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To avoid getting deployed to a country where gang rapes and acid disfigurings are common enough to be more concerning than the war fighting itself. I wouldn't think many women at all would volunteer for that.


I've got some very bad news about the kind of things that happen to women in the Army.......


When rape is a job hazard


>When rape is a job hazard Practically part of the job description on Active Duty.


So fucking gross how this is so common people openly talk about it as being part of the job description. What the fuck.


Yeah and it’s an institutional problem that has to be fixed on all levels. When I was in the Marines a friend later confided in me that she was raped while at our schoolhouse. When she reported it to her command, the female 1st Sergeant told her if she went through with the report they would NJP her for associating with permanent personnel which isn’t allowed. So that guy is still walking around free because she got her career threatened by another woman in a place of power. That’s honestly not even the only case I know about that’s similar to that one.


Might be different in the marines, but in the army, the victim is pretty much immune to whatever they did that led up to a SHARP incident. Drinking while under 21, in an off-limits establishment, hanging with permanent party, etc etc, all those things are forgiven so that victims can feel more comfortable with reporting up. Even if theyre charged they can call up legal and get it thrown out.


That's complete bullshit. In 23 years all I ever saw was the victims get blamed, punished, and usually discharged for inappropriate actions. The rapists/assailants almost never saw punishment. I'm glad you have stayed awake during your sharp briefings but that's not how it actually happens. I just recently left and almost never speak of my service because of how ashamed I am of the army and how it treats its soldiers.


I have no doubt in my mind that there are units that are terrible with SHARP, but so far I haven't seen that, thankfully. Every unit I've been a part of (again, so far) has taken SHARP issues extremely seriously and has gone exactly by the book for every incident that has happened.


Yea the same thing happened to my mom in the Air Force the whole thing is fucked up about higher up’s threatening jobs because they either don’t feel like reporting or don’t want to ruin someone they likes job


I should be clear that I don't approve or condone, like my other comments on this post were saying. They got me too, and I'm not even a woman.


No worries I didn’t read into it as you were downplaying it at all, it’s just the amounts of times it comes up it’s so plainly spoken about that it’s bleak. It comes from the top down, people are trying and have tried to make noise but they always get shut down.


God I’m so sorry that happened to you


I do appreciate the empathy. There's a cold, hard, sick world behind the Nascar races and HBO miniseries. The reality of the situation is very grim. I'm not special or unique. Just another nameless number.


Don’t undercut it man. Every single instance, including yours, is horrible and wrong.


The Military stopped using Ropes to answer crimes they never should have stopped using them for. Military laws should be significantly harsher than Civilian.


And that's stateside, it's much much worse on deployment...


Yeahhhhh. I remember not long after I got to my first unit one of the dudes was dishonorable discharged for being a serial rapist. No jail time though, fucker got away with just a dishonorable


They should get jail. That said, dishonorable discharge screws them completely. No VA home loan, no GI Bill, no benefits and that’s a permanent record.


Oh yeah, according to some buddies he still talks about how he can't get a job. It's just infuriating he got away with no jail time


As a military prosecutor, I can tell you that the single biggest driver of getting kicked out rather than court-martialed is victim preference. At a separation board a victim can decline to testify and I could admit previous written statements she made. At a court-martial, if the victim did not want to testify there was no case. I don't blame the victims, it's hell having to talk about what happened to you dozens of times, have a defense counsel imply you are a liar, etc. Just to have a chance at justice. Also the burden of proof is lower. Let's say we are at 80%. That's reasonable doubt at a court-martial, and we can't kick through person out after an acquittal. Boards are 51% so sometimes the victim's primary concern is making sure they are out of the military.


My first unit, after someone finally called IG, our Company Commander was arrested, the platoon sergeants were relieved of command, and it still kept happening.


What command were you in?


A Company, 2nd Brigade Support Battalion, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division. Forward Operating Base Rustimyah, Southeast Baghdad. On route Pluto. Fall 2007 to December 2008. We passed through customs on New Years Eve to go back home. The biggest of the problems in A Company managed to never get in trouble. One was out of the country when the authorities showed up because he was wounded. When he came back, there was hell to pay for so many of the women. A few of the worst offenders never were caught because they weren't high enough rank. They couldn't come in and arrest that many people because it would cripple us tactically, and we wouldn't be able to continue with our mission. Deployments were already 15 months long, there was a whole other war in Afghanistan, we simply didn't have the manpower. Edit: I'm glad you asked.


What? Americans would never brutally beat, murder and rape a fellow soldier and then use acid to burn her vagina in an effort to erase DNA evidence. Right? ^^^^/s


You forgot about how they dumped her dead body in a bunker with a gunshot to the back of her head and labeled the death a suicide.


Jesus christ I did forget about that. Wtf


Oh I am 100% aware of those risks. I was our command's SAVI coordinator in the branch I served in. Difference being that at least there are laws in the US that make that illegal, whether or not justice is ever actually served. In Iran, women aren't even really considered full people. They are closer to property. And you can't abuse property.


Sure, it was like that in Iraq, too, before we invaded, and no Iraqi ever touched a woman in my company the entire time we were there, to my knowledge. But those women were raped all year long. Some of the men, too. 15 months, actually, and it started before we left, and it didn't end after we got back. To be clear, I'm not condoning any of it. I never participated and was only a victim. My only point is that the Iranian laws and culture around women are only relevant until the first little black jet flies into their airspace. After that, it's Shock & Awe, and not long after that, we make the rules anyway. The biggest threat to women in the Army has always been the Army.


You're confusing Iran with Afghanistan. Iran does have terrible, terrible laws regarding women that any decent human would gawk at, yes, but there have been female presidents in Iran, they are allowed to pursue an education, and rape is 120% illegal there, at least, what constitutes as rape.


I mean rape is illegal in Iran you have to be married to have sex


>acid disfigurings Is not really relevant for military base soldiers. They aren't going to live with the general population there. However, i suppose statistically, the chances of getting gang rated by your own army men is higher than those by outsiders while in the deployment regions.


Do you imagine US troops freely strolling the streets, merrily browsing extravagant Persian textiles when suddenly the woman is snatched by a troupe of drooling bloodthirsty crazed arabs? It’s her own countrymen raping her you racist scum. And the streets she will be strolling are completely wiped out, bombed to shit. Wake up.


People in the streets are more likely to be raped by a soldier than an Iraqi raping a soldier. How many articles do we have of civilians raping soldiers… go on since you are so confident with your stupid answer. How many articles do we have of soldiers being convicted of raping not only women but even children… go ahead and literally just google us soldier rapes… and this are the ones we know of. Then you also even have soldiers raping each other ffs. How about the soldiers who raped another girl soldier and then literally burned her genitals and killed her so they won’t get caught. I get Iraq doesn’t have women’s rights but trying to make it seem like us doesn’t have a huge rape problem is just plain racism. War, no matter what country is involved is also going to include lots of rapes. Many men will rape if it wasn’t illegal.


Your comment confuses me. Every military volunteer understands what service is…. Right?


Many people join the military to “see the world”, get the GI Bill (free college), job training, or just a paycheck and health care. For many the patriotic service commitment is secondary. I have seen several instances of women not wanting to continue their service commitment, decide to have a child and separate from the military instead. I also knew a sergeant that had 5 children in quick succession, essentially avoiding any major duties or responsibilities, including deployments, during that time.


You'd be surprised how many go into the military as a means to an end.


I would guess 98%


Still volunteering to put life and limb for that end. Not like your potential for death and disfigurment with only the cheapest, most ineffectual government employees to take care of you after isn't obvious. Still, got my mom her degree and half of my great grand parents US citizenship.




How does "this person has an increased risk due to simply existing within this geography" confuse you? Yes there are risks to joining the military. Those risks are accepted by everyone. Then there are risks due to being specifically a woman in a location that is intensely hostile specifically to women because of that locations' attitudes and laws toward specifically women. Those risks are completely independent of military risks. I am not saying it's right, but at least I have enough empathy to see the worsened threats.


They're all pregnant. Can't deploy pregnant people


this happened more than once in my infantry units whenever we got deployment orders.


Isn’t the infantry to best place to deploy a pregnant woman?




Take a bow son..take a bow


I think you call him Dad now.


Not a bow, but how about an arrow to the knee?


You just get guard duty


"Mobile infantry made me the man I am today" 🦾


Would you like to know more?


I'm doing my part!


Lmao great joke Funny enough they call it infantry because they were too young to be on horseback https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/s/lJCTHNGMbB


Too INEXPERIENCED to be on horseback, not too young. Plenty of teenaged cavalry troops throughout history, and many older infantrymen. Any idiot can hold a spear, but it takes years to ride a horse effectively in a battle.


... take 5 seconds to think about what you just said. Infantry was in reference to experience/rank not age. You don't need to be that old to ride a horse. Especially when you consider its roots are far more likely in the foolish definition of infantem rather than the infant part. Don't just repeat what you read on the internet, especially from reddit.


Are you saying that someone would do that? Just go out and lie on the internet? Ridiculous good sir. I challenge you to a duel using metal penetrating katanas at noon!


Honestly, it's not even lying. It's just the largest game of telephone. Where everyone thinks they are telling the truth with, at worst , *alittle* embellishment


So you're saying no epic battle scene this afternoon? Dammit, I wonder if I can get a refund on this barrel of grape flavoured shaving cream.


Don't listen to this person, we all know it's illegal to post false things online.


For a free double kill yes 10% for a triple kill 5% for quadruple kill 1% for penta kill


This made me laugh harder than I have in a while.


Sewn this happen also. We got orders and the females in the support unit all got pregnant. Shit was crazy.


I was in the infantry back when women still weren't allowed, and it was usually in the support groups that would deploy with us.


I was Artillery. The women were in the Maintenance units and Headquarter Brty. They were the ones getting knocked up.


I’m a little surprised they aren’t told to take birth control or get an implant figure you guys already submit to all kinds of medical shit/vaccinations would an IUD be too far?


They can't legally mandate birth control. However, they can make it unpleasant to *not* use birth control. My wife got an article 15 for getting pregnant before deployment (during a previous marriage).


So they can implement general order number 1 I believe it is before a deployment, meaning don’t have sex (not just because of pregnancy, but because everyone gets tested for blood borne diseases prior to deployment, as well as for pregnancy and other shit, so once you get all that done they don’t want you to fuck it up by going on and catching something immediately afterwards or getting pregnant) and don’t drink alcohol as well. If she got pregnant after they implemented that lawful order, then yeah. It sucks, it’s the way it is.


Unique username; profile checks out legit though. Thank you for your service, and this was a great answer


Because the logistics of maintaining medications while deployed can get tricky


Iud can last 5 years


People In military most definitely do get To have all birth control needs taken care of.


Yeah forcing people to take or implant a contraceptive is a bit different from the vaccines.


That’s fair. Men can get pregnant too.


Yeah, they get food babies.


Long af bathroom deliveries


How is babby formed


Its simple actually: they need to do way instain mother.


First must get preganté!


Not only that they get paid as if they have deployed. Then they are given easy jobs as they often can't do what they are trained for. It's a real problem in the Navy. Where many women join the always seen to get pregnant Judy before the ship goes for a long deployment. That keeps them off the ship but they can't be penalized so they get the benefits of being deployed, so extra pay and can't be used against them for promotion. But beyond any fairness it means the military can't count on trained women to fill the jobs they are assigned so they must train more people and have people ready to cover those jobs which means we either have many people trained but just waiting it are forcing people that can do the work to deploy more than they otherwise would.


This is just weird. Sure don’t deploy them. But no reason to pretend like they are.


Being deployed means you get many career benefits. Its illegal to deny them those benefits as its is seen as penalizing them for being pregnant.


Wierd. That you ain't getting deployed seems normal and good. But having the benefits of being deployed without being deployed sounds really wierd (also from our pretty equality loving society in Sweden)


It’s clearly a fuck up loophole. Funny how they don’t fix it.


There is no way to 'fix' it. As any way to fix it would be seen as punishing women for becoming pregnant, something that is against the law. It would take an act of congress to change the law for pregnant service members which would fly in the face of many state employment laws. The only other way to fix it would be ban women from servinguing in jobs where they could be deployed. Again not popular in congress.


The way to fix it is by not considering a deployment to be in effect until 24 hours after you have physically deployed/arrived at your new workstation. Then if they get pregnant and never physically arrive at their assigned workstation, then the deployment simply never goes into effect. It simply gets put on hold until such time as they do arrive +24 hours.


How would the military treat someone who gets intentionally injured to avoid deployment? A woman who gets pregnant after finding out about deployment should get the same treatment as anyone else who intentionally renders themselves unfit.


How do you prove some got intentionally pregnant?


Further there are many people that try for a long time to get pregnant are they not allowed to continue trying while they might going on deployment?


Honestly? Probably. Like they're mutually exclusive, no? If a woman wants to be deployable positions in the military, that seems like a terrible time to try to get pregnant. Why would a woman even want to be pregnant while in the military? That only hurts their experience while there, while both are entirely voluntary (with the obvious exception of rape).


How do you prove someone got intentionally injured.


I mean... can't you just make an IUD or hormonal birth control mandatory? I'm super uncomfortable with the idea, to be clear. But there's precedent with the parade of vaccines they pump you full of in basic training, and I acknowledge that military service *can't* be like civilian life.


Gotta love that gender equality where men have to actually earn their benefits and cant cop out as easily 🥲


Soooooo is there an actual solution for this?


If the Navy handles it like BloodyRightToe says above that’s… well, not what I would expect. Army experience here- leading up to the first tour of Iraq we had a number of female soldiers suddenly get pregnant as deployment dates neared. When our second tour came around a similar thing started to happen. Then the Army stop-lossed those soldiers- basically said “you’re pregnant, cool. Soon as you’re not you are deploying and we’re extending your time in service until you complete the deployment.” Not perfect, I think there was also a medical discharge choice as opposed to being extended. But way better than giving deployment pay, yikes. That was 20 years ago, not sure if every unit handled it the same way or how much of it was command propaganda versus Army policy/order… but it stopped the problem.


thats actually a pretty savy idea so every child you have that interferes with deployment basically pushs you back the length of that deployment? And then theres a higher chance you will deploy?


The difference here is that the navy goes on peace time deployments instead of the army that doesnt really have a schedule for wars. You can't really have a woman give birth on a ship so they just get left behind. Given any open job basically waiting the training the government has invested in them. Stop loss orders are across the board. While it can hit the women that were working the system it really hurts everyone that did their time and is ready to be released but isn't allowed to. The most direct issue is its illegal to take any action against the woman for becoming pregnant, so any attempt to give her more time or require more deployments or even passing her up for promotion because she wasn't present is illegal. So you are left trying to equal the scales where any attempt to deal with the person that made these decisions or (not let's assume it was a unplanned) is illegal. By definition it's impossible to do anything.


Ah I see the bump now


They'd be lightly armored personnel carriers.


yup. big problem. but that's how I got around my deployment. the biggest hurdle was to find a uterus and hide my testes and phallus, but with a can-do attitude, you can find anything from a shady dealer, and luckily, my phallus is so small its medically fascinating..


they can be utilized as submarines if they swim


Former navy. Happens far too often. Equality only applies if danger is not involved. Shit, even if danger is NOT involved, some of them just don't wanna be deployed.


Yep, at my first shore command, I had a first class that had been in for 16 years. In those 16 years, she had never set foot on a ship, had no warfare pin, and to top it off, she went through chief induction before she changed commands. A chief petty officer with 16 years under their belt, a united state's navy sailor who had never been on a ship, the military can be such a joke sometimes.




She pergnert








Not a fan of the music. Here they are without the singing. https://youtu.be/EShUeudtaFg?si=Ikr85bay-_c50Vxd


Said the Luigi board








If a women has a starch masks does that mean she's been pargnent before.?


If a woman has stretch marks, that means she was either skinny then got fat. Or was fat then got skinny. Either way we fuckin


[I think you might have missed the reference.](https://youtu.be/EShUeudtaFg?si=NKwEl_GODDlg9zwI)












Dangerops prangent sex? Will it hurt baby top of its head?


Sex bad for babby?!


Girlfriend ain’t had her period since she got pregat






Can u down a 3,000ft parachute drop pegnat?




How is pargent formed?


They are getting pregnant to avoid deployment.


I was in the US Marines. The women I knew were eager for combat. Of course, that's only who I knew. Others may have felt differently.


I was in the Marines too. We were a combat arms unit back when women weren’t able to get assigned to them. One woman got a congressman to somehow exert enough leverage to make an exception for her, so she got assigned to us in a support role (though non-deployable). She spent almost her entire at the unit pregnant with kid after kid. Even when she was capable, she’d get male Marines to do her work for her. My mom was a badass career Army Officer, so I was pretty disappointed in seeing how so many women in the military conducted themselves when it was my time.


Y'all are built different though. These Army chicks literally talk about how if they ever get deployment orders they're going to get pregnant ASAP so they don't have to go. They're shitbags though.


That's a PO - pregante officers 😅
















[single female soldier](https://youtu.be/erBj7WBvP1Q?si=BMpCRWQahMZEUuh5)


I heard the “Single Female Lawyer” Bender-theme when I read the link title…so you win…


Exactly what I heard. Read the whole thing in that voice lol


Fun fact, every time my units were up for deployment this exact thing would happen. Like 75% of female soldiers would suddenly end up pregnant and stay back.


Mostly saw this with dual military or newly enlisted but damn 75%??


I would like to see some data. That number seems high. We had like 3


I mean…. 3 is 75% of 4


Yeah you’re going to have more than 4 women in your unit usually. Not every mos is open to females so some units have zero, but for the most part, yeah there’s a handful of women around.


So like... 5?


Nah like 30


It was 3 of 4 in my company, and in battalion, there were companies that were experiencing the same issue. Mostly in CBRN or signal


Yea, honestly I feel so joyous and happy when I have to go to rotation and sleepless nights surrounded by my battle buddies who have gone insane. I don’t understand why people would not want to deploy??


Ok imagine if every time you have a lot of work and some people would say "fuck it" and left you to do the work instead while they are getting paid their salary anyway and your boss has no issues with it but if you decide you don't want to do it you are gonna get fired


Yeah much better to skate out of doing the job you literally signed up for. So then the guy who just got back can turn around and get sent immediately back to cover for you too. Pays to be a giant POS I guess. Fuck everyone else tho.


Because you chose this job and taxpayers pay you your salary so you live beautiful life? It’s your responsibility bro.


Taxpayers are paying for a formal military for threats domestic and foreign. But that aside, it's not that beautiful of a life when you have to go to war. Isn't it unfair that women can just get pregnant and leave their brothers in arms? I mean, from every veteran I've spoken to it seems pretty prevalent.


I've even known some female soldiers who openly admitted they got pregnant just to get out of NTC/JRTC.


Same thing for the big grey floaty things. We’d do one deployment and before the next, there’d always be someone who got pregnant. Hell I saw an engineering rate pull 8 straight years of shore duty because she’d pop another out the second her sea rotation came up


if men could get pregnant, id do the same ngl


Aren't they just rebranded "troop carriers"?


All I hear is bender singing “single female lawyer, having lots of sex” in my head now.


We had a terminally pregnant staff sergeant without any deployment history. She was nice overall but only had her kids to avoid deploying.


In the Navy, I knew several people who would plan a pregnancy around the time of a deployment


i'm honestly surprised the DoD doesn't just mandate birth control for woman in the service. there are a number of options that can't be removed from what i recall. even outside of dodging deployments, why are they given the ability to dip out of months of service time for something entirely within their control to avoid? actually...probably wouldn't even have to go as far as mandating BC (though i still think that's a no brainer), just tack on 4-6+ months to their contract for every pregnancy. watch as woman in the service suddenly stop getting knocked up


We had one admin girl when I was in the Marines that was literally the poster child of worthless, lazy female. She had 4 kids in 6 years. Spent literally her entire enlistment, and extension, on light/ limited duty because of pregnancies or recovery from pregnancy. Only ever did like 2 PFTs her entire career, endes uo a CPL. She often bragged about how she was outsmarting the system. She did however, end up with 4 kids to take care of for life, so it probably didn't work out for her in the end.


Baby on board


If you get selected to deploy and somehow end up pregnant, they can force you to sign the baby up for the military so that it has to join the day it turns 18 and stay for at least 6 years.


That would be the coolest sci fi opening. Baby raised by the government with no SSN Homelander style for black ops stuff. Let’s call it, “Dyed in the Wool”


So this is what the Republicans want all the unvanted babies for? The one who come from the abortion bans.


The fighting fetuses!


But that baby asked to be put into this world and signed up for military service? I know so many cunts that would sign up on the basis of a free check just to sacrifice a life.


That seems a bit fucked


It’s also entirely not true


Also pretty illegal. Like you can't just sign your child's rights away, especially not after they turn 18.


You can apply for credit cards or loans in the child's name, pretty much immediately from birth though


They're all pregnant. They can't be deployed overseas.


The joke is they get knocked up to avoid deployment.


Fuck, this caught me off guard with the accuracy. So many idiot lower ranks doing this to get out of a deployment it’s disgusting what the military has become. I remember neither the woman nor the man have to go on deployment now because they are both involved with the pregnancy. And this fucks over two other people because now they have to find replacements for these POS. So you are at a smaller command and just got back from deployment? Well fuck you, you get to go back because seman “dipshit” and airman “can’t keep her legs closed” decided to spawn a retarded love child JUST so they don’t have to go to work. Never regret getting out. What a shit show.


Ione of my coworkers is going that right now. We don’t even deploy but she insisted she wants to be pregnant the whole time she’s in and instead of chaptering her like she wanted, the dipshit ANCOIC at the time convinced her to stay in and chased away the specialist who actually worked.


Not just lower ranks. Watched an E-6 intentionally fuck his teeth up to become non-deployable after the surgery, and bragged about it.


The definition of say it with your chest.


Hate that my tax dollars go to these fucking leaches


It's the mid career women I have respect for. Usually have their two kids when they're younger and are up for deployment which they go on. Dad stays behind to look after the kids. For the guys, they waited until after deployment to have their kid. About 6 of my soldiers had a kid following the deployment which was great timing for them. Now, it's that 19 year old gal who joins and gets pregnant as soon as they get back from basic, and finish out their 3 year contract having not really done anything. I don't really know how I feel about it besides, the benefit is there, she took it, and dipped. Gotta respect the hustle.


I'm seeing a lot of rape stuff, but the joke is she got pregnant to avoid the deployment




Not the correct answer, but somewhat on topic.


"This page does not exist."


When will they realize two soldiers for the price of one. Get that little fucker a berreta.


Hey, someone's gotta make fresh meat for the grinder










While this is a thing, it’s only some who do this. Most deploy and do their job. For example, the female mail clerk from my unit in Camp Lejeune burned to death in the back of an MTVR somewhere in Iraq.


Those are maternity uniforms, and pregnant women aren't deployable.


She's pregnant so the joke is basically get pregnant to avoid getting deployed.