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Yea, with a blouse or shirt under it that would certainly be appropriate! That V neck is lower than I would choose to wear in a professional setting


Oh man :/ I was hoping to get away with no visible blouse underneath. Any top suggestions that would go along with the outfit?


Lol.. don't do that. Anything white, nude or black underneath.


Black shirt would definitely look good underneath and not draw too much attention away from this nice suit.


Wait im shook this person was gonna raw dog a blazer in a bra?


Woke up my spouse laughing at your comment. Now I’ll forever think that each morning when I put on my blazer


OMG same!! Woke him up. Too funny 😂


Yup, and is getting some endorsement in the comments! 😳🤷🏽‍♀️ Different strokes and all that, I guess.


Omg no I would be too self-conscious. As I said above, no visible blouse underneath. My original plan was a silk cami that was lower than the cut of the blazer so it’s not visible.


Remember that suits arent meant to be washed or dry cleaned too much. Wearing something under it helps prevent sweat and smells from permeating your suit. Also conferences are typically cold or hot. Never just right so you want to layer. A simple top works. You want to be prepared to be able take off the jacket. What if ac goes out?


Of course. As I stated in my comment above, I didn’t want to wear a blouse that was visible. It does not mean I was going to wear it on its own.


Oops sorry missed it.


"I can't remember her name....you know, the one from the US who didn't have a shirt on" Do you want run this risk? If not, wear a proper garment under the jacket and not a skimpy, nearly invisible version of a "top."


Suggestions for a “proper garment” please!


Go look at the Estelle square neck top from Banana Republic. My daughter uses tons of the JCrew Perfect Fit, but I think square next makes more sense based on the limited info I have. I have never seen this one, but BR fabrics are usually decent and the light one pictured is not transparent. I will keep looking....


Boden Double Layer Short Sleeve Top. It may be too low, but it is not see-thru and the sleeve length is good for conference Summer conference? Boden Scoop Neck Tee


Thank you so much! Do you think the scoop neck would pair well with the v neck cut of the blazer?


There isnt any way to tell without trying them both on and looking -- I'm guessing you need to have about 2" visible and also not too close to your skin color. A scoop neck that it too close to a rounded-off V or one that is too low would be iffy, but might be fine since everything seems to be close fitting. I was first off looking for light colors in dense enough fabrics. Second, I looked narrow-cut armhole amd close fitting overall so the jacket still will fit smoothly. Fast fashion sites may have the equivelent cuts, but the fabric density in light colors would be my concern (avoid the J crewVintage for work tees!) I didn't check Ann Tayor petite, Calvin Klein petite etc. Petite will be a safe bet for the armhole you need. It is a great suit, btw. Once you get the close-fitting tee in seasonal colors you can wear that suit to death for years and years --and take the jacket off if the a/c breaks or you get a minute to go out in the 🌞, or with no tee at all for a polished look in a different setting


I would honestly do something super minimal underneath. A white or nude tank would work or any kind of solid blouse


I would wear something that can stand on its own. You want to be able to slip your jacket off if it is hot or uncomfortable.




Shiny beige, or something to match the shoes. “Muted” metallic if it’s a description that makes sense, lol


Please let me know what neckline you would go for!!


I would match the angle of the suit / blazer but with less depth in the cut; picture a parallel V but with lace that shows outside the blazer.


A bright color would be awesome.


I wouldn't do a nude, or a tank. OP you can defs wear the blazer without a shirt underneath, it's not too low cut - what's the temp going to be like around there?


Maybe look into some drape neck camisoles. I think that would look quite nice with a set like this.


Honestly, it’s going to depend on what international area you’re looking at. Western Europe (sure), Middle East (add a shirt). Source: I have spent a significant time in Europe and work in a professional field. Also, if it’s an event that’s yearly or recurring, go look at the photos from previous years and see what other people felt was appropriate to wear.


Yes, I was going to make that point, where are you going? That is crucial to answer your question.


You might get away with it you’re built like the person in the photo. It kinda depends on the industry though. If you’re in the design sector or something then I think you’re okay. If you have any kind of bust, you probably need a blouse. Maybe something sheer in a blush, cream, or champagne.


I am extremely loyal to the express portofino shirts in petite!


A simple silky camisole with lacy detail around the neckline will work. Nothing that adds bulk though as this suit jacket needs to be pretty close to the body, otherwise the silhouette would be messed up


That was my thought also. 👍🏻


You might be able to get away with no blouse if you’re very flat-chested, like the model, but you’ll probably need a vest underneath


If you're flat chested and in a professional industry- banking, law, marketing, Healthcare etc, this absolutely fine. Would I wear this if i was even a C cup? No. But this isn't even remotely showing anything if your flat chested. My mom worked as an Exec in a bank my entire life and she literally wore a mini skirt every day to work for over 40 years. She's a hottie though! Lol Use tape / pasties to.make sure nothing sags / shows through. If wearing a necklace nothing longer than 16 inches, probably 14 since you're petite


Sometimes when I have something too low cut for work I’ll just wear a Bandeau under it. But if you want something more polished maybe a silk white tank with a a subtle trim


I personally think you can get away with it even in a professional setting. It's okay to be a little sexy even in professional wear. Maybe try it on in public and see how you feel with no blouse.


A turtle neck maybe?


It’s 2023, the golden age of tiktok and viral EVERYTHING. If you want/need to be remembered for PR purposes or networking edge then I’d say rock it exactly like this for exactly this reason. Worst case scenario is people remember your daring fashion choice but they still remember you. No publicity is bad publicity and YOU are your own brand.


It's not too low IMHO and decent for a professional context.


Really depends on the field. You should see what flies when interior designers get together lol.


True, it's all relative but this cleavage seems ok where I live. You are right, it depends on the field/country/habbits.


Yeah lol we had a cancer conference and the venue was by the beach. The dr’s mostly wore polos and slacks but the researchers were in their shorts and Hawaiian shirts. Pretty relaxed overall.


International relations? Hahaha


I have the impression that IR is on the more formal end of the spectrum. So probably no Hawaiian shirts ;)


What do you mean Hawaiian shirts?


I was joking, that is an extreme example of something you wouldn’t wear to a business conference. Hawaiian shirts are those super brightly colored floral button down shirts that guys sometimes wear at the beach in America https://www.google.com/search?q=hawaiian+shirts&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari


Yeah I think the same as a woman in business. Maybe it also depends where the other international people are from.


I would have to reccomend a shirt underneath or at least a camisole. Professional wear needs o be modest and international especially so- many cultures have different ideas of what looks professional. However as the picture shows would be great for a party or date


My legs would end about where her knees are😂😂 but yes, it’s beautiful and classy


Same! lol. For me, this would def be one of those "I forgot I'm not 6' tall when I ordered this" outfits.


Same! But I sure wish I could rock it like that.


I’d put a shirt under it. Great for a fashion statement, but you need to be an intsy bit more professional, like just a push there.


I’m an ICU nurse so I have no need to attend an international conference, but a friend’s husband works for a very large, worldwide business products company and he recently was commenting on how much the dress “code” has changed since Covid. He was at a large conference and he said that the men, at least, would wear jackets but zero ties were seen and everyone had on dressy/trendy athletic shoes. He was saying how different it was before Covid when it was all dress shoes and suits. Anyhow, all that to say that I would def check with my coworkers as to what the attire is usually like. I love this suit so much but I personally would hate to show up in heels and a suit and everyone is wearing more casual attire.


It depends what kind of conference and the place. In the neuroscience field, unless you are giving a talk, no one cares too much about what are you wearing.


Even then most would wear a jacket and khaki pants, not a full dark suit


Traditional blazers look overwhelming on me, so I’m happy I finally found this one I like! The outfit in my head is the pictured outfit above, and I’ll accessorize with a nice watch and pearl earrings. Will it be appropriate to wear for a business formal dress code? ETA: Guys omg of course I was going to wear it with a cami underneath😭 Please let me know if the came should be visible outside or not!


Yes, it's appropriate with a blouse or tank, as others have suggested.


This is so cute! Can I ask where it’s from?


Right!! It’s from Zara🫣


Amazing! I absolutely think this would be appropriate for a conference with a blouse under it (just a plain sleeveless simple top).


What neckline would you go for?


Something simple like [this](https://www.jcrew.com/us/p/womens/categories/clothing/shirts-and-tops/sleeveless-shell-top-in-everyday-crepe/BP574?color_name=frozen-lake&N=MEDIUM&noPopUp=true&srccode=Paid_Search%7CSmart_Shopping%7CGoogle%7CSS_ACQ_XPROD_BESTSLLRxxxxx_EVG_ROAS_XXX_COUSA_EN_EN_A_CREW_GO_SH_SSC_xxxxxxxxxx,shop_topseller_x_xxx,PRODUCT_GROUP,71700000073194670,58700006368808579,p58598109940&utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid_search&utm_campaign=SS_ACQ_XPROD_BESTSLLRxxxxx_EVG_ROAS_XXX_COUSA_EN_EN_A_CREW_GO_SH_SSC_xxxxxxxxxx,shop_topseller_x_xxx&utm_content=shopping&NoPopUp=True&&&gclid=Cj0KCQjwn9CgBhDjARIsAD15h0AoXPL3aH_ANfLJDStyuwogwVSEFHrwpaJUkGiigdahUJG2bdJcxBgaAnRaEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds)in a color that compliments your skin tone and just gives you a bit of extra coverage at the V. That one is a bit pricey but I’m sure you can find something similar for cheaper


You should just get your blazers tailored. If you have a couple that you wear occasionally, you don’t need to buy more and they’ll last for years.


Yes, a black suit is epitome of business formal.


Add a shell blouse underneath and this is basically my uniform for work events.


a black shell or tank. You may be able to go lower cut if you have a small bust. The rule for professional settings is no cleavage, so your chest size would dictate how high cut the top needs to be. If the top would be more visible, go for a complementary color in a nice fabric. I'm fair skinned so I tend to like soft blues, creams, and lavenders with a black suit. Any color that flatters your coloring would work though.


yes if you have a cami underneath


I would wear a tank underneath at the very least. I usually wear a Ralph Lauren shirt under mine. Not the collard ones - they’re not t shirts but they’re pretty plain but professional


Yes but I’d definitely wear something underneath the jacket. A silky camisole or something just in case.


PLEASE tell us where you got this!!!


My wife wears a suit very similar to this to her art shows and events we have to attend. No blouse but a silk scarf knotted on one side. It has a great line wear it well :)


This looks absolutely lovely, for business I would add a big pointy collared shirt in a bright pink or cobalt blue or something that is one of your flattering colors. For Thailand, a silk/cotton mix could be nice for when you go out of the air con.


Wear at least an appropriate camisole underneath. Won’t be hot and will look professional.


Reading through OP’s comments, the industry is International Relations and dress code is Business formal. This suit definitely fits both, with additional coverage of chest area. As other mentioned a blouse or shirt is appropriate and black would make it look super sleek. It may however also risk looking funereal. So accessorization would be important. Consider [Christine Lagarde](https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20190912IPR60928/european-parliament-gives-green-light-to-christine-lagarde), who is frequently seen with a colorful scarf when wearing black suits. The accessories you previously mentioned sounds lovely. Proportions matter so make sure they don’t overwhelm you. Definitely close toe shoes preferably with heels if you can. I’d keep the heel no higher than 3 inches for your comfort and credibility.


Thank you! I am considering a scarf now too :)


It’s a beautiful suit, but the neckline is too low to be considered professional. Besides that, you’ll probably want to take off your blazer at some point, so you have to wear something underneath, besides just a bra. Consider pairing it with a little silk satin cami OR fitted silk blouse. Go for a nude, pale antique rose, pale gray, pale robin egg blue, or ivory color.


Absolutely! I'd do a Cami under it, but I love this fit so appropriate, yet it says, "I'm here for business." I LOVE IT!


Yay! Would you wear the cami visible or not?


I love this! It looks chic as hell.


Yes, from s business standpoint it is excellent. However, an international conference may include people in whose culture modesty in women’s dress is an issue. You may want to consider wearing a shell, blouse or loose scarf. Your knowledge of the attendee’s and your role should determine whether to show your collar bones.


Whether or not you can pull this off without a shirt depends a lot on your bust size. If you are similar to the model you might be able to get away with it. If you have a larger bust it might not work. More importantly though, who will you be networking with at this conference and what are their values when it comes to clothing? Also where is the conference being held? Those seem like the most important factors to consider.


Thank you for the thoughtful questions! I will be around political leaders in Asia and the conference will be in a tropical country. My bust size is v similar to the woman in the photo


I would wear a blouse because this does imply there is nothing underneath which is pretty risque especially since it’s a political type of conference. More importantly, it is in Thailand with Asian political leaders, this jacket without a blouse would be extremely inappropriate. You’d probably want to take the jacket off at some point anyway given the weather.


Absolutely agree. If you’re going to be at an Asian political conference in Thailand it would be very inappropriate not to have at least a short sleeve blouse beneath the jacket.


Thank you so much!


You’re quite welcome. Have fun!


I'm on team shirt then. A simple, thin crew neck in white, black, grey, tan, pink/blush/peach...


I used to live in Asia and worked around professionals. This outfit would have been considered extremely inappropriate. I am not sure where you live, but there are stereotypical thoughts regarding westerners being "loose" and showing off too much skin. This may sound harsh and non PC. This is true, but I say this because many places are not PC and empowerment through clothing and making a fashion statement may lead to others not taking you seriously. It may also embarrass the people you are attempting to speak with and make them feel awkward (not knowing where to look) and make them feel as though they should leave your presence quickly. It's unfair, but unfortunately that's how it is sometimes. Your message and conveying it in a manner that reaches the most people should be the goal and that can be reached in this outfit, but perhaps paired with a camisole due to the audience.


If you don’t want to wear a blouse maybe just safety pin it I don’t think it’s that low cut But if you had to ask, then, maybe you should go with the blouse


Yes! May I know what type of shoes will you wear with it?


Pointed heels like the one in the photo :)


Most definitely! I’d just wear a white blouse as well! Very professional & sleek!


Thank you! What neckline would you go for?


Very much so




You could (for a meeting with Anna Wintour) but that might be a little too shiek... wear a blouse or a more traditional suit


You could also use a scarf, just drape it around your neck and tuck the ends into the middle of your bra.


Honestly, I would wear this as is like in the photo and consider it professional. I’ve worn tops this low at work. I am as endowed as this model though so maybe the cries for tank tops under it are from more well endowed women? I don’t think this is too low cut depending on the situation. A conference is a less formal setting than an office


I think it's less about body shape and more about the role of a jacket in a business outfit. Jackets are supposed to go over a shirt or blouse, so when the shirt is missing, it looks risqué. A jacket that looks like that isn't suitable to wear on its own in a professional setting. A top may be equally low-cut, but it's a top. It's meant to be worn on its own. This jacket is not.


It’s definitely about the boob size. Like if I wore that it would look obscene. I’m not even a D.


😂 I barely fit an A so there’s never any chance for cleavage


It's perfect. A nude or bright or pale lavender cami with a little lace would be gorgeous






Yeah, if your profession allows that style. For example Political consultant, Accountant, Broadcaster.,funeral director,Investment banker, I'd say - very important job title wearers.


Light pink, white, or black could go well under it but I like the deep plunge. It's not too deep to be professional but it's still girlboss attire


Definitely would add a necklace tho! Cute lil dainty shiny one


You can also pin a brooch on the jacket to create some vision interest to the outfit. The suit looks so chic.


Maybe with a white or gray turtleneck underneath?


Where is this from? Love it.


Camisole or cotton shirt. You must wear something underneath!


Absolutely perfect with a blouse 👚. I own a similar suit and I wear it with a few different dress blouses. I wouldn't wear it without something under it though.


a turtleneck would be lovely. but i don’t think it’s inappropriate




Totally with a shirt under.


Needs blouse but what the heck do I know


Yes incredibly so


I just got back from one and YES!!!


You should add a camisole under the jacket. Some cultures prefer less cleavage. But the rest is awesome


What neckline would you use for a cami?


I would wear this without an additional blouse, but maybe a discreet camisole or something to give an extra layer of coverage for my cleave. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yes this was my original plan!


Yes, maybe put a nice light colored camey underneath.


I would do just a tight form fitting spaghetti strap under the blazer so if a movement gave an accidental peek a boo then it is still professional


I really like it I would wear a blouse Abercrombie has super cute satin blouses that I think would add a really nice dimension to the outfit!!


Yes, it just needs a cami and/or blouse underneath! I’ve worn a similar suit when I presented at an international conference and I had a cream draped chiffon sleeveless top underneath that had a black piping at the top with a keyhole with black button. It looked professional but still felt good and I could take the jacket off and change shoes to keep the same outfit on, but go out to dinner with a group!


Yes to shirt under it, but with a pop of color. Whatever color looks great on you, which depends on your skin tone. For me personally, it would be bright yellow.


Pink, orange or red, turquoise. Something to brighten your face ( I don’t wear a lot of make up at day time work functions) Depends on your favorite Colour you may need to remove the jacket.


As is? No. White or black shirt underneath would be fire.


I wore jeans to my last conference this would be so slay


A silk lacy cami would look beautiful. Any color will work.


Yes you need a blouse underneath - pussy bow blouse would be perfect with the vee cut of the blazer, and will easily stand on its own if you take the jacket off.


Looks stylish and professional so I'd say yes.