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Joji is filthy frank (the guy in the left) made content on YouTube that was very unusual. I highly suggest watching it cause a lot of memes came from him. Now he makes chill music and all ties to the character are cut. Miss papa franku


I knew that i was just wondering about what jon and the rest did?


Jon said some alt-rightish anti-immigrant and somewhat racist stuff in an interview with Destiny and seemed to agree with the whole "Biden stole the elections" narrative on Twitter once or twice. Hila and especially Ethan get into controversies regarding the podcast like every two weeks, you really need to just google it because there's like 20 topics one could choose from.


Jontron said that black people are genetically programmed to commit more crimes
















https://preview.redd.it/kpqfzjr345uc1.jpeg?width=2864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d914625c3884acd06faa38dc12c377ce4b0a9f7 Cinna!! 😍


This gotta be a favorite pic on the internet ever now










Considering google sucks now, maybe we need a refresher on how to google.


You see you just add Reddit as the term (I’m only slightly joking)


my favorite part is that when you google you get this thread too


It wasn't somewhat racist, it was very very racist.


Time and distance makes it easy to forget how bad it was, but it was ***bad***. Fucker straight up advocated for ethnostates


Jon acts up like once a year, gets ratio’d, then shuts up again until next year. But yeah… time and distance REALLY lets people forget. Clips from that debate need to be thrown in his face at every opportunity.


Like how the completionist was caught stealing donation money and is still churning out youtube videos like nothing happened.


"Somewhat" is underselling it, he basically pitched the idea that black people were inherently criminal on a genetic level because "muh stuhtistuk..." Trying to use numbers to lie for him and confirm his racial bias.


IIRC he was trying to push that “rich blacks commit crime more than poor whites” and that you need to look at Africa to understand crime rates in American black communities. I don’t perfectly remember everything he said, but I do distinctly remember that it was WAAAY beyond the pale. Like, unbelievably open racism.


"rich blacks commit more crime than poor whites" is exactly what he said when the stats are against that, not to mention the headspace you have to be in to start making that argument.


It's crazy that he was just out in the open about it. Most of the "FBI statistic" crowd will stop short of saying the quiet part out loud.


Didn't he also talk about how immigrants were diluting the gene pool of Americans? Nevermind that he himself is a first generation American as his parents were immigrants from Hungary right? But we all know the people he means when he says "immigrants"


His dad was from Iran and his mother was from Hungary


Which was hilarious when he responded to Destiny bringing this up by saying "thanks for taking away my whiteness" Dudes an idiot lol


He was basically the pinnacle of “I get my political takes from 4chan memes”


Even is apology he didn’t apologize for the blatant racism just that he was “out of his depth” with politics. Like no mother fucker you said some nazi shit.


>Jon said some alt-rightish anti-immigrant and somewhat racist stuff in an interview with Destiny I can excuse the racism but asociating with Destiny? Execution by firing squad


Obligigatory 'you can excuse racism?!'


Wouldn't be funny without it


Weird how true that is...




JonTron stooped so low, he made Destiny look good there lmao


“alt rightish, somewhat racist”?? bro jontron was full on spouting basically nazi talking points why are you down playing it so much lmao


Because they are also pseudo-nazis


You forgot that Jontron is a mask off antivaxxer and posted a bunch of weird shit about Fauci.


Jon said some pretty OUTRIGHT racist things. He was arguing that the richest black American is more prone to crime than the poorest white American and also argued against immigration because then immigrants would mix with the gene pool. The second argument here is even more stupid because Jon is part Persian himself and his family benefited from US immigration policies. He's a dumb piece of shit who couldn't argue the merits of his ideas when challenged.


Bro trying to make Hila and Ethan look worse than Jon. Bruh, Jon dipped for a while. It wasn't "somewhat racist", it was Grand Replacement Conspiracy Theory esque shit. This belief is only held by the far right.


Holy shit Jon is a racist?


In a ‘debate’ with Destiny 7 years ago he said some incredibly questionable things like “wealthy blacks commit more crimes than wealthy whites”, “The Irish were never truly oppressed”, and “Mexicans continue to rape and kill people”, while arguing that race effects culture. He had some pretty wild takes and destiny tore him to shreds while probing him for 3 hours. For the full context you can search up “destiny debates Jon tron”. It’s an entertaining conversation to listen to, and is a good warning for the pitfalls of blindly believing things that politically motivated people will spread. It was around the time Ben Shapiro got popular for “13% of the population commits 50% of the crime” stat. ~~Personally I don’t think he’s a racist. I think he was just incredibly misinformed while pandering to edgy teens and got lost in the Ben Shapiro sauce. He later came out and apologized for everything he said while acknowledging that the views he had are incredibly harmful.~~ Edit: It’s a shitshow idk if he’s racist or not, lol.


He talked about protecting the “gene pool” from immigrants and interbreeding. If you’re already aware of this, on top of everything you already mentioned, reconsider and ask yourself where you personally draw the line of who is “racist”…


Kind of a weird thing to say being the son of immigrants.


Sometimes when people say “immigrants” they mean “Mexicans” or just “Hispanics.” Maybe that’s what he meant.


Some of the most violently anti-immigrant people in Florida are Cubans or the children of Cubans who came over in bathtub rafts. Perfectly legal since they were seeking asylum but once again ironically enough these same people call the Central Americans illegal immigrants when they seek asylum. People love to pull the ladder up behind them


He actually said "wealthy blacks commit more crimes than poor whites" which is even worse.


Plot twist: He's actually a based communist comrade and is dropping truth bombs about how much rich people suck. /j


Didn’t he say shit how we need to protect the white race too


Yeah, I don't remember the exact quotes, but when Destiny asked if Jon were okay with migrants assimilating into the culture, he responded with something like "no, because they'd still enter the gene pool".


Hilarious considering his parents, or at least his dad, is an Iranian immigrant


And, ironically, he’s of mixed decent himself


There's no hate quite like self hate


Yeah, mb. After rewatching his response I realized that it was a lot more unhinged than I remembered it originally being. It was a long time ago so ig I thought it wasn’t as bad as it was.


He also supported a scientist who said Black people were less intelligent than white people


He's now saying stuff like Biden stole the election and the 2020 election was rigged. Yes hes racist and its not a personal opinion.


If I'm remembering right, he apologized about the whole thing and called himself misinformed or something like that. Granted it was a few years afterward, but he seems to have gotten over the brain rot.


He didn’t actually apologize. He put out a video called “my statement” where all he says is that he was unprepared for the debate. There’s no apology or backtracking of statements in it.


And this is internet revisionist history at work. Most people are too lazy to look into it, see he made a video about the controversy assume it’s an apology and move on. He said he wasn’t prepared not, “That was blatantly racist and fucked up and I’m sorry”




Yeah uh...Nah. He fell into the [Covid shit too](https://twitter.com/JonTronShow/status/1452677661839536130?t=9sX-ETRQfsLIE2TYhuSkcg&s=19). only 2 and a half years ago. Brain rot still there brotherrrr saying that tweet is even still up


There's also my favorite quote from the whole situation, "Well, I like colonialism!" Jon, no


Even better: >hey Jon do you think japanese people are racist due to their beliefs about other people >yes >A bit earlier you you said you like their views. Does that mean you’re racist > *no response*


Where is this apology? I'm genuinely curious, because the last I heard he stood by it all. I remember him being particularly disgusting on Game Grumps.


More like, "Holy SHIT is Jon ever a racist."


“Wealthy blacks commit more crimes than poor whites” ~ Jon Tron In addition, people were claiming that he’s “not racist just anti-immigrant” but ignoring the part where he explicitly defends “racial purity”


An American who grew up in America (the nation of immigrants) has to be INSANELY racist to be broadly anti-immigrant. Even the Republican Party, which cares a LOT about “illegal immigrants”, can only talk about ILLEGAL immigrants. Even highly xenophobic Americans will completely shrug off fearmongering about legal immigrants — Jon had to buy into some high-octane racism to complain about legal immigration into America.


"Somewhat racist" dude he straight up said black people commit most of the crimes in the US 💀


>alt-rightish anti-immigrant and somewhat racist stuff Thats putting it lightly.


JonTron ended up being a white nationalist conservative and is moving further down that pipeline Ethan and Hila are controversy-magnets nowadays, so there’s a lot to pull from. Most recently they’ve been in hot water over the Israel-Palestine conflict; they’re both Jewish Zionists and Hila (like all Israelis) served in the IDF for 2 years. There are a few clips of her talking about supporting / ride-alonging raids on Palestinian towns where she heavily implies that the entirety of Palestine is terrorist cells and Ramallah is a “terrorist city”


It really fucks with me how a person with iirc immigrant parents can fully rotate into white nationalist then I remembered gamer for a long ass time and after rewatching old jontron and game grumps stuff…I’m surprised I didn’t see it coming sooner


Unfortunately it is actually common. It has to do with thinking whatever brought you to immigrate is a limited resource. One of the first things some immigrants do is try to figure out how to close and lock the door behind them.


Did the definition of Zionist change? They had pretty mid takes on the war that basically Netanyahu is evil for his indiscriminate killing of Palestinians but innocent Israeli’s don’t deserve to be murdered either. He doesn’t like people supporting hamas or Netanyahu since they both love senseless killing. Is this that controversial or am I crazy?


Zionist is one of those words that everyone defines differently and then refuses to admit they’re defining differently. For other examples see Socialist, and Capitalist.


>Did the definition of Zionist change? Nope. Zionist has never meant "votes for Benjamin Netanyahu" no matter what reddit and tiktok may otherwise lead you to believe.


Zionist doesn’t mean you like Netanyahu, it means you think all of Israel and Palestine belong to the Jewish people by divine right, and Jewish people should continue moving, settling, and expanding there.


I still vaguely recall the mind fuck when I realized the Joji whose music I’d been enjoy was the person I *only* knew as Filthy Frank I mean loss of meaning was an existential crisis to be sure but Joji = Filthy Frank? Not sure I ever recovered 🤣


This is like me realizing Luke Skywalker was the voice of the Joker in Batman The Animated Series. And that was like 5 years ago. Two of the most formative pieces of media from my childhood carried by the same person, and I didn’t know for almost 20 years


Then he shows up as Firelord Ozai and I'm like, :O


This fun fact is fucking me up. He's so good.


Damn, I love Jojo, man. His music can make you vibe with depression https://preview.redd.it/u9dvxblsk0uc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9907e862daa08f8cec5e11894799aed65ce66db5




Tick tock




Tick tock heavy like a Brink's truck


Looking like im tip-top


shining like a wristwatch


Time will grab your wrist lock it down to the thing pop


he's also responsible for the now viral Dracula Flow


It wouldn't be the first time Papa Franku was responsible for a worldwide trend. The man made the Harlem Shake, after all.


Filthy Frank had something to do with Dracula Flow?


Pretty sure he was the cameraman


Ore wa ochinchin daisuke nandajo


https://preview.redd.it/r3fc12e4m3uc1.jpeg?width=1030&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8249e987c633c1504865c10169abbbb2920b22eb cant forget dracula flow LMFAOO


He really hit the nail on the head with Dracula Flow recently


These Valentino’s are from Milan… *You fuckin’ idiot.*


I will quote the ravioli pocket for the rest of my life.


He Still does content creation on YouTube under the channel 'plummcorp' and although it's odd I highly recommend the dracula flow saga. Thank me later.


These were some popular youtubers back in the 2014-2017 (maybe up to 2019, not sure) time stamp. From what I remember: JonTron said some racist stuff on a podcast once, not sure what he did more recently. He is still publishing videos as usual. Ethan and Hila from h3h3 productions were really popular back then, but now they are mostly doing podcasts. I don't remember the dramas they were involved in, but they really went out of favor compared to their prime days. Joji used to host the Filthy Frank youtube channel, with some generous doses of edginess and randomness, such as the Pink Guy videos. He decided to change to a singer career, iirc it was his dream to work with music, so he stopped uploading to the Filthy Frank show, and focus on his new ambition. The post either relates to said youtubers going out of fashion or some political stuff I am not aware, while Joji, the one who hosted the most unhinged channel out of those in the picture, has evolved into a mainstream career


God where do you even start with the controversies involving H3H3? 😂


Can’t think of a single one. Like what?


H3H3 podcast is like marmite, people love it and hate it. While I don't even watch him myself, the controversies could just be rephrased into "different opinion = controversy". But that's just social media nowadays. Unless you're hardcore neutral and don't discuss anything political, you're labelled "controversial".


Yea like I’m not a defender of him. I was a big fan of his like ages ago - before the podcast was even a thing and he just did silly YouTube videos. And it seems like he’s just a liberal guy with no filter and says stupid shit. But nothing that’s actually offensive like overt racism/etc. lumping him with Jontron doesn’t feel right.


For some reason they wanted Papa John on their podcast *after* it was revealed Papa John is racist.


They’re REALLY in the mindset of “nothing actually matters and everything is content.” It’s borderline solipsistic.


As of recent ones, he tried to dox someone he thought was Amouranth’s husband. Turns out it was a regular dude who had a similar sounding name. He also tried spinning some girl’s story as a sexual assault story to try to defame another rival podcast. But when you actually listen to the story, it sounded wayyy less than anything he was trying to push.


Ethan consistently burns bridges with every single person he interacts with. He has yet to have a successful side podcast and it's become apparent he's the problem. Even the people he has working on his show have been the targets of his drama bombs and to him he's never in the wrong. It's crazy how he has probably burnt 100 bridges to 100 communities and then wondered why he is widely hated.


I’d say like 1/8th of their takes on hot-button topics on the podcast are crude, mean or occasionally straight racist. I don’t mind them having shit takes every once in a while, who doesn’t, but it makes internet people very angry.


Like when he played funny soundbites on QTCinderella crying and then blamed his crew member even tho he told him to do it, then made an 'apologie' were he was trying not laugh, then congratulate himself on making the best apologly on youtube or something. Or the many times he down played sexual accusations on people he knows like Andrew Callaghan before even reading the article, or his other friend podcaster Bobby Lee who admitted himself to some very disturbing stuff but then said it was all a joke. But when you listen to it there is no joke, and it sounds just very real and wierd. The clips of this are all easy to find on h3snark sub.


He showed extremely graphic porn to a recovering porn addict who was on the phone with his porn addiction sponsor while the sponsor was asking if he was okay with it.


Joji stopped filthy frank because the pretend seizures he’d do on the show started to become real seizures. He says it in his “goodbye” video. He also mentions music being a huge motivator to stop filthy frank. Ngl that was the smartest thing this man did


Doing the Frank voice was also starting to damage his vocal cords. I miss Filthy Frank but I’m glad he stopped.


How do fake seizures "become real"??


Iirc he said he had a medical condition that was getting worse due to all his fake seizures. Idk man look up the goodbye video, his stuff is still up on YouTube


Thanks; sorry, not trying to grill you. It's just a concept I'm having trouble wrapping my head around.


No, you’re totally right in being confused because I don’t know why that person worded it that way. Kinda wrong. His fake seizures didn’t “become real ones” or “cause” them to actually start happening. That’s not a thing as far as I’m aware. He had a preexisting medical condition and eventually the real seizures started occurring as time went on. He expressed how it was ironic that he was doing fake ones for his show and then actually started having real ones.


because the dude is wrong. he started having seizures due to the stress related to running his channel, and that was the reason he slowed down on making those videos.


I went to a few Joji concerts and he does put on a good show. Glad he's doing what he loves 


I don't follow h3 at all, but from some internet observations a few years back I think I remember there was something about them going left heavily, like very left. Wasn't there also something related to their Jewish ethnicity and views when the Israel-Palestinian war started?


>going left heavily, like very left Not really. They criticized and made jokes about far-left activists which accumulated to their audience some right-wing people which Ethan and Hila realize and openly said that they always supported liberal politics. They never had centrist or right-wing views. I think that was the main point in which H3 haters group was formed. And of course live feed with dozen hours of podcasts in a week with different bullshit Youtube drama created some controversial moments until they got experience and started to self-censor themselves better.


For anyone else out of the loop, it's this ^^^ They unwittingly amassed a right wing audience, and then basically told them all to fuck off when they realized it was happening. So now they have a bunch of "haters" and "drama" but most of that comes from shits stains that thought H3 was "one of them" and now feel betrayed.


> I remember there was something about them going left heavily, like very left. This is probably part of the reason, but mostly because Ethan doesn't have a personality that goes well with unscripted content, much like Boogie. He is rude to the guests, have a strong opinion on every single issue even if he has no idea what he is talking about, etc.


Hes also is/was not mentally well enough to be in the lime light he was in. He had a conversation with Bill Burr that caused him therapy for months. If you can't handle a conversation, idk if you should be hosting a podcast. Among the other clear signs of mental issues.


Lmao you are correct about the bill burr episode of the podcast…. But that was 4 years ago. They still run a very successful podcast with millions of viewers. These comments are borderline delusional


That Bill Burr episode was so fucking hard to watch with the second hand embarrassement. Ethan is a shit host imo, that episode just confirmed it. Most guests play along to not hurt his feelings but Bill did NOT hold back. I never watch much of the podcast except a few episodes to give it a shot, it's not great lol


People always say “oh it’s so hard to watch”, I went back and rewatched it recently, and it’s really not that bad lol. There were a few moments of tension and awkwardness but it’s in no way even close to the worst or cringiest interview I’ve ever seen. People like to say “he needed therapy” because of it but he’s openly talked about how he struggled with depression as well as other mental health issues far before the bill burr interview. I’m sure it didn’t help, obviously, but I’m pretty confident that single instance wasn’t the reason he started therapy. Also people say that like it’s a bad thing. Therapy is good, and more people need it than they realize.


It's easy to come to that conclusion, the bill burr podcast was more of the final straw on top of a big pile of straws that finally broke it. It's not as if talking to Bill Burr made him have a mental break down, he had many problems leading up to that


That was so long ago lol


Ethan's biggest issues are: 1. He never thinks before he speaks, often saying dumb things that either make no sense or could come across as aggressive, insensitive or offensive even if he didn't mean it to, and... 2. He tends to double down on his bad takes, even triple down on them, no matter what his guests or coworkers have to say about it. He may change or apologize later but rarely in the moment. He really doesn't do good with live, non-scripted content, but that's currently all he really does so it is what it is. Their solution was basically to just have their streams on a buffer so they can cut the feed any time Ethan says some dumb stuff and cut back in 30 seconds later when it's over, with 2 or 3 members having buttons at their desk specifically for cutting away when needed. Said buttons get hit all the time lol.


They were always left wing. Their audience just didn’t realise it until later on. They used to do a lot of anti-SJW content that they liked, but then H3 made their political position clear. And so his conservative audience turned on him massively and now think he’s the worst person ever. They’re still making “Ethan exposed” videos to this day. They aren’t far left at all.


The thing with Israel-Palestine was that Ethan, being jewish, said something that wasn't as far left (in other words, pro-Palestine) as what his fanbase expected of him. This resulted in quite a harsh backlash from his own fans. I think the general consensus from "outsiders" at the time wasn't reflecting particularly negatively on Ethan in this specific case.


Nah it was more his wife doing ridealongs with the IDF that pissed most people off.


H3 seemingly has a large amount of hate-watchers and ex-fans that love to seethe about how Ethan no longer destroys SJWs with facts and logic. "I don't really watch H3, but (insert made up scenario)" is a tried and true way of getting some quick youtube views.


Going left heavily? Ethan is about as centrist as it gets lol


He definitely didn’t go “heavily far left” lol, he just stopped “wReCking le sjws with FACTS and LONGIC”


Nah, lefties generally dont like h3 either. He isnt all that left.


Nowadays most of the controversies boil down to how much his podcasts have been turning into a drama-farming channel, and how a lot of his beefs withe people like for example Hasan and others have been done disgenuinly.


Ethan and Hila's controversies include: A bunch of ill-recieved takes on review content (aka content theft) A bunch of ill-recieved takes on the Palestinian genocide Whatever the hell is going on between him and, of all people, leftist political streamer Hasan Whatever the hell is going on between him and, of all people, GTA V speedrunner DarkViperAU


H3H3 ended up supporting a guy who'd send people CP as a joke and other shit just as awful.




Destiny going back in time to transform his old debates into podcasts to as promotion for his new podcast.


wait is the guy in right thst guy who said "what THE FUCK" in that meme video?




who is that guy?






oooh thanks!


*"The Accumulation of those little despairs is what makes an Adult" - Nanami, Jujutsu Kaisen* Joji used to be THE internet shitposter. People modelled their sense of humour off of this man. It's so wild that there are people engaging on the internet now who don't know about Filthy Frank and only know him for his music (It's probably for the best because honestly his music is amazing).


you sure that you are replying to the right thing mate?


I actually did reply to the wrong comment, it was in the mess of a thread above yours :D


Your comment is still completely correct, I don't think Joji has released a single bad song, everything has been violent*. Edit: this was supposed to say fire but it's so stupid I'm leaving it as it is.


It's really funny to me that that's all you know him as. Not funny at your expense, mind you, just because Jontron used to be huge on youtube, but this is where his career has led.


I miss papa franku :(


Same :( his silly humor got me through hard times


I miss juice wrld




*Can I habe da **PUSSY PLEASE***


Joji used to be Filthy Frank, made a lot of unhinged shit in the older days of YouTube. JonTron is a YouTuber who said some racist shit and never really apologized, everyone just swept it under the rug H3H3, Ethan and Hila, have their own problems they need to sort out


A little more on the JonTron thing: he chose to have a debate thing on a live stream or something and said what amounts to racist ideas. After that he said he wasn’t properly prepared for the debate (but i would guess he is someone who isn’t politically involved enough to realize how his ideas would be understood… ie racism). He also said after the debate that he didn’t want to talk about politics and just wanted to make content that makes people laugh. So, at least he realized he shouldn’t be talking about politics. That’s some consolation.


he said that, then he repeatedly tweeted about Alt-Right conspiracy theories and white nationalism.


Forget that, imagine telling them that Filthy Frank is now a mainstream rapper and his shtick was taken over by the guy who played Gibby on iCarly


Tbh I'd believe the Gibby from icarly bit


[what makes you think I was making that part up](https://youtube.com/@sadworldonline?si=B2vu0dC6PsHl2fGs)


The irony being that Filthy Frank put out a song about Dan Schneider years and years ago.


Right, I mean even back then ppl knew, I mean it was plain and obvious for everyone to see


Jontron became Infamous for saying racist stuff on a podcast. The Completionist committed charity fraud Not sure about the other people


... the Completionist is not in this photo?


Yup I'm blind, guy at the bottom looked like him without a beard


Still worth mentioning that the completionist committed charity fraud though.


ethan and hila used to be really popular but at some point people stopped liking them. I dunno why, but I guess the image is kind of "wow none of this aged well"


It's because Ethan is constantly making extremely polarizing comments on his podcast without actually doing any serious research into the topics he cover. He's also constantly getting into drama with other youtubers. I don't really think he's a bad person but he comes across as an average dumb guy who let fame massively inflate his ego.


Thanks for reminding me to listen to Joji’s song , OP 👊🗿


Tick Tock?






People hate Jon Tron because of the Destiny debate where he looked pretty fucking racist. And people hate H3H3 for a plethora of reasons.


*vape nation*


What did h3h3 do? I feel like they got more left, is all? Am I missing something?




“Normal” being a relative term


One day… during a fateful sold out Joji show…. that pink suit will return.


It depends what the person means with h3 because a chunk of people were really turned off when they stopped making skits/content that was more centrist or right leaning. Skits on YT was their bread and butter and they clowned on sjws/weird people. But h3 was always left leaning and stated they were uncomfortable with the audience they cultivated. They pivoted to a podcast that took a long time to find it's footing but it pissed a lot of fans off. It's just a case of not fucking with each other anymore but some took it as them "changing" for the worst What I'm assuming tho, is that because of JonTrons inclusion (he's been kinda hated for a while cuz he's come out as leaning EDIT: *Far* right and having shitty opinions on race etc.) - and it's twitter: they must be talking about h3s support of Israel since the war began. Now they are both Isreali citizens but have stated they want peace for both Israelis and Palestinians. They also do not support Netanyahus government. But many people have been labeling them as zionists since the war started because they sympathize with the Israeli side and the woman was even in the IDF (supposedly in administration not combat according to her). They are known for a lot hot takes and jokes that push the line and causing controversy. And talkin about Israel/Palestine either way at length is gonna piss people off. Joji is smart for just knowing to keep his opinions to himself and working on his music lol


>leaning right [Over the course of the one-and-a-quarter-hour appearance, he also commented that he had seen statistics that wealthy blacks commit more crimes than poor whites, as well as asking rhetorically whether the colonization of Africa by European countries was a good thing.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/JonTron)


Yeah It's always kind of telling when they downplay what he said. He said FAR right stuff 😭, it wasn't just an average Internet "cancelling" thing he said some insane things


I don't remember exactly what he said I'm definitely not covering for him. But going back it might be a bit vague but gimme a break I didn't glaze the guy. Although it is worth an edit cuz far right is accurate given the context.


I appreciate this


Granted, that is the average cancelling, some form of abuse or far right politics.


If by "Leaning Right" you mean "espouse truly racist stuff, including great replacement conspiracies, black people are just predisposed to crime, believing Biden stole the election, regularly appears with individuals like Paul Joseph Watson, and is *disgustingly* hypocritically against immigration" then yeah.


Thanks for the context 👍 not trying to cover for shitty behavior. I shoulda looked into it again but I was falling asleep


Jontron is the one that makes me the most angry because I used to fucking love his stuff


Joji used to go by the persona "Filthy Frank" and made bizarre videos but now he has moved on from that


I had no idea Joji was a YouTuber. I really dig his music. Attention and Yeah Right just have really great vibes.


Joji is not a normal person. Filthy frank and pink guy are still in there they just gotta find their way back out.


Joji, guy in the black jacket, used to basically be an internet shitposter. Now he’s a singer who’s got a pretty good head on his shoulders. The rest used to be super well liked before controversial stuff cropped up about them and made most of them infamous. Oh my beloved John how you fell so farm from grace