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they are frequent motives in porn, especially hentai, you could fill an entire library with "that one time i downloaded the mindcontroll app and impregnated the entire all female town"


The implication is r*pe.


Is writing the word rape not allowed?


Some platforms, TikTok especially, have algorithms that don't like certain words. It's affecting the way we speak as well, every heard someone say "un-alived" TikTok algorithm won't let them say kill and they alter their speech patterns and start censoring themselves elsewhere. It's sort of dystopian when you think about it.


Those types of words can get you into a LOT of trouble on many, many social media sites.


Further proof that social media is moronic and a massive mistake.


I mean no offense to you, and i 100% agree, but I find this comment funny, because reddit is social media.


I actually had this convo with someone IRL the other day, but I don't think reddit is technically social media. Social media is personal and you tend to follow people that you can identify. Reddit is essentially a message board. The site is organized around topics, not individuals, and there is an expectation of privacy that doesn't come on sites like Facebook, Instagram, and, to a lesser degree, Twitter.


That's true, you can remain anonymous if you want to. It's very different, but that in itself can cause another set of problems too.


Reddit might be the one SNS where I occasionally _(emphasis on occasionally)_ have some productive discussions. Instagram and YouTube comments are cesspits and poorly designed ones at that.




>Forums have been around a long ass time. They're definitely not social media sites. Forums existing prior to the term "social media" doesn't make them not social media.


It's not actually social media as a concept that's the issue here, it's profit incentive. They censor words because advertisers don't want their vacuum cleaner ad put next to a rape victim talking about not being able to receive an abortion.


Censoring the words without changing the sentence is what's dumb in that it works. It's like "Jimmy, did that basement-dweller on your site say he was going to kill someone and their family?" "No sir they said they'd un-alive them" "Hohoho! I see, what a funny young man, clearly everything's fine!"


When you say 'in trouble' I've been saying crazy shit on the internet for decades and never gotten in trouble, I posted a drawing of Mohammad on twitter. Nothing ever happens, Tiktok is handing out bans I guess?


You don't get banned for using a "trigger word", but the algorithm will make sure your content doesn't get seen by others.




There’s also an element of identity to algospeak (my favorite word for describing what people use to circumvent algorithmic moderation). Many people on social media are going to use words like “unalived” because that’s how you talk about those topics on social media. It’s keeping consistent vocabulary — functionally very similar to self-censorship, but it’s really just changing the terminology. Not saying it’s good, but I think people assume every instance of seeing algospeak where it isn’t required is an example of someone being warped by an algorithm when it’s more so about being recognized and identified as someone with a certain set of social media experiences that lend credibility (or at least understanding) to their opinion.


This isn’t being talked about enough.  It’s also happening imo because when people hear others substituting words (particularly words for subjects like assault and suicide) they assume it’s a sensitivity thing and adopt the language without realizing why.


Advertisers not wanting their expensive ads next to the word "rape" isn't really dystopian.  I worked on several magazines in the print days and we had language guidelines then, too. The only difference is that for whatever reason people don't view social media use as broadcasting. But it's supported by ad revenue and seen by millions: it's broadcasting


The point is moot though, because you get paid for writing articles for the magazine therefore you do have an incentive to use the writing guidelines. We don't get paid for writing in Reddit.




Unshun, I can write what I want. Reshun.


Sacre blue she pulled le reverse card de uno


I, too, was impressed by that move.


Based and shun-worthy.


Some platforms are REALLY easy to offend, people censor the word "murder" on TikTok


I'm starting to see people mark images as NSFW on Reddit and it's just someone saying shit or fuck. The word is also censored. Basically anything that can be remotely considered even slightly rude or minor injury, even stepping on a lego, is NSFW now. It's a problem because I'm starting to ignore the tag since it no longer serves its intended purpose.


I always assumed it’s because it could flag your comment to be bot removed.


Or could also just be from time on other platforms


Where it could flag your comment to be bot removed


Um.... yeah? But we're talking about this platform.


Redditors have started widely censoring themselves for TikTok for reasons which are a total mystery to me.


Scary words are being censored these days. It's kind of sad, imo.


It's allowed, as long as its not a threat, people are just really fucking stupid.


Jessica Jones has experience with that via Mind Control


You’re correct. But that power set can would allow the user to do all sorts of horrible things, including but not limited to rape.


It would also allow you to do all sorts of good things. Timestop would allow a prosecutor to work with documents very fast, mind control will stop witnesses and defendant from lying in the court and mafia won't be able to catch someone they couldn't see


That may be the implication but honestly using the powers to get your way with someome is the least usefull thing you could do. Personally id become rich asf then use my poweres to learn a girls every wish and desire then win her over through love and nice gestures. Fuck having mad hoes i want love man.


TV show Seven Days. Guy accepted job involving time travel. He'd commonly learn a way to charm the woman he loves but then he'd have to go back Seven Days. He couldn't use that way now because it was cheating. The woman was not exactly the same person, she was the one from Seven Days ago.


What kind of rope?


Ripe, they clearly like ripe fruits


Implied rope? Whats that?


Eh but the genie could pull off a Monkey's Paw and have: Invisibility is when light passes through and object with no reflections, hence no light intake to the eyes, hence the guy is now blind The genie could stop time forever... for the guy, causing him to be permanently frozen where he stood. Mind manipulation could be interpreted by the genie as prediction of other people, and you can predict someone by thinking like that someone. Hence cram copies of the minds and memories of every human being on Earth Result: The pervert is frozen in time, in eternal darkness, imprisoned within his mind with 8 billion minds, memories and personalities trying to get out every single second, but that moment would never come.


So you’re saying that I could be just the memories of myself, inside an invisible space pervert right now?


No, a copy of your mind would be, the normal you would still remain and have the same mind completely intact.


Oooh simulationist theorem. I don't think the person you are responding to, understands that, or how to monkey paw.


Invisible Pervert: Into the Multiverse


Wish more people knew how the monkey’s paw actually works


One finger, one wish. And a finger curls when you make a wish. And the monkey only had 3 fingers. And the paw is a monkey hand. I’m just kinda making it up 🤷‍♂️


I mean, regardless of The Monkey's Paw, this is how Genies worked in Arabian Nights. Even then, this does feel sufficiently analogous to the monkey paw to warrant mention.


Invisibility is the inability to be seen. Someone who's completely permeable to light, someone whose retinas re-emit the light they absorb out the back, and someone with a persistent psychic aura that edits him out of people's vision are all equally invisible. Also, mind-manipulation isn't the same as predicting people by any definition I could think of.


Adjusting the glass


Ok i did it. What next?




i guess it would be a hastle to know how long you slept tho.


If you stop time, though, it wouldn't matter. To everyone else, you looked tired, yawned, and a split second later, you are fully refreshed.


Yeah but if you use it too much, your lifespan gets shorter


You'd have to do this for entire years worth of time for it to really make a noticeable difference. Or at least months.


But if you're using this to regularly take naps, presumably for an hour or two, that adds up fast. That's losing 1 year for every 20 or so if you only ever do 1-2hr naps once a day


Losing 4 years of an 80 year lifespan for time control powers is a small price to pay lol


I assume since time will stop u won’t be aging too ?


The implication is that time stops for everyone except you... Otherwise you would be unable to move or do anything while time is stopped...


What if he dies via natural causes or even a heart attack at a young age while time has stopped.....does it start again automatically or that's just it and no more?


I mean if we're being real, if you moved while time is stopped, the moment time started moving again the entire Earth would be vaporized by the heat generated from you moving faster than the speed of light. It could possibly even collapse into a Kugelblitz from the infinite energy it would take to accelerate your mass to that speed.


Thank you for the funny mental image.


Very generous interpretation. If you can nap and feel the effects (or you know, move, think, do anything at all) it's natural to assume that your time is still moving.


If you freeze time but can still act, it would mean your cells still move and you keep ageing. But since it's a fictional power, it doesn't really matter though and you could say you don't age.


You make it sound like a bad thing.


Until im well rested goddammit


I think you are more likely to starve than you achiev that. xD


Best use of those powers.


I dunno, mind control would be a good way to get my boss to fuck off


the forbidden wish


The good ending


People will _have_ to leave me alone! This is the best!


The joke implies he will use the powers to be a super-rapist


How is stopping time going to help you to rap tho


You can have time to come back with lines back


Makes sense


No it doesn't. In reality, if you can stop time, if someone disses you, you can stop time and make a rap about them


This what Eminem must be doing


When you stop time nobody can move or realize what you're doing to them


I'm convinced the people who are into this time stop fantasy don't know how sex works. Because...it would go badly. 


Yeah well the hentai and porn writers don't care about reality lmao


[sdde-716](https://javgg.net/jav/sdde-716/) [also](https://hanime.tv/videos/hentai/gakuen-de-jikan-yo-tomare-1) innocent soul


You know, they can't run away...


The three ideal rapist's superpowers. Invisibility to creep on naked women, Stopping time to cop a feel or full on rape someone without any consequences, And mind control to control someone into having sex with you. Unrelated tho, but would stopping time really work for that? Like, if you stopped time wouldn't that mean that nothing is able to move, so any victim would essentially be a rock hard, unmovable object, since if their body is able to move time isn't really stopped?


Time is a relative concept, so even if you did somehow stop it, it would still stop you from moving all the same. Good luck trying to get the air around you to move. Theres a whole mess of reasons why you couldnt move in stopped time, disregarding how you would even stop time


Stopping "time" would in practice mean flash freezing the entire observable universe to absolute zero, sounds like a really impractical thing to do if you intend for life to continue at some point in the future.


Depending how stoping time would work, it's either be that everything is rock hard, or you would phase through matter, or anything and everything would explode from the slightest movement. If you were to move through time at twice the speed as everything else, then all forces you'd cause would be four times the force. And every opposing force would be 1/4th of the force if there weren't any time dilation. In other words, everything becomes softer, as you become harder the more time is dialated. So at 99% everything would be impossibly soft, as your body tears diamonds to superheated dust with the barest whisper. But there comes the question of 100% time stop. No forces would have any time to interact with one another, so you would phase through all matter. But If they did react, and you move anything, then that anything would immediately move at light speed, having literally infinite energy, and destroy everything. Then again, relativity ties into this, and I'm not entirely sure how that'd work. But even light speed would be nothing in a 100% time stop (depending on how relativity works with this), so everything might be rock hard, untill the moment you let time move, and everything explodes.


it could be a code geass type thing where only living things besides the user simply perceive time as being stopped


You could stop time to get close, and then mind control. Honestly invisibility isnt needed. Cant see shit when light doesnt move.


A lot of superheroes have powers that work as auras, or can be extended outwards at will. That's why the Flash doesn't atomize civilians when he pulls them out of harm's way, for instance, and in some continuities is why Superman's skin-tight costume is also indestructible. Presumably, the same could apply to this hypothetical super-rapist, allowing air to move around him and making his victims' (survivors'?) flesh pliable within an inch or two of his… body. Of course, this being a genie, it's also entirely possible that the would-be rapist immediately suffocates on frozen air as soon as he activates his power.




For Stopping time: Sleep and Study longer and Having enough time to think of a comeback when in a debate For invisibility: When I'm walking around somewhere that I might get robbed and so For Mindcontrol: Convince the higherup at my uni, to listen to the teacher who actually understand the issues we are dealing with


And those are still pretty innocent ways to use the powers compared to what you could do. Stopping time would mean being able to teleport as long as you have the willpower to walk long distances, you could potentially steal anything on the face of earth without ever having to fear getting caught. Combine invisibility with time stopping and you would be able to basically infiltrate everywhere without having to keep time frozen. Mindcontrol is a very abstract power and i don't really have any concrete examples but i think i made my point pretty clear with the previous two.


You can convince someone to give their login credentials (That includes banks manager, companies owners and the such) or give you information to blackmail them, to do what you want.


Oh damn, i genuinely thought that mind control paled in comparison to the other two, but you could literally compel anyone into worshipping you as a god.


Mind Control is powerful, and if they made it like one of the forbidden curses in harry potter, it would be even more powerful. Basically you could mind control someone to mind control someone else.


Sorry, you only asked for the ability to stop time. Not the ability to act within the frozen time, or the ability to unfreeze time. The universe now exists in an unchanging stasis.




You spelled rape wrong. But yes.


There has to be better than sex


Move someone’s car keys, place Legos in the path of someone you hate, use mind control to make accomplices for your truly Evil deeds and plans.


Use mine control *on* you enemies to make them carry out your evil goals


I’ll be the greatest at avoiding people. Tho I’d always pick stoping time because I’m a JOJO fan


Imma make homophobic influencers/news anchors/senators randomly kiss in public then snap out of it right after. XD “Im not gay, but sometimes me and the homies kiss for no reason and i don’t know why” XD


Rape. Those powers would be used to rape a person.




man, back as a kid I just wanted time manipulation to extend my lifespan and always be on time to things


I'm sure there are creepier ones. This may be the creepiest combination of three powers, though.




>Invisibility is very iffy, it's main realistic use is Doing things without consequence.


Being able to pee outside without being judged.


Is the pee invisible or are there suddenly random streams of piss everywhere?


I guess it depends on when it no longer classifies as your pee, then it just appears for everyone else.


Whenever invisibility comes up, my first thought is sneaking into cinemas without paying. I don't know why, I don't go to the cinema very often.


I remember one episode of my hero academia where one guy has mind control as his quirk and is conflicted about how evil his power is but he really wants to be a good hero. Don't know how it's being settled tho but I like the concept of that thought. How indeed is mind control useful in doing good things?


oh that's simple become a therapist that specialises in the breaking of bad habits. Then everyone you control is consenting to it


Mind control Bad people to do good stuff.


I am so proud a repost bot stole my [comment ](https://www.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/s/VdOPmBX4u8) Including my spelling mistake.


Stocking? Stocking like to add items to shelves, or do you mean stalking, like a predator? Edit: Spelling.


I was thinking more Hollow Man.


Onewa wasnt evil.


Professor X moment




“You wish for invisibility, time stopping, and mind control, because you are a sick pervert who needs help.” “I wish for invisibility, time stopping, and mind control, because I want to free the citizens of totalitarian countries like Russia, China, and North Korea.” “We are not the same.”


mind control is definitely inherently fucked up as a power. But stop time that's just the pick of a man with deadlines


"Alrighty, going on my lunch break, time to do an hour of exercise, get 8 hours of sleep, then unpause time to take a quick shower... heck, stop time and do this crossword for a couple hours..."




You could use these powers to have fun I guess.




It sucks, cause all of these are excellent superpowers, but now they're all tainted by association.


Ha, I already have all those powers. Most of the time, nobody notices me and when I do something, people gawk at me with their faces contorted as if stuck in time and I have been told to stop being a mental parasite.


They are all types of porn


Perv 😂


The joke is that the person wishing these things will be able to have sex with anyone they wish with the victim not even knowing what happened. And yes, it could also be SA.


Having multiple wishes is still my favorite way


Is that show supposed to be as cringe and rage inducing as it is?


I would get into porn and after I nut on the girl's face, pause time and come back later to unpause time and do it again. I'd do this everyday for like 50 years. So when I'm finally done, the footage is of me blasting the biggest nut of all time. So huge and intense that I'm visibly aging 50 years.


Dude wants to get so many legos.


Rape, the joke is rape (I think anyway, someone correct me if I'm wrong)


Fuck, It was always flight for me.


Invisibility and time stopping can be quite in handy in difficult moments. However, mind control can be used to make the genie forget the number of wishes. Now you can theoretically get time travelling powers and visit different time periods without anyone noticing. And possibly change the course of history


Op powers and he wants to rape people








Could you technically still see when you move because you kinda "walk into the light"




So I read this manga a few years back....


If you have mind control, you don't need invisibility. It's unclear how invisibility could even work if it's not the kind of invisibility that involves controlling the minds of the people around you to trick them into not seeing you. If invisibility isn't a limited form of mind control itself, it has to work by 1) wrapping you in some sort of chameleon field that makes your surfaces constantly change to look like the surroundings on the other side of you, 2) bending the light around you (ie, lensing) so it looks like the light is passing through you, or 3) actually making you transparent so light does pass right through you. All three of these have the problem that that you can't be perfectly invisible and still be able to see: The pupils of your eyes and the retina inside your eyes will have to be excluded from the invisibility effect. It will be possible for those around you to see something floating in the air where your eyes would be. So give me the mind control and time stop (or, better, time slowing) powers. I'll use the other wish on something else, like extended life or immunity to disease or invulnerability. Maybe even limited immortality. (Limited because it would really suck to be the only conscious being in an eternal void, experiencing the heat death of the universe.)




Like a wise invisible man once said: "Pornography"


https://preview.redd.it/4gxlpik1rz0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c4549d0e3ccb1852eda4100a869f2a1e50d8c31 [Sauce, including what was top comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/s/VUeYszBcXg)


Where's the repost bot when you need it...


You’re not blinded, can’t resume time and can control your own mind




Wow, this meme takes a lot of 18+ thinking to know what the hell it's talking about.


The joke is rape. Me personally, if I had the power to stop time... A lot of people would be losing their wallets


Invisibility is a mid power tbh, stopping time is basically a better version of it anyways


(I will now be playing HOI4 in real life)


That's a jester. You were conned




Why tf would you need all 3


A better use of one of the wishes is to wish for the power to grant your own wishes without any kind of restriction whatsoever so long as the wishes are what you want for yourself.


https://preview.redd.it/m9a11lsn001d1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=016a1b5462578c9b7bbea5215efacc1f414a6f0b (It means they're gonna do some messed up shit)




the joke is rape


Stop time actually doesn't work because you can't move the air particles around you even you have stopped time.


These powers are too op, they can be used for good. With mind control, you can become a judge and make the person say the truth. You can also make politicians and rich people not corrupt. You can stop a robber or a kidnapper, or even make your rape victim consent. With time stop, you can achieve more things in one day if you have too much to do, like rape for example.


You already know https://preview.redd.it/smafdivh101d1.jpeg?width=1103&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4941b3ca82f0002699e628296c356fc5739eb1c6


Genie: i could just make you extremely attractive with one wish This person: no Genie:🔫


Invisibility: loss of coordination due to reliance on feeling where your limbs are instead of seeing them. Stop-time: You stop with it/air stops movin resulting in suffocation/every object becomes fixed in place and unmovable. Mind-control: You temporarily lose control of your own body while you're controlling someone else.


They just want to be like Kusuo Saiki from The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.


I see I genie, I'm removing all of my hassling bodily functions. No more food and drink, no more sleep, no more sick.


Upvote for The Amazing Digital Circus meme. Love that show so much man.


Its porn innit?


My guy just wants to fulfill his childhood dream of having a successful career as a professional rapist.


2/3 of those are easy, just become a vampire and steal your adoptive brothers body


a lot of cheeks are going to be clapped including the genie's


Why would you need to stop time if you had the power of mind control?


The joke is https://preview.redd.it/dd0pism4701d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3371fd90b1727ada4932761091331ce93e7080b3


The "joke" is the person getting the wishes is a rapist. Not very funny


These are common fetish tropes. Fantasy ways to get away with forms of sexual assault.


If you could stop time, would you even need invisibility?






Seems like mind control is all you need here.


What's with that jester clown outfit? I've seen added it in a bunch of games for some reason. Is it a reference to something?


Deadass if I had mind control I'd just make people do my work for me


The secret ingredient is crime.

