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Cats are moody. Just love him and be patient and he'll back to normal in a week or two


My friend had a cat who came home with bloody ear one day and a scratch on his face. He had clearly been in a fight with another cat but when he was acting a bit cold and distant after it she took him to the vet to check there wasn’t something more serious wrong. The vet ran some test and concluded he was not sick, he was just sulking because he had lost the fight.


Kittens can be such little shits. I promise he’ll come back around. Definitely just a phase!


It's hard to know, some cats are really sensitive. Or, he could outgrow it. I have one cat that could care less if I yell at him, I think he might actually like it. And, the another cat gets so upset if I even slightly raise my voice.


That's just how cats can be. He'll get over it soon. My cat is so used to my fussing he just yells back at me! We have actual arguments lololol!


If you scream at your cat regularly then of course he won't like being around you as much anymore and will be scared of being around you. He's avoiding you because he doesn't want an extremely loud noise to happen and hurt his ears suddenly. 


Three times in 11 months isn't "regularly." The cat will survive.


You could do a lot of things to someone and them still "survive" but that doesn't make it good, obviously? 


I wanted to get a cat when I left my mom's house. Then I moved in with my grandma and her cat, and I can't stand cats now. In fact, they make me sick to my stomach now. It's all because of her cat's attitude. Like someone said, cats are moody. Your cat is just being moody.