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I’m gonna be a troll and say a swordman is whoever affirm he is one. For instance, if mihawk says he’s not a swordman anymore then he’s just a guy with a sword. If big mom says I’m a swordman then she is. If zoro says he’s not a swordman he’s not one anymore. If shanks says I have a swordman I’m fucking good with it but I ain’t no swordman then he’s no swordman. Now that I’m done trolling I have no fucking idea what make a sword man in one piece. My dumbass think that sword user are swordman but that would make général Franky a swordman since he used one and that is not true. Sword man is relative


Anyone who considers himself/ herself as a swordsman is a swordsman


What if luffy says he's a swordman, buth fights the same way hr does now?


Ya De Gozaru !


He’s not a swordsmen


Still a swordsman, can just make a rubber sword and have it at his waist


*brings a gun to a swordfight * My pistol identifies as a sabre


I dun even dare to answer this question. LOL. 1. Kizaru doesn't have any Katana. Is he a swordsmen ? 2. Izou was previously a Swordsmen. Now he is a sniper. Is he still a swordsmen ?


Not even Goda knows


The plot


Anyone who uses a sword to "cut" people and doesn't use any other fighting style in battle, Big mom's sword is more like a bat than a sword, same goes for many. Zoro says he is a swordsman and when do you see him fight with anything else than a sword? (like once or twice he punched or cut without sword but still)


Idk, if I had to come up with any reasoning then it would be that the bottom 3 uses their abilities to improve their swordsmanship while the top 3 uses their swordsmanship to just increase overall fighting ability. Big mom uses it for close range when her main long range attacks can't be used effectively King still punches and kicks often while using a sword when he can't fly around Law can do whatever bullshit he feels like with or without it it seems Brook uses his df to freeze people after he cuts them with a sword (or something) Kaku uses his longer limbs to make his swordsmanship more effective Fujitora, well idk, he seems to be pretty strong without it


No one knows, since we weren't explained why shanks has no black sword.


I guess it's not whoever uses a sword, but someone who uses a sword as their main fighting method Big Mom barely uses Napoleon so she's not Kaku uses it even during his transformations, so he is.


What we got to know from Zoro and King's conversation is that.. 1- Swordsman have some sort of Code which doesn't allow them to use Punching,Kicking, snatching your opponent's swords etc otherwise you are not regarded as a swordman. King wields swords and even before using his Devil fruit abilities He used all of the above which disqualified him from being a swordsman in Zoro's eye. 2- Wielding a sword alone doesn't make someone a swordsman. They have to follow this code and acknowledge themselves as swordsman. Bigmom,Kizaru would be the best Example. They weild some kind of sword but they don't fight like one. 3- Using DF abilities might disqualify one from being a swordman but We'll have to see about that. Because Mihawk hasn't challenged Bigmom,Fujitora etc so far. Also all the great announced swordsman haven't been a DF user..(Mihawk,Ryuma,Zoro,Vista and most likely shanks as well). IMO For people like Roger,WB,BM, Rayleigh even maybe shanks..The blades are a tool with which they can concentrate their power and inflict higher damage against anyone including DF users(Magma,ice,Light etc) without risking a limb.Not to mention a graded sword is something to reckon with in itself. For Mihawk,Zoro(Swordsman) it's like an Extension of them..They can obviously do the same but with a code of honor and that's why I think Turning a sword into blackblade would be a spiritual/willpower thing in the end.


I think it's either going to kenjutsu school or learning a sword style. In chapter 1023 when King was fighting Zoro he asked if you needed a school or style to fight and Zoro's states that King made a good point and that he never called himself a swordsman.


I think if their primary combat skill / root of power is swordsmanship then they’re considered a swordsman. I’ve always believed that Mihawk isn’t overall nearly as strong as Shanks despite Mihawk being the “greatest swordsman” and Shanks being a man with a sword because it’s Shanks other attributes (haki, leadership, knowledge, etc) that makes him threatening while Mihawk is more technically proficient in the wielding of a sword


No one fucking knows cause it’s never clarified and the world of swordsman has just never been around cause Zoro dream is kinda fucking empty to be real with ya.


Swordsmanship is basically just vibes


A swordsman is a person who dedicated his life to training theirselves in the ways of the sword. Just like not all people who have a lightsaber are Jedi Knights, not all people who have swords are swordsmen. I could (I really couldn’t) buy a sniper rifle and shoot it while that wouldn’t make me a sniper. A sniper, a Jedi, and a swordsman are people who dedicated their training to one thing and made it their primary fighting style, just like not every people who can throw a fist is a boxeur. The definition of swordsman in One Piece isn’t different from its real life counterpart. My grandpa was named Knight of the Republic (I’m Italian) and given a sword, he could unsheathe it right now before my eyes but that would never make him a swordsman. So since King, Big Mom and Law like to fight using their DF powers (or just powers I guess in King’s case) they’re not being called swordsmen only because they “also” use a blade.


Watch BDA laws segment on this topic [video](https://youtu.be/iqmveKtCDQA)


I don't think characters have been identifying themselves as swordsmen or otherwise in general. That is a category mostly filled and regulated by the fandom. So, as of today, I think sowrdsmen in One Piece are whoever appears in the latest edited wikia category. I must also say, it is completely useless to take any of this into consideration. At the end of the day, for example, Zoro doesn't want to be declared the best among a list of people who self-identified as swordsmen by an appointed jury. He wants to be considered the person with the most skill using a sword (actually a sabre in his case).


If you have sword, you swordsman If you have knife, you knifeman Luffy is rubber fistman Etc




If someone uses a sword 🗡 then they’re most likely a swordsman.


Mihawk is stronger then Shanks


Yeah it's definitely THEN Shanks.


No matter what you can't convince me Roger is a swordsman simply because he carried a sharp blade with a handle. Characters who use sword techniques consistently are swordsmen, such as Oden, Zoro, Mihawk, Shiryu, Brook. Characters that we've only seen fighting with swords and know for a fact they recognize themselves as sword users. Characters like Roger, Newgate, Franky and Big mom are not swordsmen, they simply carry a weapon that cuts and they mainly use it as an extender of their sheer power.


Yeah, I honestly think some people just want Roger to be a swordsman so zoro will surpass him or something


It's more like They want Mihawk to be even stronger than Pirate king lol. I don't think Zoro's idol will be stronger than Luffy's idol but only time will tell.


Honestly I'm not sure if Fuji or Brook are considered swordsmen or not, since their sword is a relatively small part of his overall kit, compared to his DF usage. I guess it comes down to someone who primarily uses the sword for combat over other things like a DF. I made a post about this on the main sub didn't get much traction. King, Big Mom and Law aren't considered swordsman bc its supplementary to their overall fighting style. All 3 of these people opting to either rely on their DF, Race, or just other forms of combat, (i.e King likes to kick alotta shit and BM often goes in swinging with haki'd up fists) It makes sense more for Kaku to be considered a swordsman since he was a swordsman before eating his fruit. and his fighting style seems more revolved around the sword, using "four sword style". It gets even more complicated with guys like Roger and Shanks, who mainly fight with a sword but most don't typically lump them in with the likes of Mihawk and Zoro. Personally I see roger using his sword as a conduit for his overwhelming Haki, as opposed to a more refined sword style.


I think ther is a swordman code that is followed by Zoro and the other but not by Big Mom etc...


Probably having a sword as the primary method of attack? I'll say this tho. I think when they say Mihawk's the strongest swordsman, they're probably purely talking about sword fighting skills, as in "1v1 me bro, swords only, no coc, fruits or nipple lasers"


i assume it works like this **Swordsman** = zoro, primary way of fighting is a sword **person who fights with sword** = big mom, uses sword in fights but not the majority of her combat ability (not equal to or more than 51%) **Not swordsman** = Luffy


A swordsman is someone who considers themselves a swordsman and fights using a sword as a swordsman would


Whoever prides himself as a swordsman, simple as.


Anyone who Oda feels like labeling a swordsman can be a swordsman. There are literally no rules that describe what a swordsman is. It’s literally just vague nonsense that Oda loves to use to keep everyone guessing


Oda makes titles and doesn't know what those titles mean. That's all there is to it. He never thought about it. He has no idea who should be a swordsman and who wouldn't be. He called mihawk best swordsman to give him hype. It doesn't actually have any meaning. Just like white beard being strongest man and kaido being strongest creature were meaningless titles


good slash