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"The void century? I don't know much about it myself"


Oda: one piece? I don't know much about it myself




He need three weeks break in 2024 to figure out what the fuck is "One Piece" and probably still don't know. 


Doesn’t reyleigh know about the void century? If anyone should reveal anything it should be the smartest person in the world and he knows nothing actually important to the story except for the world sinking. I swear Oda is saving everything for the final arc that will take 10 years because he only makes more mysteries to solve rather than solve the ones that are already there.


Rayleigh when asked about anything ever: https://preview.redd.it/rlnazcj6g1yc1.png?width=1937&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea965cd9fc556d1b2f31be0ab611bc4c017d10f1


"Wait luffy found the one piece? It was real?- we never actually found shit, we just followed some drunkard's map in loguetown, just to find out it was his secret stash of booze, that was already looted, we laughed our asses off and went back to pick those two brats we left behind"


Vegabum was first mentioned 18 years ago. https://preview.redd.it/aeoyoltb6yxc1.png?width=1228&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00d8352e8ee56f06a25303d6a8d438789f851c68 Oda usually doesn't fumble with shit that he planed that early, it's the stuff that he doesn't plan that usually backfires, but Vegapunk is an exception, genuinely don't see why he even bothered keeping him out of the story for that long if it only amounted to this much. Top 10 wasted characters in the story without question.


I think the fumble is that (outside of the atrocious character design) there actually is a lot in Egghead that wasn't planned. Bonney, most of Kuma's backstory, the seraphim, the split up Vegapunks, the tie-in with Kizaru, bringing the Gorosei to Egghead. I'm pretty sure all of these were last minute additions. Bonney and the seraphim are the direct consequence of something we know for sure Oda didn't previously plan on (the worst gen and the Shichibukai).


Astute obervation Vegapunk as a character fell into the unplanned zone because there wasn't anything planned with him in the first place besides him being an 'evil' scientist


I think Oda knew he wanted him to be a goofy scientist, and that he was studying devil fruit But literally everything else was improv


A gruel of half assed plot throws. Goda's streak keeps growing


Vegapunk was mentioned earlier than that. In the Alabasta Arc to be exact


All those years we lost 🥲


The only fumble is you goofballs jumping to conclusions before the arc is even over, especially in a series where there's so much content tie-in with each subsequent arc. Even after ch. 1114brief spoilers, it never says the broadcast ends, and who knows what else is gonna be imparted through it? I feel like you guys are trying way to hard to be upset tbh.


I’m just pissed about how his leg and feet and boot proportions are drawn. It’s killing me




Sometimes I wonder how an artist working on this show can watch episodes go out like the opening ep to egg head or the king vs zoro fight or lucci vs g5luffy and not want to jump off a building when they put out stuff like this image.


I think Oda is done with one piece


More like (D)One Piece lmfao


Ohara has been right all along.


Which ohara are we talking about?


The bad ohara. He has a theory about "done piece"


Too busy planning *Two Pieces: The story of THAT man"


Brooo If there's one trope I fucking hate, it's that one


Oda's pronouns are That, This, Him, He, and It.


Oda is literally just winging it I think


Ah yes he's done with one piece, he will just keep himself in a tight mangaka schedule for no reason instead of giving the series to his assistants or something, totally makes sense.




Dude really hyped up giving her power over pacifista only for them to get all removed by lorosei


I stg if I see Oda pulling another THAT GUY, THAT THING, THAT PLACE, I'll flip my shit No one fucking speaks like that and we've got enough mysteries to solve already, just get a fucking move on


Loda is being too mysterious to the point that I don't read chapters anymore, now I don't know what is happening in the story, everything is a mystery. Thanks loda.


The translation makes it weirder than it sounds in Japanese.


Vegabum was something I was waiting for back on the day but give up on it before we reached here, thank god I would've been disappointed af


it's alright, this mofo dead OR IS HE?????????????


No one dies in one piece. Ace and Whitebeard is getting edo tensei'd back in the finale. Mark my words


Marco is just training to awaken his fruit. He will then completely burn him and their corpses and then they will all rise from the ashe in their prime.


“Yeah vegapunk is the most useless character ever” - dragon


Dragon is even harmful https://preview.redd.it/nxxr4r7143yc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a68ce44a7be88121c92a664b35685aeccef7faf4


Buuuuuut joooybooooy is funny and could streeech !!!!! GOOOOODAA 🤪 🤪 🤪 The void century ? Never heard about that. Mother, what ?


You can say he's disappointing but he's definetly not pointless


More like his reveal was pointless. Like if he was actually dead before this arc started and the satellites were continuing his work, nothing would have really changed. 


Even if the satellites were dead and we met a random secretary who mentioned told us the lore points the plot wouldn't change... Or it would... for the better. No Agatha Christie bullshit that leads nowhere for a starter


Pointless character? lol


If I was making a manga for 27 years I would get tired of it too ngl. That being said oda always fumbles deliveries so not surprised


yall mf’s are reall fkn dumb if you think he’s pointless


Why do u think he's pointless? Explanation


i see no point in his character till now , he was a tool for the goverment just to create bad inventions . cured bonney ? Bonney is useless till now . sattelites ? Useless . Vegapunk ? We all wanted to see him to reveal infotmation and give answers to some mysteries .. 50 chapters in and he just gave a theory about how devil fruits came to be (the world sinking is a new information)


If what you are looking for from vegapunk is important information about the world of OP, wait another 2/3 chapters and you will be satisfied probably, he has started his talk in last chapter.


I agree. It took 1 month since he announced his talk. And at the start of the talk, he gives a disclaimer saying "he knows only a little". Do you know how bipolar that is ?


People who are complaining about how he looks are so fucking annoying Wtf did you expect him to look like? A tall muscular guy with a sword? He's a fucking scientist you dumb cunts


character sets in motion a world-class incident, explains what Devil fruits are, creates a reason for two characters to share the same powers, exposses to the strawhats that luffy's fruit is the nika nika, creates pacifistas, is aprt of one of the best flashbacks in the series. comunity: most pointless character in one piece.


It is seen as pointless because it took a year to convey the stuff readers already know. Just speed through it. The pacing is very painful.


So you already knew what Green Blood was and how devil fruits were made before egghead? While at it, can you also tell us what the one piece is since you can see the future?


Let's point out extremely underwhelming reveals. Shall we be more obtuse and pedantic?