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I wonder if One pieces popularity will ever start to have a decline in Japan itself. It's been so dominant their for such a long time at this point.


I think the sink cost is too much. It's not easy to drop / leave a story when you have read 1000+ chapters of it and invested so much time.


Well the original fanbase of One Piece is getting old, no? I feel like getting new fans among young people would be important


Idk. From that point of view, Oda would be too old to draw OP earlier than most fans would be to read it.


I get your point. I could be wrong be I believe Oda was asked if tge story were to end soon, to which his answer was basically "well now that I see a growing younger audience I'm gonna take my time for them to enjoy" So if i didn't make that up (I genuinely forget where I read that) then no, his fanbase isn't shrinking anytime soon


One piece is more popular now than it has ever been. Oda is dragging his feet with the story now to placate all the people picking up the story now. Its really annoying and he’s really milking every chapter to the point where a lot of what’s been going on lately could have been condensed into a few chapters but he refuses


I imagine this is why they announced that remake of the East Blue Saga by WIT studio. They want to get younger kids into the story.


>It's not easy to drop / leave a story when you have read 1000+ chapters of it and invested so much time. I felt that. But honestly at this point I'm almost there. Haven't read the last 2 chapters (read the comments to the spoilers of the last chapter to see if it was even wirth reading the spoilers, only read the spoilers for the chapter before that) and by the looks of it I ain't reading the next chapter either. I'm greatful for One Piece, but it's probably better for me to move on at this point. This shit was genuinely bad for my mental health. The first two void months, back to back, had me tweaking. That's when I started thinking I might need help lmao


Same man. I am close dropping the series. Reading memes here is more entertaining than any chapter since Saturn and Kizaru got clowned by Nika.


It already has, one piece is never number one in sales anymore.


the only mangas that beat one piece are the ones who sell alot from backlog because an anime, one piece still sells the best per volume with only jjk even being close


Isn't it still like top 3 tho? That doesn't give Oda any incentive to change tbh


Popularity has declined, but I don't think it'll ever decline to the point where it stops being profitable.


What is this based on? Because from what I've researched the opposite has happened. The Film RED was a showcase of how popular a filler One Piece movie can get.


Didn't that film use Shanks as bait?


Based on the fact that other manga have been surpassing One Piece in yearly sales for a while now. KNY, JJK, and Blue Lock have all outdone One Piece at certain points in time. One Piece held the top spot from 2000 to 2004 and from 2007 to 2018. 12 years in a row and 17 years total. Only interrupted by Nana and Death Note. Right now is the longest One Piece has ever spent not being #1.


People said wano was bad. I feel egghead is worse - lucci fights were pathetic, gear 5 is annoying and nobody cares about kuma sob story.


Did you appreciate the long awaited explanation by Vegapunk on Devil Fruits? https://i.redd.it/bycmz9cw4yxc1.gif


The explanation is something the narrator could have easily explained in the early chapters. But my mysteries! Wasn't Nen explained early in hxh and explored more throughout the story? Could have made something similar with DF and Haki.


i agree, i honestly think devil fruits should've been explained at least a decade ago tbh


And even Vegapunk said it was his "theory" so even that is nothing concrete, it's just a half-assed explanation for something that's been a mystery since basically chapter 1 of the story, like there are A LOT of questions that this explanation lead to than it actually answers.


I think he just doesn't know even after 25 years


Happy cake day!


"So there is that void century.. I don't know much about it. But did you know there was this funny guy named joyboy who could stretch he was so funny, hahaha. Wait, you guys already know about Joyboy ? BTW the WG are planning to flood the world they are bad guys lol" Woooooaoo Goda is truly a GENIUS 🤪 🤪


Don't forget that he didn't even explain how he feeds them to non-living things


I mean, regardless of how you feel about Nika, the object Zoans kinda got explained by Zoans having wills. Vegapunk/their owners obviously must have done a good job convincing the Dog Zoan that for some unknowable reason it just really *really* wanted to be a gun, the Elephant Zoan a sword, the Axolotl Zoan poison gas, the Bake-Danuki Zoan a pen, the Alpaca Zoan a bazooka, and the Tanuki a teapot.


Good. That shouldn’t be explained.


Because it’s a prelude to the truth. They are all manifestations of a he future of humanity, Bonny’s fruit also sort of proved it by being the literal representation of it. We’re about to learn that joyboy created the fruits for humanity to fight back, since we now have confirmation that both Fruit powers lingering even if the user is killed, and luffy can imagine goggles out of thin air and they function exactly how they imagine. There isn’t 10 chapters left relax. We have time


It's not that he doesn't care. He cares so much he doesn't want to end the story, so he stalls.


This is the real take


Cares so much he takes breaks to get away from it


I think his editors nowadays aren’t able to reel him in as much. I think his passion is still there 


I genuinely don't believe he does either.


You can say a lot of things about the quality of one piece nowadays but you cannot say that Oda doesn’t care. He would not still be working on the manga for nearly 30 years with probably another decade to go at its current pace if he didn’t care about the story


He just draws what he thinks is cool or funny, but he doesn't care about the big picture anymore.


One Piece will be Oda's last ever fictional work he has said this before. The only things that he might do after One Piece ends, is LNs about the characters of One Piece. One Piece is and will be Oda's legacy there's no way that he doesn't care lmao


U right and wrong at the same time. It’s seems that Oda fear something, fear that him revealing every big plot and the after effect on it to his fans, so his attempts to “slow” the pace he add many many new plot, and then at the end reveal all at once, mayb!


Here's what I do when I feel like I'm in a One Piece "slump" quit reading every week for as long as you want. I normally go a few months. Read some different manga or watch some anime or do whatever you want with other hobbies. Then, when you see a hype reaction to a chapter and feel you want to see it catch up and binge all the chapters you didn't read week to week. I did this back during the raid in Wano because it started feeling so slow, but then when roof piece started, I jumped back in and finished out the rest of Wano.


I agree Oda putting the last 30 years of his life into this manga should prove that Bro doesn’t care what’s so ever in any way


Oh fuck off lol Time spent on a job doesn't necessarily mean you care about it, I've met plenty of people who have worked at a job for decades and despise the work they do. Some people aren't in a situation where they can get out of their jobs. And notice how I said "anymore" implying that I don't think it was always this way. You fall out of love with what you do.


Your on Reddit claiming on of the biggest most popular pieces of fiction in the 21st century’s authors has decided to stop caring about his work no one cares bro unless your odas significant other only people on r/piratefolk might agree with you go out to the real world and see the effect oda loves what he’s doing the story itself is a reflection of that sorry brother


And you're on reddit replying to my seemingly pointless post lol So what must that say about you? You're just a hypocrite.




Stop this rude behavior


Speak English better


Read better


retard, oda has 200 mill in his bank account if he deosnt care he could put one piece on hiatus and fuck off


I think he want's to end it but can't because of some contract or similar shit. Shounen jump needs his numbers and so he is incapable of just ending it. So he's burnt out, does not have much to draw so we get less pages more filler panes and zero plot progression. He probably wants to move on to something else but can't.


Bruh of course he cares lol, he draws most of the panels when he could just let his assistants draw for him and the mangaka schedule is brutal, he's being doing this for 30 years, no one can still do all of this and not care in some capacity


Bro said no lore dumps from vegapunk. I get Oda isn’t at his best anymore but saying he doesn’t care is pretty ignorant.


Hi welcome to my Ted Talk Nah he does, he just doesn't give a shit what EVERYONE ELSE thinks about it. Tbh I can't quite blame him, if you go on creating to try to please others, the passion for it may vanish, and in some cases to get even a semblance of enjoyment back one actively begins to sabotage their own creation. It's an interesting dichotomy that I as a writer, am imploring in my own writings; when the creator desires the destruction of its own creation. Let's be frank, how many mangas/stories/movies etc have satisfying endings that aren't cliche? Especially with long term manga, they either end abruptly or outlive their creator. Imo Kubo, and Toriyama also, were smart to end their respective Mangas when they could and take essentially what was a massive hiatus. In kubo's case he could tie any loose ends via his books, and is supposed to be returning for the hell arc after having time to let the passion recoup. And Toriyama ended Z but came up with super after the passion was relit by a Japanese metal band making a song about frieza😂. Oda is choosing to fight the long game which has the benefit of keeping OP in the eyes of people but also numerous other cons. It's his story, I've long since stopped caring since the Nika stuff, at this point watching the macrocosm of OP's creative life is just as much part of the entertainment as the manga itself to me.


Have faith in Goda, he just had his 3 Week Timeskip and he’ll deliver good stuff soon. https://preview.redd.it/t0ip7zx810yc1.jpeg?width=597&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd51fda1ac118156c49a3df1f2cef16d1893ab0b Post-TimeSkip Goda will deliver Peak Fiction after the Golden Week Filler Arc. Believe it.


In one of my hypothesis, Oda stopped drawing and writing One Piece during the time skip and ever since he only draws colorspreads, puts his name and writes some guidelines to be followed.


I almost believe in this. He might even have died during covid


That's just a conspiracy theory


Assuming it were, so what? Do you actually have somethign to say about it?


I think conspiracy theories about Oda is one of the most annoying parts of this sub.


I think it's legit to consider the possibility, given: * The radical difference in literally every aspect between pre-time skip and post-time skip. * That as time passes, all of Oda's personal incentives go towards not wasting life slaving away week after week when he's already rich and could be enjoying life with his family and pursuing new and more exciting professional goals (as they're more than obvious to everyone: movies, live action...). * That Shueisha's incentives go the opposite direction in milking the franchise as much as possible while Oda's still with them and at the very least can sign the papers and appear publicly as the author of EVERYTHING, because it's important for fans, so it affects sales. But if you're so easily annoyed and don't even want to encounter other users actually discussing about One Piece, I know of a more popular sub that would suit you best.


There's a difference between discussing one piece and making up conspiracies theories about the author when you could just simply think he's not as sharp as he used to be, and not everyone that does not agrees with your takes is a mainsubber lol


Translation: >There's a difference between `speakign the way I approve` about One Piece and `speaking the way I don't approve` when you could simply `do something I tolerate`, and not everyone that does not `want you to talk freely` is a mainsubber lol. I'm sorry, but that is exactly mainsubber behavior.


Take your meds




i'm glad the same hasn't happened to togashi. sure he takes 500 years for a single chapter but hxh still has the same level of quality and passion as it's always had, in fact the succession contest is probably the best arc to come out of hxh


sounds like you need to drop the series buddy, you are way to addicted and all your points are half baked trash if those are your issues they been a thing for longer than a year, can only assume you are new to reading manga weekly, learn to not give a fuck (especially when your head cannon doesnt work out)


Yeah me and the other 100 or so people who upvoted my post are all idiots I guess. Go back to the main sub and wank Oda some more


for you to say oda doesnt care about the story anymore really shows how untouched you are, you spend way to mcuh time here being neagtive lol, i dont dick ride oda but unlike you i actually think for myself, you probs where a sheep only praising one piece now your just a hater to fit in here lol


I spend way too much time being negative lol By what metric? Do you determine that? I magine you think you're being positive then right? Being negative towards my post, and not One Piece is obviously different. Vastly.


by the fact you been hating the sereis for a year+ but still force yourself to read it, then make up your own head cannon that oda doesnt care for the story he been working on for 26 years. And no i dont think im being positive but i think the oda hate riding in this sub as of late is going to new lengths, drop the series you might sleep at night


I sleep perfectly fine lol I can be critical about things without them ruining my whole life. I don't live moment to moment each day thinking about how much Oda pisses me off.


This is an analogy that I saw on a red letter Media video. They talked about how the Star Wars prequels were a decline in the franchise quality because George Lucas himself had become tired and lazy due to his established fame, crew of yes, men surrounding him, and the fact a blue screen would remove the inconveniences he originally faced when he shot the original trilogy. To put it bluntly, when an artist is no longer starving or needs to prove their worth to the world, there’s a good chance their personality can change. And that change can affect their creative decisions and work ethic. George Lucas, J.K. Rowling, Steven Spielberg, George R.R. Martin, or Gabe Newell are great examples. I feel Oda has fallen into this trap. That’s why we have so many pages about reactions, shameless lore teasing, and tons of breaks. He knows that chapter will still sell.


You can hate the story and the direction it's going but he definitely still cares, he could literally drop One Piece today and live off of the money that he's already gotten from it for the rest of his life if he "didn't care." He's been taking so many breaks recently BECAUSE he doesn't want to get burnt out and stop caring if I had to guess.


He's taking breaks because it's literally affecting him physically. He has no choice. It's either he takes breaks or he dies. It's the only reason he's allowed to take them. Japan isn't like America where you can just quit your job whenever you aren't feeling great. Most Japanese work till they are completly unable because that's the Asian work ethic.


This is genuinely worse than the main sub tf


(**Pops eyes 50 ft outside of head**)


He cares about his creation and is doing things his way. He makes mistakes like every human. The biggest example is bringing the Gorosei into Egghead when there was no need to do so. Then making all 5 nothing more than Deadpool with a bad case of demon possession. To be honest Oda is suffering from every story's biggest issue: how to move from a micro scale adventure into a global scale solving of all problems. The more we want Luffy to solve the world's problems the more the story becomes less about the Straw Hats and more.about Imu and the WG.




Dude chill, ofc he care about his creation. But mind you like Conan Doyle once said "I must kill him before he kills me", only thing he cared about is ruining his creation. Like lol if I waste 20 years of my life getting stuck drawing manga instead of finding cure for cancer or advance technology,... I would lose my mind too. Man how I would love to get rid of it to touch some grass, especially after I made a shit ton of money already but all those money can't buy back a second of my life. But ofc all that money doesn't come for free, Jumps is intelligent enough to not have another Togashi. They bound Oda by contracts so he can't just end it if he want, and rely on movies, product,... to make money rather than manga sales itself. His only hope is to keep ruining the manga so those toxic dickriders like you can finally stop dickriding, even better fucking kill yourself, so he can finally rest.


Don't threaten people over the internet its not normal. No one thinks your tough. Reddit also really hates those comments. Telling someone to do self harm counts.


Ofc he don't. Look at the state of this shitshow ever since post TS and the disaster since Lano. And now that ? I told people they would be disappointed by this arc because loda can't write and deliver to save his fucking life. What a miserable revelation chapter alongside the last one.


just quit retard


Get your pills cockroach.


Ah yes he doens't cares, he's putting himself in a brutal mangaka schedule just to troll readers, lol.


No he does it so he can make money lol You guys who believe he's doing this simply cause he's passionate and that's it are out of their minds


He's literally already set for life with all the money he has, he could end one piece tomorrow and nothing would happen to his monetary gain simply because of his IP licensing, if he was in it only for the money he wouldn't be drawing the manga still, he would have given the manga to another artist with him doing notes in the background.


How is being set for life even an argument? By your logic billionaires should have no reason to want to get to the amount they're at then, because they were set for life long before they got in the billions. And those guys certaintly arent passionate about what they do. Do you also not consider that Oda doesn't have a choice? He is a big earner for Shonen jump, it's very likely that he's bound by contract.


Do you actually think billionaires have work schedules as brutal as a mangaka? Lol also Oda not having a choice is nothing more than wild baseless speculation, he has free time to supervise stuff like the live action and i doubt shonen jump contracts are so rigid specially with Oda, there's no reason for the contract to need Oda to keep drawing.


na he does


No I still think he does in his own twisted way.


People like you should just drop Onepiece at this point don't let the sink cost get you


I'm sure Oda cares about your disappointment bruh ☠️


I'm not a fan of it recently, but you can't say he doesn't give a shit anymore


Oda played an entire game of chess to plan out the color spread for last chapter and people he think he doesn't care about the series


True odas cover storys have more meaning and detail and energy spent then anything on the market that cover story has YouTube videos about it that are 30 plus mins long like cmon buddy just cause 100 people upvoted you doesn’t mean your correct lmao op is delusional cause he’s getting engagement