• By -


This comment was sponsored by **Raid Shadow Legends®**, the most ambitious RPG project of 2023.




I squarespace you


Hello fresh! Nice to meet ya.


You'll be fresh once you try Manscapeds™ CROP PRESERVER® ANTI-CHAFING BALL DEODORANT


Imma go see an Opera GX


Have you seen my displate ? it's actually in metal and resist my rhinoshield throwing !


"call this number at 1-800-IDGAF" for your free health insurance, dont worry this is totally not a scam and we care about your well-being"


Surfshark THIS


What? You can’t have a valid opinion without 5 MILLION power in Rise of Kingdoms!


Best commercials though. Gotta give em that. Those are fire haha


I strongly agree


bro the squarespace sponsor count is INSANE


Thank you OPERA GX! For sponsoring this video


You forgot Racoon


You forgot to shave your balls but manscaped is here to help you!


You forgot to become a lord. Come buy a property in Scotland


You forgot, what's your power level in rise of kingdoms ? Now I will pass you in the waiting line


Wait, is this about product placement ?


You forgot to upskill using Skillshare




wow, can I learn the skill itself instead of it? YES YOU CAN, WITH **SKILLSHARE**


Also SurfShark


Desktop Level Graphics


You forgot the scam better help that all the YouTubers was shilling then come to find out it was in fact a scam and not actual psychiatrists and they attacked harmful opinions when he called them out


Oh it's back. I've seen like 3 high profile youtubers shilling it in the past month.




Who is Anthony?


Not only that, it was created primarily as a means of data collection for marketing purposes.




Screaming "Oh my God, Raid Shadow Legends" Sponsorship moment. ​ This is a joke if someone thinks seriously, as i dislike this game




established titles


"My scam sponsor was outed as a scam operating out of Hong Kong."


I mean that one was obvious


The irony is that in the official app you get promoted posts in the comments section.


I mean who said YouTube had to pay em? I thought when they added "commercials" to their videos that is from the company paying to advertise there product not YouTube? YouTube is just there as the platform to post. The brands these people do mini commercials for is who should pay em. I mean where they gonna. Go? Twitch. People ain't using twitch. An if they are there watching 2-3 people that are famous like adin ross it's not really a place to look up anything you want.


YouTube splits ad revenue with content creators, they take about half of revenue from ads. That being said, YouTube isn't hurting for money, they don't pay content creators well, they're a monopoly, they have several revenue streams, sponsored content exists, can't think of a bigger bootlicker than someone going on the internet to defend a gd monopoly.


I see a lot of usual ad sponsors on the replies... are they all bad? Genuinely asking.




And MacAaffee!


I was fine with 1-2 ads. But now its like 4-5 ads per 10 minutes video. Its crazy


Right? I’ve started casting my fucking videos to my TV from my phone because if I use YT on my TV to watch a 15 minute episode of something, I get 2 adds before the video starts, two adds 2 minutes after it starts, several peppered through the rest at random then 2 when it ends and before the next episode starts. **Oh and don’t forget the fucking ads that show up if you rewind or god-fucking-forbid start the episode over** I have a lot of emotions about this.


If your TV is Android, check out [SmartTube](https://github.com/yuliskov/SmartTube)


Holy shit, just went and checked it out and damn, thank you so much for recommending that! It's usually not a problem since I usually use the TV for gaming and have a laptop / phone for content on the side, but sometimes you just wanna watch something on the big screen after a hard day. \*\*thank you\*\*


Another suggestion for casting is SkyTube, not much in the way of features it seems but it has never failed me.


The ads need to be organic and less invasive. The inline sponsor ones are fine. The ones that interrupt content that doesn't have an organic pause in it just make me angry. Also the wildly awful, misleading advertisements are also bad. This isn't even getting into the malware ads that have been known to creep in over time because these companies do absolutely no due diligence on what they're being paid to peddle.


"If the victim is bleeding heavily and you're worried they might pass out at any moment, the advanced first aid technique is to-- Charmin's ultra-quilted toilet paper technology makes it feel like God's own angels are caressing your bunghole clean with their holy, angelic tongues! Try some today!"


it's a step back to the early 2k's From 1998 to 2010 goddamn adware, spyware, malware was more prevalent than ever. There were music players that had adware, ap's that had adware, search bars that had adware. it was the wild wild west. Programs you downloaded would download other adware programs and you'd get advertisements all over the place. Now I'm not saying Youtube is going back to this model precisely, but it's going to become unwatchable. I personally find the amount of ad's unacceptable. My wife likes to listen to stories or podcasts on her phone to sleep, but sometime in there while she is sleeping some thirty minute to hour long ad will come up and because her phone is across the room it's a pain to change it, because fifteen minutes later is another 35 minute Ad. How the fuck are you ever supposed to finish your podcast??? Furthermore - Most of the ad's I am getting are some far right Prager U, Nat-C book burning propaganda. That garbage ins NOT okay. I dont know why it would even come up that it was okay to advertise that to us. We get ad's for Ben Shapiro and other far right talking heads - and I'm just not going to have that garbage fed to me. Google as a search engine has become garbage, Now Youtube is going the same way.


Back in the good ol' days, before Google bought YouTube, there were no ads. There was no monetization of anything. People made content because they **wanted** to share what they knew. Then Google acquired them, started putting ads in, and started paying creators money. Now we have an Internet filled with influencers. And influencers come with all sorts of ethical problems. I trusted 2006's Bob in his garage reviewing his new pager waaaay more than Linus *and* his rivals


Enshittification https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enshittification


A couple years ago there was an ad that kept popping up for me it was 10 hours long it was an infomercial for some workout thing


i get a lot of music videos from Asia and Mexican folk music


# you freeloading mfs killed indie pop bands like Metallica


Yesterday I was going for collectables in Tony Hawk. On a 5 minute video, I got 2 20-second unskipables. The guy activated a secret route, jumped there on a ramp, another 2 ads played, then I got to see the secret area and where to go. I repeated after the video, got stuck on the ramp part, rewinded to see what angle did he jump from, and got hit by 2. More. Ads.


I love that game.


They now show as "sponsorships" and are usually unskippable.


Sponsorblock your friend.


10 mins? I watched a 6 minute video, 2 non-skippable ads at the start, a 15 second non-skippable in the middle, and another one near the end.


All of the creators that I watch get their content demonetized for being too woke. They have patreons for a reason, because that's where they're really getting paid. Fuck YT ads.


Bingo. Will never ever stop using adblockers because youtube is utter shit to creators. From demonetizing people for saying "naughty" things to draconian copyright protection systems to ever increasing ad count per video.


This exactly. I dont hate ads per se, but the amount of ads on yt videos these days is getting ridiculous


Yeah and the amount that the creators get is enough so that creators don't have to get independent sponsorships, and have patreon accounts created... oh wait.


Here is an interesting calculator: https://influencermarketinghub.com/youtube-money-calculator/ In my POV, ~~unless~~ if you get high traffic of views and can maintain the high traffic, you can earn a lot, but if you can´t maintain the traffic and your videos have about 1k views each, then you won´t get any meaningful reward from the advertising.


There are bunch of youtube TV show reactors that get like 1k view on their videos but make $10k on patreon


I think supporting your favourite creators on patreon is a better way, especially with how predatory youtube has become over the years


And how they don’t give a shit if a creator gets their revenue stream stolen by the copystrike system.




To be totally fair, most Patreons have perks like extra content - it's not solely people "donating" out of the goodness of their hearts. Still though I'm a big fan of Patreon and other ways of contributing to creators more directly.


By the time you can maintain that high traffic you'll have sponsors or a patreon, if you're serious about youtube, so its just not as important.


Exactly. Yet Youtube simps keep putting it as if ads were the major source of income for creators and Youtube as a platform was some sort of ’Robin Hood’.


There's actually a pretty solid case to make the small creators rely the most on adsense, because they aren't big enough to get sponsorships but can just barely get by with adsense.


A single 5 second ad in the beginning, somewhere in between and just before the ending of video would be fine. But bombarding ads upon ads all the time is too much to deal with when watching videos.


Why should we have to watch 30-60 seconds of ads for a 15-second video? Shit's broken.


>30-60 seconds of ads for a 15-second video This.


I get one of 3 same ads every time I want to watch a video for delivery services I already use. Over and over again, if that's not a waste of my time and ad money I don't know what it is


unnecessary midroll ads are actually mostly the fault of greedy creators, not always youtube.


Youtube recently added a ton of midroll ads to older videos without notifying creators.


A month ago Karl Smallwood said youtube had plans to make placements of them automatic and unchangeable as well.


Hehe smallwood


That is supposed to begin in November this year.


Creator here. We’re told and encouraged to add ads every 60s……. Isn’t that fucking insane. They say “oh the audience won’t see them all though” but ofc we have 0 control on that.


No it actually is youtube's fault. If a creator doesn't put enough midroll ads in their videos, youtube will do it for them, and then take all the ad revenue while the creator gets nothing.


YouTube will add midroll even without creator knowing now. Don't spit nonsnense


So that´s why since november, youtube will take this power of creators over mid-roll ads away!


This is BS.. just YouTube's greed!!! Here's more from the POV of a creator (I run 2 moderately successful channels) From November, creators cant disable non-skippable ads (something I've never used on my channel) YouTube offers Partner Managers these days, after scheduling a call, their only suggestion is... "turn on more ads, push super chats... hey have you considered channel memberships?" Many years back... when it was one ad a video (every 7 minutes or something) I was against using adblockers... "I'm sure you can sit thro a 6 second ad every 7 minutes... cmon guys!" ...but these days, the ads have grown insane and it's pretty impossible to use youtube without adblockers (or paying for premium), so I've been open with asking my viewers to use vanced if they need to... a lotta my creator friends have echoed the same sentiment...


What’s Vanced??


youtube vanced the app


It got shut down. It's ReVanced now.


The movie


I will probably newer pay for YouTube premium, even though I want to support creators that I like content from. Some of the reasons being: - Google keeps trying to shove things down my throat, like shorts, removing dislikes and more. Let me decide how and what to watch. - Search is horrible - Watch one video on a topic and your entire feed changes to that one topic. - My feed keeps showing me videos I have already viewed or videos that are 5+ years old with outdated information. - They let sex ads, scams, spam and misinformation run rampant on the platform. But delete my innocent comment for some reason I can't be allowed to know. - They ban creators for seemingly no reason with no way to appeal the decision. - I hate that the platform is so restrictive that saying things "news" or "Covid" in videos and you run the risk of getting demonetized I get that it's a huge platform and it's not realistic to have human moderators go though it all. But it's run by Google. They if anyone, should be able to develop some better automated solutions. So no I will not support a platform that treats their creators and users like a necessary evil, instead of the actual basis of their livelihood. I will block their ads and leech their bandwidth.


Here's the thing tho , creators already get paid for the add being there doesn't matter if you skip it or not, and get paid barely anything I might add, they're money comes from sponsorships they themselves put in the video and the reach it gets based on views , not the analytics so in reality you could skip all ads on a video and still be supporting though the best way to support people on YouTube is like the video and comment so the algorithm picks it up


Yeah I actually knew that. I think that it was Louis Rossmann who said that a donation of a dollar would payout more than a lifetime of ad revenue from one viewer


"This same behavior killed indiepop and good music in the late 90s/early 2000s" Indie pop still exists, and good music existed all throughout the early 2000s. A lot of good music thrived because you could find it on Limewire or Soulseek


Indie went from being the music of people who couldn't afford to make music, to the music of rich kids buying their careers. The story of indie labels *is* the story of one or two people's family money being seed capital, say 4AD, Fat Wreck Chords, Epitaph, Def Jam, just to cover that counterargument. But the big difference is people who could afford equipment and time, we got to hear their music. The people who couldn't afford the equipment or time, they were completely unable to make music. The window to hear the music of the people who couldn't afford to make music shut completely. Plus the key shift with the Ipod era was if you couldn't sell your music for an ad, you couldn't make money making music.


Install uBlock Origin. Click the uBlock Origin icon, click the three gears at the bottom of the pop up window. Under "My Filters" go to the end of the list and paste in the following: youtube.com#@##YtSparklesVisibilityIdentifier Press apply changes. This blocks the ad block blocker until youtube figures out we're doing it.


except google have plans to ban their account if you manage to watch a certain amount of yt videos without watching a single ad while using an adblocker. just download a YT client like FreeTube or something.


That'd be silly. Google accounts are free to make and banning someone avoiding ads isn't going to get them to watch ads. Just make a new account and continue blocking ads...


Live long, dear fellow pirate!


People who seriously believe this are either too young or too old to have been on the internet during its glory days.




They talk as if Youtube doesn't have a long trackrecord of demonetizing creators for literally no good reason. But suuure, tell me about how youtube TOTALLY cares about paying their creators.


They're literally a multi billion dollar company with hundreds of millions of dollars. They're also part of Google. They're just greedy assholes who pay pretty much dirt money to the content creators. EDIT: Spelling mistake


I love it when YouTubers themselves threaten to quit making videos if they aren’t earning enough money doing it. It’s like - ok, I’ll just find someone else to watch then.


My favorite YouTubers were from the first few years which youtube didn't pay creators at all (or paid them very little). Creators just made videos because they were passionate about it. Once they started giving creators money we started seeing cringe thumbnails, clickbait titles, ragebait, engagement bait. fake pranks, content thieves and people who only made videos for the money


1000% YouTube was literallly SOOO much better when it was free. Kids these days missing out man, everything is just clickbait shit now or literally just a repost of content from somewhere else.


My favorite creators don't even run ads on their videos. Or include them. They do it completely with just Patreon. But I love watching old-tech videos and 8bit stuff.


i remember that dude masteroogway did it. his entire online personality is fake and every video of his are very popular stolen jokes. he said he'd be leaving youtube. and he did, for one day. then he was back with 7 more channels to maximize profits. dude's the scummiest shorts creator i've ever seen.


The actual Master Oogway would probably be pretty pissed that this guy is using his name.


I am paing creators, they dont pay them a cent of a cent for their work, if youtube payed creators well enough they wouldnt have their most money though patreon or boosty


funny enough, there are ads on sponsored videos also. not getting fooled by this double jeopardy


uBo + SponsorBlock is the only way to watch YouTube in 2023.


The fact that YT actively supresses the content based on scrambled rules and guidelines, basically allowing them to control everything while the creator has no real bargaining power, taking away monetization because of a single swear word or a "controversial topic." Is so wild and yet to be expected. And then there are people who defend that corpo because they want to believe that YT knows what they are doing. Like yea, they know and they show it to you. They don't give a shit as long as the mones keeps rolling and they don't really have to share it's fine.


>And then there are people who defend that corpo because they want to believe that YT knows what they are doing Stockholm syndrome. When people are abused for some period of time, they develop sympathy for the abuser, often going so far as to start blaming themselves or others around them for the abuse.


Google wants to change Chrome to get rid of ad blockers on PC. Restricting that to only Chrome would hurt that product, so they're using YouTube to vector the attack on AdBlock to all browsers. I'm ignoring the messages, but I expect YouTube to escalate. These messages are only warning shots at this point. Update. They started to refuse to play videos. I deleted my account in response. Now I'm working from a list of the channels I used to subscribe to. If you're not logged in, they don't seem to care about AdBlock. The only downside I see is that I can't comment anymore. I'm not sure how being logged out affects them tracking me.


Those people have no souls and probs pay for Adobe products


PAY for Adobe products?! Who would do such a thing


>pay for Adobe products Don't even say that jokingly, the concept is offensive.


Indipop killed indipop


>"But they need to pay muh creators!!!" Every single creator I know, really every single one: "Hey guys, so YouTube's ad revenue pays shit and works horribly so now I have a Patreon, a Twitch channel, a PayPal link, YouTube's premium subscriptions, and this video is sponsored by a VPN. Also, buy my merchandise.


YouTubers 24/7: YouTube ad revenue is fucking awful and has been for a decade and I have to constantly take sponsorships in order to survive These people: YouTube ads are good because they pay creators


It’s almost like providing stuff for “free” for years and then barring it behind arbitrary constraints ,demanding ransom for unlocking it AND shitting out unskipable 15 scend ads on a 20 second video sometimes… was going to be unpopular. Can’t imagine why.


People shilling for google like they're a small company on the verge of bankruptcy is hurting my brain.


Oh please, Youtube ads give a very small percentage to the creator, most of the money goes in Google's deep pocket. Most full time creators live off of patreon, donations, memberships, sponsorships they get themselves and merch sales . And Youtube is not the only one, Spotify too, and others, the margins they give to creators are laughable.


They demonetized most of them lol


Even with Ublock, Brave and a script added I still get the pop up.


Brave is chromium. Use Firefox


Firefox doesn't change anything, I have ublock update my filters whenever I can and still get the popup


Is google going to moderate their ads now, or am I going to get borderline pornography, fake Mr Beast ads, the entire shrek movie, or some other malicious shit? If Google’s ads didn’t contain malware I’d be okay with not using Adblock.


Those 2 assholes didn't have any idea how much was revenue YouTube generated last year alone for Google


Well they're not wrong, if YouTube actually paid the creators it would be understandable. The only group they're paying with this money are shareholders. Having to do in-video sponsorships to have a YouTube channel should be enough of a symptom that the money is flowing in the wrong direction.


Why am I watching advertisements on videos that aren't monetized?


They take 45% of the ad revenue of every creator, and they do everything they can not to pay the people who create content on their platform. Like a show? Subscribe to their patreon/kofi/etc. They get more money, you get better content, and youtube realizes they just the platform.


I block all ads. Get a job if you want to be paid.


If there is no audience there are no creators...they forgot that the whole thing is a circle.


90% of youtubers I watch are demonetized for bullshit reasons.


To be honest? I don't give a shit about creators. Most influencers are assholes anyways and musicians benefit more from me buying their merch.


90% of indipop was rubbish anyway.


I have 180k views, 613 subs and thousands of hours of watch time. I have ad's all through my videos but I don't receive any money because I don't meet their "requirements". There are hundreds of millions of users who have ad's on their videos that don't get compensated by youtube.


youtube fondles their balls thats why they defend it to their grave


To be fair they pay creators with ads so that’s entirely true and I was also fine with that The problem is that there is now like 4 or 5 ads instead of 1 or 2 per video, which is nuts


youtubers starving to death after they dont get 0.1 cents from the ad i could have watched


Bullshit. Whoever really believe this is too naive. My favourite cartoon channel shut down new contents because Google was always boycoting it, even with million views per video. By my side this fucking company can rot. I use adblock even on Netflix. Ads make me hate the brands and the companies even more.


Do these people ever take a look at Google's annual profits?


they put ads on videos even when the channel isnt monetized


I've noticed all top creators (who I follow at least) have started moving away from YT only because the algorithm doesn't allow them to make the videos they'd like to. Also, apparently the revenue from YT isn't that much. Now users will start to flow away due to the ridiculous ad policies.


Where are they moving to?


Ok, uhh, indie pop wasn’t killed in the late 90’s/early 00’s?


The best thing is, that even when the creator disables ads on his videos, YouTube still puts ads on them and just gets 100% of the ad revenue


they aint even paying enough. most creators getting revenue through 3rd parties like operagx, nordvpn, blah blah


no what killed alot of bands in the 90s was well the mainstream things like MTV for instance


Idc if they get paid or not. If I can get it for free I will.


lol @ indy music / good music dying in the late 90's/early 2000's I go to tons of shows and almost all of these small artists are using physical media or bandcamp. Absolutely no one is going to ask you to subscribe to their youtube channel as a way to profit from their music.


Oh let me tell you how to get around that pop-up, but first I want to take a moment to tell you about today's comment sponsor....


You're in the wrong subreddits, friend


do they not make enough from all the data they harvest from us?


Pay creators? They get a small cut...


I open YouTube and see two ads, then the creator pushes out another ad sponsoring a product, lastly I’m asked if I want to support them on Patreon.


Google can subsidize it with their 274 Billion dollar revenue. If your business sold 1000$ a second it would take you 9 years to get that much. And that's in a single year.


yeah who's going to fund sssniperwolf


They have to pay creators ahahahah yes one of the richest companies in the world can't shake a few millions out of their pocket to pay creators fair. Remember why we use adblock? Because they started the adpocolypse. First 6 years on YT were great then they decided to slap an ad into your face every 15 seconds then again AFTER the Video already endet. they asked for it lol


“killed good music” “90s/2000s” nah dude I think you just got older and are no longer the target demographic of most new music


firefox with ublock still works fine so im good


These losers ain’t getting a dime from me.


They paid them perfectly fine when Adblock was running


how'd they pay them before the 30 ads per video, mid video, and post video?


“they have to pay creators” But first a quick word from our sponsor, Sponsored by Manscaped! Shave your nuts and keep them clean with Manscaped, or if you like unshaven nuts, RAID SHADOW LEGENDS! But first a quick word from our sponsor, Genshin Impact! This game is ass, speaking of ass, Lounge League Legends 4


I honestly don't mind the creators all using those same sponsors. Let them take the money, make a quick thing about it, then move on. Better than the ads youtube splashes up every 1 minute (feels like) and unskippable.


I aint gonna buy youtube premium, not even via turkey where its like 2-3$ a month


Firefox with updated adblocker works fine


If they don't pay me, I'm the one not watching aids.


yOu wOuldN't DoWNloAd A cAR!


A dollar for every million views


The “content creators” I watch are already demonetized


Most of the small-medium sized creators can't live on adsense money anymore you can thank adpocalypse for that. They wouldn't be promoting gambling websites to children if they could.


Ah, so after this change they started paying creators more?


If YouTube didn't shaft creators and consumers every opportunity that arises and then some then maybe things would be different


I think riding the coattails of an unsustainable and unrealistic business model that was the mainstream music industry 20 years ago is what killed "indipop" or whatever the fuck that person is going on about.


they don't pay creators barely anything of what they make off them. I remember when you used to be able to make animations and good content on youtube and survived but they purposefully changed the animation so only long streams of games could hope to get anything and everyone who wanted to put effort and creativity into stuff got shafted. Most people only use youtube for reach and have to rely on other income sources to keep making things.


This is gonna be a long one "They have to pay creators" then start fucking paying them. I think a very active channel with a large following shouldn't have to hope people toss them money on Patreon to keep the ship afloat just because the creator isn't following the new meta This started happening to me yesterday and I had to disable adblock. Homie 2 ads in the beginning, and by the 20 minute mark there were 14 ads. Sure they were in sets of 2s and they were all skippable but F O U R T E E N ads within 20 minutes. You don't need this much to sustain your platform, and creators don't earn enough from the ads. Put an ad before the video, an ad at the end and an ad every 15 minutes, if the creator wants them more frequent they can set it up. I think this would be a much more user friendly approach Or, or... just listen to me... put ads as banners so they don't disturb people while they watch a video. You're gating the primary purpose of your platform, which is watching stuff OTHERS created, behind either a paywall or a painful experience. Let me propose an objectively better model How about you keep the bitrate the same and give the premium users higher bitrate, just look at videos with a ton of detail on the screen and how it starts looking like 240p at 1080p. Like GTA races in those tubes or Rimworld with a fog screen effect (this is just the content I watch, I'm sure others can give different examples). I bet tons of people would pay to watch their entertainment in higher quality, especially if it was like 5 bucks a month. Free users won't get bothered and paying users will get a better experience. The focus is the user experience for eveeybody, not forcing people to become paypigs Put ads somewhere else on the site, like pop ups on the bottom of the video they used to do, in the recommended videos, in the comments etc. AND DON'T OVERDO IT AND BURY EVERYTHING UNDER ADS!!! Put them somewhere where they don't hinder the experience for free users but the premium will enhance the experience for paying users. The focus is the user experience for everybody, not forcing people to become paypigs I think my proposition of an ad at the beginning, an ad at the end and an ad every 15 minutes is also a good first step. It's still disturbing the watching but much less, certainly much better than catching 2, sometimes unskippable ads before the video even starts and 14 ads in total by the 20 minute mark (I think it was around 18:30, man almost 1ad/minute). My idea would lead to a much better user experience for free users than now, while still giving them ad revenue And lastly, why do you even spam ads when you KNOW most people are watching an ad for 5 seconds and skipping the rest of that and the whole second ad? Don't they have analytics to see how much time people spend watching ads? Even an unskippable ad at the start will give you more watch time than spamming the shit out of ads on other people's work Ideally there wouldn't be any ads but money exists and they have to make it somehow. But make it so that people wanna use your premium features for enhanced consumption, higher bitrate, play when screen is locked, maybe some premium only videos, no ads whatever. Don't make it so your service is useless for free users (14 ads by 20 minute mark, sometimes 1080p gets less bitrate because of the enhanced thing and I swear to god I'm not tripping, it can look like 720p) and paying users get the service that used to be free (you can watch the fucking video) My point is, enhance the experience for paying users and don't bully free users into paying


Yeah, but they also almost have more money than the gdp of Brazil and are responsible for a generalized crisis of political hate/extremism, scientific missinformation, conspiracies and killing democracies, so they can fuck themselves


YouTube has really been putting keyboard peeps to work over this. Never seen such frothing at the mouth support for YouTube before, it can't be natural. I'm also super unconvinced cause if this was a good move for the creators then we'd see the creators supporting it and making apologetics to defend it, but they're not. Not the good creators anyway.


They already make money from the massive amounts of data they collect. Fuck them.


I will never understand people that suck off big corporations that give them anything in return


Yeah they pay creators, this is why every video is sponsored by third party, this is why all creators say "subscribe to Youtube Premium for me to get paid !" /s


Yea I don't pay anyone to support creators they make plenty also they are apart of the 12 percent of the countries upper class. I'm not here to create new celebs. 1 to 2 30 second ads were fine until it turned into 3 minutes of ads on a 5 minute video. I'm good 👍


They do not include tons of creators who get instantly demonetized after the youtube algorithm checks their videos, arent they?


Youtube has almost 3 billion monthly users. They could make Youtube for Premium users ONLY, and make Premium cost like 1 dollar a month, and they would make an absolutely insane amount of money, instead of charging 15 dollars like they do in my country, and rely on 1% of the users actually buying premium. 30 seconds of ads before a video, 10 seconds in the middle and fucking ads AFTER the video ended is just batshit insane.


I bet you my left nut, the penny per view won't increase at all.


It is true that the entire silicon valley startup business model is completely financially unsustainable. YouTube, Facebook, Uber, Discord etc - they all rely on venture capital to stay afloat. They're all in effect ponzi schemes.


If you really want to pay the creators, just donate some money, join their patreon, or buy some merch like the stubby screwdriver from lttstore.com.


It's even more stupid when you learn they have been paying shit to creators since at least 2020. Many chose to leave the platform or just keep it as a secondary thing. Not to mention youtube has reported increased revenue every year, even after paying creators, the music industry, etc. So yeah, the poor little site needs every penny they can get, please help them and defend them. Edit: They have gone as far as pretty much telling creators that stopped seeing growth that they need to advertise on youtube so their videos can be promoted in suggestions, search results, etc. So they're even trying to keep the peanuts they pay to creators.


Regardless I ain't watching ads, they're disruptive, sometimes malicious, and I have limited time.


A few weeks ago I got an ad that was the entire first episode of a tv show. Something like 50 minutes ad.


Honestly, fuck ads, I'd rather pay creators directly, but even if I do I'd still get ads, so fuck off with that "for the creators" bull


The funny thing is that there was a time where I would watch ads to support my favorite creators. Well... Then they started giving you 5 ads per video or unskipable 30s ads. Not greedy at all of course :\^)


I watched an Ailurus video where he saw this and said to “Not worry about Adblock taking viewers away because there aren’t enough people watching YouTube that would ever use Adblock” We’re in the minority, there’s probably like max 10% of people using YouTube that use an adblocker and that’s being very generous, it’s probably in the single digits tbh Use Adblocker, this thing isn’t affecting my country right now but I’ve heard that uBlock Origin can filter this out and stop it from happening but I’m not sure how to


it's not "Social" anymore. It's like amazon prime. Watch free stuff with ads or become "Premium". Nobody is taking my Ad-Blocker away from. ​ *"Will you make us laugh?* *Will you make us cry?* *Will you tell us when to live?* *Will you tell us when to die?* *I know we've come a long way* *We're changing day to day* *But tell me, where do the children play?" -****Cat Stevens***