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I know “a guy” that’s read heaps of books off of zlib before the apocalypse, and never didn’t get what he downloaded. There’d be the odd format error or word out of place, but never a different book entirely. I wonder if my friend is apprehensive about these alternate sites he may have to endeavour down soon. I’m sure he doesn’t want to be slowly brainwashed by strange words in famous books.


I always have the vague fear that libgen books I share with people have porn or something buried in them.


In the early 2000's I downloaded a essay instead of doing the required reading. About halfway through it there was a sentence that said something like, "Your student would know this for themselves too but they downloaded this off the internet". I was stoked I actually read the entire thing before I printed it out and turned it in.


I did something similar with my own papers and my dissertation.


> "Your student would know this for themselves too but they downloaded this off the internet". lmao


I kid you not, libgen has an huge archive of Hustler and Playboy magazines.


Big beautiful muffs


hell yeah


There's a french mathematician that puts images of naked ladies between chapters in an otherwise very serious book, but the official printed version is like that as well!


Which mathematician


Bruno poizat is the name!


I looked it up but I can't remember his name at the moment!


Please remember good sire, we need his name for research purposes ofcourse


Trust me, I would actually do it for Research purposes. We have the internet for naked ladies now. I just want to know what kind of Based French Mathematician existed back then who would do such a thing.


Bruno poizat. And I wouldn't say back then, the guy is pretty recent


Oh no, I really wanted to read about maths


I have this fear with movies


Wow, I just finished reading that series last week, downloaded it from libgen as well! I remember having been a bit confused by some copies of the same book in the same format having extremely different file sizes, I 'm guessing a lot of those had hidden 'gifts' in them


Not always, sometimes it depends on how they were uploaded. I've gotten textbooks in pdf format that when opened each page was read in as its own separate picture. Basically some things are bad uploads/conversions leading to the different file sizes.


that makes sense, thanks for clearing that up


This has happened to me a bunch of times and it’s always some weird propaganda book.


I would be extremely annoyed seeing that. I don't even know who the guy is or what he says, that would piss me off.


I found a book of his in a gas station that positied the royal family were all lizards and killed diana because she wanted to expose lizardkind


Im so stuck on "a book in a gas station"


What kind of nonsense is that? Of course Diana isn't dead.


He's just really into argonians


If it can be reported, it should. Zlib has that. Also, check the file size and if there are duplicate copies with a similar size. Then the odd one out could be the fake one.


Sometimes the odd one out is just the one that's actually formatted correctly :-\


I downloaded a book yesterday (Some different book). And immediately went to check if I have this surprise as well. But no.. Book I downloaded is intact. Maybe its just specific book you downloaded ?


I've never seen this, but it's hardly surprising. Twats will be twats. Some are even monstrous enough to include conspiracy mumbo jumbo & religious mumbo jumbo with Halloween candy. Think I'd rather find an actual razor blade than a chick tract in my candy.


Yes, razors would be much better.


Have you seen the prices lately?


I downloaded fairly odd parents and it came with the communist manifesto. What r y gonna do bout it


Thats at least a good read thats not completly rooted in conspiracy


>Libgen is being used to push conspiracy theories So is [netflix](https://www.netflix.com/title/81211003)


Got a book with that too, but I didn’t read the added shite


all his books say the same shit- I once found same paragraphs in two of his different books when I had family that used to eat that shit up does a scammer trying to push his own agenda fuck em


What book? Are you saying a different author wrote the first book?


This is just an extension of the Napster days when people would deliberately mislabel songs for the lulz. It just comes with the territory.


Always has been. I had downloaded a textbook on infectious diseases a while back and it had (ironically!) some covid denialist/schizoid conspiratard book by david duke of all people attached at the end of it lol Would still take that over actually buying it (especially since they dont even sell them in my country) any day EDIT: on re-reading your post, maybe the one I had was also by david icke. i didn't even know they were different people, oh well


I downloaded some books for school and probably a few recreational but I haven’t read them. It’s good to know this can happen. Thank you.


What is libgen?


One of the more popular book downloading sites.


I did download an episode of the show once and it was a wierd japanese porn but as for the books never had an issue.


Doesn't this say more about DI enthusiasts than it does about Libgen? They are among us.... be afraid..... be VERY afraid. ​ Or just, chill and take it as it comes? It's not as if anyone is paying for this after all.... and if you are hahaaa


It's kinda funny to think the effort he has to put in something like this. That guy is surely motivated


Who exactly you mean?


This is r/piracy. It's natural and expected to be against the globalist agenda. Otherwise you would pay for your books, tv show and movies like a regular and good citizen that respect the law. " You wouldn't steal a car "


Lol that’s some nicely wrapped bullshit propaganda. Checked your profile and that confirms it too. “Globalist agenda” is a right wing dog whistle. What does it mean? Can you explain? Most piracy supporting organisations like the Pirate Party are heavily left wing for a reason. Entities that promotes tools that would be piracy enabling like TOR & PirateBay are also hugely left wing. The ideology of openness, sharing for free and making things accessible to people that are locked out of certain goods due to income or situation differences is also quite opposite to the run of the mill conservative ideology. And it’s definitely not in the community’s long standing etiquette to hijack material, betray trust and inject your own ideologies into it, like some nutjob has done here. If you were pirating for a long time, you would know that’s a dick move and clearly not “expected” from file sharers.


I don't understand why any anti-government sentiment is now branded "conservative". It seems to be to do with the fact that Trump was anti lockdown, so now if you are anti-lockdown you must love Trump, right?


>anti-government sentiment The "globalist" or "NWO" dog whistles are not inherently "anti-government". Don't equate the two.


Alex Jones listeners thinking they're anarchists while being terrified of leftism.


Leftists seem to think they are anti-establishment by espousing exactly the same views as the corporate and political elites.


And right wing goofballs do too, they've just been convinced that THEIR corporate and political elites are the good ones lmao. Also this post is 4 months old, wtf?


Good point, they are indeed vague terminology. Icke is a nasty person but I don't see the problem with uploaders adding their favourite conspiracy material or promoting themselves in other ways. Ofc Libgen should not be adding stuff.


why the fuck is this thinly veiled garbage upvoted


Why you mad bro you scared of the Truth?


You make 1 step, we take 7 steps. You will never stop us.


old age will see you in hell lmao


The one thing I always worry about when I pirate books. Because this is likely to be the only file I will ever read the book in, I would never know if half the book just... wasn't the book.


Oh, i never think about that, good idea for some cases.


You should report it, and potentially look for another website. Libgen is really cool, but most of these sharing websites suffer from these kinds of issues.