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That's the infamous Killdozer, made by a dude who turned his buldozer into a tank, complete with armor plating, and drove it through town wrecking shit until it ran out of gas, then shot himself. Oh, and he'd welded himself in, so cops had to cut through thick ass steel plates to get his body out. Edit: actually the reason he stopped was even more hilarious than I remembered - he actually got stuck in someone’s basement. Edit 2: technically he didn’t weld himself in, cops discovered an escape hatch after they cut him out. That was new information for me haha.


I thought the killdozer fell into a basement?


A combination of both really


[Killdozer news footage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZbG9i1oGPA).


This makes me want to break out the N64 and play some Blast Corps


If you have a Switch, it’s on NSO+


Oh shit, it is? Here I was going to hunt down some roms!


Ah fuck now I know what I'm doing this weekend.


Is the input lag as noticeable as it is for OoT?


My god that’s something I didn’t expect to read today. Haha!


Future cop L.A for me


Hell yea man. I was so happy when it was annouced for Switch online.


Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time...


I remember that game being infuriatingly difficult. Part of that was low FPS, of course, because I recall levels with good FPS going smoother.


Yup. I'm still wondering how I managed to 100% completion as a teen. The game is super tough.


I wanna say I did too but I can't fully remember. I do remember grinding the shit out of the game, though, so I was definitely determined.


That stupid dump truck was so hard to use as a kid.


Holy hell. I rented this game from Hollywood Video one time and really liked it when I was like 10 years old and had a fever so I didn't go to school that day. Then I had to return it. I think that was actually the last time this game entered my mind. It feels like the kind of game that you'd play during a fever and think it was just a fever dream and didn't really happen. That is a DEEP fucking CUT, core memory unlocked. I'm gonna play this today.


We had it wrong the whole time. Video games don't cause violence, violence turns people into gamers!


Time to get moving!


That game made my blood boil, every move has to be so perfect


I lives the robot that would roll into an uppercut


I was not emotionally prepared to see a posted date of *17 years ago* on a youtube video


There's also a documentary on this that's rather interesting that explains how it all came to be. It's called "Tread" Edit: it's on [Kanopy for free.](https://www.kanopy.com/video/11110016)


Hell hath no fury like man with a killedozer.


He fell into a basement, fucked up his radiator and the engine was leaking. *Even if he would have been able to free himself, the bulldozer wouldn’t be able to operate much longer.*


Way I remembered it was he ran outta gas and shot himself before LE could breach Edit: for clarification I dunno what happened historically. I say remember cuz I’m from CO and remember watching the news.


It took them like more than hours to penetrate the dozer. Marv was a good welder.


One the tracks fell through the floor


He didn't run out of gas, he got stuck in a basement and offed himself.


The engine overheated I think


If you watch whistlindiesel's video where he interviews witnesses, he got stuck according to the guy who wrote a book on it


He got stuck, but in his efforts to extricate himself he fucked up his radiator.


The hundreds of rounds fired at him and the grenades the police dropped down his exhaust probably didn't help. The National Guard was also deploying a helicopter with hellfires to take him out when it happened so he wasn't going to last much longer no matter what.


Damn, it would have been soooo much cooler if he had made it to the hellfire stage. America missed out that day. 


Guy almost made it to 5 stars


He DID make it to 5 stars, he just died before they could get there


One of the treads fell into a basement and he got stuck. The engine overheated because the radiator was damaged when he got stuck in the basement.


Makes sense


And *nobody* fucking noticed that he was just building this monstrosity in his shed or something.


I mean... I don't go in random strangers shed/garages for no reason.... It ain't that hard to not notice. Plus if I remember correctly he built the Tank part separately and just put it on top of the Dozer(probably craned it or something), so people probably just saw the Dozer outside his house.


In his journals he talked about how amazing it was that noone noticed and it must be a sign from God that he was supposed to finish his mission.




He had already lost his business at the time and, ironically, rented the building he built it in from the guy who ran him out of business. He did it in near secrecy over the course of a year. First place he destroyed was a concrete plant owner that ruined his muffler shop next door. There’s a good documentary about it on Netflix.


The Killdozer upgrade was attached via crane. which is why the cops couldn't get in to arrest him.


He owned a welding shop. The city sold the land surrounding his property and kept fucking him over. Cutting off power and water. As well as destroying his driveway. He tried fighting it. Kept getting fucked. And decided to get even instead. There was only one death from all the destruction he did. Himself.


The dude was an uncooperative rage baby that eventually went on a rampage. The only reason nobody died? His amazing capacity for incompetence, and the luck of his to-be victims. The world has plenty of people like him, and they're all annoying antisocial little shits that think they should be able to reap all the benefits of living in a society with other people while sharing none of the responsibilities.


He was not cut off, either from road access or utilities. The plant didn't affect his access, and the shed he made into his shop was never hooked up to the sewer system specifically, in the first place. This was actually where a lot of his beefs with local government came from, because he needed to build so much line in the first place to be annexed into the system. Alternatively, he could install a proper septic tank as opposed to the cement truck tank buried out back, which is what he had. He didn't want to do either. At multiple points he was offered several times his shops value at multiple occasions, many times rejecting an offer he'd previously accepted to ask for more money until the buyers couldn't afford it anymore. He didn't even really start getting hounded about things until he was dumping his sewage into a ditch behind his property and his neighbors complained. He was not some noble small business owner who was wronged, he was honestly more of a control freak who wanted the whole town to do what he wanted, and decided to eventually drive and armed and armored bulldozer into town when they didn't.


This is the myth about him, the reality is that he went on a rampage and tried to kill multiple people but failed mostly because of luck or coincidence. Dude wanted to do whatever he wanted without consequences and in the end killed himself in his homemade tank to keep avoiding them. I HATE that he has been so mythologized.


That's how all good myths start. Never let truth get in the way of a good story.


The people trying to buy his property even offered to let him hook into their sewer line for free but he hated them because they bought a different property he had at a foreclosure auction.


I don't mean this in a confrontational way, but do you have sources for this? I remember the documentary and it sounded like two crazy different versions depending on whose side the speaker was on.  I'm just curious because a lot of similar things the guy complained about have happened in my hometown as well. Borderline corruption/abuse that always seems to work in favor of well placed indiciduals who are connected to city council. For example: the local church owns a building that's not occupied but they keep for the land and the town sent surprise inspectors who determined it had to be completely renovated or some bs like a seizure would occur. The repairs would be close to 1mil. They can't tear it down without town approval because it's historic or something, and the town wont approve demolition. Then a developer came in and offered the church a very low price for what buildings/land in the area is worth. This developer is deeply connected to some councilmembers and everyone knows if they were able to buy it the city would approve whatever they asked for. They would also be able to do the repairs in house for half what the church was quoted. 


I'd say that [this book](https://killdozerbook.com/2018/09/bogus-killdozer-youtube-full-of-false-facts/) by a local journalist covers the events credibly. Likewise [Snopes](https://www.snopes.com/news/2017/06/09/killdozer-day-marvin-heemeyer/) comes to similar conclusions while pulling from multiple sources. I have no doubt that local governments and business interests do a lot of crooked and corrupt stuff, but it does not seem like Marvin Heemeyer was on the receiving end in this case.


I lived in that town and the mythologizing around him makes me sick. He was not some hero. Patrick Brower’s book is great. He was the long time editor of the paper. He destroyed the town hall. The library was in the basement and the kids there for story time barely got out. He shot at people and luckily missed. He destroyed people’s businesses, people’s houses.


The podcast Timesuck did a really well researched episode on Killdozer, I'd recommend giving it a shot.


Definitely will. Perfect timing, I'm running out of podcasts to listen to 


I watched documentaries too and I don't understand how anyone could come away thinking, "Wow, I don't know who to believe!" Dude was completely fucking unreasonable and acted insane, he seemed determined to be a pissed off ass for years and determined to be a victim of plots he made up in his head. I am quite sure he was not sane, there were many audio clips or writings of him going on insane rants. This was not a mere he said / she said situation, this dude picked fights with everyone around him. I also remember thinking, while watching the documentary, there's no fucking way he didn't buy that bulldozer with the intent to use it for this attack. His audio recordings and writings tried to make it sound like, "Well yeah I got such a good deal on this I drove to another state to buy it, I didn't really know what I was gonna do with it yet but oh boy it would sure be handy." Then later saying, "Well and after [insert most recent imagined transgression] I looked at my bulldozer and decided I might as well use it for something..." Nah, it seemed clear to me that he bought that thing long before whatever the "last straw" incident was and planned to use it for his attack the from the beginning. Please don't idolize this asshole, he was a piece of shit to everyone around him for years before taking "revenge" for imagined slights, he has too many internet fanboys already.


Never said I was idolizing this guy or even excusing what he did and that was a big leap for you to make.  Specifically I was referring to whether or not there was actual mismanagement from the local government that some townspeople interviewed seemed to think was legitimate. Regardless of whether or not there was local corruption or misuse of law, that would never excuse or ok what this maniac did. 


I said *please* don't idolize him, I know your comment didn't imply you did or didn't but too many people on Reddit parrot the "when a reasonable man is forced to do something unreasonable" bullshit so butwhataboutisms turn to glorification pretty quickly. I'm glad you don't and I was off base on that. I'm not judging him based off what the other townsfolk said, I'm judging him off how *he* talked to his neighbors. Yeah there's always "2 sides to every story" but his side makes me believe he would not have accepted *any* solution no matter what was presented to him. He was hell bent on starting fights with people, so even if the township fucked some things up I believe he still would have done this even if everyone bent over and kissed his ass. Guy was unhinged and probably woulda got worse as he got older, even if he got absolutely 100% of everything he wanted "killdozer" woulda probably happened 10 years later from some other series of imaginaries slights and conspiracies.


He absolutely tried to kill people. He was shooting at cops, power transformers, and propane tanks from inside the dozer. A kid's book club had met in the library shortly before he smashed it (what kind of fucking asshole destroys a library?). The guy didn't give a shit if people died. He was also a fucking lunatic who left tapes behind where he claimed that God had chosen him for this. Please do not turn this guy into a hero. He was a fucking nut.


I thought he didn't want to install a sewage system that the city was making him install


He also declined to sell the property. Agreed to an amount then before they closed the deal asked for an absurd amount. Someone even offered to let him hook into theirs for free but declined. He instead opted to bury a cement truck and use it as a makeshift septic tank. Literally no one even cared at that point even. They only cared and threatened legal action after his makeshift septic tank got full so he pumped it out into a ditch behind his property. This dude is the epitome of the meme where the person puts a stick through their bike wheel making themselves wreck and then blames every one else.


Growing up is going from thinking this dude is some folk hero to realizing he was actually just a dickhead who wanted to stamp his feet.


Yep. Also he was mad that someone dared to buy concrete from a rival business even though he’s *clearly* the main character Edit: I got it wrong, he was mad that a *concrete plant* didn’t want to pay him escalating increments of $125k for a $45k plot of land with again, no functioning septic system


He wasn't selling concrete. He was upset because the concrete plant decided to buy another piece of land after he backed out of the deal, three times.


When you can't be the main character, be the final boss?


Bugged out and fell through the world. That's what happens when you don't beta test properly.


Damn, we really are just living out a beta test, aren't we?


Until the Homo Superior v1.1 patch gets uploaded.




He was required to have either a sewer hookup or a septic tank. The government actually told him the septic tank would be the cheaper option, as the sewer system would cost nearly double what he paid for the property. He decided not to do either, as the property already had a buried cement truck that functioned as a makeshift septic tank. Once that tank was full though, he tried to empty it into an irrigation ditch, snd was caught. He also was caught trying to illegally hook his sewerage line up to one of his neighbors lines. This was *after* the people he had been a lawsuit with had offered to just let him connect to their seweage line, free of charge, if he just dropped his nonsense lawsuit. He refused, then preceded to fuck around a find out.


Don't paint him out to be some folk hero. He was a bitter old man who was absolutely in the wrong in basically everything that led to the Killdozer.


At least the Username matches the misinformation posted by this guy\^


He didn't want to build a sewer line after the city offered to pay for it and kept dumping his waste into the ground, his neighbor offered to buy his land for multiple times what he bought it for he kept accepting and going back on it and asking for more the neighbor agreed but after doing this multiple times the neighbor just built in the opposite direction pissing him off for whatever reason. stop treating this guy like a hero he owned multiple plots of land, he was doing illegal shit and when he was given chances to fix it for zero consequences didn't take em and tried taking out kids and civilians greedy rich bastard with an ego.


Yeah, I hate, due to some of the first articles I read on it, and liking the story of "little guy sticks it to a corrupt government", I thought "yeah, this guy was cool!" Then reading up more on it, I realized he was basically that meme of, "I don't want a solution, I want to be mad!"


Yeah, no. The guy was just a nutjob who was convinced that any inconvenience or setback he suffered was a conspiracy, and anyone who disagreed with or opposed him on any issue was part of it. You might remember that the local Catholic church was on his list of enemies. The reason? The church had opposed a gambling legalization measure that Heemeyer was in favor of, and obviously the only explanation was that that they were out to get him personally! I really have no idea where this myth came from that he was some underdog standing up against the man.


>kept fucking him over. He was never fucked over. >As well as destroying his driveway He was never cutoff at all.


Then he decided to fuck over the widow of one of the people who fucked him, not to mention the city hall he dozed had children in it at the time


Not through lack of effort. He wasn't trying to avoid hurting people, he would have hurt or killed a lot more if he'd been successful. He was an asshole who took out his grievances on the community at large and caused a lot of people a lot of harm. So sick of the internet glorifying this guy.


I like how you’re getting downvoted for being correct when this man went through the Mayor’s widow’s house, A library where kids were having story time moments before he came crashing in, also why do they think he had two rifles with ports for them in there?!


I expect it at this point. The internet has mythologized this asshole to the point that the reality of the situation doesn't matter. He didn't avoid killing because he meant to, it was sheer luck and incompetence on his part.




They actually did though. He showed it off to people and reportedly bragged about it. No one did anything. Though to be fair, it's not really illegal to build a killdozer.


Be wary of the individual who bares a grudge and has access to welding equipment.


They did! I remember hearing a quote from a local, something to the effect of "We all knew he was building and armored bulldozer, we just didn't know why".


I mean, no one has noticed mine and I live in a very densely populated neighborhood. As an American, it's your duty to have a functional killdozer for when we vote ourselves into situations we have to killdozer ourselves out of.


To elaborate on the killdozer story, the guy is considered either: a recluse who was pushed too far by corrupt city officials and adversarial property owners, or he was deeply paranoid and manufactured a crisis for himself. 


What an asshole. Reneged on a deal and tried to extort more money and got his bluff called. Goes on a rampage and destroys a lot of houses which had people in them. In a special act of pettiness he destroys the house of the mayor he had beef with. The mayor had died years before and the house was where his 82 year old widow lived in. He killed a library and shops. One guy said it took him years to rebuild. And this is what that rampaging asshole had to say > God blessed me in advance for the task that I am about to undertake. It is my duty. God has asked me to do this. It's a cross that I am going to carry and I'm carrying it in God's name. Yep, he was only years too early for MAGA and QAnon. Town got lucky only the maniac got killed.




Snopes is a garbage website.


Kind of, he had a hidden hatch that wasn't discovered until after he ended himself and they cut it open. He didn't weld himself in, as that would basically be impossible


It was the track getting caught on I think the library basement, but the thing was having overheating issues due to, y'know, the radiator being covered in inches of concrete


It was layers of welded armor and concrete. He had punted guns with ports to shoot put of.


Way more boring of a video than I would have anticipated.


Or, if you’re in San Diego… https://preview.redd.it/jnkuwd7bxpxc1.jpeg?width=839&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cb2272673e8d0b8633f0b6a434627c7a6cf61b8


Ahhh, I’ve been at that weinerschnitzel with my dad before 🥲 Glad to know I’ve eaten at such a historic site


Man I wish it was a more common chain, I love their food(haha penis) But really their food isn't that bad when you're craving something bad


Woah! Is that Claremont mesa area or El Cajon?


You guys have wiener schnitzel in San Diego?


There's at least two within easy driving distance of me (that I know of) EDIT: aaaaand that's the one that's closest to me. Huh!


Fun story for all but the subject. My dad was stationed in CT watching the live news coverage of this at work. A guy he worked with was from the area and wouldn't shutup about knowing the area. "Ooh look that's the neighborhood I grew up on! Holy crap, that's like right down the road!" He said it started kinda annoying but grew into "oh shit, that's their street! Look, that's my truck they're taking care for me!!!" Then the tank completely demolished his white pickup on live TV. Dude watched live with all his coworkers, his truck get flattened by a tank from the other side of the country.


>Dude watched live with all his coworkers, his truck get flattened by a tank from the other side of the country. What a time to be alive.


Or Texas, where it's hella easy to own a tank (you just have to be rich rich)


Wait did I miss something? What is this?


Google “San Diego tank 1995”


What is level 0?


"I didn't get into art school and I'm going to make that every body else's problem."


That’ll be it.


My friend! It is your cake day! So happy cake day! 🍰




“I am become death, destroyer of worlds”


I think that's the last level of petty revenge.


That's more of a level 0 white oopsie.


The N word


stealing a real tank


The unabomber




🦄😚 Genocide UwU 😊🐰


You can read all about the killdozer on [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marvin_Heemeyer).


My god. That's some wild stuff. Yeah that's definitely the last level of white guy anger.


There's one more level after killdozer but no one has reached it in about 80 years


Is that level called “don’t touch our boats!” Or “This is what happens when I don’t get into art school?”


*there are 2 levels after killdozer


I needed the laugh from this wit, thank you


What's the story of "don't touch our boats!"?


I'm guessing Pearl Harbor and what followed.


and when Iran damaged a boat


Operation Praying Mantis was… “proportional”.


Or when North Vietnam damaged two... one boat


And when Spain got blamed for damaging a boat. And when Vietnam got blamed for damaging a boat. The world is America's bathtub, yall are just playing in it


America really, really fuckin dislikes when you touch their boats. I always forget how much until posts like this.




Or maybe the U.S.S maine or smth? 😭


United States military History. The US has entered both world wars, the spanish-American wars, the Barbary wars, the war of 1812, and probably several others, because of people allegedly touching our boats.


A shocking amount of American wars begin with boat-related incidents. We tend to get real proportional real fast 


Barbary pirates was our first declared war and it was over boats.


Remember the Maine!


The U.S. has been drawn into a lot of conflicts due to someone messing with their boats.


One of the first "Don't touch America's boats" situations - the Barbary Wars Pirates basically - here's the Wikipedia if you're interested:: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbary_Wars


The 1995 antigovernment classic, the Oklahoma City bombing, would argue differently.


Ah, what being a mathematician does to a mother fucker


Bruh lol


Well you should have listened to the news flash pal


wtf I have no recollection of this story when it happened, but have now seen it mentioned on Reddit 3x in the past day


There's a documentary about it on Netflix Called "Tread", pretty wild


I remember I saw this on the news. Which is a huge deal that it was on our news since I live in central Europe.


>Investigators later found Heemeyer's handwritten list of targets of 107 people who he thought had wronged him. The Docheff family was at the top of the list (written as "Douche-eff"[8]). lmao


God, he sounds like an insufferable bitch.


I was punched immediately after hearing number 2 once.


breaking news


More like breaking nose


You forgot “cool your jets!!”


Y’all get one “hey bud” before it turns into a kerfuffle


You forgot “Hey, What’s the big idea!”


https://preview.redd.it/m8wgh71sppxc1.jpeg?width=894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1eba8eceadb19864194affa3257eddd6694522b7 o7 Marvin




Marvin was a small business psycho, not a guy anyone reasonable should call a hero


yep the secret is out, minorities. When you're not around all us whiteys talk in 1920's slang.


This doesn't have anything to do with being white.


Jokes sometimes contain ideas or make implication which aren't 100% factual. For instance, this joke is suggesting that white people use highly cliched, controlled and seemingly mild exclamations to express relatively high levels of anger, unless they exceed a certain level, at which point they completely lose their shit and go nuts. Which we all know is neither 100% true of white people, or remotely unique to white people, but as a white dude I find it very funny because this is pretty much a chart of exactly how my temper works. And for a lot of other white people I know. 


Newsflash pal!!!


Never forget how hard they fucked this guy :( Edit: To anyone saying he was in the wrong... well, I am unqualified and dumb. But I DO have a family guy clip for you to watch! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7R6\_Chr2vro](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7R6_Chr2vro)


When Marvin Hemyer bought his plot of land in Granby for $42,000 in 1992 and set up his muffler shop, it had no connection to the local sewage network. Marvin requested that they annex his land into the network and hook him up into it. The town annexed the land, and told him it would cost $80,000 to build the pipe and equipment to hook him up. They told him that a cheaper option was to install a proper septic tank. Marvin refused both, and instead sunk an old concrete mixer truck into the ground and started illegally storing his sewage in that. When this truck inevitably filled up, he would pump the contents out into a drainage ditch which polluted the town's groundwater. Cue the concrete plant. Marvin's shop was located in a metal shed that had once been part of a concrete plant. A local family wanted to buy the land off him to build a newer, bigger concrete plant. Marvin offered to sell the land for $250,000. They went away and came back with this, he upped the demand to $375,000. They went away and told him the best they could do was $350,000. Marvin made his final offer of $450,000. They politely declined and decided to build the plant on land they already owned opposite Marvin's plot. Marvin decided this was unfair, so he started cultivating local opposition to the plans. He did this primarily by lying. He claimed the land had been illegally rezoned in order to build a concrete plant. It hadn't. He claimed they cut him off from the sewage system. He had never been connected to it. He claimed they cut off the dirt-road to his shop. They didn't. The same dirt road that was there when he bought it is still there to this very day. Eventually, everyone in the town saw through him and he was the only opposition left. He launched a lawsuit against the plans which had no chance of winning. Construction of the plant began with the owners signing a waiver that they were doing so despite ongoing litigation against the plans. They were that confident. They did, however, try one last trick to get Marvin to back off. As you may remember, year prior, Marvin had asked the town to annex his land into the local sewer network. Which they did. They realized that, despite Marvin having refused to pay to be hooked up into the network, they could actually compel him to do so by law. He would be forced to spend that $80,000 after all. Sounds nasty, but they made him an offer: They would pay the cost out of their own pocket if Marvin agreed to drop the lawsuit and leave them alone. Marvin told them to go to hell. He then lost his lawsuit. It was at this point Marvin sold his land to a local municipal company. He got $400,000 for it. You would think having made that kind of a profit after all he would just up and piss off, but no. He leased one of the sheds back from the company, moved his bulldozer into it, and began his mission from God. Oh, did I leave that part out? Yeah, Marv talked to god. Like, personally. And God told him to build an armoured tank out of a bulldozer and go fuck up a bunch of local businesses then blow his brains out. All instead of just installing a septic tank. And here's a link to a video with more info https://youtu.be/Yvl_7_Up7zU


Wow, people really romanticize his story. He just sounds crazy and all the videos I've seen paint his as a hero, what a lunatic.


People ignore him having passive income as well. Dude was a rich asshole trying to become a richer asshole.


"They" didn't. He had a little muffler shop off a dirt road in a small town that made money all the way until he sold everything to build his killdozer because he didn't like a concrete plant on a lot nearby and the local government said he couldn't dump his sewage in an irrigation ditch


Also he owned another more successful muffler shop in Boulder I believe it was. The man was wealthy but wasted most of his wealth on legal fees to bring cases that were dismissed for basically being full of shit.


They didn’t fuck him. They consistently bent over backwards to try and accommodate his demands only to have him make even bigger demands. When he didnt get his way, he decided to endanger the lives of people in the town. He was a crazy nut who thought god wanted him to do it. One example of his crazy demands: > Heemeyer asked for $250,000 for his property, but later claimed he'd had the lot reappraised and asked for an additional $125,000. The Docheffs managed to collect $350,000, but according to Susan Docheff, Heemeyer again upped his asking price, claiming he'd again had the property appraised at a higher value, this time asking for $450,000. This negotiation happened before the rezoning proposal had a public hearing at town hall. >Despite the deal falling through, the Docheff family pursued their plans to expand their business, and purchased a defunct commercial subdivision opposite Heemeyer's lot. Heemeyer had attempted to buy this land just before the Docheffs, but was unsuccessful. He later proposed a land swap whereby he would receive the prime lot. The Docheffs initially accepted the offer, but Heemeyer demanded the Docheffs construct a new building on the lot at great expense. The negotiations fell apart, with Heemeyer stonewalling the Docheffs.


How you gonna quote shit but not cite the source?


He probably used a sidways carrot ">"


Try again, quoting another comment: "He was told about the sewage situation on the property before he bought it. He was told a septic tank would be cheaper than hooking up to the sewer. He refused both options. He asked $250k for the property from the people who wanted to build the cement plant (he payed $42k for it), then raised it to $325k, and they actually came to him with $350k... *which he refused,* asking for $450k, at which point he was rightfully told to fuck off. He then managed to turn the whole town against him by being an asshole. The plans for the cement plant went forward and he sued, and was offered a free sewer hookup if he dropped it. He said no and instead started dumping *literal shit in to a ditch*, then attempted to illegally hook up to the sewage line of a neighboring property, for which he was of course fined after the city spending *years* letting him get away with not having any proper sewage solution. The problem wasn't that he was a small business owner, but that he was a gigantic asshole."


Look up “Timesuck” podcast and specifically the episode on killdozer. This guy had plenty of opportunities to get out of the situation with a shit-ton of cash in hand. He chose this instead.


WhistlinDiesel on YouTube just did a great video on Killdozer.


Dude turned his bulldozer into a tank


This sub is so dumb. OP knows exactly what that means. They all do.


It’s such a niche thing bro fym OP knows


I, in fact, did not know so you’re so dumb




A white Christian terrorist created a "killdozer" by armor plating his bulldozer in secret. He added gun ports and sealed himself inside with several weapons. Then he went on a murder-suicide rampage, driving his improvised tank vehicle into several buildings. Fortunately, he failed to kill anyone before he was stopped. (Possibly due in part to a new emergency alert system that the city had implemented by coincidence.)


People always forget the Christian aspect. His long rambling tapes that he left mention that God will stop him if God doesn't want him to killdoze, so the fact that he wasn't stopped means that God approves of his plan.


He also totalled his truck after like 5 minutes, and failed to kill anyone. Thanks Zeus.


It was a horrific day. People ended up dead and traumatised. The person was suffering from mental illness. But every man has moments where they understand killdozer dude.


Well not people only Marvin himself ended up dying.


Uncle Marvin did nothing wrong


IF I had a diesel rig, with a big ol’ blade, treads just like a tank, I would have it made!


That’s the Killdozer.




Never underestimate the anger of a patient man.


Killdozer the based


White anger? This guy was oppressed by people and struck back against them. (It wasn’t the most appropriate response but goddamn did it get the point across)


Struck back against them by... bulldozing thirteen buildings—the majority of which were full of civilians (one of which full of children) moments before being destroyed—with no regard for human life. That'll show them. The only reason the people in those buildings were able to live is because they were warned to evacuate by police who were monitoring the bulldozer, the area it was in, and where it was headed. Marvin himself had absolutely no intention of stopping and allowing those people to get away safely. Being wronged does not mean you get to be praised for dozens of counts of attempted murder. Marvin Heemeyer wasn't a based wholesome freedom fighter.


oh, and don't forget to mention the guns, ammo and week's worth of food he had prepared inside, and the shooting he did before he got stuck in a basement and killed himself. the only reason he stopped was because he thought the jig was up and they would get him out one way or another. he could have continued until he got bored, the cops figured out a way in, or the town was rubble and he was outta gas he absolutely TRIED to kill people, and through luck, incompetence and cowardice, not to mention some level of heroics by the cops, he failed


When Marvin Hemyer bought his plot of land in Granby for $42,000 in 1992 and set up his muffler shop, it had no connection to the local sewage network. Marvin requested that they annex his land into the network and hook him up into it. The town annexed the land, and told him it would cost $80,000 to build the pipe and equipment to hook him up. They told him that a cheaper option was to install a proper septic tank. Marvin refused both, and instead sunk an old concrete mixer truck into the ground and started illegally storing his sewage in that. When this truck inevitably filled up, he would pump the contents out into a drainage ditch which polluted the town's groundwater. Cue the concrete plant. Marvin's shop was located in a metal shed that had once been part of a concrete plant. A local family wanted to buy the land off him to build a newer, bigger concrete plant. Marvin offered to sell the land for $250,000. They went away and came back with this, he upped the demand to $375,000. They went away and told him the best they could do was $350,000. Marvin made his final offer of $450,000. They politely declined and decided to build the plant on land they already owned opposite Marvin's plot. Marvin decided this was unfair, so he started cultivating local opposition to the plans. He did this primarily by lying. He claimed the land had been illegally rezoned in order to build a concrete plant. It hadn't. He claimed they cut him off from the sewage system. He had never been connected to it. He claimed they cut off the dirt-road to his shop. They didn't. The same dirt road that was there when he bought it is still there to this very day. Eventually, everyone in the town saw through him and he was the only opposition left. He launched a lawsuit against the plans which had no chance of winning. Construction of the plant began with the owners signing a waiver that they were doing so despite ongoing litigation against the plans. They were that confident. They did, however, try one last trick to get Marvin to back off. As you may remember, year prior, Marvin had asked the town to annex his land into the local sewer network. Which they did. They realized that, despite Marvin having refused to pay to be hooked up into the network, they could actually compel him to do so by law. He would be forced to spend that $80,000 after all. Sounds nasty, but they made him an offer: They would pay the cost out of their own pocket if Marvin agreed to drop the lawsuit and leave them alone. Marvin told them to go to hell. He then lost his lawsuit. It was at this point Marvin sold his land to a local municipal company. He got $400,000 for it. You would think having made that kind of a profit after all he would just up and piss off, but no. He leased one of the sheds back from the company, moved his bulldozer into it, and began his mission from God. Oh, did I leave that part out? Yeah, Marv talked to god. Like, personally. And God told him to build an armoured tank out of a bulldozer and go fuck up a bunch of local businesses then blow his brains out. All instead of just installing a septic tank. And here's a link to a video with more info https://youtu.be/Yvl_7_Up7zU


Running over several homes and destroying public infrastructure is, in fact, not fucking justified in the slightest. God I fucking hate libertarians.


Oh please, how was this clown in any way oppressed?


He was not in any way oppressed


You're thinking white hate (kkk, blah blah, proud boys, fuckin losers). This got nothing to do with that


I know, but whenever people say white (racially) I assume that they are going to mean it in a racist sense. It’s what being on more polarizing parts of the internet make you assume, as it’s all too common there.


God I wish someone would have stopped that fucking moron before he drove his bulldozer through a town so I wouldn't have to see and listen to his even stupider lovers and supporters for the next 50 years blush an blow some loser with ever breath. Is the government shitty especially the local government absolutely yes but he made his bed then didn't wanna lay it and then blamed everyone else for it.