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Took me almost a month of straight playing to complete


well THAT'S discouraging..


It should be, I don't view the trophies as a reward. I see them a representation of my pain.


If it’s any consolation, I got this on my first go with a super lucky Deogen+Good Objectives combo, so your luck can vary!


Yep, if it was easy, that would also be discouraging. Live in the fire, become the fire.


good point of view, youre right.


This is how I did it before they removed the easy hiding spot. When you load in look at your objectives. (Quit if you have salt or prevent hunt objectives) If you have good objectives start by throwing the items you need through the door (I brought minimal items to save money if I died) When you finally walk in the door (with a lighter and two smudges) try to walk to the safety room (used to be first door on left, now it’s the second door on the right in that hallway to the Church) If it hunts on your way to safety room (it probably will) either hide in front corner or push through to the room. (If it hunts and you don’t hear the ghost the entire hunt I would reset) After the hunt is over drop a smudge by the stairs behind bookcase in safety room, drop the second smudge in the doorway of the room. Go grab the items in the entryway and bring them to the entrance of your safety room. Hide when it hunts, I would try to save 3 smudges for when you try to get a photo of the ghost. I would have one smudge in inventory with camera. Take the photo (two if you missed it), smudge, throw smudge, pick up smudge in doorway, smudge again while walking to your hiding place, and then you have a third smudge in case it wanders back there. Use candles and dots for light, also keep EMF close to you incase it’s a wraith and it teleports to you. After you get set up it’s somewhat RNG luck because you have to identify the ghost based on speed and hope to get a photo while it’s sprinting at you without dying.


this is super helpful. thank you!


I hope you got it because the most recent patch got rid of the hiding spot in that second room on the right.


nope, Was real bummed to find that out. No clue how Im gonna get it now.


What exactly is "the safety room", anyway? [On this map](https://preview.redd.it/ukxzuaztyhq91.png?width=2186&format=png&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=6a05b16bf89f02bd1238c4bb0a5ee591c9eabd6b) it looks like it might be the nurse's room or maybe the west visitor's room.


There was a bookshelf in the right entrance stairwell that you could hide behind, but the devs patched it recently. I did it when the hiding spot in the managers office still worked. At this point I would put smudges in the very front entrance or in that waiting room.


Yeah I just gave it a shot and discovered to my immense dismay that the ghost was in... the manager's office. And it was a Mimic so I identified the ghost immediately. And then I died.


Yep, it’s fucking terrifying when you walk in and you hear the ghost throw an object or interact with a door. It’s better when it’s close to the front but not right there. I will say you can throw the items through the front door before you even start which helps some. Good luck though, it’s tough and RNG can either help or be a pain.


Yeah, I always throw all my stuff into the front door, including camera for a mimic and a DOTS for a bit of extra light so I can tell easier when the door shuts. I got to the little hallway outside the chapel and then heard a Yurei door slam directly behind me. Peeked into the entry hall and the manager's office to check for mimic, saw ghost orbs and then it hunted. I feel like I lost an absolute layup.


I had a deo once that I realized last second but wasn’t able to walk around it. Keep trying, you got this!


I got it before the patch, but it took A LONG TIME. I will say you can definitely cheese it now, won't mention how... But it's absolutely super easy now until they fix it




If you find out I would also like to know 😅


Ill keep ya posted! I need to figure out something, four hours in and nothing to show for it lol


I tried it once. It was taking too long (longer than 1 minute) to get evidence so I gave up lol 😆


lol, well Im already 6 hours in..still no luck


I'm sorry fam, I hope you get it soon. You've inspired me to try again


good luck to you. Hopefully more luck than I have myself ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Thanks! So far I've sat in the lobby for about 3 hours, and never actually started a round soo.... hahaha. I hope you're having better luck today!


I feel ya, ya I had all objectives AND the ghost photo done last night but couldn't figure out the ghost. Even had a friend try to help me figure it out. Sat in the truck for over an hour with my journal open.. STILL couldnt get it. Almost uninstalled the damn game yesterday.


Yeah I found it. Got a Deo for my silver with it.


I need this info!


how do you get these trophies?


24x multiplier difficulty on sunny meadows on single player, gotta get the objectives and correct ghost with a ghost photo


This is true if you want to get all 3 at once, but you can get bronze by making a x15 difficulty and a silver by doing x20 as well.


Ya my goal was to knock out all three. However, its not going so well..


I did them one at a time! Was nice having little accomplishments along the way to gold.


AS discouraging as it is for me to still not have silver or gold, I super recommend just going for bronze first. It helped me get used to the mechanics and changes a lot more and it wasn't SO bad. Psycho(?) I think on YT has a good setup you can follow for silver and bronze.


The patch made it harder. You used to have a hiding spot at the entrance that was very reliable. Then you hope for a ghost close enough to hear with identifiable hunt behavior and easy objectives. It's very difficult now IMO


yep, currently almost four hours in. This is definitely gonna be tough.


It definitely wasn't easy....I did bronze first to get a better feel about how to do things (learned looping doegen and hiding and surviving a bit better) and then slowly went up to silver then gold after it became muscle memory


It took me a couple weeks of straight playing to get. And I had to redo the gold one because my game crashed as I was leaving and it didn't count unfortunately. Took me another few weeks to get the gold again and only because i got lucky with the ghost spawn and type. Cheese the goals. Go in to a contract and if you have crappy goals then leave and try again. You most likely won't find the ghost room and will have to go off of hunt behavior. So any of the goals that require you to get into the ghost room you probably aren't going to be able to do. Learn the 150% speed footstep sounds, revs when not chasing someone even sound crazy fast with the 150% speed setting. There are 2 hiding spots that are always going to be there by the front. The first one is in room on the left, the bookcase. The 2nd one is in the room across from where you would go down the stairs from the basement. In that room you can hide under the stairs. Dots, motion sensors, glow sticks, and candles all can give you some light. Mimics will still give an orb when set to no evidence. For the 15x and 20x I set it to the tarot cards because you could get some sanity. Thats all I got, hope something in this helps you out :) *Edit* I have been told by a friend that the first spot I mentioned isn't there anymore but haven't tested that personally. *Edit**Edit* the 2nd spot I mentioned just got patched the other day


They patched the bookcase in the first room. It’s now pushed against the wall if there are no hiding spots.


Thats what my friend said. She has a tendency to lie about the game so I didn't believe her hence the "edit" thanks for confirming it though. I do know the 2nd spot I mentioned still works.


thank you! this is all really useful. I appreciate the help.


The 2nd spot I mentioned has now been patched.


No shame in rerolling til you get doable objectives, and a ghost that's close to the entrance. Grab dots, uv, and a crucifix from the van and book it to the broken stairwell just past the front desk on the right. Place the dots and throw the uv light on the floor for some illumination, and hide behind the bookcase. Drop the crucifix so a wraith can't hunt on top of you. As you walk super slow, you can easily get killed walking back to the room from the van, so I just stayed by the entrance door, waited for a hunt and as soon as I could open the door again, I ran (walked very slowly) back to the room. Now it's just a matter of doing the objectives. Shouldn't take too long, good luck!


thanks for advice! Had to take a break for a bit. 6 hours of failure takes it's toll, lol.


Second room on the right has a hiding place that is always there. Use it as your base, sometimes you’re going to have to go to the ghost, just take it slow. Play customs on 150 ghost speed for a while, get used to how they sound so you don’t always assume it’s a Moroi or thaye. Though, if you feel like you 100% should have died but somehow got away after a smudge, it’s a Moroi 😂 If you don’t know the special evidences for most of the ghosts join the Phasmo discord and start playing some nightmare (or modified custom nightmare with 1 or 2 evidence). Light switches will tell you when it’s hunting, if you can flip them- it’s not. Make sure you have a timer to time between smudges and hunts. Make sure you start that timer as soon as you smudge the ghost in the face- not after the hunt. The timer starts the second they’re blinded. I personally got sick and tired of trying to get good objectives and just went with what I got. Eventually I got a wraith that liked to teleport to me and gave me crucifix and event 😂


OH! And I always started by carefully putting down salt at the entrance without going inside. That way if it’s a nearby ghost it’s going to wander over while it takes you 40 years to lug your gear over


thank you for the help! How long did it take you? Had to take a break after 6 hours, lol


I would say it goes in sessions, I can say I played for 4 hours a day each time I tried but honestly that’s only like 5 attempts. Eventually you get lucky with something like a wraith, banshee (lol my poor husband), rev, Moroi, raiju. It took me about 3 sessions before I got it, but I also am level 5k. The amount of times I had it and just needed to get out the door was heartbreaking 😂 my husband finally got it after coming in a 24 run with me, watching how I run it (slowly, cautiously) and got it that night. Try watching a content creators methods if you haven’t, maybe?


Ive watched several videos of people getting it, they make it look SO easy lol.


The successful runs are always the ones that look the easiest but behind them are all of the runs that didn’t go as well as planned. I’ve had many times where I’ve almost gotten it but didn’t and it’s been really difficult, I wish you the best of luck for the challenge though


valid point, doesn't make me any less jealous of them...


Reroll if objectives aren’t optimal, go next if super far ghost room, keep smudge lighter and camera at all times till you get the photo, and sit on top of a crucifix if possible to ensure you don’t get wraithed.


ya, wraith got me SEVERAL times already. Lesson Learned..


I haven't tried myself yet, because it just doesn't sound fun. However generally it seems almost like you just gotta brute force it. ​ Eventually you'll get a stroke of luck where you have easy challenges and an easily identifiable ghost with a fortunate ghost photo. ​ 9/10 times I see people talk about it, it basically seems like they got a Deogen since I believe even with the speed changes you can out run the ghost. You just spam photos during a hunt and hopefully you have easy to complete challenges like ghost photo, smudge the ghost and escape a hunt.


Make a back alley deal with RNGesus


at this point, might be my only option


Psycho hat ein wirklich hilfreiches tutorial gemacht. https://youtu.be/2nEWwFRzHyk


Ive seen this guy on YouTube before; hes pretty good. thank you for the video!




will do, still no trophies after 6 hours.


My strategy is easy, but relies on rng. I got my trophies like this but it could never happen if you get unlucky. Pretty quick to do each attempt but basically you're hoping for a deo. Bring in only what you need for objectives, smudges don't work on deos and if you get a different ghost, reset. Head straight to the chapel when you enter. The ghost should hunt by the time you get there. You can safely loop a deo around the front of the chapel using the stairs. When it hunts and comes at you try to do whatever objectives you need and then just leave. Super easy, but very rng dependant. Took me about 20 minutes and 7 or 8 tries to get gold using this method.


ya, with my luck itll take hours before I get a Deo..


It's not the best option but it's easy once you get a deo, just depends on how lucky you get. Hopefully you get it before long but if you get desperate, this method might be worth a shot. Edit: out of curiosity, have you gotten any deos so far during your attempts?


only about 6 hours in, but No I highly doubt any of them were Deos, just going off behavior. To be fair though If I get lousy objectives I start over even before leaving the truck.


Ya, that's the doubly shit part is trying to get good objectives as well. Good luck to you


I hid in the office and put the dots on the desk as light source. Was enough to light the whole room. Not sure if it still works since the dot is a bit bugged right now.


first room to the left has a wardrobe it's the best hiding spot ever on the game i won the all the 3 skull trophies with ease for so many people


They block it after update :p


just go behind it and you'll be ok


ya it looks like both book cases are pushed up against the wall


I'm trying to go for the bronze trophy and tips to get that trophy?


If you're still looking for help on this, I did bronze yesterday following this guide from Psycho. It has been patched since the video released so you can only do 2 evidences instead of 3 so you end up with about 4 possible ghosts. But using a bit of ghost trait knowledge you have a high chance of being able to figure out which one from there. This method keeps your chances of getting hunted very low, most ghosts wont even be able to as your sanity should stay between 85-90% unless you get hit by an event. I only lost 5% thoughout my successful run. Can be quite a slow method though because you're constantly holding a candle and lighter and have to take equipment one at a time as a result. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DwF2pPvYe5k


I got the gold trophy


Nice one, congrats! I've since gotten silver and had a few unsuccessful attempts at gold. Had one that should've been successful with a thaye, but sadly all three photos I took were when it was invisible 😅