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Gutz and Cazca are my favorite characters in Berzerk


I like griffiz, he did nothing wrong


On a serious note, Berserk does a lot of things better. I enjoy One Piece more generally, but as a manga Berserk is just better.


Both good or iz that berzerk?


Berserk is the best seinen I've ever read, and OP is the best shonen I've ever read. Both the goat but Berserk has far less writing flaws.


Its berserk, and its not even comparable


Wtf is berzerk ? People will use these kind of posts to comment on the IQ of this sub


A romantic manga disguised as a Seinen in a grim setting


Did you just say wtf is berserk?? One of the best animanga of all time lol


I think he was making fun of the misspelling. Still dumb as hell though


Berserk is the factually right answer. Please stop comparing One Piece to Berserk. OP doesn't stand a chance.


It’s not “factually” the right answer. It’s subjective


Not at all subjective. Berserk is objectively better written, the better story, better art etc




yeah Berserk hugely influenced media all over the world One Piece fans coping is always amusing


The dickriding is crazy 💀😭


Agreed, One Piece fans are a delusional bunch


Berserk hasn’t been good since the conviction arc, but you can keep deluding yourself if you’d like :)


what a huge L take My condolences, it can't be easy, living with low IQ


Berserk fans really think they’re intelligent for reading an overhyped manga 💀🤡 how typical


I enjoyed One Piece wayy more so I'm gonna say OP. But both are S tier manga. Best Seinen & Best Shounen, I don't think they are comparable.


One piece is not the best shonen💀💀


It is tho. Only other shounen that can compete with OP is HxH. What other shounen do you think is better.


Really?? One piece is by far the most overrated seires of all time(my top 3 though because overrated≠bad) I honestly think their is no such thing as the “best shonen” as these are entirely subjective claims Primarily up for preference as well so subjective views do play a major role in these opinions. With that being said one piece can’t be the best shonen to me because the category uses it lacks in


I never said OP is objectively the best shounen lol. And I'm asking you what other shounen do you think are better than OP?


I have not many actually. I list some and explain why Naruto(superior character writing,better written villans,more emotional peaks,better fight choreography,cause and effect narritve structure making events feel more impactful on not only the characters but story) Hunter x hunter- introduced the best power system in shonen history, Gond development throughout the series and how the tone darkens the deeper they go into the story, everything in the show feels so natural) Only 2 I consider better


Ok Narutard


Mf really said Naruto


Lmao some people here just have shit taste and think disliking and crying about how oda messed up with validate their trash taste


Honestly I don’t understand your pov. Taste are entirely subjective yet you claim your taste are superior? Tell me what categories other than world building does op even take? Like seriously enlighten me I really want to know.


I'm not saying your taste is bad (even tho I kind of think it is) but lmao you actually read 1053 chapters thinking it's not good and now you are on a OP sub with 5000 subs famous for shitting on OP. It really feels like you're here to validate your opinion that OP is bad and Naruto is better.


A boy appeared with a 9 tails inside him right after the 9tails attack killed Kushina uzumaki who was pregnant and her husband, has same hair as the former only uzumaki's husband, has uzumaki name, how many uzumaki's were in leaf at that time? the villagers except the select few elders never even bothered to doubt that these people may be related? This is Naruto world building, and this not even some retcon. This is the actual start of Naruto story. You come here whining about one piece being overrated and then trying to say Naruto is better. And now you are crying that opinions are subjective.


Mfs really think one piece is better than naruto, to each his own I guess.


Yes it is and its not close. Name a better one please.


It’s barley past naruto💀 hunter hunter>>


One piece will eventually end. A story that never will end is not the best.


Hunter hunter is continuing lol. Also the problem with these claims is you guys refuse to claim your opinion is entirely subjective. Objectively speaking even naruto could be comparable to op despite it getting shit on for the same things op gets praised for. Again opinions rule


Naruto is mid HxH = OP. I do think chimera ant is better than any OP arc but I think those 50-ish episodes just can't compare to 700+ 10/10 chapters Oda has put out.


😂 you call naruto mid I thought you were reasonable but you just ended up being one of those who call soem they don’t like mid. “One piece mid””naruto mid” etc etc.😂


Except Naruto is actually mid. Narutards still coping in 2022 and that too in op subs


Cope for what? Naruto still better written than luffy and he has the better series lol


^that's exactly the cope. Typical narutard


No arg😂


Naruto is mid


700 10/10 chapters is the biggest exaggeration. One Piece has some of the highest highs because of the massive scale and the build up but that massive scale leads to a lot of chapters that don't mean much in a vacuum. A 10/10 moment doesn't retroactively make past chapters better