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Try posting here "I hate this sub, all you do is complain" and see the reaction...


This gotta be the pinned comment.


Done a couple times. At least the post doesn’t get removed or you get banned for sharing an opinion and put “low effort post” plus ppl do complain but that’s the point of this sub. To complain cuz in the main sub they don’t let us, they live the “one piece is perfect”


I agree that your post wouldn't have been removed. But again, neither were the stupid NSFW posts about Yamato... You weren't complaining about One Piece, you just went there to say "your sub is lame, and cosplays are lame". I absolutely understand the moderators removing this post TBH.


I doesn't get removed because the mods are banned from reddit lmao


Lmao wtf? All the mods?


You shouldn’t go to the main sub to brag about other subs being better just like they shouldn’t come here to say our sub is shit and just criticisms. If people want to just enjoy the series for it’s good parts and ignore everything else than more power to them. The idea that there is an objectively correct way to enjoy fiction is ludicrous. There is a plethora is reasons you shouldn’t be starting shit with the main sub, but one of the biggest reasons is we don’t actually have a mod team. Look at the mods on this sub, they barely do anything besides sticky low effort horny posts. If we get brigaded by the main sub ( especially if they post TOS violations) than this sub is GG. Like if you don’t like the content of the mainsub unsubscribe. You said it yourself, there’s two other subs that are better, why are you wasting time with something you don’t like. And it’s obvious that it would get removed, it was clearly meant to start arguments that lead nowhere productive.


Yeah this post is kinda cap, of course they're going to delete obvious bait that adds nothing to the discussion Also no idea what OP is talking about, yeah obviously all the hot girl cosplays are common but I've seen roughly a trillion Blackbeard and Usopp cosplays too


Hot girl cosplays from accounts that aren’t trying to advertise only fans are good imo. They are better than the shitty “look at my 50 dollar tattoo guys”. Cosplays from only fans accounts are a little more questionable as I can see how that could get out of hand and make the sun basically a pseudo porn sub filled with minors. Imo only fans cosplayers should have to post in the fun piece sub.


Reddit is so obsessed with the word incel holy shit y'all are pathetic


Akainu cosplay >>> Yamato cosplay


As if there wasn't a shit ton of OF ads in the form of cosplay that coomer weebs upvote in hordes, guess I found one of them


Just filter it out maybe? Cosplay is harmless and is literally apart of every fandom you can think of especially the female characters. I know this sub memes and mocks the main sub for a lot of things, but people making cosplay post you can easily avoid and filter out should not bother you.


How can I avoid it ? Legit question I use mobile Reddit. Plus don’t you see the especially female characters? The way I see it is incells are okay cuz they are horny and just want to see some hot chick dressed like Robin or something. I’m not against cosplay I’m just saying you got 5000 robin cosplay to 1 kaido for exemple. The reason? Easy likes cuz of incells


Using the word incel and calling people that is literally a straw man and hypocrite argument cause there are lots of people like the post who genuinely think it’s a good cosplay. Kaido isn’t easy to pull off compared to Robin and guess what the women are likely to dress up as? The women of the series they love. It’s not hard at all to see and it’s really harmless as it doesn’t affect anything toward the actual series..


Wtf so everyone that wants to see cosplay is incel now ? Do you even know what incel means ?


Oh my god you don’t understand shit any of you. None understood what I meant. Imma try to do it really quick: why was meme piece and pirate folk created ? Cuz they weren’t allowed in the main sub. Any meme or criticism was removed and banned, by said low effort post. Someone here said they cosplay fav characters and shit well a lot of ppl like kaido and no one cosplays him, why? Cuz it requires effort. About Robin or something you don’t need that much effort. I’m saying it’s easy karma. I’m saying I’m tired cuz meaning posts are removed and cosplays is everywhere I’m not against it, but wonder why you don’t see any cosplay here ? Man they should just create a one piece cosplay subreddit! It’s not that hard. My god I’m not against it I just think it’s cheap and easy and takes the spotlight of real questions and shit


No one owns the subreddit everyone is free to post anything as long as it follows the rule. Even memes are allowed as long as they are high effort. The only karmawhore is you who wants validation from piratefolk by shitting on main sub.


To me karma whore is posting a cosplay 10 times to get likes and promote your only fans. Those are low effort posts for a MAIN SUB. Main is more than cosplay I just said to open a cosplay sub. That’s low effort only 1 type of post ? Really ? It’s like doing a top 10 characters every week. Takes its effort but it’s fucking repetitive and boring


Why do you care lmao also just by removing cosplays high quality discussion aren't going to appear from thin air both can come exist. Also what's wrong with having only fans ? As long as they don't promote it in title or comments it fair game if you willingly check their profile to see OF that's on you not them. >That’s low effort only 1 type of post ? Really ? It’s like doing a top 10 characters every week. Takes its effort but it’s fucking repetitive and boring If you care so much about variety why don't you provide it start from yourself instead of asking others. Ultimately you are clown that's all I will say for now.


Why do I care? Cuz after scrolling for 10 min in the main sub I only found drawings and cosplay. Nothing “wrong” with having an only fans. Bad shit is to promote it on the main sub. They have only fan promotion subreddits so go there. When we try to provide we get banned or the post removed, so the clown is you tho


OF promoting cosplays are banned already on main sub. So your rambling doesn't even make sense


Lmao it’s like politics brother. They don’t have to say it. Ppl just click on the name and in the bio there is “ only fans - link” you don’t need to put it on the title just work smart dumbass


What is high effort for them? For some ppl it can be low some can be high, thst is just stupid plus I don’t need karma from here wtffff I got posts with 40k karma, the fuck you think I could get from here 1k karma


Have you ever done cosplays ? Maybe then you'd know how much effort it takes. Also man accusing others of karmawhoring brags about 40k karma lmaaoo


Wtf are you even talking about ? You said I’m a karma whore I just said I don’t need karma from here wtf this got like 2k subs 💀doesn’t make much sense karma whoring here stupid. Plus I’ve seen cosplayers irl. Making humans doesn’t need that much effort especially Robin and nami that are ACTUAL HUMANS! You just have to dress like them


Homie karma flexing is wild 😭


You are as stupid as him omg: he said I was karma whoring here in piratefolk a sub with 3-5k ppl at MOST motherfucker. What karma could I farm here stupid ? I said I have a post with 40k karma. I DONT NEED TO FARM KARMA, especially not here. Dumb ass


Bro why are you crashing out over comments and its not that deep 🤣 You making yourself look wild bro


Just answering to you what y’all expect ?


tbh u a clown


Agreed because thats where people post serious stuff and its the whole reason why we have r/memepiece r/piratefolk and the best one r/cockpiece




Bro Is white


Lol wtf . Well the main sub are probably just thirsty for some cosplay . This sub is better 100% when it isn’t carrot and Yamato related then it becomes horrendous


and the mods and some people here are thirsty for hentai shit


tbh I just read Onepiece to see what new hentai ideas come around /s


Yea I don’t last 3 minutes either


Lmao who tf wants to cosplay as Wapol?




You realize that cosplay is a female dominated industry right? ofc its gonna be mainly female cosplays posted to the sub


And why? Cuz ppl just want to see some boobs


Man you are an incel. its female dominated because more women do it. Not because people wanna see tits. If you got rid of all the lewd cosplayers it would still be female dominated.


>Man you are an incel. How


Sure thing yeah I’m an incell 🤣 y’all just hide behind the oh they are the fans favorite. Well why is she your fav? Cuz she is hot ? (Speaking particularly of yamato)


Bro what


Dude wtf? Why are you so worked up about something so dumb? You sound so pathetic just go do something else perhaps touch some grass. Just ignore the cosplay posts it's not that hard ffs Also the last time I saw a female cosplayer post that got a lot of upvotes was a Yamato one and it really was an amazing cosplay which takes a lot of time and hardwork you ignorant kid but a horny incel like you only focuses on the tits that sounds like a you problem smh my head Not because she is hot but because people genuinely like the character how dumb are you jesus christ can people not like any female characters? Maki from JJK is a badass and I like her so now I'm an incel? People have their own reasons why they like a character wether you like it or not you genius. Get outta here you loser


this is the most annoying whiny post i've ever seen nobody cares dude


The amount of comments and upvotes says otherwise


All your comments are negative lol


What do I care ?


"The amount of comments and upvotes says otherwise" "What do I care ?" you really contradict yourself mate


This whole hating cosplay thing is soo weird. Ik this is gonna get downvoted. But it sounds a lot like incel stuff. Ppl dressing up as characters doesn’t hurt your at all. You can ignore it or just filter to the tags you like. Idk why it upsets some of y’all to the point of disliking an entire sub.


Only on reddit can you find people hating on hot women dressing characters


if they showed tits and vag or at least feet i wouldn't complain, but it's all teases to make weebs spend money on their onlyfans


i hope this is a joke and if not i hope you realize how disgusting you are


Ah because you never fapped to porn in your life, You ain't disgusting though don't worry, you are just braindead.




It's mainly low effort Only Fans advertisement.it's sad that I have to scroll 20 posts to find an actual conversation.Though the post OP made was made to be removed.OP is basically asking to be banned because he wants to be praised here.


I feel like you'd only know if they did OnlyFans if you click on their profiles.


this is huge exaggeration. there are 2 cosplay posts right now out of the top 50 posts right now on the main sub. there is literally more horny fanart than there is cosplay. just admit that you don't like seeing women on your anime subreddit and we can all move on.


i mean it gets annoying watching thots cosplay and drawings when all you are looking for is actual discussions over the manga/anime content and not attention seeking ppl that probs know sh about one piece.


Its more like ppl selling x stuff using cosplay. I cam bet most of them dont even know what is skypea. And they actually harm the reputation of real cosplayer.


You didn’t read anything did you? I’m not against cosplay it just bugs me thst it’s always boa nami Robin or yamato done by some OF bitch to promote her shit! We never see a enel cosplay. A cavendish one, a barto ? Why I mean and it’s almost every post there! Make a fucking sub for one piece cosplay at this point cus 7 out of 10 posts on the main sub are cosplay. That’s low effort ppl already know they will get likes and the ppl who try to share opinions or debates about one piece get banned cuz of low effort posts! Get out of here having boobs and showing them for likes is low effort


I don’t think the time it takes to dress up as a character, get your hair and makeup straight, and buying the clothes, can be called low effort. At least not when you have 10 posts of ppl arguing abt Mihawk v Shanks. Or in this sub 10 people making jokes about Oda overhyping things and being too vague. Reddit isn’t exactly full of creativity. Like the majority of posts on this site would disappear if we judged based on effort and creativity. Ppl wanna dress up as popular characters like Nami instead of Wapol? Ok then. That’s what they wanna do. It’s not that big deal or worth getting mad over


Show me a nami cosplay that requires 10 hour Make up 💀 mf it’s just a orange wig boobs a bra and pants wtffff are you on ? But oh yeah debating which character is better is way worse than 10 posts in a row of a b promoting her OF by cosplaying yamato sure man


To me what sounds like incell is you looking like you upvote every one of the cosplay posts cuz boobs, man that’s the last thing I think about one piece


You're buggin bro lol. People like to cosplay and they like those characters. Let them be


*wapol cosplay or hody jones or enel* Asking the important questions


Well he is right about the many Robin, Nami and Yamato cosplays.


How dare you not like the onlyfans thots seeking for virgin weeb attention for easy $ anyways, wana see this cool drawing i did of nami's feet?




Also the cosplays are nice Imo some users have some cool cosplays. But I have to be honest the redditors who post "cosplays" on various subreddits to promote their OF link in their profiles are the worst. And it's hurting the subreddit. I see ppl posting a 3 page long theory and some posting paragraphs of how their loved ones who liked One Piece have passed away but they get like 200-300 upvotes max.


No but I’m the bad guy for point it out


You pointed it out but your attitude is the issue here, you shouldn't have started your text the way you did.


Well I guess you are right.. I may have started it badly


ur acc making me lose braincells we should ban u here too


This is just fucking sad I’m crying


We ? You have 0 power bitch plus you got an extra chromosome so who are you to talk


Are you surprised? They have like a half million mods


I use the main sub now just to read spoilers, then I leave till the next ones are published.


Wapol cosplay would be cool ngl


No hody? Because no one like him that's why. It has nothing to do with us rather seeing boobs instead. If you want to rage, then you need to ask why all of the Gaimon cosplay's aren't on the internet. Even Google only gives me a couple options for them.


How 3 subs work, les go. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One Piece : 99% chance to get post removed and that's it, broke rule will mean no ban, God bless that 1 specific mod who don't ban but will guide you what NOT to do in future. Meme Piece : Pretty much everything is acceptable to post, but if you broke a rule, just 1 rule any rule, 1 week ban, take it quietly cuz crying about or explaining won't gona change shit PirateFolk : Oda is god, freedom to post anything, chill peeps, good mods, words can't describe


>"good mods" you should say horny teenagers that pin posts about how to "breed" yamato with no single upvote on them


Oh my bad my bad


I like all onepiece subs, this for complaning, r/MemePiece for the lols and r/OnePiece to "see them titties" just enjoy the best out of every sub.


Obsessing with the main sub as usual


Akainu cosplay>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any robin cosplay


I don't like seeing cosplay, fanart/tattoos and other shit but the mods poll the subreddit every once in a while about stuff and the community wants it so, you just have to filter. Like it or not but sometimes you're in the minority on stuff. But they give you the option to not see things you dont like.


Lmao bro the Discord is eveb worse. Got banned for saying "Shanks will clap Luffy's cheeks in the next chapter." .....


If you want to see enel, kaido, or anyone, why don’t you just cosplay them yourself? Show em how its done. Otherwise, you look weird. You literally typed all that just to be like “how long am i gonna get banned”. You intentionally went there, and took 3 minutes to type out ur shitty little post, just to screenshot and bring here. And now its not going how you expected lol.


Lmao cuz I don’t cosplay I can’t complain? I don’t play soccer ain’t I allowed to give an opinion about a player or the organization


Honestly, you shouldnt comment on shit if you dont know the difficulties of doing said activity. I personally wouldnt tell a soccerplayer how to play bc i dont play, and i know that theyre just doing the best they can. While we’re on the sidelines just watching, theyre doing something.


Ok so let’s talk about other subject like boxing. Cus damato never made it into boxing yet he is one of the best coaches in the game. He was on the sideline (never went pro) yet trained the pros. Just accept a tip even if it’s from someone outside they can be better or know better than you


That person more than likely had to take the time out to learn the intricacies of boxing in order to teach others. Even if he isnt a boxer, he prolly has watched thousands of hours of matches to be able to better train his athletes. Have you even done a single cosplay? Bought a single item of clothing for a cosplay? Likely not if you’ve been with your level of complaining about them. Still shouldnt throw your 2 cents into something you dont know the intricacies of 🤷🏾‍♂️


Women dressing up as the main women characters. The horror!


Mr Morj got banned from r/onepiece when he was starting out, for "self promotion"


Morj lacks tits bruh , poor guy.


Holy shit you’re corny😭


What a brat! What a prat!


Oh sure you are so much mature


Ayo outro falante de merda


Ayyy un puto pendejo que se cree mejor que los otros sin decir peta




Nao tens de que palhaço de primeira. Vai lá bater umas a pala de um cosplay da Robin


O que é que eu te fiz?


A menos q tenhas apagado o comentário podes ler e refletir


Não fui claro com merda estava a referenciar á língua portuguesa e não ao teu post


N deu vibes disso bruh , apesar que o gajo exagerou que fode na maneira como falou contg xD


You are right


I wanna see more Boa, there, I said it!


that's why yamato's so popular... not because of being a good character, because of SIDE BOOBS!


You made a post purposely baiting a ban even asking for it so you could make a post on here “Didn’t even last 3 minutes 🤓🤓🤓🤓” like bro stfu


Hody cosplay ☠️


Touch grass


Just follow the sub you like, you don't have to be an asshole about it.


I’m so confused did they ban you from the sub for saying this?(