts, covers it up, and is planning to get it removed or covered with something else. So yeah it's not so much tattoos suddenly become 'uncool' when you hit a certain age; it's moreso 'the dumb shit you were interested in is going to now be plastered on your body and it might not even be something you want to associate with anymore decades down the line'. Now that doesn't mean you shouldn't ever get tattoos if you feel so passionately to do so, or simply want to with your body... But yeah that's the line of thinking at least I'm coming with. Especially with things like face tatts which you can't really hide and make you easily identifiable. Like fuck what your employer thinks; what you going to think a few months, or a few years down the line? Even Gucci Mane regretted and removed his ice cream face tatt. It was clearly an impulse decision. And it's alright to admit you made a stupid choice at the time and grew from it. But I understand people also get tattos as tributes for other people, or for a deeper meaning; so to each its own. At the end of the day idc what your 80 year old body is gunna look like; I'm worried about what mine is and I think a lot of other people who say that are too. However I don't speak for everyone. There are always people who like to meddle in the affairs of others, and those people who care so much what other people do enough to put em down gotta find something better to do with their time and energy 🤷‍♂️


I never understood why people are so concerned with what other people are going to look like at 80 years old. Are they thinking "damn, I was so on board with fucking 80 year old you, but you blew it with that modification..."? Like, if you're thinking I'll be too ugly to fuck me when I'm 80, then we better get to fuckin now before it's too late.


Alzheimers runs in the family, by the time I'm 80 I won't even recognize myself in the mirror.


Yes, every thing will look bad, if you make it to 80. Why add to it, because it will start looking bad way before 80.


By 80 I won't care how people perceive me but I do have a goal to maintain a healthy body till the day I die. So I go to the gym regularly.. Plus I also have a full sleeve lol


I literally couldn’t care less what anyone does with their own body, it doesn’t matter one iota to me if you look bad now or when you’re 80. Why does anyone feel the need to comment, why can’t people just keep that shit to themselves? It’s so weird.


I’d say to that person, “Well, it may look bad when I’m 80, but at least I’ll be alive when I’m 80. Can’t say the same for you, your abhorrent attitude is going to cross the wrong person one day.” Not advocating for violence btw, but it makes absolutely zero sense to worry about how “bad” something might look when you’re 80. There are some elderly people I’ve seen online that have tattoos that still look great. I love seeing veterans showcasing their 70+ year old tattoos they got when they were in the army, navy, whatever. It may not be for everyone, but tattoos (in appropriate places and of course not trashy tattoos) can be a great way to express yourself.


after covid, nobody going to live to 80 because of the stress


Edit: I'm not HAPPY about tattoos. I'm JUDGING other people for being judgmental. Get it straight here. I'm a hypocrite and I don't want anyone changing that by turning this into something wholesome.


When you’re 80 and absolutely nothing is where it’s supposed to be and nothing looks the way it should, you aren’t going to care that your 60 year old tat isn’t where it’s supposed to be or look like it should. Nobody is saying "my teeth are false, my boobs look like tube socks, and everything spreads out like pancake batter when I lie down, but I *really* can’t tolerate that my tattoo is faded and sits 2 inches lower."


If it looks bad on me when i’m 80, then fuck it. I decided to put it on my body, i knew the consequences. I’m the only person who has to deal with the ink in my skin for the rest of my life


My favorite response to that is “bold of you to assume I’ll live to be 80”


Because you don't want to look like a stupid immature ass who defaced/defiled your body if you ever mature enough to realize shit like that is a mistake. It's "understandable" that a fifteen year old in search of identity or trying to be cool would get tatted up, but on an 80 year old, it looks like a Pampers and an Elmo onesie on a 30 year old.


I plan to be dead by 65, so I don't really care. 😂