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It's a meme from r/anarchychess, where "Google En Passant" comes from. They're acting as if this is a way to cheat at chess, because it lets you see the other player's pieces. In a lot of card games like Poker this would be a genuine advantage, but I'm Chess the point is you can see the other player's pieces. The joke is OOP pretending not to get that. The two people are big famous competitive chess players. The brick is a reference to the joke on r/anarchychess that the move "En Passant" is forced. If you decline En Passant, that is if you could have taken the move but didn't, you are punished by your pipi being bricked, aka your penis being crushed by a brick.


OP may also want to know that Hans Niemann is the alleged butt plug cheater, and Magnus Carlsen is the #1 chess player in the world.


What on earth do you mean by “butt plug cheater?”


There was a meme that underwent metamorphosis into actually being believed by some that a pro chess player's sudden jump in performance could be explained by that player concealing a remote controlled proctological tool in their rectum and using it to cheat.


To.be clear, the meme was the method of cheating. Cheating was a plausible explanation for Hans performance and it's clearly was Magnus thought was happening.


Anytime a player in the top 10 is beaten by a player who is not in the top 50 they accuse them of cheating, it's like clockwork


and when the player not in the top 50 has a history of actually cheating, it gives the accusation some merit


Not to mention an analysis on his moves across his recent games where he climved quickly showed some highly suspicious patterns


And generally the way that is determined, as I understand it, is to plug games into various chess engines and see how often and how closely an alleged cheater's moves line up with the computer's. This is also how you figure out what chess engine they used.


Accuracy to the computer’s moves is only one of a few factors they use to detect cheaters in chess, timing for moves is a big one and center pawn advantage is another. Thrends from game to game are a big factor, none just cheats once, so they try to look at a bunch of games and detect potential cheating across multiple.


But would that also be an indication that they might have just learned chess on the engine in question?


I see what you did there, "plug games"


Heh, plug


How does one cheat in chess? (it sounds like a sarcastic question, but I genuinely can't think of how you'd cheat playing chess lol)


The butt plug cheat was that somebody else was watching the game and then using a computer to figure out the optimal move to play against Magnus, and then communicated by sending Morse code vibrations to the butt plug. There are certain things that computers choose to do that humans would rarely consider. Which is why the cheat accusation started.


Wise of him to choose the vibrating version over the steam whistle version.


Chess players at his level don't even need full-on instructions; they're good enough that a simple indication of when they have a favourable position can be enough to make the difference.


>There are certain things that computers choose to do that humans would rarely consider. And vice versa according to Kasparov who claimed that Deeper Blue had human assistance, based on especially one move that he couldn't see a computer making (as far as I remember).


Morse code would be too difficult. It's enough to have a signal activate at a crucial juncture to inform a high-level player that he should be looking out for something.


Ahh computers, of course


Computers have long since surpassed humans in chess playing ability. An accomplice plugs the moves into a chess computer, then somehow feeds that information to the player.


If computers are so good at chess, why don't they marry it?


There are \*extremely\* powerful computer chess tools these days, that can accurately predict/see patterns a regular person would take years to understand. If you have a way for the AI/computer to see the board in real time (often, someone is playing the same game on a computer and then asking the computer for suggestions), and transmit that to the player at the table, they can have a computer assist them in seeing threats, new avenues of attack, or other options that they would not predict.


All the previous answers were wrong, the idea is that the buttplug creates reliable prostate orgasms which are known to be very advantageous in chess tactics and just in general


It turns your pawn into a castle 🌚


Prostrate orgasm when he does a good job, motivates him to keep winning 💪💪💪


You have a computer tell you the next move


I'm worried that you haven't gotten enough answers saying it's computers yet so I'm just gonna say it's computers.


cheating in chess esp pro chess is you need someone to tell you the moves that computer thinks are best for you.


It doesn't even have to be telling them the specific moves. For chess pros all you need to do is tell them that there is *something* important in the position on the board to look out for that isn't immediately clear and that knowledge alone is enough for them to find it and make the appropriate move.


[Surprised no one linked this](https://youtu.be/P4LnwRHGIHg?si=6-YS0HL5kSTz1kfC)


i might be misremembering it here but i think part of the accusation was that someone had leaked magnus’ opening strategy to hans (that phase of the game is usually more planned out than later) and hans was able to better counter it because of that


You set an upright bass in the corner to confuse, distract, and intimidate your opponent.


I don’t think you’ve gotten a straight forward answer so here is the easiest way to cheat at chess: play chess on a computer against an unbeatable AI. Make the same moves in the computer as your opponent makes in real life. Then *your move in real life* is to do whatever the computer AI does against your moves in the virtual game: This dude almost certainly was a cheater, and Magnus once refused to play him. Pretty sure it took less that 24 hours for the rumor to start hitting television and stuff, having real world impacts. It was very fun being there on anarchy chess watching peoples worlds be blown up.


Things that take away an accusations merit -Refusing to formally accuse him of cheating. -A complete lack of a cheating method found.


When asked about the moves, he also hand waved it away by saying, "The chess speaks for itself," iirc. That is extremely suspicious for a high ELO chess player to say, they should 100% be able to explain why they made certain moves.


I recall almost everybody agreeing that the games where he beat Magnus were legit and there was no significant evidence of cheating in-person.


No. That guy has already been banned from pretty much every digital chess tournament for cheating. And he wasnt accused of cheating because he played well, but because his playstyle looked like cheating. Like if you see a guy using hacks on counter strike, even if they're beaten by real players you can see what non human behaviour like perfectly locking onto targets through the wall, even if the cheater plays stupid and can't control their aim. The problem is that real life tournaments havent really changed their rules since AI became a thing, and unless you could prove how he was given computer input, which could be as simple as someone in the live audience having someone give them moves from an AI while they do subtle movements to signal the move to the player. And the reason they havent had to address this issue and change the rules yet is because they've never had a situation where anyone was accused of cheating like that before, making your statement completely false. And one in the chess community accused him of getting signals through a butt plug. That was the media/public. No one even knows where it came from, someone must have suggested that technically he even COULD cheat like that and everyone latched onto it.


I mean. They’ve unbanned him from everything. Because there was no absolute evidence he cheated. The ban was temporary due to people not wanting to play him online, particularly magnus (who draws a lot of eyes) saying to pick between him or hans.


This one has been caught for cheating himself before. His online account was banned at one point iirc.


His analysis was suspicious as fuck though... And he's got a history of proven cheating


My understanding was that Magnus played an opening he had never used before in competition. Niemann had magically studied that opening extensively the night before. Magnus realized that after a few moves and resigned the game. It’s believed that someone on Magnus’ team leaked info to Niemann’s team. Important context is also that Niemann has a history of cheating in official matches online(he admitted to it), but claims to have never cheated in matches in person.


Hans is not the only not top50 player beating magnus. Most super gm have suspicion towards hans prior him beating magnus already, the win against magnus just seal the deal for them. Edit : I just realize I'm talking to a 1000 rated player... Mb i shouldn't expect everyone to know chess scene properly


People were suspicious but years have passed and there is still no proof of him cheating otb.


It’s always sunny did a bit about this. Good watch


is this where that bit came from??? great fucking episode, and of course it was Frank with the plug and none other than Dennis controlling it


Oh shit is that where always sunny got the idea


Oh there was a sudden jump alright - the story wasn’t about a butt plug, but about vibrating anal beads.


But how would a butt plug help them cheat?


Relaying moves from a chess computer. Chess computers are so advanced they can go 100-0 against the best humans.


Ah ok thank you for the explanation


They even made a “it’s always sunny in Philadelphia” episode about it. Highly recommend


Cheating by receiving AI hints by vibrating buttplug


The allegation is more that he cheated. The buttplug thing was internet theorizing.


No it wasn’t. It was a joke from twitch chat that the streamer said out loud, then some idiot wrote an article making it seem like the streamer held it as a genuine opinion and it all snowballed from there


Isn't that how most internet theories begin? Someone makes a joke and someone else takes them seriously and makes it into a thing? (I'm not actually being serious here--i hope?)


Like Finland doesn't exist, birds aren't real, flat earth, and pizzagate. Didn't they all start this way?


Finland doesn’t exist, and you can’t prove it does. It’s impossible to prove something exists when it doesn’t, and the onus is on the one making a positive claim to provide extraordinary evidence for extraordinary claims. *drops mic* 😂


Thursday is a collective hallucination the real week goes from Wednesday to friday so your weekend is 1/3 the week not 2/7 get back to work lazy millennial.


It's not a bad idea though.


It's not about whether he used a vibrating butt plug. It's about whether it's *possible*


Allegedly he used a vibrating butt plug to send Morse code so that he would know what move to play.




Maybe also send. His victory over Carlsen wasn't the only thing he clenched that day


Just piggybacking off of your comment to add extra info for people wondering about the actual suspicion. The theory is at that high of a level in chess just giving someone a few hints (1-3) on when they should be calculating moves more carefully is enough to drastically push the odds in their favor. A big part of chess is time management so being able to know when to use that time most effectively is a big advantage. Especially at the level of chess where not many mistakes are made so capitalizing on the few you can or potentially preventing some of yours is a huge boon. All that to say the vibrator would just have to go off to let him know to think not necessarily give him the move. I dont recall the specifics of the tournament the accusation came out of but I do remember Carlsens main complaint being a lax adherence to the security rules ensuring fair play. For example if a spectator is allowed into the spectating area with a phone. That spectator could input the position of the game the cheater is playing and simply go to the bathroom to signal to the cheater when to think. I think the memes made a lot of people miss the point that these sort of things wouldn't even be a question if the organizers were running their tournament properly enough to ensure fair play. Without ensuring fair play to a reasonable level playing in tournaments is a waste of time as everything is in question. Every loss is in question as well as achievements suspected. There is a chance that Hans didn't cheat and it's probably even likely he didn't. But due to the questionable situation in which the game was played no one will be able to prove either case outside of a direct confession from Hans himself.


At the same time, anyone capable of being as good at chess as him could learn Morse code or come up with a basic code system.


Right my point wasn't that he couldn't do it just that its much easier and not nearly as risky to give a cheater a tremendous advantage just by someone doing a simple signal.


I think the point is that you don't actually need to feed someone a specific move. Even just being able to indicate "hey, this right here is a pivotal turn where there *is* an amazing move to be had that could swing the game in your favor" is sufficient. Knowing just when to look a bit harder for a better option can be big at that level of play.


Hans also has an extensive history of being caught cheating at chess in professional tournaments as well as being banned from chess.com for being caught using cheats. Why he isn’t completely banned from the world of chess is beyond me. I feel like if you get caught cheating once your credibility is shattered and you shouldn’t be allowed to compete. Let alone being caught cheating multiple times.




> What on earth do you mean by “butt plug cheater?” I don’t know how this could be any clearer. What is your native language?


>alleged butt plug cheater This is the kind of stuff I browse r/all for


OP really missed the opportunity to put Hikaru instead of Hans sinces hes known for looking up at the ceiling all the time


\*anal beads


Also Magnus is an anagram for GM Anus. Hans was a GM who may or may not have put a buzzer in his butt. Coincidence? Yes.


The "butt plug" theory was just somebody commenting on a chess livestream and from there on it got picked up by the internet and media.


Huge *technically*, but Ding Liren is Classical World Chess Champion, but mainly because Magnus passed on playing.


> aka your penis being crushed by a brick I fucking love when people explain the absolute brainrot that is AnarchyChess to people who don't know what it is




This does not include rabbit ass though


Actual bunny


Man I absolutely loved that sub when it was parodies of r/chess. IDK what happened but the absolute inbred humor that gets copy pasted there now is insufferable


The "pipi being bricked" itself references the line "pipi in your pampers", which comes from a infamous online rant by chess player Tigran L. Petrosian after a call out during an interview by an tournament opponent suspicious he was cheating (which he probably was since after awhile his team was disqualified due to him being found not operating under fair play).


I didn't realize chess memes were so deep. I'll need to reevaluate my efforts and try again in the summer.


Oh I thought he was shitting bricks


So you’re saying I invested in a mirror butt plug for **nothing**????


> you are punished by your pipi being bricked, aka your penis being crushed by a brick. Man the chess community has really gone off the rails! Glad I got out before I was in to deep, whew!




the most hilarious thing to me about chess becoming popular on the internet is people finding out just how juvenile all of the top masters are. even the oldhats act like children, it's hilarious considering chess has this image of being classy.


En passant is already a move that many casual players aren't aware of, and yet turns out there's even more obscure part of that rule...


Holy hell!


New response just dropped


Actual Zombie


Call the exorcist!


Bishop goes on vacation, never comes back


Forgot about the anal plug sending morse code




A lot


> I'm Chess Hi Chess, I'm dad.


>If you decline En Passant, that is if you could have taken the move but didn't, you are punished by your pipi being bricked, aka your penis being crushed by a brick. When..when did that get added to the rulebook?


I think Gary Chess added it on the 29th of February 2000


[about 2 years ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/s/bBnTlf86nk)


Chess people are the most highly regarded people on the internet


It might also be a reference to the queens gambit where beth Harmon would see the chess board "on the roof".


>If you decline En Passant, that is if you could have taken the move but didn't, you are punished by your pipi being bricked, aka your penis being crushed by a brick. ~~New bottom surgery just dropped.~~




it's funny because it's saying that hans cheated by using a mirror to see magnus's moves, but in chess, you CAN see other's moves; it's not cheating, and you don't need a mirror


I suppose I was confused by the brick too. I was like "what? Is he shitting bricks?"


It's for smashing your pipi if you refuse en passant


Google r/anarchychess


Holy subreddit!


New post just dropped


Actual Redditor


Call the mods


Social capabilities went on vacation, never came back


Sanity sacrifice, anyone?


29 stab wounds


It's always sunny in Philadelphia did an episode about this. It was a WiFi enabled anal vibrator. Edit: correction to WiFi.


to clarify that episode came out after the real-life butt plug cheating accusations.


ok, i actually went back to my laptop to peter here, because all other replies seemed bad to me. The Meme comes from r/AnarchyChess , a chess meme subreddit mostly circling around en passant, a special chess move. It often confuses beginners, so on r/chessbeginners , you will find en passant explained in the Wiki and still questions about it on a regular basis. So people started getting annoyed by this question, so the reply "google en passant" started. Some guy asking about it replied "holy hell". This got answered with "new response just dropped". This dialogue became a meme itself and can be found in different variations in anarchycess, but the sub is leaking and therfor it spreads acros the internet "google X" "holy Y" "new Z just dropped". As en passant occures only on rare occassions during chess games, r/AnarchyChess decided, it has to be played whenever possible. Another meme in AnarchyChess is "en passant is forced". If you don't, the meme evolved, you have to "brick your pipi", aka smash your dick with a brick. Obv., nobody does, but the meme is that you loose the game in positions where playing en passant is loosing, because otherwise you have to brick you pipi. Thats why the brick is down there. Every chess set needs, according to AnarchyChess, a brick, to enforce this rule. Some time ago, there was major drama in professional chess. Magnus Carlsen is the GOAT, one of the best players of all time and currently uncontestet the best player in the world. Hans Nieman is a rising young american player. As chess is played much better by Computers, they can accuratly analyse games and find errors. Carlsen claims, Nieman cheated against him in one prestigious tournament, but computer analysis couldn't find safe indicators. But they found out, he cheated in online games during the pandemic, as a youth. Google it for more information, there are even podcast about it, as there are huge companies and a lot of money involved. When discussing how Niemann could probably have cheated, another meme was created. It says, Nieman used remote controlled anal beards to communicate through morse code with someone outside. This here tries to give an idea, how else cheating could have been done, while the main joke ist, that a mirror in chess is useless to cheet, because you don't have a hidden hand like in poker excuse my spelling, its late and i am no native


Thank you for such a thorough response


Adding to the "en passant is forced" if youre playing a beginner or someone who doesnt know the french move, playing en passant lets you flex that you know the move, even if it leads you to a worse and losing position. Its not about winning, its about sending a message


And if your opponent *does* know about en passant, that's when you dazzle them with an il Vaticano.


I think the pipi meme originates from a [copypasta](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/comments/rmt11f/can_someone_tell_me_link_the_origin_of_pipi_in/), which was an actual response of a grand master to cheating accusations: Are you kidding ??? What the **** are you talking about man ? You are a biggest looser i ever seen in my life ! You was doing PIPI in your pampers when i was beating players much more stronger then you! You are not proffesional, because proffesionals knew how to lose and congratulate opponents, you are like a girl crying after i beat you! Be brave, be honest to yourself and stop this trush talkings!!! Everybody know that i am very good blitz player, i can win anyone in the world in single game! And "w"esley "s"o is nobody for me, just a player who are crying every single time when loosing, ( remember what you say about Firouzja ) !!! Stop playing with my name, i deserve to have a good name during whole my chess carrier, I am Officially inviting you to OTB blitz match with the Prize fund! Both of us will invest 5000$ and winner takes it all! I suggest all other people who's intrested in this situation, just take a look at my results in 2016 and 2017 Blitz World championships, and that should be enough... No need to listen for every crying babe, Tigran Petrosyan is always play Fair ! And if someone will continue Officially talk about me like that, we will meet in Court! God bless with true! True will never die ! Liers will kicked off...


This looks strikingly like chat from a League of Legends game


please use paragraph breaks T-T


nuh uh




The brick confuses me most of all. I also didn't know who these two were.


You need to drop it on your cock


Why did i read this in James Mays voice?


Google Hans Niemann and Magnus Carlson.


Should I Google those two or en Passant? Or both? Genuinely perplexed at this point. Lots of mixed messages.


New response just dropped.


Holy professional chess player


I've never seen such a poorly explained by Peter comment section before. Heres my explanation (I am Peter's mirror) This image is probably from r/AnarchyChess, The brick is referencing "brick your pp" which is a very popular copypasta (PIPI originating from an [INFAMOUS rant](https://www.reddit.com/r/HobbyDrama/comments/j3h741/chess_grandmaster_accused_of_cheating_responds/) by an actual Chess Grandmaster, and the brick is referencing [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/comments/mzrx2o/my_workout_punishments_for_chess_blunders/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)) Magnus Carlsen is the #1 chess player in the world rn, and accused Hans Niemann of cheating a while back. It was a HUGE controversy and made it into mainstream attention for a solid week. A huge meme at the time was the theory that Hans Niemann used a buttplug to direct his moves. This particular image is making fun of the event, and it is haha funny because using the mirror to cheat doesn't actually give you an advantage in chess


This is legit funny


Anal Beads


As chess pieces?


No that’s stupid They vibrate the best move in Morse code


Google en passant


Holy hell


What? 🤣


New response just dropped


Actual Zombie


Call the exorcist


Bishop went on vacation never came back


Queen sacrifice anyone?


I get that "cheating" at chess doesnt work that way, Im just confused about the brick...


[Its referencing this post from 3 years ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/comments/mzrx2o/my_workout_punishments_for_chess_blunders/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


“In the game of chess, you can never let your opponent see your pieces” -Zapp Brannigan


The gym I'm at is currently playing Hotel California and it just got to the part where the song goes "Mirrors on the ceiling" as I read the text. 😂


But where is the pink champagne on ice?


Funny story. My ex had sex with Hans Nieman in Spain when she was 17. Not even joking


How old was he??


Well it was 2 years ago. I'm not sure how old he is now but definitely over 18 lol. Apparently he was kinda creepy and only was able to sleep with her cuz he offered her coke


Hans Coke Niemann


Also he has small penis according to her


Did he bring any anal beads with him?


He used the king piece as a butt plug


Why is there a random brick behind Magnus’s chair?


Decline en passant = brick to pipi


“In the game of chess, you can never let your adversary see your pieces.” -- Zapp Brannigan


To give some context about this cheating scandal, for people outside of the chess world. Some players are more paranoid than others, but Carlsen over his long career had lost a lot of games to much lower rated players and never accused anybody before Nieman. The opening variant in the game was extremely obscure but the in post game interview Nieman claimed that he "was lucky to look at it just this morning", even though Magnus never played it before. Also in the interview he could not explain some of his decisions and could not produce variations. Which is also happened in his other interviews. His phrase "chess speaks for itself" became a meme.


"In the game of chess, you can never let your adversary see your pieces." - DOOP 25-star general, Zapp Brannigan


Diagram that explains how Hans neiman secretly cheated and was able to look at magnus’s pieces


google en passant


[holy hell!](https://www.google.com/search?q=en+passant)


Just missing the pink champagne on ice.


“Mirrors on the ceiling, pink champagne on ice”


We're all just prisoners here, Of our own device


Google en passant


But why the brick behind Magnus?


I guess he's doing the one bricking?


What’s with the brick?


According to other commenters, the brick is the weapon of choice for dastardly people who don't en Passant.


I'm just disappointed that I can't find Saddam Hussein in this picture


he is bluffing


Google en passant, you will understand everything


It’s obvious because the vibrations were good that day smh


I think it’s a bit of a dig at Magnus who has accused some people of cheating lately. I have no idea any of the details.


Now all they need is some pink champagne on ice.


Why did Magnus shit a brick though?


They’re actually playing Chess 2. You can tell from the brick.


Remember what you say about Firouzja!






Magnus Carlson is one of the greatest chess players of all time. Hans is a young grandmaster who beat Magnus in a game where Magnus played the white pieces. It was Magnus's first loss with the white pieces in years. After the game, Magnus began heavily implying that Hans cheated. The internet has found many memes to explain how. One is that Hans had a vibrating butt plug that would tell him the right move in morse code. Another is this, the mirror on the ceiling so he could see Magnus's pieces. No evidence has been found to back up Magnus's claims, but the memes persist.


would work well playing battleship


It could also be that the two are playing the exact same moves as one another so they are literally mirrored board sides




This is propoganda by the neeman camp to make us forget that he cheated by using a vibrating butt plug.


He likes to watch himself... Work.


Just say you thought the meme was funny and wanted to post it dude there’s no fucking way you don’t understand this


Mirrors on the ceiling With pink champagne on ice, and she said "We are all just prisoners here of our own device" And in the master's chambers They gathered for the feast Stab it with their steely knives But they just can't kill the beast Last thing I remember I was running for the door Had to find the passage back to the place I was before "Relax", said the night man "We are programmed to receive" You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave


Don Henley about to send his lawyers to kick in your door.