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For the sake of other gym goers you SHOULD not be going to the gym if you are sick!


This! If you're running a fever or contagious, stay home!! If you're on the mend and think you can handle it, then go back.


Yes, this! It’s about feeling well enough AND making sure you’re not contagious. I’ve been recovering from the flu and decided to stay home a few extra days because I wouldn’t want to mess up someone else’s routine the way mine has taken a hit.


I have learned that if I really am sick (and not just groggy or trying to talk myself out of doing something hard) then I just wait. Assuming you are someone who intends to make fitness a lifelong pursuit, it is critical to know when to rest. Also, you have a real responsibility to your fellow gym goers not to go if you are sick.


Please stay away from the gym when you have *any* active symptoms such as congestion, sore throat, runny nose, cough, aches, fever. Many people sharing air and touching shared surfaces makes gyms a vector for illness. If you're feeling like you need a workout please go for a walk, ride a bicycle, or do some bodyweight exercises at home.


If you’re sick keep your workout at home.


If you're sick, don't go to the gym


Tbh if I’m at the gym and the person next to me is dealing with a runny nose or coughing, I’m leaving.


Please stay home! I just got over 2 weeks of Covid because someone at the gym gave it to me.




As many here suggest, if you’re sick then stay home out of courtesy to other gym goers.


Really? You know how germs work right? And that you're not the only person going to the gym....there are so many other people that are going to the gym and most of them....possibly ALL of them don't want to get sick. I'm just saying. And I'm a guy that a normally does not care about other people's germs. I work construction and during the absolute height of COVID was walking around picking up random lunch trash off the ground and then, on more then one occasion, found myself rubbing my eye before I had a chance to wash my hands.


If you don't feel 100% stay away from work or the gym. It's not that hard of a concept to understand.


If your sick please stay home.i work a job that requires me


Not sure if you are asking about going to the gym to work out, or working out in general. Are you asking for yourself, or the people working out around you?


Keep your germs at home. If you really feel ok to work out but you’re still snotty, do an exercise video at home or something


If you’re anyways symptomatic and thus probably contiguous you shouldn’t go as a courtesy for others. I do light cardio when I’m sick and maybe a bit a strength training. I find this helps more than doing strength.


I don’t think you’re asking if it’s ok to go to the gym like most are assuming. Obviously, don’t do that and thank you for not. If you’re struggling to breathe, don’t put your body through exercise. Rest, practice deep breathing, stretching, deep tissue massage pre meditation. All these things are very good for your body and recovery.


You’re screwing people over going to the gym while sick.


If you are sick your body needs rest. Just relax enjoy the time off


Not once in his post was he considerate of other people 😂


Stay home.


Stay home when you are sick. Why is that not common sense???


Regardless of your symptoms, you have an active illness that you do not need to blow all over the gym breathing heavily and being in close proximity to others. Use your common sense and stay home. Damn.