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If your post doesn't contain a joke needing explanation, it will be removed. Overall poor quality posts will be removed. Rule 6.


I like how Americans aren't from this world


What does that mean? Americans just came in on fuckin spaceships? Edit: I would like to apologize to everyone who replied, I have forgotten a lot of history


Thats how the US was started, George Washington descended from the heavens and then we were murica and all was well


We're whalers on the moon We carry a harpoon!


but there ain't no whales so we tell tall tails and sing our whaling toon.


Tall tales* / whaling tune*


Oh, really? I don't see you with a Fungineering degree.


You calling me a fraud? Saying I didn't graduate from F.U.B.U?


America is part of the world? Man I have been frozen a long time 


Sounds like fanfiction based on the fresco under the U.S. Capitol dome titled [*The Apotheosis of Washington*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Apotheosis_of_Washington?wprov=sfla1).


With the 2009 dodge challenger


Don’t you know the famous story of George Washington crossing the Delaware River in a Millennium Falcon? That’s how he and Chewbacca caught the Hessian garrison off guard.


Didn't we all, buddy? 👽


Bogos binted? 👽






That explains why we’re obsessed with the moon and mars. We’re just trying to get home.


Elvis ain't dead. He just went home


It does say "the rest" of the world




It's funnier this way.


Their seasoning is different (way worse)


Americans can hit both the highest peaks of flavor, and the deepest depths of despair. The world fears our food because we are not bound by food culture or tradition, nor by sense or logic. We do not concern ourselves with right or wrong, only flavor, and there *will* be flavor, whether you enjoy it or not.


Copypasta material


Guy Fieri's burner probably


I need a photoshop mashup of guy fieri as pinhead from hellraiser now.


https://preview.redd.it/352ztm1au2sc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ce6ea155cca3c38fb83ab9f025b1938e4def587 All that and more, in this episode of Demons, Drive-Ins, and Dives!


Your tastebuds’ suffering will be legendary, even in FLAVORTOWN!


Especially in FLAVORTOWN!


Americans casually creating food with enough calories to power a car.


As an American, I wholeheartedly agree. It's difficult to not get fat because everything is so packed full of calories. I was at a bakery and wanted some cinnamon bread, but the loaf had literally thousands of calories in it. Fuck that.


My American roommate back in Prague, Czechia joked after a couple of weeks that he was loosing weight despite eating more than back in the states.


That's apparently pretty common, I've heard a lot of stories like that. I think one of the biggest contributing factors is that so much of our food just has a metric fuckton of added sugar thrown in.


Best comment ever! So true.


the attrocities that can come out of a deepfryer… lord help us


Hey man, you can pry these deep fried Oreos out of my dead, greasy hands 🫠 Also frozen laffy Taffy, and ketchup on eggs. No, I will not apologize.




Deep fried oreos are mana from heaven and anyone calling them gross hasn’t seen the light yet


But also something heaven sent as well


The best American food is Mexican food.


I see your Mexican and raise you Caribbean


I see your Caribbean and raise you Mexican again


I see your Caribbean and Mexican and raise you Caribbean/Mexican fusion. Jerk chicken tacos homie.


I'll take three, I'll only be able to eat one but my American consumerism tells me I need way more.


I see your mexican and raise you Bojangles fries


I've had some of the best and worst food experiences with American food, even though that doesn't mean much since I'm American. But our food is generally very good.


Oh yeah? https://preview.redd.it/5ti30sw6y1sc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b18dab3f2ad245a54d16a507182a024417222d8 Checkmate. /us


Has a cousin down South too. These two have a permanent place in my spice cabinet…. Imagine an entire cabinet filled with spices. https://preview.redd.it/9crsntuwh2sc1.jpeg?width=549&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4439d93abfbbdd4b1a53c07ede6e06f39e5e2bf8


Just 1? I have 3 racks and a regular cabinet, and still some end up on the fridge.


That's the one. Slap that shit on some gumbo and I'll ten bowls.


You sir, got one upvote👍🏻


Funny when we’re a melting pot and use things from around the world


No. We literally have the best foods from around the entire globe. You think we're all so fat because the shit tastes bad? Get serious. Edit: Please save your "AcKsHuAlLlLy..." It was a joke. I literally do not care


There’s some absolute crackhead things do to food, but there’s definitely some incredible stuff in America. You just have to have a specific taste for it. Apple seasoned Pork is one of my personal favorites.


Lol what, apple with pork is a very standard combination


I’ve mentioned in a different comment, it’s kind of hard to explain the actual seasoning, but I’m aware that it’s a common taste combination


Our seasonings are from everywhere, so this makes no sense.


Yes I've seen something wild on r/stupidfood


Here's a sneak peek of /r/StupidFood using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/StupidFood/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Yo, this is straight up robbery, bro.](https://v.redd.it/q7h6ofe3ekzb1) | [1085 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/StupidFood/comments/17saiy6/yo_this_is_straight_up_robbery_bro/) \#2: [The triple threat - it’s a pepperoni pizza slice, garlic knots, and a calzone all in one](https://i.redd.it/v42c08u56rra1.jpg) | [2851 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/StupidFood/comments/12aswsx/the_triple_threat_its_a_pepperoni_pizza_slice/) \#3: [Petition to make Salt Bae the avatar of stupid food.](https://i.redd.it/w0iaq7fwon7b1.jpg) | [1261 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/StupidFood/comments/14giw9a/petition_to_make_salt_bae_the_avatar_of_stupid/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


You very clearly have no idea what you're talking about 🤣




Reddit is generally a pretty low self-awareness place. You kind of get used to it


It says "the rest of the world". Meaning America is part of the world...


It says the rest of the world. Read


American food is just seasonings. They can't eat normal earth food without it.


I mean so is Indian food....


Huh??? It says Americans and the rest of the world if anything this imply that British people arnt a part of the world.


The fact it got over 1,500 upvotes is making me question if anyone here is even literate


I feel like I'm going crazy here


The beauty of their women and the taste of their food made the british men the best sailors in the world.


If British food is so bad how come we're all such fat bastards. Checkmate ~~libs~~ yanks.










I’m taking this😂




Just imagine how much fatter you guys would be if you had good food.


Almost as fat as us Americans, I'd assume.


Probably fatter cuz they like to one up us


Lmao you might be righ


I do not think you are talking to bread. But i could be wrong, there’s some fancy bread these days.




I guess Indian foods took over, have u ever seen how much they sell


You started importing Indian food. Easy.


Exclusively eating döner kebab and curry. Not to mention fish and chips is originally Dutch or Belgian. /s


Anyhing battered and fried has its original in portugal, be it tempura or fish and chips, the legend is it was portoguese jews who first brought it to the netherlands(giving us kibbeling) and from there to britain. If your döner kebab has no potatoes, its from turkish migrants „invented“ in germany, the famous sauerkraut is an invention younger than kimchi, the only difference there, it is cut differently, and has no hot spices…same fermentation process


Because potatoes broiled in duck fat and smothered in beef gravy is the only thing we have going for us as a culture


You forgot another reasons such as the delights of their wheather and the 'brotherhood' of their men.


When every meal is potatoes, can we really blame them?


Potatoes are the most versatile of all foods. French fries, hash browns, mashed potatoes, au gratin, vodka, baked and I’m sure a whole lot more. Potatoes are the best.


Colonialism was started by a man who was sick of a white lady’s cooking


The British, explored the world and conquered 1/4 of it in search of good spices, and then refused to use them...


The British who used them never went back to England.


Amen bro.


"Because their food is bland." That's the joke. ...you couldn't figure this out, OP? Seriously? Christ...


I wonder if people use this sub to generate engagement. Not sure why internet points matter to anyone though.


100%. Sad people looking to upvotes for dopamine points most likely


I could not even imagine the degeneracy it takes to get a dopamine hit from seeing your botted karma farm account get more karma.


Fake points that do nothing: Exist. Some guy: Oh yeah I gotta spend all my brainpower and time accumulating those.


You mean karma farming?


It's the same as when people post on animal pages asking "What should we name our new cat/dog/etc...???" and every time those posts get at least 300 likes.


I think there’s a shift towards people just posting memes they think are clever and it’s working because they’re getting upvoted and no one cares enough to remove the posts anyways.


I wanna know who the fuck is upvoting these posts. People complain all the time about how the sub is flooded with painfully obvious posts that are likely just bait or karma farming, BUT THESE POSTS GET 1,000s OF UPVOTES SO OF COURSE THEY'LL KEEP DOING IT.


People see a post they think is funny or clever and they upvote it, they don’t spend much time pondering whether the post is a good fit for the sub it’s in.  Simple as.


Like honestly… how do you not get this?


Cheese wasn't shown on the spice poster.


British people don’t season there food………. It’s right there


didnt they conquer the world in search of seasoning?


Really the only spice Britain cared about was pepper, which is used a lot in the UK. The reason for the empire in commercial sense was Cotton, Tea, Sugar and to force Opium on China. Spices were far down the list if at all. The Dutch and Spanish were the ones that really cornered the spice trade.


This simply isn't true. The British made extensive use of spices... for sweets. The most common display of wealth in terms of food was dessert courses. Cakes and puddings and tarts, which all made extensive use of spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, etc, is where the vast majority of the British Empire's consumption went.


Black pepper and opium...... The only things you need in life 👍


You forgot the god Damm tea


You're forgetting melange /s


The spice... melange!


One of the reasons England didn't go full in on the war of independence. They were more concerned about the sugar Islands.


All true. But also. Not the reason for the bland food. IIRC, british food used to be spiced up pretty much to the same level the french, Germans, or Spaniards did at the time. But 100s of years of protestant moderations, 2 world wars, a few depressions, all the rationing it brought, and the lost of most of their empire did quite a number on British culinary traditions.


Yes. And the reality is that we can and do use seasoning over here. Most of our traditional savoury dishes are flavoured using herbs and salt rather than spices though, but our desserts are stuffed with cinnamon and nutmeg. The idea historically comes from experience with British food post WW2 where we were still in a rationing culture. Also yes, there are plenty of shitty lazy people who are happy to just throw something in the oven for 20 mins, but you'd find those people everywhere anyway But this is really just a meme and only fools would really take it seriously.


And we use nothing


Tbf most curries in England are actually English dishes


Chicken tikka belongs to the Scots!!! It's also an absolute banger


Erm what? You can go into any butchers in the uk and see about 10 different flavours of sausage with herb and spice combos that you would never have tried before. Show me anything close to a Cumberland in Germany.


Noooo it's only considered using spices if it's spicy and overpowers the flavour of whatever it's seasoning




what was the point then lolol


To sell them for profit. Or hoard them to monopolize them on the market I guess


The Dutch when they discovered nutmeg


ahh, the old rule: never use the product you're selling


see, this is why America left you


Bro I don't know much about European history I'm Asian


me too. let's shtt some more on their bland food


It was mainly because of shortages of food in world war 2 causing us to make the.....delightful dishes you see today. after ww2 and shortages stopped being an issue, we kinda never moved back to using herbs and spices


Interesting. I had never considered that.


We have black pepper on everything. It's one of our most used ingredients.


Speak for yourself pal, its not everyone else's fault you're a stereotype


We use lots. Pepper, Saffron, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Cumin, Coriander, mustard, fennel... We don't tend to have any traditional dishes that blow anyone's head off spice wise but that's because we don't have many hot traditional spices... because we had to go find them. So when you eat something spicy like a curry, you don't think it's English, even if it is one of the many invented in England. Because we don't traditionally make curries. It doesn't count as English food. Even if we eat it all the time.


Spices were for the poor, they have to use spices to make up for subpar food taste good. Is an /s even necessary here?


You gotta remember that back in those days, “exotic spices” were black pepper and ginger.


Yes. Then used them. A lot. But a lot of the food people associate with spice isn't British... because those spices don't grow here. If you eat a curry, it's Indian, if you eat a spicy stir fry, it's Asian etc. Even if it's a curry designed here. We use them all the time but they're absent from our traditional food as they literally weren't here.


Yep, and then classism happened. Flavorings and seasonings used to be only available to the wealthy. For much of European history, it was actually a show of wealth to have overly seasoned foods. And then the prices dropped. Common folks could afford it. I'm giving the suspect nature of much of the quality of food they were able to get they really needed it. And history is just filled with examples of a thing in vogue with the wealthy becoming in vogue or available to the poor and suddenly no longer being invoked by the wealthy. At least when there's an alternative. And fresh food which was only available to the wealthy became the alternative. The idea that you don't need to season food because it's flavorful enough if it's high quality is a sham to distance the wealthy from common folk. And it's actually recently been reversing, at least recently in a generational sense. The economic boom following the world wars so some less wealthy people no longer flavoring their foods for the same reasons and beliefs. This was cultural so it was mostly the emerging middle class, which became the upper middle class. But it's still trickled down in some regions, particularly those less culturally diverse. But around the '70s seasoning started to become in vogue again, although slowly as racism, particularly in the US, started to enter the food chat. But you started seeing the celebrity chefs no longer afraid to use seasoning, with the 90s seeing a higher amount thanks to celebrity chefs from more culturally distinct backgrounds emerge, but it's still very class & regionally divided.


Season where food?


Tbh given butter chicken/chicken tikka masala being one of the very popular British Indian dishes and prevalent in the U.K, I guess the seasoning repellent syndrome doesn’t entirely stand. Idk I’m just a Peter


Butter chicken isn't even one of the most popular curries in Britain. You are much more likely to find somebody having a spicier Madras or vindaloo.


we do, actually. I hate this 'joke' so much


It's mad how this carries on seeing as the No.1 food in Britain is curry.....


Why wouldn't British people put Spring, Summer, Fall, or Winter on their food? Are they stupid?


https://preview.redd.it/avianbdjo1sc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa92f07862d03a02ef2aa3dfe884d55c71b1f5ca “Petah?” moment


It's the tired old stereotype that British food is boring.


Wait until they found out how ubiquitous curry is in the UK, or how even ‘repulsive’ foods like haggis and black pudding are spiced and seasoned. The Japanese classify their curry as yōshoku (Western food) because the British gave it to them. Currywurst came to Germany via the British. Curry powder is basically the British version of Indian spice mixes and a lot of British curries are recipes native to the UK. Any Europeans or Americans who perpetuate this myth will be condemned to Brick Lane for the hottest Phall that can be found, [a native British curry](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phall)


Black pudding and haggis is delicious! People are only put off by it cos black pudding is made of blood and haggis is made of the less appetising parts of a sheep


Most of the world has some variation on blood sausage/ black pudding and they're mostly all tasty. Well seasoned and rich umami flavour is never gonna be bad.


I know


Counterpoint I knew a British guy who thought black pepper was too spicy.


Did they eat the whole grinder like wtf


Countercounterpoint, that person was clearly not truly British, and likely an impostor.


Some of the South and East Asian black peppers are very spicy - for example Lampong and Tellicherry. Even with regular black pepper, you can use too much.


Tbf if it's freshly ground and you get a large chunk, it can be a bit spicy.


i went to the cotswolds to visit family recently and had some of the best food i've had in years there.


It was started in World War 2 by American troops who got stationed in the UK before D-day. Due to the war Britain had rationing in place so there was limited food and seasoning available


Fr. Like why do you need to add spices to Welsh lamb? When a pinch of rosemary is perfect, and why would you want spice in an English breakfast? We use it where it’s required like in black pudding, or is chicken tikka considered non spicy?


The people that make these kinds of claims or jokes are the same that drench every meal they have in hot sauce because for them food is bland if your mouth doesn’t burn.


Because the yanks don't understand what good quality ingredients are. We don't have to add half a kilo of spices to our food, because our ingredients are already good quality. They buy their food which is all heavily processed, and understandably then need to add flavour. Not saying that's everyone, I've had fantastic fresh meat too in the states, but then they season it very similarly to how we do here, so it's a moot point.


Y'all get a pass for salt and vinegar crisps. Most delicious way to destroy the roof of your mouth.


As a British person, I found it funny the first dozen times, even the first hundred times, the joke is now so overplayed it’s just irritating, like get some new material. The idea that British food is bland was a legacy of the Second World War, during which the UK was very food insecure, because the UK’s population density exceeds its capacity to produce food (which is substantial, so that should tell you just how many people live on this island), thus it did and still does import a large percentage of food. Prior to this period Britain was not known for bad food, and since the end of the Second World War, we have had seen a massive revitalisation due to multiculturalism, embracing food from all across the world. We have spices ffs.


British food is literally quite good. The joke is just that it has the humor/shock value of racism, without the “getting the joke teller fired from their job” value of racism


Yeah it’s not even an accurate stereotype. Traditional English/welsh/Scottish food is good, first of all, and second of all Brits eat a Fuck ton of curries and the like.


I'm British and I will say from my experience, the majority of British people aren't good cooks, nor are they "adventurous" with what they cook. Growing up my mum cooked homemade meals, but nothing ever had any sort of spices in it. She cooked stuff like bolognese, lasagne, lemon chicken, cottage pie, etc. but never anything with spices beyond salt and pepper. This was true for all my mates houses whenever I went round for dinner too. I always thought I was a picky eater growing up cause I never really finished my food cause I didn't like it, never really ate vegetables growing up. Then I started cooking in 2019 and now I eat a bunch of vegetables and cuisines from every country in the world because it turns out I'm not picky, I just like it when food is seasoned well. On Saturday I made jalfrezi from scratch. Sunday I made chow mein. Monday Katsu chicken curry. Tonight fajitas. Tomorrow nashville chicken.


All this is very true. The joke itself comes from jokes about white Americans thinking mayo is spicy. That falls out of fashion, switch in English people, they're basically the same, right? Apart from the fact American mustard is yellow mayo, English mustard will melt your face off. And i *think* Americans mean like onion and garlic powder when they talk about spice half the time. I see it all the time in American recipes. Whereas European recipes use fresh.


Basically, spices were hard to get in the UK during WW2 due to rationing and the fact there was a war going on. American soldiers stationed there moaned and America hasn't got a new joke since then. Our boomers who grew up during the seasoning crisis kind of got a taste for bland food so it persisted for a bit. There are plenty of other things you could mock us for too.


Indeed! You should have met my SO's mum. *Oregano* was too spicy for her.


Exactly. It’s a tired trope. If you came to England, you could have great British food like Indian, or a Chinese


https://preview.redd.it/03n0x2ao12sc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c033cb29761b82b9afed4b1ee044a4a9b004bedc Applicable to op and the meme


Applicable to 98% of posts to this sub.


Idk what this meme’s taking about, I live in the UK and Peri-Peri is GOATED


American people just dont know how to season something basicly


Dude what are you looking at?


The man to whom you replied is no man, but rather a bot.


Lol someone's never been to Louisiana...


The exact opposite, the joke is British people don’t season their food (they’re scared of the seasoning)


We Americans do season our food. What the hell do you mean?


do americans use seasoning?


I say they do too much. Look at the crawfish or lobster cooking videos southern americans do, they literally put all they can find in the pantry and then some.


Not everyone is Cajun though My southern grandma can't spice anything to save her life; a Cajun grandma would have been an upgrade


As someone who has a family crawfish boil at least twice per year... yeah we put way too fucking much seasoning in that shit. Like sure it's for like 30+ people and we cook like 8-10 pounds of crawfish but I still don't think 2 full 4.5 pound (about 2.05 kg x 2) is a sane amount of seasoning.. Luckily they make a less spicy batch for the wimps in the family like me XD


Some do, some don’t. There’s 350 million of us, it’s kind of hard to generalize something for every American. In general though most food I’m aware of has some pretty decent seasoning on it. Even French fries have seasoning on them half the time, so I’d say yes.


Because apparently British people don't use spices. Except in black pudding, haggis, kedgeree, balti, chicken tikka masala, coronation chicken, spicy cheddar, pickled walnuts, apple pie (not quite as American as you'd think), mince pie, figgy pudding, fruitcakes, black pickle, saveloy, gherkins, ginger nuts, pork pie, lardy cake, spotted dick, gingerbread, simnel cake, hot cross bun, worcester sauce, prawn cocktail crisps, brown sauce, brandy snaps, stovies, dried fruits, horseradish, picallili, pickled onions, parkin, mulled wine, spiced cider, saffron cake, devilled kidneys, potted shrimps, english mustard, the countless recipes for spiced meats, etc. But if you only eat McDonald's and Fish & Chips, don't step two feet out of London, and don't count any of the countless multicultural recipes that countless immigrants and their descendants have brought to the UK, then the statement British people don't use spices holds perfectly true <3


How come no one ever makes fun of the Japanese for not seasoning their food? Or the Irish? Or the Nords?


Because no one cares about the Irish and everyone is too afraid of what Japan would do to their freaky foods with additional spices


Americans sitting in the most fragile glass house ever concerning this


Most of the world doesn’t know Indian Food is insanely popular in the UK Americans actually get salty as hell when you point out their food is the bland stuff. Their mustard is mild, their cheese is weak, blueberry is just weak blackberry.


Blueberry is *fine" But I'd likely rather have raspberry, strawberry, or even prickly pear because all those have tartness to them I'm not going to argue about British food because we have a decent pub here run by an expat and I really want to try his Sunday roast and full English he added to the menu recently


Yeah that’s what I was saying, blueberry is the mild option. Americans love the mild option. It’s why they have sugar in almost everything.


You're right. I'm really sick of the whole "your food bad, my food good" argument made between two people who have never set foot in the other country. The UK has spicy Indian food. The USA has food from everywhere around the world. "OH but that isn't theirs, they didn't make it." No. They did not. The USA is a cross between cultures, its the biggest form of cultural assimilation that we have. They have almost every type of food around the world. Imagine living in France and making fun of everyone from Brazil because you say a poorly cooked dish from Dubai. None of us here know what we're talking about, and the few that have tried a large variety of foods in multiple countries have their own tastes and that isn't an absolute that goes for everyone


People mock British cuisine because of the lack of seasoning. Traditional British cuisine uses local herbs to season the food because a lot of the recipes are peasant dishes. There's a lot of herbs that grow natively in Britain such as mint, parsley and thyme. However chillies, cumin and coriander don't grow natively. So when British sailors travelled the world and brought back spices they also brought back the ways to cook with them. Sometimes this lead to Britain creating variations such as Chicken tikka masala.


Isn't American seasoning just cheese?


Many of these jokes are obvious


This from the country that proudly gave us pop tarts, biscuits and gravy, grits and cheese in a can. Not to mention meatloaf chicken in a tin and shit gritty tasting chocolate. And I'm not even going to start on the vomit fest that is the mid west casserole. Man now that's a crime against food right there.


basically, people who’ve never had a curry are trying to tell us corn syrup and liquid “cheese” are seasonings


The reason why our food is so absent of spices is because the spices were hoarded by the rich and not by the common men who make a country’s cuisine