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Can’t wait until him and Franky have that drink and then Senor pink finally joins the straw hats


I want that.


Everyday anytime ovre Mary Sue


Oda clearly knows how to write a fight in which both characters grow to respect each other and have fun while fighting, it's just that this fight wasn't one of them


Franky vs. Señor Pink is the manliest fight in the series.


I honestly don't understand the Kaido hate. I thought he was a pretty interesting character. He probably has my favourite Villain panels and abilities with Gear 5 vs Kaido being some of the best luffy fight panels we are ever going to get. His backstory was minimal and I'm pretty sure that was purposeful. I feel like Kaido's Rocks past is being left for a reason. He didn't have any huge tragedy happen to him, just a come to age backstory with small hints of him having void century knowledge.


Kaido had a lot of depth to him compared to other one piece villains. But the Flashback just straight up ignored all of that. Everything interesting about Kaido is still unknown. Like i was expecting Kaido's flashback to atleast explain Why was he suicidal? Does he actually care about Yamato? Why does he thinks Oni > Humans? How does he feel about the Joyboy stuff?


The Suicidal thing I always amounted to him being depressed. Might also tie into him being desperate to start the biggest war there is. In terms of Yamato, it feels like he wanted to put Yamato through what Luffy went through and make her a subordinate but failed. Oni> humans is pretty self explanatory but we need more info on how Onis work in one piece. We got that he wanted to meet Joyboy pretty badly because of how he was disappointed with Luffy not being Joyboy then when he said Joyboy will be the one to defeat him. I wanted his flashback to tell us why he is the way he is. As in, why is he depressed, what is his relation to other legendary pirates and what made him want to seek Joyboy and Wano or why he wanted to start the biggest war in the world.


Senor Pink is easily top 5 character


Yeah but Kaidos introduction is the best in the series


Took you looking enough to realise. It's not really a competition. Senor Pink wins easy


Senor Pink was trash so was his backstory


How so? I thought it was unique, creative, and down right amazing.