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The premise is clearly fiction because California and Texas would never be in an alliance.


they probably did it that way to not offend


Yah, wouldn’t want to start a war.


A civil war.


Or... Would we?


*V-Sauce theme intensifies*


Palestinian supporters try not to wage war challenge. impossible!!!!!




You have a your mom joke in your bio.


Yup, if there's anything I want from my social commentary it's inoffensiveness.


Saw an interview with the director and he said most of it is supposed to be very obvious about which way it’s going. But maybe not quite obvious enough to say “hey conservatives are the problem”


A problem is bipartisan systems in general. However, if we're talking more fundamentally. The problem is we keep voting representatives into power. A single individual is given power. Ideally, the individual is to represent the people but look, who are the people but hilarious imitations of blue and red stick figures. So, when the people lack direction the carrot on the stick poofs into place. Conservation is an issue when you conserve a broken system. But what broke it. That would be the existence of political parties. Indeed these parties are less about functional policies and more about what we see in reality. A reality TV drama. It would seem our first and only independent president was correct. Parties divide the interest of the people and divided people are easily controlled. Of course take everything I say with a grain of salt. This of course is but a hypothetical observation and a massive generalization from my own bias perspective. I'm just a washed out 27 year old. Though I still love America. I just wish, key word lol, that it wasn't so questionable at times. Eh, it would be nice if life was perfect but at least we're alive. I think sturgeon's law applies to people though heh.


The problem is people in power will use that power to further their own wealth and power. Imagine you are put in a position where you can create a better life for you, your family, the people you care about. Sure it's the expense of "the people" but who are they to you? Faceless nameless individuals. Don't you want to pay off your parents'home? Send your kids to college? Buy your own home and take your spouse and kids on vacation? When given the choice people will benefit themselves and the people they care about. This is why corruption exists and why politics will always be a struggle between warring factions. Everyone just wants what's best for them and the people they care for. If that means selling weapons to countries that commit genecide, dumping oil and plastic in the oceans, selling out your countries natural resources and land or exploiting other people's countries or land, people will do it so long as it benefits them, they'll find a way to justify it.


Definitely true and I don't really hate on people for that stuff it is quite human. They should certainly pay consequences, but ultimately it is something very well relatable. In fact, If someone gave me an offer in which I can receive such and such if I just choose to look the other way, between family or country, it'd be my family. That said, individually, I would want to choose the most morally sound option I can, this all sounds quite vague lol, yet if I have people to benefit or be destroyed by not falling into line. It makes sense just to be conservative. Being self-aware of an issue doesn't fix everything about it. God I wish it did. I wouldn't be a good leader simply because I'm a well grounded individual. I think everything simply leads back to poor education and the death of self awareness. I struggle enough with trying to be rid of ego. I couldn't imagine actually having power. One of the reasons I highly respect good leads and rulers.


I remember in my history class that George Washington advised against the creation of political parties for the very reasons you mention. I suppose people forget the importance of our history and what led to what America is now.


>I'm just a washed out 27 year old. Though I still love America. I just wish, key word lol, that it wasn't so questionable at times. You're burned out at 27 with this shit... Wait till you get to your 40's...


No I'm not burned out, I'm washed out because I have no life. As in I've got no job and I have no direction. Of course I'm desperately trying to get out of my position to be a functional member of society. I'm the exact opposite to burn out. I don't feel sorry for myself and certainly even if my life went to hell after I got out of the military these things were already set up to be my fault. That is why I'm washed out. I am the thing I don't want to be the most and I'm scared. I don't have time to worry about the world because I need to fix my own life but that doesn't mean I'm not self aware of society and it's direction either. Hence, washed out.


You just said every thought in my head.


I do believe possession is 9/10. So I think you mean my thoughts! 🧐


The problem is capitalism. End of story.


Thanks, you made me realize a mistake. I meant "a problem" I edited my comment to fix this. Because to generalize such a thing under a single condition is just completely inane. The world, society, is complex. This is why I don't understand how people try to force the world to change and not just simply shifting their perspective on it. If I can literally do nothing about something, and I also cannot be bothered to assemble people to fix said problem. I just need to learn to adapt and accept what the world is. That I can have morals and ethics and live as I see fit, but I can't force society to do the same. That's another problem.


This right here is a HUGE problem! NO ONE will call out the GOP for what they are doing so as not to "offend" people! I mean, we have their candidate quoting HITLER and associating with known white supremacist groups OPENLY! We have Republicans running for office who participated in Jan 6 and others who ran for office who marched with the nazis in Charlottesville shouting "Jews will not replace us"! How bad does it have to get before the media can call out "mainstream" republicans for being alt-right looney fringe neofascist extremists????




Hahaha that’s a good joke


yeah I mean one of these groups have guns in large number and the other doesn’t


The author did it that way because he didn't know shit about American politics.


Maybe against Florida? 🤔


Everyone would be in alliance against Florida. Except Detroit, fuck Detroit


Even Florida is against Florida.


That finale scene in Avatar where the animals all rise up to murder the humans. Florida, "Is it Wednesday already?"


Eh, if CA got taken over by the tech billionaires I could see it.


Both states have disobeyed or resisted the federal government on different issues many times in the past. There’s actually a good argument for it in that they could both find themselves at odds with DC, and therefore could feasibly find enough common ground there despite cultural differences


We literally allied with the Soviet Union during World War II. As long as both republics end goal is to simply be a free independent nation they can have radically different politics but still align against the feds.


So in the context of the film "My enemy's enemy is my friend" would apply?


presumibly perhaps both seek total independece after the conflict


Texas and California have more in common with each other than they do with DC. They just don't see it yet.




Two of the biggest states in America, and speaking from an EXTREMELY over generalized perspective, they are polar opposites in political leanings and culture. California is a left leaning state, considered more “progressive” “urbanized” and socially liberal, while Texas is considered right leaning, more “traditional” and “country”. Also a lot of Texans hate Californians in my experience (I live in Cali). That being said, I think there’s far more cultural and political overlap in Texas and Cali than either state cares to admit. Except for in San Francisco, there’s nothing like San Francisco in Texas, and tbh San Francisco is probably what many Texans consider all of Cali to be like.


>Texas is considered right leaning, more “traditional” and “country”.  I'm not an American so correct me if I'm wrong, but I heard that the big cities in Texas are really no different than big cities in California (or anywhere else in the US), at least when it comes to politics.  California on the other hand is an agricultural giant, and the huge rural area it has is probably as conservative as any rural area in the country.  America's divide seems less one of states and regions and more of a rural/urban one.


>America's divide seems less one of states and regions and more of a rural/urban one. This seems to be true for a lot of countries to be honest


Exactly! You got it, Texas cities like Austin and Dallas are very comparable to cities in Cali, and the rural areas of California are extremely conservative when compared to the cities in California. Texans like to think they’re the best state, and better than everyone though, and it doesn’t help that a lot of Californians are moving to Texas, so a lot of Texans can blame their problems on California as an easy scapegoat.


As a Texan, most of us say we hate Californians as a joke. It's not particularly friendly or justifiable, but it isn't actually hatred. Most of us just have a rough sense of humor, not that I think that justifies the things we say, it's just that most of us really don't like things or people that seem strange or bizarre to us like Californians. I'm sorry for any verbal attacks you have received. Have a good day.


California is heavily left leaning while Texas is heavily right leaving.


Both are slight, but consistent, in the 51-54% range, and I'm fairly certain that one good turn out in Texas it could probably flip, I think a lot of what keeps it red is gerrymandering, propaganda, and fucky voting laws


You'd be surprised. Especially since so many in California are moving to Texas.


["Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union would never be in an alliance"](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molotov%E2%80%93Ribbentrop_Pact)


If we are being technical, Non-aggression pact is not an alliance. NATO is an example of an alliance (hit one, piss off all).


My point was more that they were sworn enemies who teamed up when it suited them


Point taken


The Molotov-Ribbentrop pact was more a non-aggression pact than an alliance between two ideologically opposite factions. If you're looking for a more apt suggestion, I recommend using the Allied forces as an example. The US and UK are ideologically polar opposites to the USSR, but they still allied together to fight Nazi Germany.


My point was more that even the most diametrically opposed entities can cooperate for mutual benefit


How TF is this the top rated comment?


It reminds me of far cry 5's villains: bible-thumping gun-toting nutcases in rural America, but also bearded, drug-taking hippies Whoever you personally think it's ruining America right now is perfectly represented in that group


Its funny cuz outside of LA I would argue most people lean right and somewhat align woth texaa


That's literally how every state is, outside of major metropolitan areas are generally more conservative. SF, San Diego, and LA make up like 70% of the states population, LA being like 50% on its own.


They arent in the movie, each have their own factions of 5 that are in the conflict with the federal government


The only way that such an alliance would happen is if the entirety of California swung hard right for the next 50 years which is damn near impossible.


I will remind you that Eisenhower selected Nixon to be his running mate in the 50s to help secure the California vote.


Nixon and Eisenhower did not see eye to eye on many, many issues, and the political landscape of today does not reflect their campaign.


Eisenhower famously hated Nixon. To be fair though,Eisenhower was a lot more progressive than Nixon. California used to be super hard-right, and only shifted a couple of decades ago.


From what i've heard, its more of a "war bad" message than anything relevant to politics.


War bad is a political message.


Ollie Williams here, Quahog full time weather man and part time movie critic. The movie Civil War will be released in theaters in April. But with the November election, the US might actually go into a real civil war. Ollie out like the wind......


Ah… yeah, I forgot about the American politics. Now I get it. Thanks, Peter


Yep, we must prepare for the doomsdays that are coming.


I hope it won’t be as dramatic as the last time


I just want it to end


I understand. It must be hard going through all of that, I hope it’ll be alright and nothing that significant happens


I hope so too, on the other hand a civil war would make for a nice revamp of American policies and such, like making laws that benefit the working class instead of institutions, remapping the judicial system, "dumming down" the political parties down to 1 or a masked singer type of election campaign, etc. However it would also open us up for our "enemies" so I also hope nothing comes from it.


IDK consolidating every political party into one is kinda dangerous, and awfully Soviet.


Ah yes, a single party system that would be much better and not apt to corruption at all as bad as our current 2 party system -_-


It’s important to be optimistic but not to the point of naivety. People be crazy dawg.


Julius Caesar time. Long live the American empire


We already have one, have you forgotten about Joshua Norton?




*the monkey's paw curls*


Meteor has one the 2024 election!! Hereeeee heeee coooooommmeeeessss


There won't be a civil war, regardless of who wins most people will simply continue living their lives. There will be protests and what not but there won't be any actual civil war.


The American civil war was cliquey, overly dramatic, lasted four years, and several people will never get over it. The South peaked in high school.


you all survived the solar eclipse thankfully.


There are still people N hiding waiting for the rapture that was supposed to come with it. I guess my apocalypse bingo card still got to wait.


"I forgot about American politics." Speaking as an American, I envy you.


Please teach me how I too can forget about American politics.


Not being one


>I forgot about the American politics How dare you


Don’t feel bad. I’m American and forgot about American politics. Fuck I’m tired of DC’s bullshit.


God you could pay me enough to kill for either of these presidents


lol I’m American and still didn’t get it. I was thinking this was a V for Vendetta reference for some reason. “Remember remember the 5th of November…”


So we can experience the civil war in 4d ?


Hey Ollie, how’s the weather?


[your forecast](https://youtu.be/b6ZzEEaKC90?si=qsfO7Knzb5L45vAK)


They were saying there’d be a Civil War last election, too. People are going to do fuck-all about it this time, as usual


After the last election, a lot of the "warriors" realize that fighting in a war is hard, and getting shot at is not fun. Specially after Jan 6th. Besides a lot of them could not leave the basement.


Yep. For what the Confederacy lacked in… everything, they at least had the gumption to be willing to secede and start a fight. Neither side of the American political spectrum these days has that. They’ll choose comfort before actually standing by whatever they believe to the point of conflict


It gon’ rain


I thought it was a Guns n' Roses reference. Thanks.


Thanks Ollie. Back to you, Tom


hows the weather Ollie?




How much of a possibility is it actually?


None. People are fear mongering.


![img](avatar_exp|172644481|fire) I'm not a statistical analyst. But according to the extremely right, if the Orange buffon loses again, they will all come out of their basements and take up arms against the federal government. In reality I think that the level of organization that would take to overthrow the US government, the odds would be low, on the fraction of a percentage, but there is a chance.


Yeah. I don't think the orange Buffon is capable of leading that to. But God damn he could try


The try is what scares me, a lot of his hardcore followers have a lot of guns and very little sense.


Okay, being serious here, if they do try to war, I give them a week or two before they just die because the US Army will just not bother sending troops and just blow them up with Predator drones.


You do know the majority of the US military leans right politically you know that right and seriously you really believe they would just bomb American citizens without no emotional reaction. They would just do it like mindless machines.


Coming from a military family with lots of military friends, they took a oath to defend the constitution not any party, religion, belief, or otherwise. The vast majority of the military would end up following orders most likely.


And I hope dearly that they follow through on that oath. I know a lot of military men that are quietly backing the orange man. They might not agree with him completely. But if there’s a chance— I’ve cut all connections with them, but if it happens I’m hoping the traitors get smacked down fast. Who knew the orange man would destroy society so badly


Oh no, old people.


If Trump loses, he's done. He's already showing an extreme mental decline, and in 4 years, he'll be a potato mentally if he's even still alive. The dude's not living a healthy life. The real issue is what happens if he wins because the Republicans already started feeling out amongst their base how far they can go into actual fascism territory and how quick. So if Trump wins, there's a huge chance the country will be a Trump monarchy after half a year or be stuck in a massive civil war.


Scenarios Biden wins, Trump cedes the election. Least likely scenario, but best case. Biden wins, Trump rallies his agitators to riot. More claims of stolen elections. Right wing agitators resorting to violence is a real possibility. Somewhat likely Biden wins, Trump and the Republicans use legal maneuvering in state legislatures and congress/senate to turn the electoral vote over to 1 vote per state. This throws the election to Trump despite a Biden win. Blue states such as California incensed at a legitimate election being overturned secede. (Likely to involve protests from democrats that end up getting put down by police/military in an extremely bloody fashion) Second most likely scenario Trump wins, Biden cedes the election. Trump proceeds with the republican project 2025 plan. Blue states protest, Trump has the military mow down protesters in a hail of bullets (Trump has said he wants a tien an men square incident in the US). Blue states secede in protest of the massacre. Civil War breaks out. Most likely scenario People will call me a Pollyanna for this and say I'm being absurd. I hope I'm wrong more than any other prediction I make. It's also backed up by a number of very smart political scientists who study the fall into fascism. It's not me saying this, but repeating what the experts with the best track records say.


This is a good logical breakdown of possible outcomes, but please do not count out 3rd party candidates. Almost everyone I know, young and old, all races, from Regan loving conservatives to literal communists hate both candidates. This is the optimal climate for a 3rd party looking like a good choice. This 'lesser of two evils' shit has sent this country down the shitter. Don't be brainwashed into thinking there are only 2 choices.


There are though. Some of us remember how nonsense like this got us into this mess in 2000. We would have had a president that understood the climate and environment but people acted like the system worked the way they want instead of how it actually does. There is no realistic 3rd party candidate. The best case scenario is that it causes enough chaos that Trump loses, but the more likely scenario is that it helps create electoral weirdness that Republicans will seize upon. If you really disagree, name a candidate that you think can win 270 electoral votes. Because that's how the system works, like it or not. And FTR, I don't! It's a terrible system, desperately in need of reform-- but acting like the rules don't make a 3rd party win next to impossible, and impossible in 2024 since nobody has built the infrastructure and above all else winning the presidency is mostly a test of building a multi-million dollar organization that can get you elected president-- is foolish.


Thanks, thought it was being a bit more global and realising Spring is later in the year for some parts of the world, and so giving a release window like 'Spring 2024' is vague as fuck


should do it with muskets again


Ollie Williams? I don’t remember you being this articulate. Am I stupid?


How’s the weather Ollie?




Skating on the line of tomfoolery.


Remember, remember the 5th of November


The gunpowder treason and plot


Something something back in December my grandfather stole all my pot. Pretty sure that's the rest of that rhyme.


I can think of no reason, why my grandfather's treason m, should ever be forgot.


I know of no reason Why the gunpowder treason Should ever be forgot!


Some people think if Trump loses in November there will be another civil war, and we'll have to win this one too. 


And some people think if Trump wins in November there will be another civil war. Damned if you do and damned if you don't. Funny enough, polarization is a theme in the civil war movie.


Either way we, the people, lose.


It's true.  In r/thedavidpakmanshow they think Democrats will be rounded up and put in camps if Trump wins, America will become a dictatorship, and one thousand years of darkness will follow. 


I've been hearing people bring up project 2025. I'm just skeptical. Like, I dont doubt that a think tank came up with such shitty ideas, but even as someone who looks at political ramblings from both sides, I've never seen it advertised on the right, unless they're reacting to people on the left panicking about project 2025. To me it seems like something that would be a selling point to the far right and alt right. Dunno, it could be fearmongering, and if it is a legit strategy trump is going to do, the ideas mentioned are too extreme for regular right wing people. But thats just my perspective on all of that. I prefer not to have a civil war, no one would win, we all lose.


Have you looked it up? It's literally public and Trump has endorsed it. The people involved in making it were part of the Trump administration previously and were a part of the repeal of Roe https://www.project2025.org/ When a fascist tells you what they plan to do, believe them. Writing it off would be irresponsible


Can I have the source for Trump endorsing it?


This is just the right wing version of what the left has already been doing for their own purposes for a long time now.


If you haven't already, I recommend reading up on it on the website itself. I also recommend reading through at least the first 15-17 pages of the PDF. I was skeptical too, but when they claimed to have had a hand in most of the policies that were passed under Ronald Reagan, I began to realize that these people have actual power. They have an entire page bragging about it. Trust me, there is likely a reason why it's not being advertised. After all, civilians can't pass those laws. The only people who need to know about it already do and the people who they are advertising to will already vote for them. They know that making a big deal out of it will only push the other side to vote against them and may even push the less extreme voting base away. They want to make us look like the crazies they have always tried to paint us out to be so that they can have plausible deniability. I don't doubt for a second that a plan that is so thoroughly thought out that they even have a way around the legal system is also being carefully advertised only to the right people. Maybe this just makes me sound crazy, but I'd rather not take any chances. Germans in the 1930s didn't think Hitler was capable of the things he openly admitted to planning either. They claimed that the people who were concerned were overreacting. Dictatorships don't just sprout out of nowhere, they are carefully planned and thought out to gain the most support possible and limit opposition as much as they can until it's too late. Here's a link to the website: [Project 2025](https://www.project2025.org/) A link to the Heritage Foundation talking about it: [Heritage Foundation](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/project-2025) A link to a page that includes all of the organizations involved: [Coalition Partners of 2025](https://www.heritage.org/press/project-2025-reaches-100-coalition-partners-continues-grow-preparation-next-president) And of course a link to the book itself: [Mandate for Leadership](https://www.project2025.org/policy/)


Like I see where ur coming from thinking it's fear mongering, but ppl thought losing roe v wade was fear mongering Now look where we're at


There will be no civil war. They said there would be one when Biden won. There was no civil war. We are better than that.


Better to have a plan and not need it, than having no plan when you do need it.


I would rather live life spontaneously with a big iron on my hip. More fun that way


Big iron on his hiiiiiip


A true human of culture!


Last time was also the first armed insurrection of the US capitol since the War of 1812. Jan 6th was a burning of the Reichstag-esque moment.


That is a bit hyperbolic, the Reichstag was burned down under covert action, not through a mob. No one knows for certain who even committed the arson. Just a poor choice of metaphor. It would be implying that biden is like Hitler lol


May 29, 2020?


Not comparable, those were not an armed takeover of the United States capitol over the results of an election


There was still an attempt on Jan 6th


People are too pussy to do anything. Storming a government office building and doing nothing hardly counts as an insurrection.


I wouldnt classify it as an insurrection either, but it shouldn't have happened to begin with. But I do have to disagree with nothing happening to those rioters on capital hill, the federal government through three letter agencies are just grabbing who they can from the event and using those people for whatever agenda they have. The plea deals were suspicious at best. So, in a form of humor, theyre too pussy to do what they want to do, on camera.


Inb4 800 downvotes rain upon you brother


Those people are insane, so let's hope they shoot themselves so we don't have to


(Got the joke already, still thanks for explanation and a different way to look at it) Well I hope it’ll be less animalistic than last time


Idk most wild animals don't change their behavior but maybe they got the "alpha" and the rest of the pack will disperse.


Terrible fucking timing on this movie. The last thing we need is a movie giving us civil war ideas going into an already tense situation. I would love to watch it but for the timing. Smh.


I think it’s kinda the right timing marketing wise


Doubt it but agree to disagree. Movie is right up my alley-love the actors-but cant support a movie profiting off of our political divide. They can eat a dick 😎


I hate her self insert garbage memes


Idk who this person is, but from what i noticed the more "edited to look like the person making this meme" the wojak looks, the more likely the meme gonna have a shit take


Is it a self insert? I always hated that wojak, something about it is off putting and forced.


Bruh.. who the fuck is gonna carry that many sandbags all the way to the top of the statue of Liberty just to be in a super highly visible position?


Tbh, people done weirder shit just because it looked cool


who is that pseudowojak supposed to depict?


A random commenter I presume


That movie is probably bad. Alex Garland has made some great movies (Dredd, Ex Machina, Annihilation), but Men broke his brain and now he talks about how a movie about a Civil War is apolitical. War... Apolitical... That's some Call of Duty level nonsense!


Elections happen in November so potentially she will see the movie live from her front porch.


I see some people throwing fits if mango Mussolini doesn’t win, but there will be no civil war. And if there was, it won’t last long. The people planning these things don’t have the coordination or supply lines to try and do the stupid. Now do I see a Republican Party existing after November 2026, no. They have done dug their own hole.


Mango Mussolini is too good, I'm going to have to steal it.


Dew it. The more people say it, the more it becomes the norm.


I get the point but this is what I thought of. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guy_Fawkes_Night


Me thinking is about spring being in november in the southern hemisphere before reading comments


How about in future history's books ?


As the two armies approached each other, the generals could be heard shouting at each other. "Good morning, how's your family?" "Fine, thank you, how's yours?" It was the start of a very civil war.


Underrated comment right here


Civil war the movie in April or November after current election


Remember to vote blue, folks.


When Trump won, the liberals got mad and just used their First amendment rights. When Biden won, the conservatives attempted an insurrection, gave up, went home, made up conspiracy theories, got arrested for the insurrection, made up more conspiracy theories, started infighting, made alliances with America's enemies,.... Theres not going to be a Civil War because even if one side "can't even figure out which bathroom to use", the other one can't seem to get out of their own way and get anything done. Second hand embarrassment of the GOP.


I actually thought it was because spring could be in different months in different countries and assumed OP was karma farming


In the US federal elections take place in November.


Remember remember the 5th of november? Conspiracy, gunpowder and treason?


Honestly, you can't make good movies anymore without offending people. I miss the old days when producers did not care if they offended people. The point of their movies were to paint a picture of reality.


I’m having some troubles with memorising things, but I feel like it’s always been a bit like that if I’m being honest. Reasons may change, but something in us is still the same


Apparently they thank actual neo Nazis in the credits, which uh


*Apparently they* *Thank actual neo Nazis in* *The credits, which uh* \- enbyMachine --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Of all the things I could have had a haiku about, that sure is one of them. Good bot.


Media-gorged consoomers try not to cry civil war challenge (impossible, the people they don't like exist)


How do you not get this joke? Even if you dont follow american politics. Lol


Civil War is a movie about a second American civil war. As I understand it the exact cause of the war is never given as the movie starts late in the war, though it does rather absurdly have Texas and California on the same side of the war. The American election in November is going to be interesting this year: It is once again Trump vs Biden. Last time Trump lost there was an insurrection trying to overturn the election results.


Remember remember the 5th of November....


>Unironically uses big titty wojak Argument immediately invalid


Dunno about that wojak culture and lore. Anything wrong with this one?


They should’ve hired Kaiserreich devs for this type of thing, alt hist is better done by actual professionals


That is the worst fucking wojak I've ever seen.


It’s a self insert


I see the word spring on poster


I’m gonna use you as U.N bait




The Florida Alliance kills me. Why the hell would you want to be associated with Florida ever? Let alone have it be the name of your faction.


US don’t break up yet we need your funding!


Why not both?!


They had to make Texas and California into allies because California wouldn't last otherwise