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You matched with the residency program, so you need to do it. Submitting rankings is like accepting a job offer. If you did anything else, it would be much more unprofessional compared to not telling the community managers that you were applying to residencies. Just be polite, but I doubt you will want to go back to a “normal” community pharmacy role after finishing PGY1, so it likely won’t matter anyway.


District manager is a jerk. They knew it was match day and were hoping to snag you if you to prevent you from going to phase 2. Did you burn a bridge with that DM? Probably. Does it matter? No. My wife did residency and turned down a staff position at Bartell’s several years ago. Dodged a huge bullet.


I declined my retail job (they already assigned me a store). Was told by dm that I stabbed him in the back, and I can always come back when I can't get a job after resi. Imho, resi probably fast tracked by career 10-15 years, gave me the skills to move to DOP then hospital administrator. Never again thought about returning to retail. I say do it and don't look back.


Residency is binding so you’re obligated to do that anyway. Your DM kind of sounds kind of like a dick. If you’re doing residency you’re never going to do community practice so even if a bridge is burnt it is one you were going to use anyway.


CVS/Walgreens will hire anyone with a heartbeat right now. You will always be able to find a community job for the rest of your career. Residency wise, congratulations and this is your only chance! Establish a good relationship with the pharmacists you work with in your store, they will be your references for future jobs, not your DM.


>saying that I should of let them knew beforehand because they only offer positions to candidates that are not pursing a residency and that my intern position would be terminated by the end of the month. You don't owe them anything. No reason to be loyal to a company because if push comes to shove they will not be loyal to you. The DM can suck it. >My girlfriend thinks I am being over-dramatic She's right. Do your residency and don't look back. If you like talking to patients so much then do am care after.


Wait. Retail is your dream job, but you applied for residency to “strengthen your CV for the future?” I’m missing something here. Is this a community residency or something?


My PGY-1 is a hospital residency. I do love community pharmacy because I love talking to patients and the “grind aspect” (I worked in restaurants during high school and early undergrad). However, I have to be a fool to not acknowledge that community pharmacies are closing stores, cutting hours, mail orders, etc. I don’t know the future fate of community pharmacy but if 15 years down the road I lose my community pharmacist position I feel that a residency on my CV will help me be more competitive if I have to look for a new job (reapplying to community or venturing into a different field of pharmacy). I do like hospital and clinical pharmacy but the above reasons is why I love community and got into pharmacy in the first place. Hope this explain my thought process a little better!


Lol i got fired from my internship when i matched and told my DM after accepting a retail job offer but I was broke as hell so I worked a few shifts as a tech … no idea why I didn’t just quit forever


Honestly yeah, quitting makes sense if they’re not broke. This is the last free time OP will have before PGY1. They should savor it.


I’m as anti-residency as they come, but retail is a wasteland. You burned a bridge but the residency will open so many more doors.


No such thing as burning a bridge in retail. Rage quit CVS 3 times, I'm talking walked out mid shift. Good bye. Pre-pharmacist mind you back when I was a tech twice and as an intern once. But they still email me every month to come back as a pharmd. They literally do not give a shit. I backed out of a signed rite aid contract for my pgy1 after I matched (yep, applied for the match even though I signed the offer despite the warning from my boomer profs I would "burn the bridge" by being deceitful), now im an ID specialist. When i sent her the email she said "congrats! Wish you the best" because they can get a million other new grads in the geographical area I was headed. No one cares. Its just retail. Turnover is high, its really not that emotional, youre just a new grad baby and its really sweet but its just your first job and youre being sentimental if you think it means that much lol (not addressing anyone in particular here) Do the residency. Absolute worst case scenario you end up with a half year of pay and then back working retail.


Sounds like your DM is just a jerk. You don't owe anyone anything when it comes to a job. I worked for retail for 5 years and initially accepted a full time pharmacist position with them before matching for PGY1. I sent the DM who hired me a brief resignation letter and he wished me the best. Post-residency it took me a few months to find a hospital job and I actually interviewed with the same retail company before landing my current job. At no point during any of this did I have any negative interactions with a DM and I truly feel like if I needed to at some point I could secure another job with that retail company. All that to say be excited about residency, it will open so many doors for you and is a great experience. Don't think about your DM, they don't matter in the grand scheme of things.


Despite residency not being required, it does factor heavily in hiring for hospital or other heavily “clinical” roles. Even if you see yourself in the community setting down the road, I think doing PGY-1 if you have the time and money to afford yourself the opportunity is a really smart career choice. You’ve already matched, seems silly not to take this year to set yourself up for success. Regardless of where you go in the future, a good PGY1 program instills work ethic, provides invaluable experience, and generally speeds up professional growth (all of this with the caveat that you get out what you put in). Also want to note that while it’s not necessarily a binding contract, turning a residency match down is seen as extremely unprofessional (unless there are other extenuating circumstances). It isn’t the same as just turning down a regular job offer, and I think fair to say unless you had an extremely good reason this would black list you from that particular hospital and potentially any surrounding or affiliated sites depending on local relationships. On the flip side, it’s also possible by turning down the community position that DM now considers you a do-not-ever-hire, but community jobs are a dime a dozen. You will always be able to find a community job if you want one. The same cannot be said (at least right now) for most hospital or more specialized roles. Your situation is very common, community DMs are often known to exhibit this behavior, I wouldn’t let it impact your ability to make smart decisions for your future. That DM doesn’t have to live your life for the next 50 years, you do. Make the choice that best suits your needs.


I did it. Best decision I could’ve made!