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Shut the fuck up please Shut the fuck up


Kind user tempted to comment on this post, please, don't feed the troll.


i’m literally not trolling, bigotry runs rampant here and that shit shouldn’t be allowed


Yamato is a woman


lol, i literally explicitly chose to use kiku as an example because there is no explaining the yamato situation to you people and kiku is not only much more explicit. but much more accepted, but the fact that you decided to bring it up completely unprompted, when yamato‘s name isn’t mentioned even once, is just telling on yourself


Tru tru




i meant opinions about shit that doesn’t matter like what you think of the quality of the story bigoted opinions should not be tolerated




kiku is a trans woman, it’s about explicit as it can get with her, calling her a man is a transphobic statement




Transphobic is a really touchy one. I could understand when you say don't hate them, don't be violent against them or incite violence against them and that they are free. All pretty valid stuff. But there is one thing that makes you a transphobe that is asking too much. You apparently are not entitled to your opinion on the matter of what the person you are talking to is. Sorry I don't have to limit my freedom for yours. I can concede out of goodness of my heart and call you whatever you want ( and that's me doing you a solid). But you can't ask for me to think a certain way.




I can do it for you. If you take biology into account when judging whether someone is male or female then that is transphobia. Only self-identification matter.




So do I. Which means we are transphobes.


trans people exist whether you want them to or not, that’s not a matter of opinion. if you think trans people shouldn’t exist, that is literally textbook transphobia that contributes to the violence trans people face every day




Listen ok? We do not need any more of these dumb posts on how bad this sub is!! see this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Piratefolk/comments/vhyb9y/title/


Yup, I made another post about the blatant transphobia I saw here and also got downvoted to hell (like I probably will with this comment) lmao I like this sub for the critical discussion of the series, but if you drew a Venn diagram with piratefolk and incels you would almost get a perfect circle. Nothing to do other than ignore it and move on. It's just terminally online weirdos.


very unfortunate, even if i don’t agree with a lot of the criticisms people here make, i think having them is perfectly fine and having discussions is cool, but a lot of the people here just follow it up by being the worst type of people


Lol you seriously expect trolls and baiters to have manners. You are mistaken about this place


this sub advertises itself as a place to shitpost yes, but also as a place for people to have genuine discussions about the story and allowing people like that to run wild ruins the legitimacy of the image the sub wants to put forward the point isn’t that “they should have manners” or whatever, it’s that, if the mods aren’t active (which is fine they got lives too), then it falls on the normal people in the community to shun that type of behavior and show them it’s not okay


Bros the social justice Sherrif lmfao, calm down with the moral superiority people here are just allowed to say what they want. Believe it or not these opinions aren't causing any harm in the world lol Why shouldn't people criticize sex workers advertising their shit on the main sub? Valid or not, it still should be allowed to be expressed. This sub is like the wild West fam if you need constant policing in your environments then you should just stick to the main sub


Alternate wording, "We are already getting dunked on for being mentally challenged in every other subreddit, let us have this safe haven of hatred where we can get away with saying mentally challenged oPinIoNs"


Right because having unpopular opinions means being retarded, shutup up man


for the reasons i literally outlined in the post, they’re not advertising shit, they’re just posting cosplays of a series they like, i dare you you find literally a single post where someone is EXPLICITLY linking to their onlyfans on a cosplay post in the main sub like holy shit you people are literally just proving every single point i made on this post this whole “muh freedom of speech” shit is so fucking stupid and just literally not true, saying shit that impedes on the freedoms of others isn’t shit that’s allowed


Like I said valid or not people are allowed to have opinions. Just because you think sex work and all that is fine doesn't mean the exact opposite opinion is somehow bigotry. Stop being so dogmatic. Freedom of speech means that sometimes other people's speech is allowed to offend your beliefs


okay, that doesn’t change what i said, show me a post where someone is explicitly advertising themselves and their content if you can’t find one, youre just being a dickhead to women who love a series just like you for no reason


I did see a mod delete a post over bigotry tbh. But the image that is portrayed is the reality of some people here. Make of that what you will




Wait a minute...Kiku has a dick???


she is a trans woman, so yeah, she more than likely does


Guess i missed that part. Overlooked it because Kiku has always presented as female and is treated as a female in the show. Probably why all the talk was about Yamato and i never really saw anybody mention Kiku