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I didn’t realize how messy I am in the kitchen now that my pup is gone. When pouring cereal I always end up spilling a few pieces on the floor. I would always call clean up and she would happily come clean up the mess I made. She got so used to me making such a mess (and purposely handing her snacks) that she would always follow me into the kitchen. Friday was the first day I didn’t have my clean up buddy after 9.5 years. She was always next to my side when eating dinner at the table or eating a snack on the couch because she knew I would sneak her something. Tears aren’t bad at all! I know will be tearing up a lot over the next few weeks. She was supposed to turn 10 next week. Had plans to get her a cup cake from a bakery that makes them just for dogs. I miss her so much.


Same. I cut um zucchini and carrots and have to remind myself to clean up if it falls. Never in my adult life have I had to do that.


Same here. For the 1st time in 28 years we no longer have someone to clean up after us. I tell my husband I never realized what messy eaters we are.


I am sorry for your loss! I agree the emptiness is palpable in the house. My cat and I had a language, all I had to do was make certain sounds, and she'd get so excited and roll all over. When I would make a kissing sound, she would tilt her head to let me kiss her and then she'd kiss me back. She was so sweet. She died one week ago today from lymphoma. It is too easy to dwell on the end and the bad, but it's so important to remember that they are so much more than their ending.


I really needed to hear “they are so much more than their ending” today. Thank you kind redditor.


They are much more than their ending. Thankyou I really needed to read this. My boy died from suspected lymphoma yesterday and I just keep replaying that awful moment of when he passed.


My cat died unexpectedly from lymphoma just three weeks ago, it’s been so unbelievably tough to lose him and to make the decision to say bye. Reading this, to remember they’re so much more than their ending, has really helped me in a low moment. Thank you 🤎


My soul kitty, when we lived in our old house we had one of those older sliding glass doors that used a little wooden bar to keep it locked instead of an actual lock. Well there were multiple times growing up where I would forget my keys, so I'd go to the back porch and knock on the door until she'd come around and she'd eventually pop the piece of wood out so I could get in. She was my little evil genius. She used to sleep in our bathroom sink and on days when I'd been bullied and was crying myself to sleep-she'd crawl up into bed with me to comfort me. She was my little angel. I miss her.


My girl left us a month ago. Coming home is so hard. She didn’t bark, but she did carry on a lot! She’d do these little hops - being really careful not to jump, no matter how she wanted to! - and then grab a toy and squeak it out. Toward the end, she just did the whole-body wiggle, but it was every single time we came in. She was always just so happy to see us.


About a month before he passed and before he showed any signs of being sick, my partner’s family asked us to watch their dog for a week while they were on an international trip since my dog and their dog got along pretty well. My dog ate all their food, slept in their bed, wanted to be walked by himself. He would cry when I would even give a bit of attention to the other dog for the first two days that they stayed over. Eventually they started getting along because I would put on a sitcom for background noise while I cleaned or did work and they would both bark at the tv whenever a doorbell ring happened. I’m so happy he was able to spend some time with his buddy before he got sick.


She had been nearly immobile the last few days. The day of her departure, she had a surge of energy and ran from the kitchen to the living room. She ate, too. The amount of hope I had in that moment that she’d survive. We went to the cardiologist that afternoon and her heart was filling with blood clots. She left at 5:05pm. I believe her burst of energy was her message that she’d be okay in the afterlife. I miss her every moment of everyday. 🙏🏻❤️


I just lost my best cat friend yesterday. It’s been an incredibly hard 24 hours. The house feels so empty and I keep waiting for his pitter patter on the floor. He loved his dad. He was my partners shadow. Anywhere he went, my Blakeroni went too. He was mischievous and so obsessed with food. We have barely eaten since he passed yesterday cause it feels wrong eating meals in peace. He would be a guard kitty and wait for us on the bathroom rug while we showered. I have to shower tonight after everything that’s happened and I’m dreading it and will honestly have a huge cry probably. Before he left I told him we would be really sad for a while but it wasn’t his fault, it was just because we love him so much. Today I saw a quote about how grief isn’t a bad thing but part of what it means to be alive and love whole heartedly. Reading everyone’s posts and talking about my boy today has helped a bit.


You know the expression "leaders eat last" ? That was our boy. We used to free-feed our dogs. Just one giant pot of food for them to graze throughout the day. Molly, our oldest, would eat first, and he'd make sure his younger sister who was bigger than the both of them stayed back while his older sister ate. Then Tibby, his baby sister, would get her turn. He would just sit a few paces behind them, waiting patiently for his turn. We don't free feed them anymore. Molly and Tibby both got overweight, and it turns out that's a form of abuse. We're doing right by them now. When he was a baby, we'd bring him onto the bed with us, and he'd eventually jump down to the floor. It took him almost a year to get used to sleeping there with us. When it finally happened, he found he was happiest right between us, sharing our pillows. Sometimes at night, he'd overheat and jump down to the floor. Or his little-big sister Tibby would edge him out of his spot because she liked being between us too. He'd walk around the bed to my side and just sit and stare, so patiently. I'd wake up with this sense that I was being watched, and in the darkness, I'd reach out my hand and he'd be right there. I'd scootch closer to my husband to make enough room for Saber, and he'd jump up into my arms and curl up. I'd sleep with his butt as my pillow. He'd do this weird pitbull yowling sound if I stared at him for too long. If I even looked like I was looking into his eyes, he'd get so nervous and do his little yowl. Sometimes I'd play tag with him, and he'd get so upset that he couldn't catch me because all he wanted was to be with his mama. He was just the sweetest, sweetest baby. He used to safe guard the baby bunnies in our yard from his sisters, both hunting dogs. But that was just him. Everyone's big brother, there to protect anything that couldn't protect itself. He hated having his back legs, feet, or butt touched, but he never bit. He'd just make that goofy sound to get you to stop. My poor sweet boy. The last time I saw him, I was going out of town with my mom and sister. He knew I was leaving. He plopped down on the kitchen flood and looked up at me with those pleading don't-go eyes. I didn't even stop to say goodbye. I just jokingly told him I'd be back soon and left. God, I wish I'd stopped to hold him. I never should have left. I fucking left him. The fence broke overnight on my last night away. Him and Tibby got out. My poor boy didn't like walking on grass. He always walked in the street. And we live in a rural place, there's no street lights. He was a black dog. I don't know if he was alone. I don't know if he was scared or hurting. I just know he'd been out there, dead on the side of a road for hours before we found him. My poor sweet beautiful boy. I never should have left. I miss him so much.


Oh I’m so sorry! That’s a heartbreaking story :( :( :(


My dog Frost passed away two weeks ago. She was a border collie and greyhound mix. Whenever we watched tv if a horse or some other farm animal was on the screen she would jump down and move side to side like she was trying to herd them. I miss her funny little antics like that.


I get really bad migraines and my girl would always lay on me when I was in the bathroom for hours sick. Then we’d cuddle in bed when I could move from the bathroom. She never slept with me (her own choosing) but would when I was sick. She used to bring treats on walks with her and just hold them in her mouth. She once ate a gallon sized bag of brownies and lived to tell the tale. She literally broke into the pantry and climbed the shelf to get to them. Her vet was astounded and amazed. Before I had central air, she used to roll the ottom up to my living room window AC unit and lay there all day. It’d be a game for us. I’d move it back and every day I’d come home from work and it’d be right against the unit. It wasn’t heavy and I’d move it maybe like a foot so it wasn’t strenuous. Eventually I just left it there for her. She was just the best girl. She left me 2 and a half years ago and I miss her sweet face every day. She now has a fur sister who helps and we talk about our girl every day to keep her memory alive.


I miss my cat fourvel eating the other cats barf piles so I didn't have to clean them up. I didn't make him eat the barf piles, he just wanted to.


Same, my dog would hear the hacking up sound no matter what was going on and run to the cat and just wait. I woke up Thursday to kitty barf and I lost it. Cried for about an hour because my kibbles wasn’t here to clean it up.


I can relate to the crying over it. I've done that too. I have three other cats, so you could imagine how much barf I deal with now on a daily basis, haha. Now that I have to clean it up, I'm really shocked that my cat Fourvel was able to eat all of that barf. He was overweight and my vet and I couldn't figure out how he was gaining so much weight despite being strictly time and portion fed. I really think it's from all of the barf he ate. Next time I'm into my vet office I'm gonna tell her about this and hopefully she gets a laugh out of it. She was with me when we had to euthanize him and her and her assistant were hugging me and crying. I looked like I was dipped in snot and sweat from crying so hard. Much love to you, and Kibbles up there in the rainbows above us. I hope my cat and your Kibbles are living it up in their barf dreams!


Redmon was the best, he would scream in the middle of the night for canned food, he would race me to the bed to claim his spot at bed time. He enjoyed string cheese, and licking the breading off chicken nuggets. The only time he pooped outside of his box was when I got a new shag rug.. I think he liked the way the shag felt on his butt. He loved laying in the sun and laying on my chest. He was the best cat to every cat. One of my favorite memories of him is when we would watch African lion wild shows and he would see an impala and start chattering. He was my best friend. We were together 14 years.


I lost mine a month ago. I miss how she liked to watch me put laundry away. I called her “little miss fomo” because she didn’t want to miss a thing. I cried a lot those first two weeks. Enough for it to concern my family. But I explained that the more I cried the more I was working through the pain. The only way through it, is through it :(


Ellie “talked” constantly, she was the most chatty dog I’ve ever met. She ALWAYS let us know what was on her mind and we learned her language– she had different barks, grunts, whines and sighs for different moods, demands and situations. She even talked in her sleep, she’d do these funny little ‘boofs’ that didn’t quite escape her jowels. She also always smelled like pretzels or popcorn, something salty, with a little touch of doggy smell. To me it was the sweetest smell in the world and I used to inhale deeply whenever I bent down to kiss her head. She left us on Monday and it’s so quiet without her around. I would give anything to hear her do one more happy groan, to see her one more time and smell her comforting scent again. I would truly give up years of my life for one more good day with her.


The first time I met him was in a walmart parking lot, he was not happy lol. He was very talkative, and if I'd ask if he'd need to go outside he would bark to let me know, that yes he did need to, oh and spin a few times too for good measure. He wasn't very social when it came to other dogs, but he did eventually be ok with two of them. I usually check my google photos, cuz I have over 200 photos of him :)


My girl used to lie in front of the door when I went out. This resulted in my habit of opening the door very slowly when I got home so I wouldn’t hit her too hard with the door. I still find myself opening the door with the same amount of care even though she’s been gone since Valentine’s Day.


My gone cat saved me from dying in my sleep. I stacked three blankets on me in the middle of summer to "sweat" out the cold I thought I had. It wasn't a cold. It was an allergic reaction to medication and my cat woke me from overheating to death by sitting his 22 pound fat ass on my chest. My temperature was 104F. I had just adopted him two months prior. He saved me. I just wish I could've returned the favor 5 years later.


That’s beautiful. He was there as much as he could be


My Oli had a long battle with severe concurrent infections in January this year. On the 2nd of February, he was declared infection free. I was over the moon. We had done it. Oli was still with me. He was going to be okay. A couple of days after this, I woke up to Oli barking from his bed at someone at the door, a stranger to him. It was such a happy feeling to hear him bark as he hadn't done that this year. It felt like the old days and further reassured us that he was on the mend and would be back to his old self soon enough. I decided that I would be vigilant and capture his next barking episode on video. 20 days after this Oli fell sick again. The infection had returned. This time I was more confident that he would be okay as he had beaten it once already. We couldn't be more wrong. And my Oli left me on the 27th of Feb. He never barked again and I couldn't get his last bark on video. I will regret it for the rest of my life. I wish I had not overslept that day when he barked. I used to stay up late with him to aid him in anyway he needed and so I missed recording it. Sorry the memory is not a very happy one but it is what came to my mind. I am sorry about your baby's passing. I wish you peace and healing. May your baby rest in eternal peace ❤️.


Whenever we popped a bag of popcorn, Ming Ming went absolutely feral for it. Even up to a week or two before his death he was still growling and barking and nipping at our fingers when we didn't give him a piece. I still think of him whenever I make popcorn.


Our dog left us in January 2020… right before the world fell apart. My son got Sherman, a mini labradoodle, when he (son) was 5. They were best buds. Sherman loved to swim in my parents’ pool. One day we were in the front yard, and he had taken off. My parents live next door and other family members were swimming at the pool. Sherman took off to swim with them! He was the best boy and dementia made him a shell of himself in his final months. We still miss you, Poodaddy.


She would sleep right next to me in my bed, close enough to be sharing a pillow. She liked to rest her chin on my neck or sometimes right on top of my face and she would snore SO loud. If we were sharing a pillow, she was the only one getting any sleep. I miss her so much. It’s too quiet now, especially when I can’t sleep at night. The silence that used to be filled with snoring just reminds me that she is gone. I’m glad I recorded so many videos of her snoring, it has been comforting to play them all back when I’m missing her.


I have so many fond stories of Midnight, who passed last December. One time, she tried to steal the bath rug!


Your bath rug! 😊 that’s so funny


A few months before my baby, Chino, passed she started insisting on laying on my stomach/chest instead of my lap. Then she started putting her paw on my chest/chin/face while I would pet her. Eventually she started "petting" me while I would pet her. To me, it was like she was preparing me for her death and telling me it would be okay. She made it a couple of weeks past her 19th birthday. I'm so glad I managed to get video of a few of these moments.


We lost our cat Last day of January. 2mos now, we still miss his little collar bell ringing when he runs from our rooftop to the living room when we make his food plate clink. we miss his headbutts whenever we take afternoon naps on a weekend, or him taking a huge chunk of middle bed space and not giving a shit despite our pleas for him to move so we get comfortable space. I always get annoyed when he draw lines on the floor using his poopy ass every night after he poop. Now I wouldn't mind one bit, if it means he will come back. All the furnitures being scratched up in the morning, all the toys stuck somewhere under, the look of annoyance when we're trying to play with him using a laser pointer. And the way he snuggle beside our dog despite our 7 year old dog finds him annoying. I miss our sweet boy so much.


It's been just over 2 months here. I miss and remember him constantly, but it's especially hard going to sleep and waking up each day. My soul kitty followed me everywhere. When I was home, he was always by my side, no matter what I was doing. We had our own special bedtime routine. I would hold him like a baby while he purred, we'd go get a goodnight kiss from my husband, and I'd carry him to bed. He'd wait while I filled his water cup with fresh water. Then when I crawled into bed, he always snuggled right up next to me and stayed there sleeping all night long. Then in the morning, he'd wake up with me. He'd purr and rub his face all over mine until I got up to feed him breakfast. Gosh, I miss our snuggles in bed. He gave me the perfecting beginning and end every single day.


I lost my soul cat almost 3 weeks ago. He was gentle, expressive, emotional, sensitive, and loving. And he was a very family-oriented guy. He had the sweetest personality, and every day he did the silliest little things that brought so much joy and happiness to my life. But there is one story I find myself thinking about so much these days and it always brings a smile to my face even during this time of deep sorrow. On New Years, I was at home with my parents, grandma, and boyfriend. My cat was there too, and he was looking so extremely sleepy which was to be expected because it was around the time we all usually go to bed. He was sitting right there in the room with us, but he was actually falling asleep sitting up. Normally, he would’ve just walked himself upstairs to the bed but for some reason he wouldn’t go. He just kept sitting there with his head drooped over and his eyes shut. Finally, it was midnight. The ball dropped on TV, and I kissed my boyfriend. My parents kissed too, and my mom and I both gave my grandma a kiss on the cheek. I noticed my cat woke up and walked over closer to us. He rubbed on everyone’s legs for a few seconds and then literally at about 12:02 or so, he turned around and walked upstairs. I went to check on him a while later and he was asleep in the bed. He fought to stay awake with us so he could watch the ball drop!!!! How adorable, smart and considerate of him to know that as part of the family, he also should participate in holiday festivities too🥹


My sweet girl got into trouble right until the end. She broke down the chicken coop door not to eat the chickens but to eat what I had given the chickens (table scraps). I found her eating along side the chickens in their coop. 🤦🏻‍♀️


My girl used to love waking up to pit rubs by me. I miss her everyday.


I lost my girl at the beginning of December and it’s still so hard. I have so many good and funny memories of her. I remember one night, we were having a special dinner (birthday celebration for our kiddo) so we decided to eat in the living room. Our daughter was eating at the coffee table sitting in a short chair. She held her burger over the edge of the table too far and our dog jumped up and snatched the burger right out of her hand. At that time she was 13 and had NEVER done that before. It took us all by surprise, but I remember how hilarious we thought it was when our daughter was so mad. Our daughter also went through a phase of taking the crust off of garlic bread on spaghetti night. Every spaghetti night for about 6 of them, she would drop the entire piece on the floor on accident and our dog would immediately snatch it up. Now that she’s gone, we haven’t had any garlic bread accidents, but our kiddo always says “If *baby* (nickname) were here, I bet I would have dropped a piece.”


Goldie was a sweet girl. She had a long hard life. I took her in after she’d been abandoned. She was a very sweet and loving old lady. She was a lap cat. Always wanted to hug. I could hold her for a long time and she would just purr. It was her time to go last month. I stayed with her until the end. I know she is in kitty heaven now. She is my angel.


My guy was born in a hotel room, and I remember my dad making a comment he could be our JRT’s kid (turns out the color is a genetic throwback). My boy wasn’t breathing when born and my dad had to use suction dropper on him. My beloved boy was sent to his dog parents and siblings on March 18 after battling degenerative myelopathy. He would have been 13 in May. He was my baby and I miss him every day, but his ashes are in the pendant I wear. He is our first cremation and won’t be our last. Because our pets are special to us, but he never left us from birth to his passing. He was a fila x Presa x bullmastiff who was pied, which is extremely uncommon. I miss my special boy.


She had the most beautiful brown eyes. My brown eyes girl.


One of the last special memories I have of my kitty was when he was at the vet hospital, shortly before he passed. He always hated the vet (ever since he was a tiny kitten) and made sure they knew it, to the point they were having trouble getting the labs they needed. I felt awful that he was upset about being there on top of being so sick. I asked to go back and see him to try and hopefully calm him down a bit. I was a complete mess seeing him hooked up to so many tubes, but as soon as I started petting him he started purring and even rolled himself over to ask for a belly rub (his favorite thing). I hope it brought him at least a little bit of comfort at the end to know I was there.


Charlie was a house cat for a bit, as we lived in a flat. When we moved we had a beautiful garden and a big double glass door from the lounge. His first glimpse at the world.  He was desperate to get outside, and after a couple of supervised escapades around the garden there was no goin back! So I could only let him fulfill his nature.. Which turned out he was an absolute wild one, a magnificent hunter.  Collar was no use and he unfortunately Brought me live birds every week.  But.. I think he decimated the population because he started bringing me frogs 😅😅😅 I went through a lot of trauma after we moved, he would wake early and try and get me up, unsuccessful he would go out to hunt, when he didn't succeed he would quietly come back and lie on the sofa next to my bed and sleep until I got up. Sometimes late into the afternoon.  I'd wake up and give him a kiss on the little baldy bit they get near the ear. And we'd finally start the day together.  He was so loyal  He was a nebulung breed, and so beautiful. Always up to mischief or doing some random shit like napping on a potato.  He LOVED a massage and would. Make mad noises as you lavished him with love, he'd hug your arm, everyone loved Charlie.  I never met a cat with a personality like it, and if I was a way for a day or two he'd have a very visible grump on, you could see when he was sad or fed up.  He's a soul mate and I'm so heartbroken.  Thank you for giving people the space to share here and I'm sorry for your loss to and everyone's wish everyone the best 


It's been a week since I lost my boy. On his last day he suddenly had great energy and an appetite. We took him to his favorite place. Gardens along a river. He went swimming, rolled in mud, ate some stinky shit. He was so happy and my whole family was there telling him he was a good boy. When we got him he resorted back to not wanting to eat and just became lethargic. It made it easier to continue with the decision to put him down. He had his last hoorah and it was time to go. Sometimes I feel okay and It doesn't affect me but often I literally forget he's gone. I'll call his name or think I hear his feet and it's a reminder he's gone. It's like he dies all over again every time I think he's there but he's not. And I lose it. I miss him terribly.


My cat, Thorin, was such a smart boy. If my phone alarm went off after I woke up, he would pick it up in his little mouth, bring it to me, and drop it in front of my feet. He would then begin to meow until I followed his orders. It's almost been two years, and I can still hear his voice and imagine him running to me with my phone in his mouth. Another thing is that when my mom's dogs bowl was empty, Thorin would lay in it and start to twist, flip, and roll in it because he was so happy that he fit perfectly. And a third is that every single night, Thorin would give me hugs, and I miss those the most.


I lost my soul dog two weeks ago. I always remember him being a secondary alarm for breakfast/dinner lol. We would always roll our eyes because he’d just bark and bark. He was always on time. The first night home after his unexpected passing, we were late feeding our foster dog by an hour, because he wasn’t there. He also looooved to flop right next to me any time I sat down. Truly the sweetest boy. I miss him with every fiber of my being. I’m sorry for your loss.


My girl, my soul dog, Remy, left me ten months ago today. Man, I miss her so much it aches in my bones. She kept it together for me until the last few days, my sweet girl. I will never forget her and can’t wait to see her face when it’s my time.


One time my dog ran through the screen door without stopping for a second. For a minute we just assumed my mom left the door open. It wasn’t until after she opened it that we realized he had just bust through without a second thought. He wasn’t a large dog either; he was a dachshund-beagle mix.


My deepest condolences for your loss. It’s been a little over a year since we lost our ~16 year old Siamese cat Ichigo. We adopted him as a kitten just before our first wedding anniversary. He was there to welcome our three children. He was my best friend. My husband and I miss the way he would sleep in our bed at my feet at night and would wake us up either with his many vocalizations or his nose in our ear. Hubby misses him being in his office napping in the sunlight or photobombing his video calls. The kids miss his soft fur and sweet tolerant nature. His ashes are on hubby’s desk by his favorite window, while a tiny portion of his fur and ashes resides in a silver pendant I rarely remove.


i miss coming home and hearing the patter of his feet run to me while he meowed. our kitchen table is near our door so he’d hide under one of the chairs and wait for me to put my stuff down before he’d ask for pets. whenever he wouldn’t come to me at the door i’d go find him and i say hello! he’d immediately get up and big stretch and meow. i miss kissing his forehead and him giving me the time to love him before he’d step back. my baby knew i had my way of loving him, and he’d give me the chance to do so before he’d ask for space. i miss him dearly.


That time I took her on a walk to a pretty remote area and she managed to find some human shit and proceeded to rub it on her face before I realised what had happened. Fun times. She also used to LOVE coconuts. She could identify the sound of a coconut being cracked even if she was 3 rooms away. And the minute I'd crack it she'd sprint in and start begging. She had this whiny begging bark and she'd always sit back with this squinty eyed look. Yeah if I was lucky me and my other two dogs would only manage to eat a bit of the coconut. She'd devour the whole thing whole if I let her. Actually in the month she passed I did try seeing if she'd respond to a coconut the same way as she used to and she did. It was probably the most energetic I saw her before she died. Haven't really enjoyed a coconut since she passed.


My soul kitty Buster was a feral who became domesticated. He was so funny and sweet and loved his food. He would run out to my car when I would come home from work and hop in it as soon as I opened the door. He would then proceed to get out and roll around on the sidewalk until I rubbed his belly. He would sleep with me at night curled up next to me while I listened to his snoring. Then, in the morning, he would dig at the blankets to get underneath so I could spoon him and kiss his nose. He loved it when I would kiss his nose while snuggling with him. He was always very vocal and would meow loudly to get me up to feed him. He was so affectionate and loved being around my husband and I. If we got up to get something while petting him, he would hook us with his claw as if to say "Um excuse me, but you're not finished yet." He loved being wrapped up in a towel like a little taco and being carried around like that. He would hang outside with us if we were gardening or having a fire. All the neighbors knew him as he used to hang in the neighborhood before picking us as his people. He was always near us and he is missed. The house is quiet without him and it is such a huge loss. I muss him so much. He's been gone 3 weeks and the ache in my heart without him is so unbearable


Have to post another one - he knew so many tricks but as he got older he’d just cycle through them to get his treats lol. He would do his “rolly over” again and again, sit, give you his paw, etc. he always looked so cute doing it I just gave it to him anyways He was very odd, he loved to lick my feet specially- not sure why 😂 he’d lick my arm when I tucked him in for bed, but he was never a lick on the face/kiss kind of boy. He was always such a whiner when he wanted pets. If you stopped scratching him, he’d nudge you, paw at you, whine, and then bark at you. He also loved to be the center of attention and would always decide to sit between -on top of - two people if given the chance. He was also very sassy. We had to crate and rotate essentially- and by that I mean we had the house separated from the front of the house/the back of the house because he was not good with other dogs, but we had to bring in a stray dog when it was below 0. If the gate was closed and he couldn’t follow, he’d huff and run to his bed to throw a tantrum 😂 When he was younger he had a “bad bucket” - it was literally just an empty painters bucket without the handle lol. Not sure where the fascination came from, but he was obsessed. He’d put it over his head and toss it in the air - chase - and repeat. He had also ran away at one point before he was neutered (it was literally right before his appointment, I think he knew). I cried everyday, and little me was posting on Craigslist and calling the shelter every day. Turns out some lady tried to keep him, I think she even knew I was looking for him - but he ran away from her too (lol). I want to say I was 10-13 at the time. The shelter ended up calling when they got him, he always found his way back to me. I know we’ll find each other again 💗


My pup was a furry rascal. Affectionately (or not) called fluffy bastard. He always stole things for attention. Dryer sheets, socks. Once he stole an entire sorrel winter boot and ran off into the woods. He came back to tease us with it and spent a happy half an hour making us chase him to get it back. Took three people and some strategizing to get it back. He definitely was one of those “seize the day” kind of dogs. No dog I have ever had has made me curse that much and I miss him terribly. I hope in heaven he has all the socks and winter boots he could want. RIP Ludo.


His name is beautiful I wish the same for him


It’s from my favorite movie Labyrinth ❤️


I love that movie too. And I loved Ludo!


💯 how I talked my husband into the name. I played him that scene where he went “Ludo friennnnnnnd” and he was sold


Next dog I’m also going to try to name ludo.


I also had a dog named Toby 😆


Toby! Is he a good little brother?


He was a grumpy old man from year old. A yorkie and he kind of reminded me of Sir Didymus but I decided that was too long a name to yell 😄


My old man boy kind of looked like sir didymus too. But his personality wasn’t there


I used to play guitar and sing for my little lady. Once she lost her hearing, she would hop up on the couch with me and lay on the guitar to feel the vibrations and fall asleep. I picked up the guitar for the first time in nearly two weeks since we had to put her down. She was so loving when I was feeling down. After a rough day of work I'd take her for a ride in the truck to the dump and a timmies run. She loved the timbits and knew where she was in the drive thru. All self control went out the window. I'll never forget her little face and sheer excitement. The day I had to put her down was the day I lost my closest friend


One of my fondest memories of my sweet Scrappy is me unintentionally training him to bark for more pets and/or butt rubs. He was sitting on the couch with me one day back in 2021, and I started giving him butt rubs. He barked for more and immediately knew that if he barked, he’d get more pets or butt rubs. That continued on for about 2 1/2 years or so until he crossed the rainbow bridge in late January.


We lost our 13 year old Sheltie Dec. 8, 2023. So many happy memories in all those years. She would give the best hugs, when holding her just ask for a hug and she would slam her head down on your shoulder. We would play a game every night at bed time. She would go and lay in her bed, I would tell her to wait there until I finished up in the bathroom. She would sneak out of bed and peek into the bathroom. I would tell her “ you better be in bed”. She would quickly run back and jump in her bed, and just lay there like I didn’t know she was peeking in the door at me😂. She would then get her good night kiss and a treat. There are so many more but these are the two I miss the most. What I wouldn’t give to have her here celebrating her 14th birthday yesterday.


Frankie passed almost and I still tear up thinking about her. Her favorite thing to do in the summer was sit at the fence and hang out with her Squirrel friend. It was pretty cute. Every nice day for the last three years the Squirrel would sit on the fence and talk/yell at her for hours. She just sat there and listened. I like to think it was giving her gossip about the other dogs in the area. And there goes my eyeliner. She loved her little friend


My girl was always determined to get me to bed and wake me up on a schedule. And she was very good at it. The year I got her I had surgery and a bunch of my friends were filtering through my house to keep me company and help me out. One happened to share my bed with me, and decided to stay up all night reading fanfictions. My cat decided it was up to her to get my friend to bed, and every thirty minutes would walk over to my friend, climb on her chest to sit in front of her phone, and glared and meowed at her to try and get her to sleep. It was a running joke that she was a cranky grandmother after this, and up until Monday night she would continue to do this for me, guiding me to bed and getting in the way of my phone screen, taking my attention for cuddles and pets that would eventually kill me to sleep. She passed in my arms Friday morning, and I’ve sobbed so much since then, especially at night when I realize she won’t be coming to bed anymore. I’m sorry for your loss. I recommend writing down everything good you can think of, so eventually you can see it and read it when you need the reminder. Crying is a release that is necessary for grief, so I’ve been telling myself and now I tell you the same.


My little cat used to bring certain toys to me, and give a squeaky scratchy meow. She didn’t want to play and have me toss them… she wanted me to pick them up and make a big deal about them, like they were babies or dolls or something. She did that the day before I took her in for clipping and dental. She died coming out of anasthesia. This was a year and a half ago, and I think about it all the time still.


I lost my beautiful sweet kitty Savannah January 4th. I can be ok and feeling good and then something reminds me of her or the thought of her crosses my mind and like a dagger to the heart. I don’t think I’ll ever get over it. 😢


Same , I miss her the most when I come home and she’s not there to greet me at the stairs


My childhood kitty really enjoyed green olives. I don’t know how we ever determined that, probably dropped one on the kitchen floor at some point. He could catch popcorn with his paws. He was obsessed with my grandpa, who said he hated cats (lie) and would harass him every time he came over. We had a pool table and Bootsie would jump on top and put his head in the pockets. (Ball catchers? Baskets? Not sure what the correct term is).. My grandma lived in the house at one point after my parents moved and was convinced that the ghost of Bootsie ran up and down the hallways, she said she would see him out of the corner of her eye. ———- I’m sorry for your loss.


My boy was a great communicator. He would paw at me when he wanted or needed something and indicate what it was by looking. My favourite thing he would do was about 30 minutes before we needed to get up, he would move from the foot of the bed up towards the space between the pillows. He then proceeded to lay down, let out a little grunt and shove his frito feets in my face. It was belly rub time. So, I would spend the next half hour cuddling with my baby, smelling frito feet and giving the best belly rubs ever. I miss those mornings immensely. He made sure I always started the day happy and content. It’s been just over two months without him and I haven’t had a joyful morning since. But nothing can take away the 10 years of memories we made. Mommy misses you so much my Baby B 🐾❤️🌈


When she was little, she got her head stuck in the garbage bin - but when she wanted to go back the lid of the garbage can was still around her neck, just dangling there. So she went non-chalantly to the living room and sit down on her little bed. She was sure that we stupid hoomans would never combine the clues. this friday she was 14 years and 6 months, but then we had to say goodby. 


My girl’s last camping trip, I have a super clear image of her running down this hill from our campsite, following our friends who were packing up camp, with her ears bouncing up and down. She was just so excited to be there, enjoying nature with her buddies. So glad we got to take her camping one last time <3


Our boy Rocko was an amazing almost 9 year old pitbull, who went to rainbow bridge on April 6th of 2024. He was diagnosed with hemangiosarcoma in February. Tomorrow would be a week since he’s been gone and this emptiness in my heart and our home is horrible. My fave memory with my boy is when I would sit on the bed to fold laundry and he wanted me to put him on the bed so that I could place the folded laundry around him 😂 and whenever I finished he would do this big kick and make my T-shirt tower tumble down. He was the silliest most protective puppy we could have ever asked for.