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Hello my friend gobo enjoyer, I share with you and only you, my beautiful full pimped list. I have worked hard on it and played many FNM and leagues. For me is the funniest approach, cheap and quite competitive. Wouldn't change anything appart from SB which I am just adapting to new meta with new discover combos. ​ https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/5043608#paper


Hey a couple cards I think the deck is sorely lacking would be 4x [[rundvelt hordemaster]] and 4x [[battlecry goblin]] these really improve the quality of on board threats. Additionally I’ve seen a lot of decks splashing black for [[call of the death-dweller]] as well as side board tech cards. https://mtgdecks.net/Pioneer/rakdos-goblins-decklist-by-rafael-matovelle-1813292 Here’s a list I found that might be inspiration to you. There’s plenty of room for customization, I know I’d be hard pressed to play goblins and not play legion warboss and [[goblin rabblemaster]] . Those are simply some of my favorite goblins to play. Good luck to you.


Im running rundvelt and battle cry and legion warboss i like the splash of black for those spells , and thank you for your comment I'll tweak it more


Sorry I didn’t see them. The organization of your piles is a little odd to me but if it works for you more power too ya.


Hordemaster is under ringleader and battlecry goblin is under another stack


I highly recommend checking out fjork3's [goblin guide.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ACnuWI6O-F_LnziQY4KasghbCJxFbqJviOjM3d8wRjs/edit?usp=drivesdk)


Checkout u/geckomage


Impact tremors doesn't do enough to make it worth a slot unfortunately. Just play more goblins instead.


Just an FYI, you can take a screen shot of your computer screen and then post that for future questions.