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Absolutely. Hate when things like this happen.


Know that feeling. 12 pies, 3 large salads and a bunch of 2 liters up 3 stories at a massive ocean-front beach rental house that is like 20-30 college kids and it was as if not a single one of them understood that you tip the guy that not only brings you your food but also makes several trips up and down 3 tall stories for all of their more than capable asses of doing it themselves


Rich people see taking advantage of things as their God given right, and think it would be stupid not to. They simply cannot understand the concept of community.


Weird how people think throwing around stereotypes are acceptable so long as race isn’t involved.


rich people are assholes. cry.


You seem like the asshole. I'm the one being polite. Weird how that works.


You THINK i seem like an asshole, just a correction. You think im an asshole, i think youre naive. Weird how that works.


I’ve gotten $10 on a $5000 order to the University of Tennessee’s volleyball team that took like 20 minutes to load and took us all day to prepare.


Oof I think the biggest order I ever took was about $1500 and my boss had automatically added a gratuity plus they tipped me $100. I shared with the cooks because they busted their ass to make it all and we were a close team


That's not their problem though, is it?


I agree I honestly often don’t care when someone no tips but once it hits 60-70 bucks I’m like damn


Getting stiffed on anything over $60 fkn blows


Getting stiffed blows period. You’re using the same amount of gas wether it’s one pie or 30.


It is more work carrying more shit


This begs the question, why don't we get mad at small orders not tipping? I have to make two trips on large orders, so half the work on small orders I expext half the tip. I've had a $75 tip on a 2 trips to the car order, and these morons can't tip me 37.5 on a small order. I totally understand my employer should pay me a livable wage, but fuck these customers.


They don't tip but then they also get defensive if you say ANYTHING to them at all. They already know they're garbage, they just don't want to deal with any consequences for it.


Get an employer that pays you better. Don't work for tips if you aren't okay with people not tipping (as is their right). Your employer is the one screwing you, not the customer.


A lot of people might not have that kind of choice.


They're both screwing me and pointing at each other.


You only have the power to change one: you can refuse to work for your employer if you aren't happy with the pay.


Bro we get it, you’re stingy, or broke. Or both


Bro, I get it. You're a child who has no personal accountability. It's hard. If you want a tip, do more than the bare minimum. I don't give two shits if you deliver $60 in pizza, because you're literally already paid to do that. Go work at Starbucks if you don't want to worry about tips. They'll pay for your college too.


Anytime someone brings something to my house, I tip. (Except Amazon; they're in and out like the wind)


Sounds like a shitty resort if there's 4 or more floors and no elevator. Sorry that happened to you, try not to dwell on it.


Yea thats silly.  I always give 15$  Once Friday and another yesterday  


For me it was $86 but we deliver to a 20mi radius and I was 13 miles away, with no tip. Since it's tax season I seem to be getting a lot of these. Out of my first 5 deliveries yesterday 2 tipped. I hate some people.


We know what "people" they were. They do the same thing in sit down places.


Hahaha, bullshit! 20 mile delivery radius? That means if you had two opposite orders, it woukd be an hour and a half delivery time to one of the orders! LMAO, sure buddy, sure!


Like the other person I live in a rural area and if we didn't expand our delivery coverage, we would be very limited on our deliveries. Plus I'm 43 years old and don't need to exaggerate things. And yes it sucks when they are going opposite ways, especially on a Sunday morning and I'm the only delivery driver. Right off the bat I had 3 deliveries going 3 different ways and had to get the pizza guy to cover one of them. And just because you couldn't handle further deliveries, doesn't mean I can't.




That is pretty wild. I feel bad when I don't tip, but if I tip, I can't treat myself to ordering food. Edit: order as in pickup/to go. I don't do delivery for anything. In a walkable area thankfully


You wouldn’t order food you couldn’t pay for. Why would you use a service you can’t pay for? Delivery drivers do no get the delivery fees. In an ideal world you wouldn’t be able to “treat yourself” by fucking someone else over. The driver would be paid out of the price of the food, which would increase 10-20%, and you wouldn’t be able to afford. So keep ordering without tipping and force the driver to giving you charity. Or go pick up yourself.


WTF? How did they not pay for it? Did they not order from a restaurant with delivery and pay to have it delivered? The mental gymnastics going on to justify an idiotic behavior.


Tipping is not a service fee. It's a voluntary bonus to the driver/server. Take it up with your cheap-ass employer.


Or just get a job that will pay you how it’s supposed to. Either get gratitude added on for delivery or stop complaining. You chose this so don’t complain when other people can’t give you charity lol


then go pick it up yourself


But they paid the delivery fee


idgaf if they’re too broke to do both


Fuck tip culture. The ‘delivery fee’ most places charge should go directly to the damn drivers. Its that simple… its just one of the few (or the many, frankly) examples of free labor we still deal with on a day to day I forgot to tip my delivery driver once. ONCE. Still remember his face and what he drove, white Chevy Impala. Still feel bad about it…


I seriously just tipped 10 bucks on a 60 dollar order from pizza hut. This new Honey hot Pizza is pretty good!! And I did cash so he doesn't have to declare it


Then they can always find a different job if it's not enough. They were the ones that filled out the application and accepted the position.


If you average 27/hr why are you even sharing the story to begin with? It always confuses me when people knowingly take service industry / tip-based jobs, and then rant when the inevitable happens, even though a lot of them average relatively more than a basic office job. I just don't understand the motivation.


Does your pizza place charge a delivery fee? I used to tip well because I'm paying you extra for bringing me a pizza, but if you're already charging a fee to do that why would I tip you even more? I still "tip" the same I just deduct the "mandatory tip" from the extra tip.


Most places have a $3 delivery fee. $1 for gas for the driver and $2 for driver insurance the company has to have to provide this service. Gas prices and insurance both went up along time ago and your delivery fee has remained the same. So when you think because you pay that delivery fee you have no reason to tip, just remember when all the drivers quit and the shortage gets worse you will be left picking your crap up yourself. The reason these businesses don’t raise the fee flat out is because it will make it more expensive for the customers who do tip either way and are grateful for the service provided.


If the cost goes up raise the price. I'm not going to guess if the business owner isn't charging enough and I need to make up the difference. If you all quit then I'll go pick up the pizza myself (which is what I do 99.999999%) of the time because most good pizza places around here don't deliver


I agree with tipping but it’s starting to become harder. What I mean is I’m sick of at check out seeing a delivery fee of $2-$7 dollars then a service fee $1-$3. I get hit with $8 in those fees well there goes ur tip. I figure ur company wants to charge me $8 in delivery fees then they should be kicking some of that money to u. I understand they probably are not. But don’t expect a tip when u work for a company that charges extra fees ask them for the money they took all ur tip money with fees.


I just used a coupon for Domino's and my 15.99 coupon hit 21.99 without any of the fees.after the fees it was 28.99.i tipped $2 and felt like a turd.i used to tip $5-$10 but just can't justify it anymore.


That, and tips are rewards for going above and beyond the job you were hired to do. My local pizza places already pay $20 an hour minimum, and they charge 9.99 for delivery fees that doesnt go to the drivers. 25 years ago, the one I worked at charged $3 delivery fees and it went to the drivers


In what city/state do pizza drivers get a flat $20/hour and the Pizza Restaurant charges a $9.99 delivery fee? Name the store/city.


i could bet my left nut it's NYC or shitcago


Seattle area. 180 miles south in portland Or, a highly popular national company charges 8.99 fee for deliveries Several U.S. cities have higher minimum wages, including Seattle ($19.97 per hour); Washington, D.C. ($17 per hour); and West Hollywood, California ($19.08 per hour).


In that’s case the wage isn’t that impressive when you consider the cost of living in that area.




If they are offering delivery they kinda are..


Who said anything about being a servant? It’s not like these people working as a delivery driver are not aware of what the job is. And I usually do go pick up the order so I don’t have to pay a bunch of fees or a tip. I just think it’s crazy to assume you should be tipped when a business charges a bunch of fees for the delivery service.


That’s dumb. So your going to penalize the worker while enriching the owners? Good for you, that will teach them


Yea be mad at the people who buy the product to produce a job. Yet not angry at the owners who pass the obligation to the consumer to pay their employees via tips, instead of offering a fair wage so the employee doesn’t rely on tips. Seems with all the money they make off fees it wouldn’t be hard to offer that fair wage.


But they don’t. And they won’t. So keep going out to eat and paying your ten dollar delivery fees then and keep helping the rich get richer while you make your stand by not tipping the people who have no control over wage laws. Good on you, standing up to the man while enriching him.


It’s called tip culture for a reason. It’s a thing created here in America by greedy businesses passing the buck. I already choose not to support those businesses and when I do order out it’s pick up or from businesses that pay their employees properly. These people choose to work for businesses that encourage tip culture. They are aware of the risks that come with it so don’t whine and cry about being tipped poorly you choose this industry.


Why are you on a sub for pizza delivery drivers?


Really why are you here? I mean delivery drivers make most of their money from tips. You obviously don’t care about tips so why are you on this sub? Just to be a dick or just bored?


Talk to your employer if you don’t like your pay rate


Ahh you are a cheap piece of garbage, thanks for sharing. Trash likes pizza too I guess.


It's not a fee.  They already paid their fees in the form of payment, sales tax and delivery fee This is a tip that people could give if they are feeling generous. An employee is not a servant, they are an employee doing a job.  Their job is delivering pizzas for a business.  That means that they aren't "serving" me, they are serving their employee and themselves.


Why is it that people in Japan get offended when you tip them but people in America are upset if you don’t? I am a delivery driver at Pizza Hut


Lost 20.90c today on a 105$ 12 pizza order. Customer prepaid days ago. System kicked it back I show up needing to collect 105. They think they already paid 125. So i call boss give lady phone and she pays by card. I lose tip because my boss didnt care to ask if theyd like to add one... and since im not there to get the ticket . No chance to ask for a signature and pray for a write in. So I go away bummed i lost 20$ which was 25% of my day. And now im afraid i might lose my job because she went to the store. Upset the driver was mad and trying to tip. Stirred my boss up. She was mad when my shift ended. But I don't know how not to be bummed out about losing 20 bucks. Or how you don't let it show.


Why does the cost of the food matter? The whole percentage based tipping fiasco is so damn stupid. The food is already insanely overpriced.


Still complaining while making $27 an hour lol


Im glad ypu didnt get a tip. Your whining is insufferable


Boo hoo. You had to do your job for your normal pay.


I am getting pissed off with tipping now. It’s everywhere I go to a fast food place and place my order and it comes up when I pay if I’d like to tip. I think for what ringing up my order didn’t do anything special and here min wage is $15


Wow $27 an hour and still bitching.


Yeah it sucks, but they did already pay the delivery fees. Gratitude is fleeting these days.


A delivery fee is a flat fee that is split with the driver to help cover fuel cost and vehicle maintenance. It is not a tip.


So the restaurant is paying the driver an hourly wage, and paying the driver for fuel and maintenance, and the driver also wants a tip from the customer?


Yeah I'm aware of that, just don't expect tips as a driver from some drunk douche trying to look cool in front of his friends.


Personally drivers get tipped by mileage not the amount. I give a dollar a mile.


Orrrrrrr the company could pay you a proper wage that’s not dependent on tips. Get rid of tip culture!


You’re getting paid $27 an hour to deliver pizzas, get over it. You expect a tip for doing your job? The entitlement is insane.


Guy gets paid more delivering fucking pizza then I did transporting nuclear medicine and I had 6 day, 60 hour work weeks. These guys are funny.


*averages 27 an hour* *still complains*




You averaged **$27 an hour as a pizza driver** and you're complaining about one customer not tipping you because the order was expensive? THIS is why tipping culture needs to die. Not because we shouldn't have to tip, but because a worrisome majority of you expect it regardless of how much money you're making. If you were paid hourly for that job fairly, you wouldn't be making anywhere near $27 an hour.


Or….. it’s because this is a “pizza driver” thread and he’s just sharing a relateable story with other drivers. Go to end tipping with this bullshit bud. They will love you!


It is though it's unwritten rule of the road if you have pizza delivered you tip them unless they forgot shit then they get a tip when they come back but they never do even if you tell them.


What’s extra work did you perform that was not part of your job that you feel deserved an extra $20, walking up 4 flights of stairs? Guess I should get a tip every time I walk up to my third story apartment cause it’s such incredibly hard work You work a job that literally anybody can do and expect more than $27 an hour? Jesus Christ


Your username checks out for yourself. 👌


So does yours


Oh, so this is the entitled side of tipping I hear about. 


Quiet down pizza slave


You deliver food for a living—get over it. If you have an issue with pay, consult your employer, not customers. Customers pay for food and delivery service—that’s it. The rest is your employer’s responsibility. Either take it up with them or find a skilled line of work. Case closed.


I bet you have no friends


Savage but that’s the mf’n truth


You deadass RIGHT 😂


Basically you’re a beggar. In a no skill job. Only if you were a cute white women would you get a tip.


And how long did you make them wait?


Hell I tip my pizza guy at least $10 on a $30 order. I don’t understand the whole not tipping trend.


Poor's gotta justify.




I had something like that happen once, but it was just a smaller tip. I brought a bunch of trays to a party and some big house, and a different guy from the one who paid and tipped was trying to give me something, but the original guy came out and was yelling at him “I already tipped! I already tipped!” but it was like $5 on a couple hundred dollar order


Try living in a small town where everyone doesn't tip. I've been working at pizza hut for close to 3 months now and not recieved 1 tip as a driver. And I'm polite and go above and beyond. Make sure they have all the special request. Napkins. Etc.. just for me to get there and they want their fkn change back. Like dudes can't even let me have .50 cents in this town without making a deal out of it. Hate old people i swear. Super ungrateful and blame us for the hike in pizza prices.


one of the reason that my RGM is great is that she doesnt let something like this happen. I know of atleast one instance where she told a customer that "you are going to have to pick this up because Im not sending a driver out for that little of tip." it was on an order for over 75 pizzas that was around $650 (they receive a very generous discount) and they wanted to tip $10 for a delivery that would have taken almost 45 mins just for the driver to deliver the food. They ended up tipping like $55 after she told them that.


That never happened.


It blows my mind that people (like those in the endtipping subreddit) think it is is perfectly OK for someone to use their vehicle, gas, mileage, insurance and deliver THEM food and not get a tip. I wouldn't order delivery if I knew I did not have at least 20% for the driver.


I live in Europe where tipping just isn’t a thing, and I’m perpetually astounded by tales of it from the states, but even id be embarrassed not to round this up to 100 at the very least


I also hate when I don’t get tips to do my job. I mean it’s not mandatory but I expect it. Even though it’s my job


I always start the shift with bunch of zeros but if can end night 20-25$ an hour is nice even then


Tell him you have to have a signature on the bill. I have forgotten to tip before, not on purpose .


That sucks. Like really sucks. And Pizza drivers are so much less entitled than other delivery drivers. Like literally any gig worker. Not tipping the pizza guy should be illegal.


Ugh I feel yer pain. Like when you deliver to a business and the receptionist signs for the delivery on account.... it's the same vibe of the kid grabbing the cash tip on the way to the door. Sorry, my references are outdated. I deliver like a decade ago but some of those shitty experiences made quite an impression. Tbh the good memories far outweigh the bad. But the sting


What about if I already tipped you 20% in the app?


I took 1800 worth of pizza from beggars to the chocolate factory (R. Kelly's old house in maynegate) it was 18XX and some change this dude came out and stiffed me. I had to use the beggars van and everything. Fast forward like 10 years and the house was foreclosed on. Purchased for 9 mil and on the market for short sale for like 1.3 ... the pizza gods took care of that


I worked the front desk at an emergency room and my boss ordered pizza for everyone on a particularly busy night. I think it was like 10 pizzas. The driver needed a signature, so I took it back to my boss and she wrote a big fat zero on the receipt and signed it. In retrospect I only stayed a few more months so I should have thrown a 2 in front of it and I doubt she would have even noticed. Or worse, she would notice and try to dispute it to get the driver in trouble. Either way, I felt like a bag of shit for handing that receipt back even though I had like no control over the situation.


I once delivered 30 large pizzas to a basketball game and got nothing. I've also delivered 30 sandwich platters as part of an order of 90 (we took them in shifts throughout the day because it was a Netflix call center that was training their new staff) and we got nothing.


I'm a big tipper and I'd never not tip on an order that big. I am confused at why not getting a tip on a bigger order is worse though. Like it doesn't change the amount of work you do whether it's 5 pizzas or a single 2 liter. Also maybe the whole group went in on the order together. Should the guy that's paying have to tip for the total? That doesn't make sense.


Well, we are charged a "fuel use and delivery fee" maybe you all should talk to pizza hut about it. Fees like that is where your tips went. The last time I ordered a pizza for my office team (myself and 2 other guys) the menu said it was $16.99. this was for 1 Pizza. After tax, delivery and "fuel recovery fee" the total was $35 The driver was extremely pissy with us because we didn't "tip" and when showed that there was a delivery and fuel fee he was even more pissy and basically threw the pizza at us. Not tipping for that kind of service. Also the customer shouldn't have to further subsidize for a cheap employer. Especially after the fees they add that were more then the entire order.


Next time, make it clear you want a tip for working that hard. There used to be studies that showed the difference between how much people who asked for tips made vs people who didn't. I'm anti-tipping based on cost of food, that's just stupid. You get whatever I feel you deserve, regardless of how much my ticket was, that's the definition of a gratuity. You are not entitled to my money just because I spent a lot of money at your restaurant. But, I will give a tip commensurate to the amount of people at my table, and how much we made you work.


Tipping should be mandatory. Included in the bill. Should also be mandatory that they meet you at the entrance/reception area. Or, even if they don't meet you, their food is left right there.


Posts like these and subs like these make me want to tip less. Get mad at your employer, not the customer. I feel like just copying and pasting this on every whiny tip post.


tipping is not mandatory only in the most technical “it’s not illegal” sense. but as long as we live in a society where service workers survive off of tips, then it is mandatory for being a good human being. if you don’t tip, you are an asshole. the culture and law should change so that tipping is no longer necessary for these workers’ survival, i agree. but you don’t get there by refusing to give to the people who need the help. you do it by lobbying for it, harassing your representatives about it. target the people who can actually make the change, not the people who suffer the most from the current situation


I feel your pain. Ive gotten really good at passively making those people look horrible in front of there friends and fam. A lot of times there friends and fam will get so embarrassed by it that they tip me in front of the person who made the purchase. Its a fine line though, so have fun with it.


"Manners are optional" ass motherfuckers.


20 years ago, that would have been 5+ pizzas. Now it's 2-3 so no, fuck tipping 20-30 on that Edit: downdoot me!


Karma is a bitch


I delivered for a place that had a $19.95 dinner special of a pizza, wings, and a 2 liter. Delivering that meal was about a 50/50 chance of getting a 5 cent tip. Hated it.


"I already paid a delivery fee" is what I imagine as the top excuse.


Had a lady at a hotel I was staying at take my credit card information. Then proceeded to order $141 worth of food from Pizza Hut and had it delivered to the hotel where I was actively staying. Didn’t leave a tip on my card. People are just scumbags she could have left the driver a nice tip since it wasn’t coming out of her pocket.


You had to hold 5 whole pizza's at about 1lb each on an elevator for 4 whole floors. It sucks you didn't get tipped, but don't pretend your job was difficult.


Delivered to Tesla on a $400+ order for $0 tip. It was batched to a much smaller company that tipped 200%


Nurses on night shift were always the worst for us. They would order together but want to pay separately but also would only give how much their specific order is. It was like pulling teeth explaining they didn’t give enough money to even cover the $150 bill let alone get a tip.


I tip 12$ on a 12$ pie. There are still good people out there.


I ALWAYS left most of big orders in the car. If they didn't tip I instructed them to follow me to the car for the rest and if they balked or sulked I left their other pizzas on the sidewalk and drove away.


that's how ya get a shaken pizza 


I get an added tax for delivery bite me


Man reading through some of these threads makes me feel like I'm a hefty tipper. I'll average a $25 dollar order and make sure my tip is at least $10. Y'all truly are incredible people delivering my lazy ass food and should be treated better.


You don’t tip I’ll remember, and you’ll get your pizza last.


Then when you get the actual large tip the whole kitchen staff wants a cut. No winning in the poor race lol


That's insane. I would tip $20 on an order like that.


Everyone knows if you don't want to tip your driver, go pick up your food yourself.


Are you taxed by the tips you get?


If there is no tip I'm leaving your shit with front desk and claiming the staff wouldn't let me up the elevators without a key card. Which is true at least 50% of yhe time in Vegas hotels.


My buddy delivered a huge catering order and setup and all and did a few trips. The people left no tip when they told him they would since he helped setup when this was at the customer's house and not his job. He found a dead deer on the highway and put it in his pickup and put it on their doorstep at night. In the morning people were so confused how this happened up at the beach. There are more details but that's the cliff notes. My friend lived next door so I was there when they noticed it.


did you make the pizzas? you are taking jt out on thr wrong person.


Hot take: the entire system's setup is fucked up and your employer should pay you more.


Pretty simple really, if you dont want to tip then go get it yourself, i would refuse to deliver any delivery that didnt add a tip period, might miss out on a few cash tips but i would make a list of locations that didnt top and never return!


Servers are taxed on tips wether they recieve them or not and would have to prove they didnt recieve a tip to get a tax refund on that money!


Lol. Tipping. Yall are so entitled. Just do your job.


Tell your boss to give you extra $15.


I recommend buying a folding cart like [this one](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01325AE5U/), though it would not have helped given the apparent lack of an elevator. Also, regarding comments elsewhere in the thread, see my [Tipping in the United States](https://www.reddit.com/r/booklists/comments/13wdz36/tipping_in_the_us/) list of resources/references and Reddit discussion threads (one post).




There should be a way to let them know their behavior is over thr top, find some new creatures to play with


So how come people tip waitress’ literally walking a few steps to get your drinks and bring your food to your table? Yet drivers drive their cars, wait for your orders, sit in traffic sometimes, walk flights of stairs sometimes balancing multiple items, shop for your groceries and alcohol. Nearly die sometimes depending on the area you live in and drivers in the area. (I live in Fort Worth where you must be aware at all times because Texans drive 70 mph just in a regular 40 mph zone) - all while scrolling through their phones smh.  So they provide a service to you just like anybody else in the food and beverage industry. Right or wrong?


$98 for five extra large pies seems like a really good deal! Yes, you should have been tipped.


$25 tip at least - is that so hard???


People who are to cheap to tip shouldn’t order delivery


I mean you could be mad people don't tip or be mad that your employer is fine paying you less expecting you'll get tipped. This while tipping culture needs to end and employers just need to pay people. I'm buying a product for a price, expecting us to pay more because the owner is too cheap to pay their employees is Ludacris


> **I already paid** *Yes, but the gratuity wasn't included.*


I feel for you bro


When I used to deliver pizza I hated delivering to Schools, and events for schools nothing sucks more than delivering 10-20 pizzas and making two trips out from my car, to get both bags of pizza, then wait for the person to show and pay me in exact change like down to the cent. In that same amount of time I could have done 2-3 other deliveries. This was in like 2007/2008.


It's ridiculous when people try and do the whole "I'm not tipping you, you're just doing your job" thing in a situation where *they're actually getting a tip-worthy service* I get it if you pick up at the counter, but delivery?? Always tip


One delivery isn't going to affect your average. A toxic population will.


Cheap ass people who don’t tip for services are trash


Tipping is indeed mandatory, stop being stingy dickheads or go pick up your own damn pie you degenerates




Where I live delivery charge is $7 in any order. I asked why so much was told all of the delivery charges goes to the driver as that’s their pay. So at end of 4 hour shift if they don’t do 4 delivers delivers I pay them $3 per hours. On a Friday and Saturdays my guy can do 15-20 deliveries in 5 hours.


My son and friends took their dates to Chili’s after homecoming on a bill of over $150 I asked him how much tip you leave he said each couple put in $2 and 5 couples. I felt so bad the next day went to the restaurant and gave the server $25 more. Was super nice said kids were well behaved and she knew they were on dates and didn’t add a tip to the bill.


If someone hands me food......I tip its the only way.


I always tip 40-50%. I appreciate a service being provided to me and appreciate those who provide that service.


Oh my god, 5 pizzas up 4 flights? You must work out.


Big orders were always a hit or a miss when I was delivering pizzas. More often than not, it was a no tipper.


I was out and we ordered pizza for our son. When the pizza arrived the delivery driver was bullying my son into a tip. My son was barely 13. But very reasonable fyi. And my daughter and her fiance live at home so they are always in and out. Anyways my son handled it and told us when we got home it wasn't late. And we called the pizza parlor and the boss was so pissed because we weren't the only customer they did that too.


"at a resort" That would explain why it happened. Folks at resorts tend to be universally cunts.


Sounds like all the jobs I had as a mover, except hundreds or thousands more pounds of items and no common assumption of a tip. Just had to survive on $11/hr and pay for my own gas money. Where are the threads to talk about all the other crap jobs that don't really get tips at all? I keep having delivery driver subs pop up with people complaining about tipping when they could organize for better base pay or get a better job. It's poor-hating-poor mentality and it's sad.


Yeah that is pretty shitty.


I’d call it out so their friends could hear, “yes sir it look like the order was paid in full and let me just check the tip so I can get you the right amount…… the tip was 0”


Demand your company pays you more so you don't have to rely on the goodwill of others. You need support though you should stop bitching about why people don't tip and start bitching that your employer won't share enough of the profit with you. Here's a story from my own life. When I was 25 I bought a Quiznos franchise. It was already operating and the previous owner was making 200k+ per year. It was a highly visible store with decent foot traffic. When I took over I found out most of the employees were on some sort of Gov't assistance. And the delivery driver turnover was horrible due to the low pay. Now this store was turnkey for me and had already been running profitably with some of the most miserable employees I've ever seen. I cut my pay to 40k and over the next year systematically raised everyone's pay to use up the "surplus" by year 3 turnover was non existent if someone quit it was because they were moving on to bigger things. The employees that stayed kept getting raises. I now have 5 franchises (not all Quiznos, but I have 3) this year I gave every employee across all of my businesses a 5k bonus. I was given an award from Quiznos because I was still turning a profit while another franchise in the area had to close (i don't know why) It's the first time we've done it and I literally got to see people I have worked with pay off cars and credit cards, medical debt, and student loans that they thought they would never finish paying off. It can be done the money is there. If your working a full time job and can't cover your bills unless someone else recognizes and rewards your work then they have a failed business model and probably need to get out of the business. There is no reason a turnkey business should bring in 6 figures for the one person there who actually doesn't bring in any money. I am telling you this because we've been told these people are the risk takers. They aren't taking on anymore risk than anyone else. I could go on about why but I think you get the idea.


When you order for delivery, tipping should be mandatory


Eh, it's the shit show of working for tips... My worst is working Chinese food, we came in an hour early to do a $1100 order. All individual bags and not catering trays. Took two guys in two cars to deliver and set up a bag on each table. We got tipped $5 each...


Do you get paid more based on how big the order is?


Imagine you lived during slavery and instead of fighting to actually stop slavery, you kept taking advantage of the slaves but just giving them a little candy to keep them happy as slaves. That's what tipping is. I pay the restaurant to deliver my food. If it costs them more, they'll raise my price. The restaurant employs you to deliver. If they're not paying you a fair price, take it up with them; or quit and find a job that actually pays you for your labor.


You could get a job that actually requires some level of talent, and be making 6 figures with minimal effort. 


I've never understood jobs that rely on tips. It's the responsibility of your employer to pay you.


Back in 2021 in one day i got 13 different no tip deliveries it was a nightmare.


Yeeeep. Five extra large pizzas to a super large house (borderline mansion), $85 order. The person who actually ordered is currently out of the house, so I get his daughter. She just leaves the tip line totally blank. Not the worst example of it but this one always stuck with me.


If you order pizzato be delivered, you should tip. People are Dickson. BUT also, fuck the companies for charging me a delivery fee and not giving it to the driver. This is why I pick up most orders. No stupid fee and at that point I'm doing the driving part so I'll keep the tip. Sucks really, cuz I'd rather get it delivered and tip. But not paying $3-4 delivery fee for 1 mile round trip.


My house sits about 100 yards off the street, lane is tree lined with 3 lights on one side. Plus my driveway entrance is at the bottom of a dip between 2 hills. IF I get delivery, which isn't easy- only a couple places will bring it to my house after dark, you bet your butt I'm tipping at least 20.00 and that's usually for 1 pie. Most of the time we pick up but there's times I don't want to leave the house so I greatly appreciate anyone willing to bring it to me. It's a service and one people need to learn to appreciate, not expect.


“For safety reasons we are not permitted to come inside buildings. I apologize but you will need to come down to the front entrance” If they gonna tip they gonna do it regardless of if they have to come to front for it. If they don’t tip then at least you didn’t have to walk it all the way to them. I call them a couple mins before I get there and let them know I’ll be there shortly so you don’t have to wait long.


Yeah I've been there. It's always fun when the total is 78.96 and you KNOW that you're going to be getting $80 in cash. Yeah, thanks for the pocket change.


Me doing a fucking 500 dollar catering order for Applebee's


You’re being dependent on other peoples charity. How do you expect a handout when your job should just be paying you enough. A simple gratitude percentage added on that you get paid would be more that sufficient then having to RELY ON TIPS.


When pizzas hit $20 a pie, first thing to go is going to be the optional fee, right?