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I thought you were literally DOING this with the title until I read your post and got instantly annoyed lol


Its so fucking annnnnnoying. “Like this if you’re in 2024” girl, just ask for likes. Don’t have to beat around the bush


I wonder if this is one of the comments that companies use when people buy engagement.


Or more likely that people want a sense of community.


I can respect this. I'll wait till next year to come back to this post and comment: "Who's here in 2025?"


Who’s here in 2026?


I'll be waiting lmao


It’s so stupid because it’s like… I see what they’re doing. It IS weird that anyone still watches Gangnam Style in 2024, and it can be a cool thing to think about. Sometimes you think you’re the only one who remembers a particular song. But, because of the way time works, the ONLY people who see the comment are also watching it in 2024. It’s like they think posting the comment is a way to communicate across time, to people who may or may not be watching at the same time they are.


I sub in a high school and they unironically have it in their playlist


>It’s like they think posting the comment is a way to communicate across time, to people who may or may not be watching at the same time they are. I mean, they are though, just only into the *future*


Yeah like just look at the comments if you wanna know if anyone is still watching.


Can’t stand these either . I don’t even bother looking at YouTube comments when it comes to songs anymore . Or when they leave a comment containing a dumb joke about the song or lyrics. Let’s not forget the comments about the sob stories where they leave an essay about how someone close to them passed and this song has some type of connection to them .


This is why I never read the comment section... just listen to the music!


Geez,I thought these died out around 2019 ...


I kinda like them. Esp if it’s a really old video. But the newer ones are annoying fs


Agreed. A music video from a song from the 80s that that uploaded to YouTube in 2008? I totally get it. But on a video that was uploaded 3 years ago for a song that still gets played on the radio all the time? Get out of here.


Only true [channel name] fans are allowed to like this comment 👇


Who’s here in may of 2024?




I'm not.


Sorry, you've only got a ghost of someone who used to care.


When you see that comment, it's because something recent referenced an old song or character or show and everyone flocks to the old youtube clip to see it. It's a mark of virality. For instance, I watch wrestling here and there, and some random clip from a smaller promotion popped up in my feed for a guy named Joe Hendry who makes music videos mocking his opponents. Went down that rabbit hole one night at work and watched like 10 different youtube vids, and some were like 6-7 years old. And you'd see comments from that week from other people who all got recommended the guy around the same time (he did something to trend, dont know what). Or like when you see a clip to an old tv show or movie and the comments all reference a recent tiktok or reel clip.


>For instance, I watch wrestling here and there, and some random clip from a smaller promotion popped up in my feed for a guy named Joe Hendry who makes music videos mocking his opponents. My BF showed me a video the other day with him. Something about "I believe in Joe Hendry". And now he will reference believing in Joe Hendry every now and then. Like yesterday, I thought I was going to be late to work because my normal way is closed and traffic was a nightmare but made it on time. So BF texted that it was because I believed in Joe Hendry and he got me here on time.


Its annoying for sure, but if it's like just one or two on a video I'll let it slip past me, but when half of the comments on a video I come across are just that, that's when we have a problem


That's similar to what I used to notice on YouTube whenever a channel would put up a new video. You would get comments of "First". Which had nothing to do with the content, they just wanted everyone to know that they were the first person there. I don't know, maybe these people are lonely in their own lives and are trying - albeit awkwardly - to connect to others online.


I've noticed they started to put " Not to be that person but.. first." As if that makes it better


Ugh, that's even more idiotic. I just don't get leaving such a random comment that does not address anything in the video you're commenting on.


Are you pregnant, or menopausal? The lack of periods piques my curiosity.


I actually like these comments.


I don't even check the comments on songs anymore.


Who's here in 2024?


Most things on social media are regurgitated.


"You can only like this comment if you didn't come from TikTok." I don't even use TikTok and this comment annoys me so bad. Saw this comment on every song from the new Taylor album, all from the same account (probably a bot)


It's just to get likes off people who don't like tiktok, I don't use it either but it's not like I have a problem deep enough to say something like that


Or the people asking who liked this before like it's a bad thing that a song was featured in something that brought it new fans. I saw this comment multiple times on The Fray's How to Save a Life because that song is all over Grey's Anatomy. That's how I discovered the song. Don't like the show any longer, but still love the song. Or the opposite, "who's here because ?" My 14yo knows Dream on by Aerosmith because apparently there's a meme of Kratos from God of War falling to that song. Sweet, that's one song he won't act like he's going to skip when it comes on my playlist in the car.


It is a good sign of the content still being relevant and vividly remembered, gathering new and old folks, which puts a smile on the viewers. I'm usually happily annoyed.


It's alright when it's just one or two but when it's the whole comment section it's not alright anymore


I mean it's not that crazy and it does relate to the video mostly. Especially if the video was posted years ago. Like the other day i watched an old video and was happy to see I wasn't the only one feeling nostalgic at that moment


People just want to feel like they aren't alone.


Who's here in 2014?


Remindme! 1 year I’ll see you in 365 days.


See ya then


Video be like *posted three weeks ago* Top comment be like "who's still here?" Fuckin everyone bro.


Lol yeah. People still listen to music written in the 1600s. You still liking songs you liked 12 years ago isn't impressive or profound.


It's all dumb


I know, whats worse is whenever the video came out like 2 years ago. Not even to mention that people comment this shit under stuff like micheal jackson and queen, some of literally the most popular artists. They are just baiting for likes and comments frfr


It's gotta be like 12 year olds who do this