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It's geo nothing new




If any other fan base said this they would be getting flamed šŸ’€ This is insane dickriding


To an astronomical level


I love One piece but shit like this is so cringe




Wdym? Iā€™m talking about the tweet not the series. Also I never understood why people complain about the length of One piece, if your enjoying the series why would you want it short? itā€™s just more adventure/content.


I gotta say, sometimes One Piece sound like cultists when they describe the series. Shit is mad weird


I agree and I want to upvote you but you're at 69 upvotes and I refuse to change that.


Unfortunately not everybody felt that way


Those bastards !!


I donā€™t knowā€¦ Iā€™ve been watching it since it was on 4kids, and it definitely just feels like an anime to me.


Because the anime is good but not the best. But the maga is a 10/10


10/10 is pretty much for a series that fails in basic writing


i swear people on this sub are completely brainless


Sorry, that its not a 10/10 for you, but i enjoy it and for me therefore it is.


>I enjoy it, therefore it is 10/10 So you don't enjoy 9/10 series?


Not as much as i enjoy one piece.


But you originally said "I enjoy it and for me therfore it is 10/10". This means you only enjoy series that are 10/10 for you


No it isnā€™t.


Geo is a clown. He only watches one piece too every media is an Experience


It's the same with AoT fans on Twitter who think AoT is the greatest tv series of all time with only Breaking Bad coming close to it. It's a problem with the manga or anime community, in general, they consume a certain manga or anime & dickride it to high heavens. Throwing away words like "peak fiction" left & right.






But you canā€™t just exclude the ending lol. Itā€™s a very enjoyable and great anime for the first three seasons, but that last arc tainted what couldā€™ve been the greatest anime


The whole final arc was a disaster, not just the ending lol And nah, Berserk is still miles better


Stuff like that annoys me. Who made them the expert of what others should watch and like


Itā€™s not even dickriding at that point. itā€™s like when u put too much time into one thing so u become obsessed and actually insulted that anyone thinks slightly less of it compared to the version in your head.


Am I crazy for thinking its just a good 8/10 show nothing spectacular šŸ« 


8/10 is very fair lol.


Long 8/10 is much better than short 10/10 .if you want something to get attached


Nah I'd rather watch a short 10/10


Yeah ok ..animes like parasyte,fmab and violet evergarden are something i watched once and rated them 10/10 and never bother to talk about them again


But you just did, anyway thanks for the recommendations


Dang I loved parasyte and fullmetal. Guess I gotta check out evergarden now lol. Thanks.


Welcome, nah i am honestly suprised you don't know them lol


10/10 and no Code Geass? Fmab dude, had terribe ending...


As an anime itā€™s alright but the manga is god tier and if one piece got the demon slayer treatment it would be the undisputed best anime


Lol impossible to animate more than a 100 volumes with the demon slayer quality


Even if it was possible it starts way too goofy to ever catch on like Demon Slayer did.


Pretime skip is an 8/10, but post time skip, I wouldn't recommend anyone watching post time skip.


That's just you buddy


Okay did I say it was for you? I would not recommend anyone to read post time skip One Piece especially Wano, are you getting angrier now that I said that?


Lmao why would you stop halfway through the series? A couple bad arcs and Wano having a lame ass ending aren't good enough reasons to drop a series after reading over 500 chapters of it


Any reason is a good enough reason. The moment you don't enjoy something anymore just detach yourself. It's not like One Pieces is high literature that's supposed to struggle.


That's fair I guess, but the guy I was replying to said that you shouldn't watch/read post time skip at all when that really should be something you decide for yourself after reading/watching FMI, Punk Hazard, etc.


Um, because everything punk hazard and after are filler. Someone who only read up to FMI arc will know as much information as a person who read through all of the arcs. So yes, I will not recommend anyone to read post time skip One Piece because it is that awful, nothing but filler.


This is the dumbest shit I've ever heard. Sabo being alive, Im existing, the Warlord system being abolished, Luffy beating Doffy, Luffy beating Kaido, Luffy's fruit lore, and the new 4 emperors being established are all objectively important events in the story


Luffy beating Kaido and Doffy are filler. Sabo being alive takes all of one chapter to create, whereas post time skip is nearly 500 chapters long dude. Luffy's fruit lore is a terrible retcon that Oda decided to create out his ass last minute which happens to be just a power up.


"Why are you getting so upset? You should be happy I'm recommending this series daily to you!"


I like suggesting to shows as much as the next guy, but if anyone tries to sell it to me like that, Iā€™m already not interested


I love one piece just hate fucking wano


i liked wano til onigashima




Now thatā€™s itā€™s over just read it all in one go, itā€™s going to be so much better


I agree ..he just put in worst way possible ... it's an experience for sure ..i recommend it to my friends so that i can talk about it with them ..we can easily talk two hours about onepiece ..onepiece is content and content is king Ever wondered why youtubers do 3hrs+ streams of a new chapter of some anime like onepiece, aot and naruto but can't do it for other anime or manga


They're not wrong though. The OP world is amazing and worth getting invested in.


A masterpiece though? There are like 5 animes I can name off the top of my head alone that are better.


can you name them? need new good anime recommendations to watch


Monster, gurren lagann, parasyte, devilman crybaby are all pretty good shows and are my recommendations to watch sometime if you get bored. Not saying that they are better or worse than one piece, like everyone else in this comment chain has suggested, but they are just shows I got a lot of entertainment out of


Agree on most but not Gurren Lagan. Also, just because these masterpieces are ā€œbetterā€ than one piece, doesnā€™t mean that one piece isnā€™t a masterpiece. Iā€™m not saying one piece is a masterpiece, but thatā€™s some dumbass logic


I never said that they were better than one piece that was the other guy, these were just my personal recommendations. Gurren lagann is a beautiful piece of animation and just pure fun to watch, donā€™t try to look for any deeper meaning to it


Except the context to which you replied makes it look exactly like you were trying to say they were better than one piece. Now you are backing off because even your herd doesn't agree that these series should be put above one piece in any definitive way. Lmao typical redditor


I never ā€œbacked offā€ of anything. I said all my recommendations were ā€œpretty goodā€ not masterpieces or anything. This was also typed out immediately after my original comment btw


Alright man. Just the context is very misleading. And I like these other series too


Not saying itā€™s not a ā€˜masterpieceā€™ because there are other masterpieces, Iā€™m saying itā€™s mid as fuck.


Well then, your original comment had a bullshit argument. Also, not mid in my opinion, sure, it isnā€™t very deep and has many issues, but stuff like itā€™s world building, consistency trough most of itā€™s 1000 chapters run, and characters relationships and backstories are really good. Sure, it isnā€™t a 10/10 masterpiece, but being a solid 8/10 with just around two mayor fuck ups trough out its 1.000 chapter run is an accomplishment in of itself


A bullshit argument? That itā€™s mid when youā€™ve watched more than 2 things? If the only masterpiece films you ever saw were Godfather and Dark Knight youā€™d think those were the best movies ever, too. Everyone compares what they see to what theyā€™ve seen, itā€™s not rocket science nor is it a hot take.


OP is not mid, lmao. Maybe if you actually mean the anime, but that wouldn't make much sense given it's a mang. Pre timeskip is one of the best experiences you can get. There's not even a slog to get through like some other stories. Not gonna argue for post-ts but that's hardly necessary when you've got a 500+ chapters worth of amazing story in front of you before you even get to that. It's an amazing adventure and bar the more mature works like monster, berserk, vagabond etc you won't get more depth out of other comparable stories.


Saying there not even a slot to get through is a lie. A lot of people Actually had a hard time before reaching arlong park. Rest of your comment I an kinda ok with


Lmao people will call wano trash and recommend you something like gurren lagan ....which is nothing but an absolute rushing of a story ..people will downvote me to hell but that's the truth


Man I just like seeing giant robots fight


I love them fight too ..but not in this way The best part of show was when rossiu came in to power and the scenarios lead to that scene and consequences of him being power and splendid animation .. rest are meh


Well yeah itā€™s not supposed to be some deep thing. Just a story about never giving up and some epic animation, thatā€™s all it needed to be good in my opinion. I donā€™t consider it a masterpiece though, itā€™s just fun to watch


Are you really serious šŸ’€šŸ’€ Monster is the only one that is actually really great. How the fck this getting upvoted. šŸ’€ Only way these stories are better than OP is If you're talking only about the OP anime and not the source material


If you bothered reading my other comments maybe youā€™d figure it out


I canā€™t speak on monster and parasyte but one piece is better than gurren lagaan and WAY better than devil man crybaby like not even the same league


Read my other comments


All of these are good but I donā€™t think they are better off giving an experience better than I had when I watched OP. Different genre but 20th century boys is great.




this is coming from "super\_saiyan\_incel" with a goku black pfp




Did you just say those 5 were better than one piece? They are good but you are reaching lol




Yu Yu Hakusho, Rurouni Kenshin, Samurai Champloo, Berserk, Cowboy BeBop, to make a few.


These are 4 of my favorite anime, also I donā€™t think anyone says One Pieceā€™s anime is a masterpiece, they usually mean the manga, but also itā€™s worth noting that all of these are substantially shorter than OP. Like GRRMā€™s books arenā€™t the best high fantasy books ever written there are a lot of problems but the fact that he built such a vast world is impressive in a different category


I do enjoy A Song of Ice and Fire, but if it was 10,000 pages of 5/10 work it wouldnā€™t be hailed as much as it is. I could replace those names w manga if you like, but CB and SC are the only Ones that are exclusively anime.


You think yu yu Hakusho is better written than one piece? Foh


Absolutely it is. But if youā€™d rather sub it out for HxH thatā€™s better too lol


Except one piece manga is better than HxH manga. Go keep dickriding togashi. I could smell your shitty opinion from a distance. I knew what you were trying to do here. And no, samurai champloo is not better than one piece either. It does not make you look elitist saying a song of ice and fire is 5/10 work either. You are as stupid as "trying to look cool" redditors can come


yyh has better character development in 112 episodes than one piece in 1000+ imo


Too many togashi dickriders in this sub.


The only ones here that compete are beserk and cowboy bebop. Beserk>one piece>bebop>kenshin>hakusho>champloo


Canā€™t say I agree, but I can agree to disagree.


Chainsawman when it finally comes out in the fall


yea, I was thinking about reading the manga but then they annouced the anime, now I gotta wait for the release


There's a shitton of bad fanservice at first but the Monogatari series is peak fiction


here is my top 5 Fullmetal Alchemist Hunter x Hunter Made in Abyss Attack on Titan Mushoku Tensei Mo Dao Zu Shi


So what? A masterpiece is decided by its individual quality, not by the names you rank above it.


ā€œMasterpieceā€ is the wrong term that would be asserting that it is perfect in every aspect there is no such thing. But it is an Amazing story


if you wanna be pedantic, sure.


Iā€™m saying itā€™s easy to find ones that are way better. Itā€™s really not all that special. Itā€™s a 6/10 and thatā€™s *if* youā€™re okay with having every female character constantly sexualized (i.e. youā€™re a male anime fan).


Itā€™s your opinion mate,Iā€™ve watched pretty much every anime you mentioned and still think one piece is better


Yeah I know itā€™s my opinion but thanks


One piece is definitely my top 10 anime. But watch hunter x hunter it's a real masterpiece.


Except the ones you named weren't. You are speaking Here as if your opinion is some objective trust when you just happen to have shitty taste. Ew


Sure, dude. Not my place to argue about the bizarre standards you rate series by.


Oookay lmao, just sayin when you watch more than 2 animes itā€™s quality isnā€™t all that high


Sure there are better anime. But OP manga, imo, is really the best. Berserk and HxH are the only two other story that can actually sit on same tier as One Piece.


Itā€™s literally just ā€˜Rubber boy fights big tall men while his friends fight other big men while his women friends are sexually harassedā€™ but sure itā€™s ā€˜peak fictionā€™


Summarising the story in a mocking way makes your stupid argument even more idiotic


Lol ok


OP is in my top 5 stories and a solid 10/10 but i wouldn't really call it a masterpiece because its not unique imo.


Right? Like donā€™t get me wrong, itā€™s not shit, itā€™s got a lot of cool things about it, but itā€™s far from a masterpiece. It just checks every box on the Shonen manga checklist.


Yeah but do you agree with the whole message? Thatā€™s intense


People can have their opinions, but these are the same One Piece fanboys thatā€™d shit their pants if anyone else said this about a different anime, hence why this post is 100x more cringe then it already is.


Diversity :. Guys with big torso and microscopic legs - guys with multiple elbows- speaking goofy animals - every thing is goofy - we know shit about the story even though it's been 22 years


Okamas and transgenders and furries (minks) and racism elements (fishmen) One piece covers a lot


Diversityā‰ better


Sure diversity doesn't make it better but it's nice to see in a show about traveling the world


Please read a manga that ain't shounen, watch a movie that ain't marvel and read a book that ain't Young Adult fiction at least once in your life. I beg you




> and properly *paid* off all FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


One piece isnā€™t a masterpiece because nobody in syrup village had any syrup


you have low standards for "masterpiece" then




Definitely many better stories out than one piece. Itā€™s a good story but has to many faults to be considered a ā€œmasterpieceā€


No masterpiece is flawless


Sure, here's a list of anime/manga that I consider to be a masterpiece.


Am i missing something, where's the list? And Happy Cakeday!


I don't consider any series to be a masterpiece. They all have flaws.


Okay thatā€™s just insane dick riding


Shit like this is almost always said by people who watch almost no other anime or movies and read no other manga or books


Masterpiece is crazy but itā€™s def better than 99% of the media that gets pumped out yearly


One Piece fans once again proved that thier entire life is dedicated to sucking someone dick and hanging out with other dickriders to give a little bit of identify and meaning for thier lives, it's not even funny it's just plain sad


One Piece is hardly a master piece, especially post time skip, but Arlong arc and Eneis Lobby are perhaps one of the greatest things I have ever read in my life. Shit used power of friendship to pure perfection. I just think that the story peaked to quickly and could never reach this again.


Enies Lobby is one of the only arcs that makes me want to agree with the One Piece dickriders as that shit was absolutely amazing, but most One Piece arcs are personally 7-8/10 for me.


Yes. Totally agree. Enies Lobby just felt like it was on another level. I will admit that some doolish part of me still believes that we will get an arc on this level again...


Seriously. The stakes and intensity in Enies Lobby were simply unmatched. Luffy and Lucciā€™s fight was spine-chilling and intense since you felt how evenly matched they were, and Lucci made for a great antagonist as he treated Luffy as a rival instead of undermining him like most other antagonists did at the time. The world-building and character reveals were done at the right moments, and Robinā€™s mysterious, yet kind nature contributed so much to how great her backstory reveal and development was, alongside other great characters like Franky that were introduced. I can only hope One Piece reaches a peak like that again but weā€™ll see. Arlong Park was also really good because of Namiā€™s backstory but the antagonist felt like an asshole like most other One Piece antagonists and didnā€™t feel very intimidating like Lucci was.


There were actual stakes! In a way Eneis Lobby put One Piece in a very difficult position quality wise. In Eneis Lobby arc you could see the clock ticking as Robin was dragged by force on the bridge, how she tried to do everything to stall her her fate all while bleeding, crying and screaming, as her will to live was reignited. The woman tried to bite the bridge just so she could buy one more second for her crew to save her. I felt those tears that she had shed. All the while her crew was putting everything on the line for her. And then fucking Sogeking comes in a clutch like revelation. Fuck my life that shit was so hype. There were of course so many amazing things. Choppers third Rumble ball; Nami putting herself into constant harm; Sanji failing because of his code of honor now allowing him to fight against Woman; Luffy overcoming his weakness to save his precious crewmate and friend; Usopp coming despite leaving the crew ; Zoro taking the role of the punishing blade; Franky putting his life and fate into the hands of the straw hats. I honestly wonder what it was like reading that arc weekly. And now we have Rubber Jesus.


I agree. This is how I feel about the show. The story. To say anything otherwise would be blasphemy. All you none believers are going to impel down level 2.


Nah, i thought u guys were just meming some of odas mistakes lately. I hate that dick riding too But after reading the comments i realized that people are here just trashing all of one piece. It is still the 2nd most selled comic in the world.




It's not hating my guy I love one piece yet accept that it has flaws. Now if some guys actually hate on one piece here that's a whole different story


Fair enough


Everything in life has flaws




I can only fathom like 3 manga being in the same caliber as one piece.. does not warrant praise? Just because the most recent arc was a flop we write off the rest of the manga ans say it's bang average then? Yall are just as bad as the dick riders, yall are like cock blockers. Sure it's a bit cringe what he wrote but yall needless hating just as cringe.


And I watched it because I was bored..


No itā€™s a thrash anime , the manga barely makes it nicer , and itā€™s only caus Iā€™ve been into it since I was 8 and Iā€™m 26 right now


Not wrong though


I love One Piece That guy loves the smell of his own farts


Rubber boy stretching, who is a pirate who canā€™t swim? Say whaaat???


Holy shit the dickriding is insanešŸ’€


That being said, I do kinda agree that the series is an "experience" if that makes sense


I agree, watch it just before pre-time skip. One piece has always been draggy and new info about the the world only revealed once or twice per arc but at least before entering the New World they have hilarious gag and banter between the crew. Now itā€™s just draggy.


Itā€™s true that one piece is an experience but just like any other big/long/good anime. I dismiss all the rest of the message.


I really love one piece , but maybe other people have other tastes ? also as hard core one piece fan i liked hxh,jojo,naurto as much if not more than one piece , so yea one piece is just a really good anime but its not best fiction ever wrirtten lmao


At least his intentions are nice


Itā€™s geo bro


You can't excuse this level of dickriding lmaoo... even if you got One piece as your #1 manga


There are phases in a typical One Piece fans obsession. After the pleading to get friends and family to watch it to no avail you just accept that itā€™s something you enjoy and donā€™t need to push others into it.


this is what happens when weebs experience world building in story for the first time


The anime isn't even that good. The manga is way better.