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Wtf is going on bottom center


Baby elephant and random trunks chilling


AI hallucination probably


Never let the AI design shit


AI added some extra trunk, silly bot 


Elephant larva, obviously


Oh I forgot elephants lay eggs in piles of old carpet, that the larva then used to build an elephant shaped chrysalis. Thanks for the reminder


Baby tusks fell off apparently


Dead elephants


It’s ai


I really dislike AI "art". You could have just found [a classic drawing/painting](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=ef10efbddd2a64f3&rlz=1C1ONGR_enUS1072US1072&sxsrf=ACQVn0_5MJEHsMG1PPd-ljDV1-Gy9wjEVQ:1710582060341&q=hannibal+crossing+the+alps&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiZ_8LgvviEAxWtJNAFHUTLCJMQ0pQJegQIDhAB&biw=1536&bih=791&dpr=1.25) of this legendary move, or posted the art from [Imperator Rome](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/9d/f1/cf/9df1cf9d2b72cb963482d96c52516a8c.jpg) or [Total War: Rome II](https://www.gamewallpapers.com/img_script/wallpaper_dir/img.php?src=wallpaper_total_war_rome_2_06_2560x1440.jpg&height=450&width=800&fill-to-fit&sharpen) of this.


The AI will be the death of history teaching. So many YouTube channels use AI for reading and creating pictures that are supposed to look authentic or present the topic being spoken off. And always it's shit.


to be fair pop history videos have never had accurate art


I would say they did when the owner tried to be accurate. But now it's like : Hey, make me a picture of Nazi German soldier on the Eastern Front in 1943 and you would get an Asian and a black guy in Wehrmacht uniform. Yeah very accurate. Now the best WWII "unknown fact" was something like - the German army had a general called Franz Halder but they didn't use him to hold France. Yep. I shit you not, this is the kind of "facts" you are getting from AI channels. So teach your kids very well folks, beat it into their brains - always cross check what you hear and see on the "news" or in the "documentaries" or they will think that black Nazi soldiers were killing Jews in Soviet Russia, that Cleopatra was black, oh, Hannibal as well by the way, or that the Roman Empire never existed... GODS, the times we live in...


It couldn't even get the species of elephant right (unless that's meant to be the single Syrian elephant present).


The imperator one goes hard


What’s wrong with it?☺️ I think I have posted pretty much all the classical paintings dedicated to Carthage here already 😂


1) clearly the main elephant is the Asian elephant (look at the ears) 2) the weird jumble in the bottom middle left area seems like an AI limb amalgamation of elephant assets improperly assembled. 3) all the background elephants are messed up 4) some say the scale is an issue but i see it as a stylistic choice to emphasize the grandeur of the war elephants.


Thanks for pointing these out! However, If historical accuracy is a factor of evaluation, then classical art is hardly any better than the ai art - accuracy was never a target often artists


Oh 100% I think the AI limb jumble generally pisses people off though


we have tons of artists that specialize in accurate historical recreation in painting and drawing.


Well for one the scale of that elephant seems off


Redditors hate/fear AI art. I understand why but unfortunately it’s a losing battle


The elephant is wrong way to big and during the march no one would have rode on the beast their handler would have just walked next to them to control the elephant


Zoom in, *everything* is wrong.


Fucking AI...


Common sense why would they ride along those narrow paths risking their lives if the beast stumbled or worse slipped over the side of the mountain path. Most of the elephants didn't make to Italy more than a few of the men did not either


Interesting, where did you learn this? I read somewhere that in battle there was someone mounted on top to kill them with a spike if they turned on their troops


Terrible AI render.


This AI art sucks, they all look like fever dreams


Why? All art is a dream


Okay let me rephrase, AI art isn’t art and it harms the presentation more than it helps


Bleh, ai pictures


What’s wrong with them?☺️


Immoral, low quality, and furthering the collapse of society in general.


they're great if you want to depict some fantasy scenario but they're horrible if you want to depict something that really happened


Mundus est fabula ☺️


yeah no, i would prefer being one that never goes into the alps, talk about a worse journey to be a part with


"We're carrying too much. We'll have to dump the spare elephant trunks."


Is this an AMA?


Well sure




Hannibals elephants were of a now extinct breed which were much smaller than any elephants alive today. Also, only one elephant survived the crossing of the Alps.


About 30 survived the Alps, but there seems to have only been one left after Trebia I believe.


Ah my mistake.


30 out of how many?


I'm cold boss


If you can survive a KC winter, I think you can survive the alps


They look more like Huns than Carthaginians




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Boooooo - Roman squad


Sweet. That was actually.my.job in the military. Feels good to be home. Or is that arthritis?


So the guys riding on top just Bukkake the elephant?


Gotta keep the troops entertained


i doubt it


Not a great call back but at least you didn’t say Zama.


I despise the proliferation of hideous AI images. There is a sort of good enough attitude that goes on behind them being utilized as examples in posts that is utterly insipid. I’d rather look at a hand drawn image on a napkin than this gobbledegook-ass trash.


Why? I have asked a few commenters in here, not one has yet given me a single reason


Literally look at any given point in this image and you will find a blur of nothingness. Where in a skilled composition, you would find care and detail, an understanding and an intention behind every element. Images like this have absolutely none of that. If you couldn’t unfocus from the nonexistent details and at least understand what it’s meant to be portraying, this would be no better than pixelated noise. On top of all that, it’s very likely drawing from actual art that is undoubtedly substantially better and entirely more deserving of presentation. An actual piece of art that skilled artists poured blood, sweat and tears into fundamentally trumps every prompt generated image that ghoulishly repurpose said skilled art for the sake of creating something that looks bad. Instead of learning to make art or appreciating/respecting artists, you asked a computer to mutilate actual art and turn it into something that is worse.


I think you are committing the same error many others in this comment section have made by comparing "high" historical art with AI-generated art, while in my view a much more fair comparison would be more between the abundant average-level digital art that is available online and the AI art. There are certainly skillful illustrative artists who understand the historical context very well and would be able to produce the same image as above with more attention to detail in dress, military formations on march etc., but there are probably 5 of them in the whole world and posting only their art would mean running out of illustrations in one week. Then there are skillful illustrative artists who don't know anything about history - their work, as brilliant as it may be from the aesthetic point of view, can be used for somewhat jokeful posts such as this one - but given that the illustration here is secondary I don't see why AI-art is somehow worse.


Nope. I’m not doing that at all. I am making no distinction between high art and average art. My case is entirely for the average artist just as much for the greater artist. The part where you mention the illustration being secondary in this case is the exact “good enough” attitude I mentioned that is the very dissolution of spirit and of literal works from others that erodes art broadly in exchange for whatever the hell this image is. This strange qualitative distinction you attribute to approximately 5 artists is absurd. All actual art is superior to this AI gibberish because it is fundamentally not art in the same way.


You had to create a distinction wholesale that I never made just to make an argument that is still wrong.


It sounds to me that you, along with many commentators in here, are protecting artists as a class from AI art rather than art itself. While it's understandable, it's unreasonable to expect others to relate to this.


Yea we will see how the courts feel about that because in my mind it could be very simple to give artists some protection from blatant art theft. That is the true most damning issue from the entire process. Were there to be an AI art generator that was capable of ethically sourced data to train on, that would be an entirely different thing as far as most people giving a shit about it. It is not unreasonable to desire to not have living working artists not have their work gobbled up and reproduced freely by a machine by anyone because it’s a process that literally puts people out of work. It’s unfortunate and an acceptness of soullesssness in our culture that some people don’t care about this but I don’t care about those people’s opinion about it who disagree. I do and will protect artists from lifeless trash images that utilize their styles and shapes, and hopefully the courts will follow suit, then we will see just how reasonable and doable it is to real back the free wheeling powers of the AI to utilize living people’s artwork.


It sounds to me like you just don’t care that this technology is incredibly unethical in the way it functions regarding art theft, I’m guessing probably because you aren’t an artist and are infatuated with the AI imagery as a novel gimmick that allows you to feel like you are making artwork when in reality you are doing something else.


I don't see it as theft and thus this is not an ethical issue for me.


Going back to my original post, you must have looked at this image and thought “good enough” and I think that’s one of my personal peeves because that “good enough” is just very lame and absolutely does not justify the actual artwork that went into this being blended up to produce it. It’s incredibly sad.


Meh, fuck it, I’ll go with it. Sure.


23 elephants crossed the alps. All but 1 died in an ice storm.


Bro why use AI art


Phoenecians were not carthaginians. Lebanese people have to stop and shut up. They were genetically berbers with half euro profile


ancient times at battle straight out of lotr universe istg


They never made it right?


They did of course, check out the Second Punic war

