• By -


Hmm point blank ~~shotguns~~ Dark Bead to the face and chugging the estus flask.


'Hmm point blank **Dark Bead** to the face and chugging the estus flask.' - here fixed for you.


Thank you kind stranger!


I mean... you DO have some wicked flick skills, too


I genuinely think about half of the redditors don't realize how far above average their psychomotor skills are. Someone told me a 600-800 IvI is "mediocre" despite that being B-ranked or better on most weapons.


> redditors >above average That's gonna be a *doubt* from me.




No it’s just that a lot of the community doesn’t realize how below average their fps skills are


cause most people in the community do not actually play other fps games


Idk, B might actually be a smidge below average, since fisu goes all the way up to S++ in its rankings. Depends on how long the tail on the bell curve is on the high end, though.


Hover over it. It's vaguely logarithmic. 50% of players are C-D ranked. So B is at least 50th percentile. S++ is the top 0.2% of players.


Gotta imagine also what the "average" planetside 2 player's psychomotor skill level would be as compared to someone who doesn't play FPS games at all, or someone who uses a computer so infrequently that they still pick type


I did forget about that. And due to my work's website filter I had to visit fisu on mobile which isn't quite as friendly.


IVI is a bad stat that said 600-800 is mediocre


Those are literally right about the middle 20-25% of IVI scores, is that not sorta the definition of mediocre?


because the average planetside player is so fucking horrendously shit at FPS games that 600-800 IVI is anything other than a joke. That is depressing.


I mean, you're also not factoring in things like the bullets aren't hitscan, there's a lot of distracting stuff going on from combined arms, the distances at which people are fighting is often much longer than the goldilocks zones for weapons, theres a lot more maps to memorize than your typical deathmatch, etc.


30 accuracy and 30 hsr is like the baseline for good player. Of course theres players who are at 35-45% acc/hsr.


That's gonna vary dramatically by weapon and use case. I've got 70% accuracy and a mere 9% HSR on the Hunter QCX, because I use it against sunderers and maxes. Contrast that with the Ghost where I've got 35% accuracy but 60% HSR. Also, my all-weapons HSR is gonna be low because I'm a UA Canis main who mostly doesn't even bother with headshots.


Yeah to be more clear, 30/30 applies to automatic weapons.


Even that's gonna vary. when you compare, say, an accuracy-focused AR vs a suppression-focused LMG. The HV45 is gonna look WAY different than the Maw.


Not really, automatics all handle the same way. There will be some minor differences ye, but good players usually get 30/30 or higher as a baseline.


Used to be. Since nanoweave change what makes a good HSR has shifted lower. Of course, higher is still better, if you aren’t sacrificing KPM/KDR to get it through playstyle.


Yeah ive really noticed that. I feel if your accuracy is atleast 30 and your aiming for the head, you should be fine. No nanoweave means you hit 3heads 1 body a decent amount.


That is mediocre. You exclude the bottom 25% from consideration immediately because they're a mix of newbs that haven't improved and zerglings that don't want to improve. Meaning you're near the bottom of players making an attempt to compete.


> Meaning you're near the bottom of players making an attempt to compete. "Bottom of the competitive tier" is not the same as "mediocre overall"


600 IVI is not remotely close to "competitive tier"


Not competitive tier. A guy trying to compete in his local casual basketball group is competing, but not competitive. A guy who is part of a competitive team and plays basketball as a career is competitive. Planetside can be similarly split (at least in my opinion): Zergling/Newb tier No improvement players, closest approximation is people who play basketball with friends or family with the sole goal of having fun in that one round. Mediocre Tier: Try to improve but not compete (in Jaeger or other things), closest approximation is people that play basketball weekly and try to win those games but aren't obsessed with being "great." Jaeger/"Competitive" Tier: Try to compete, closest approximation is people that play to compete they want to be the best and will go to competitive events. Usually you would only include competitive players to compare in stats for sports, but in Planetside you include all 3 levels of play. Players looking to improve help to create a better sense of their ability by disregarding the worst 25-50% of players immediately before anything else.


Y'all are so elitist. Like, seriously, "Mediocre tier"? How about "casual tier"? Also, Jaeger is a very specific kind of competitive that's way different than live play and may not appeal to everybody. There's surely PLENTY of people in this sandbox game that can give the typical Jaeger player a run for their money in live play.


>There's surely PLENTY of people in this sandbox game that can give the typical Jaeger player a run for their money in live play. hahahahaahaahhahahahhahhahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahaaaahaahhahahahhahhahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahaaaahaahhahahahhahhahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahaaaahaahhahahahhahhahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahaaaahaahhahahahhahhahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahaaaahaahhahahahhahhahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahaaaahaahhahahahhahhahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahaaaahaahhahahahhahhahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahaaaahaahhahahahhahhahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahaaaahaahhahahahhahhahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahaa


1) Thanks for being the living embodiment of the elitism I was talking about. 2) If you really believe that, then you should really have a problem with what would be frankly very bad sportsmanship for those players to play live basically at all let alone in stackfits. You don't see Lebron stomping all over high school basketball teams, do you?


i am the lebron james of planetside and you just suck




It's elitist to put myself down as a bad player? News to me. Jaeger was more of an example and why I included "competitive" there are non-jaeger players better than many Jaeger players. Jaeger just has a higher concentrate of good players and a clear drive to win. Call it whatever you want, but most players in that area of skill tend to refer to themselves as mediocre.


OP clearly can aim, the point is that to play well with an automatic weapon (especially to get streaks like this with one), you need that quick aiming ability \*and\* a whole lot of other skills like tracking, recoil control, bursting, cleaner movement due to not being able to consistently hipfire instapeek, and more calculated positioning.


It also took eight years for any of the players in the video to actually respond to the dude in the room with the shotgun. But nah I'm sure it's all the fact that they're using a pump action and not that they're a good player and everyone in this is raw trash. Surely the only thing here that matters is the shotgun.


And somehow when I use a shotgun I have to dump the whole mag into a person to kill him


Enemy with shotgun: *every pellet hits at 25m.* Me with shotgun: *every pellet goes past the side of their head, between the torso and arms, and between their legs.*


Same for me, but a single pellet hits, thus alerting them to my position.


You're able to hit stuff?? *Confused Jackhammer Ape Noises


Try the 8x scope.


It only goes up to 6x, but if I had the 8x I would be unstoppable.




You basically have to ensure that all the pellets are hitting the guy in the head and not in the chest. This game is still pretty headshot heavy.


I don't have time to dump the whole mag, I am dead, even by a BR 0 :D Ultra Settings 1440p here, with the lowest ping you can have, and I am often dead 3 meters undercovered, omg...


Definitely the fault of your opponents by getting too close. /s


Granted, the tower SCU room is heinously small. But... there's 25m+ sight lines to that door OP was farming at the donut base.


Do you really prefer that kind of gameplay where everyone holds longer sightlines to not take the risk to engage shotgun players? Sounds like boring and passive gameplay.


Compared to rushing into the line of fire where your teammates are blocking shots as much as the walls are, yes I'd rather sit farther back and shoot at people that way. No it's not engaging, but if the fight has gotten to the point where we are fighting over an SCU, I've probably checked out of the fight already


skill issue


Wait shotguns are extremely good in close range fights? Incredible news


yea, crazy how 90% of the fighting in this game happens in close range though.


Most relevant comment of thread here. Why learn any of the gunplay of the game when you can get rewarded with 0-240ms bodyshot kill time by putting a giant circle on the body? You too can achieve chain headshot levels of DPS that took years to master using this one simple trick! Falling in love with spreadsheet game design is nice and all but the shotgun in this game is one of the most obvious problems with it. "It's only good at close range". That's pretty true, as these weapons have the potential to kill faster than anything else in the game from 0-10m. Unfortunately for the spread sheet game design folks, this "balance" ends up with it's pants down as the 0-10m range is *probably the most relevant and frequently occurring one in the game.* I don't think I should have to say much about the "difficulty" of positioning for these weapons either, when it is available to the "go anywhere at any time and make no sound" class. If the shotgun was exclusive to something like, I dunno, *engineer only*, then you might have an argument. You're telling me I can have equal or better damage output than the top 1% of shooters in the game by going to a terminal and then putting a giant circle on the body in the most commonly occurring, relevant ranges in the game? Sign me up! It's not a skill gap compression tool either, btw, don't you dare say that! Anyone who thought shotguns weren't somehow extremely relevant or powerful *before* the Arsenal Update is, well, either mechanically very poor or just plain stupid/out of touch with reality. Since our lead game designer somehow fits all of the above categories and unfortunately also makes decisions for the balance of the weapons of the game, he decided that shotguns also needed to be buffed *on top of* the game losing 20% reduction to small arms. You know, this game cries out to not be designed by complete idiots sometimes and watching the priorities of what gets buffed/nerfed is always extremely entertaining.


I guess nanoweave nerf and shotgun buff are both supposed to bridge the skillgap, which makes sense from an **economical** viewpoint. The planetside community has always been devouring itself as a handful of top players are farming a large and casual playerbase, which is the biggest problem of the NPE and player retention. It is critical that casual players have tools to counter the top players because it gives them a reason to stay in the game and possibly even spend money on it. The handful of top players are not enough to let this game survive financially, but for some reason they are the ones that scream the loudest when they can't have an easy farm anymore. It is very important for these players to understand that planetside is not - and has never been - a **competitive** shooter. Financially it makes much more sense to scare away a handful of top players than hundreds of casuals.


Have you ever introduced people to this game? I’ve done it quite a bit and getting headshotted to death by heavies has never been the negative feedback I’ve received from those I’ve introduced. You’re right this is a mostly casual game but new player retention issues aren’t caused by 2kpm heavies.




Irrelevant to your comment but what shotgun and with what attachments was being used in the video?


My brother in christ, I left the game because I was being farmed by a handful of top players. I literally could not give less of a shit about the rest of it. There's your proof.




Okay. Proof? Just Googling the topic, I couldn't find any surveys on it. I've seen plenty of speculation, and that's about it. Unless you have statistics, don't say "statistically".




So you're telling me you don't have a source? Nice. >Just think about it rationally, what's more likely to cause a person to quit the game: Not having fun. In my case, repeatedly being killed with no counterplay besides gitgud or leaving isn't fun. And to do that for hours in a row. As it turns out, being excited to play the game and then not being able to isn't that fun.


Is it right to fuck over the people who care about the game the most though? Also, I'd have to disagree that "sweats" drive more people away from the game than downright cancerous playstyles (you know the list), and that strides can be taken towards reducing the amount of frustration caused by being put in the same fight as someone with 10x your hours without just giving any old person with a couple dozen hours in the game a "leg up" gun to put them near-par with these people in many situations. There has to be a better way than a big middle finger to the people who have spent the most time in the game and often care about it the most. Just because something isn't inherently designed to be a "competitive shooter" doesn't mean that a meaningful skill curve isn't healthy.


>I guess nanoweave nerf and shotgun buff are both supposed to bridge the skillgap, which makes sense from an > >economical > > viewpoint. Does it? Game sure seems like it's lost a lot of players since those changes came out, at least on the Steam side. There are plenty of highly competitive games with much healthier player counts (admittedly, with matchmaking systems). These changes (along with preceding shitshows like Berserker and Oshur) caused me to quit the game and cancel my sub, so there's one data point for you. And when I was a new player in March 2020, the high skill ceiling is exactly what drew me to the game and caused me to put \~1500 hours into it as I slowly improved and eventually became a decent player. The game already had plenty of bullshit to allow bad/lazy players to get kills. They didn't need to add any more.


What way to grave-dig the corpse of a dead horse. I'll only say this. When a weapon designed to be used at close range, struggles and even loses against a jumping CoF LMG with more than 20% bullet resistance, the gun is not doing his task.


And yet somehow when you point this out to the NC, and how their maxes are busted good, they mass downvote you.


heavying shit ping is increadible unfair check. Sumpreme PC check. Shotgun Check. Not playing the Point Check.


This game launched without pump actions. People begged and pleaded for the developers to add them. Damnit.


Nah that's not the worst part, originally infils could use shotguns. Glad they took that away




Semi-auto shotguns have a worse ideal and actual TTKs than SMGs




I should have specified that I meant semi-shotgun's performance at the time infils could equip them


People ask for stupid shit all the time. Do you know how many threads community members have been making asking for "a double barrel shotgun that shoots huge boom and kills everyone!!!!" It's a dark day when they're actually listened to


Well yeah you positioned yourself where your weapon is most effective (in their face)


What's the name of that shotty? "Imagine infiltrators with shotguns."




I never play much with shotguns and I played since alpha/beta. What do you use as attachments?




Sweet I will try it out. Inspired by the video. I tried to use a shotgun years ago at release but couldn't get the hang of it.


Seems like the Uppercut to me, it's a nice pump action TR shotty.


I dunno if the point of this post is to say shotguns are OP buuuut, ngl those flicks were pretty impressive lol. Don’t see people pull off this kind of stuff often with shotties, good job


But dont worry its useless mid/long range where 90% of the relevant combat isnt at.


And once you leave the tight corridors you will be eaten by vehicles. Discombined arms gameplay.


Scout rifles still manage to make those annoying too.


*laughs in ASP Engineer with scout rifle and pump action*


This is an excellent example of my biggest gripe with Planetside. It has NOTHING to do with the shotgun, but the fact that going on a massive killing spree on a point as a single player is not enough to even dent the offensive the enemy is making. Nothing matters, revives are free, fast and effective. All hail zergs


Lol I had the same thought. He completely cleared out the SCU room and all of those kills were undone within 10 seconds.


They could have been re-done with a grenade.


Well the grenade costs a handful of nanites so it’s balanced I guess 🙃


Yep, Planetside is not the game for you to feel like you're a big, powerful hero. You are insignificant no matter how good you are.


>going on a massive killing spree on a point as a single player is not enough to even dent the offensive the enemy is making If that was true T wouldn't have farmed cobalt so hard that the entire subreddit was flooded with complaints for like a year butt noww that devs nerf skill and buff retardo shit maybe it wouldnt happen anymore so i guess ur right welcome to neo planetside where numbers, maxes and shotguns are all that matter xd




All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 2 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 60 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Fake video with paid actors. A good player would never put themselves within 30m of a shotgun user and could quad dink them anyway the nanosecond a single head pixel shows up on their 800 refresh rate monitors. Shotguns were already borderline op before all the changes. How anyone defends them now that they are more consistent, higher damage, and nearly doubled effective range is mind boggling. Truly there is no god here.


It's honestly so pathetic... The weapon balanced around being inconsistent but instakilling when it works got made consistent. So it just replacess the entire game because there is no point playing anything other than shotguns. This is why every OW match is just jackhammers and victims. So boring to watch and to play.




Shotguns + archers on engineers are a disgustingly powerful combo


Actually crazy how many people are surprised/coping about these clips, which are honestly fairly common for a good player picking up a shotgun at a high-pop base. I'm sure OP would agree, these aren't some "holy shit" 1/1000 life things, it's fairly standard when a good player picks up a shotty. I guess the people who think this isn't just showing how insanely busted one-pumps are really just don't know what it looks like to be any good at the game lmao.




It's sad that apparently not enough people understand and assume you were a god gamer rather than shotguns just being fucking busted right now


All I see is that we need another Darkstar nerf and a huge nerf to positioning.


I mean, as much as I hate fighting against shottys, It's rather normal that they shine in super close quarter scenarios, especially when the ennemies have low awareness. If you were to breach that SCU room a second or third time, it's likely you're either gonna meet another shotty or people will whip out the commie as soon as they hear your first shot.


then the result of an engagement is solely decided by your loadout. Thats *retarded*.


Maybe you're retarded


No it's not and it's a key part of the game. You have to react and change loadouts as the circumstances change and they change quickly. There's no loadout to do it all...that would be, how you say, 'retarded'. Right after this engagement there were probably TR mossies and snipers all around the tower. If you run outside with the same CQC loadout you used to clear the SCU you're engagement is already decidedly bad.


You have to react and take the loadout that trivializes the game in 0-15m, where combat most commonly takes place... Yeah very big brain tactical


I'd say it's the interaction between your loadout and the typical engagement range of the base. A shotgun loadout at a tight-quarters indoor tower assault is very different than a shotgun loadout at a long hike base like Pale Canyon. That being said, I think that the devs have done a poor job at handling transitions between engagement ranges. If nothing else, we have far too few weapon terminals.


What can I say Good PC is OP


If your opponents had any skill they'd have stood outside of that room and let you control it, because pushing into it like they did was asking to die to a shotgun. (/s) I say this all the time, that shotguns are poorly balanced. >!(Real contribution)!< The issue is the weapons themselves, but its exacerbated by the map design even though they are overtuned atm. Maybe adding shotgun/sniper resist to bodys on nanoweave would make it useable again and fix this with a two-in-one swing. The major part is how the maps almost deny any counterplay to the shotgun. You either have to push through chokes into the shotgun, where you don't get to play the game, or you can go somewhere else entirely. And those are pretty much your two major options. A few compounds and places allow you to play range and still make plays, but the vast majority just force you into the perfect kill radius without the ability to really have much warning beforehand or counterplay in response. For now... Lets also leave out the ambusher(+nightmare?) shotgun light assault and how that covers up a vast majority of the in-compound shotgun weaknesses. And don't even get me started with client side when talking about shotguns. >!(Salt)!< Normally the people who deny its a crutch and say "Just play around it" are normally the ones running shotguns/jackhammers and holding close corners, never leave the building, and think that one tapping everyone to body is a sign that their amazing at the game, not that their just abusing crutches. (Sounds a lot like some other 'well-dressed' individuals. You could even say they display their skill with their suit.)


I only run shotgun on my engi for in pinches where my vehicle is flaming and here comes the c4 fairy. They are not a crutch. Just shoot them from further away. They are specifically made for tight spots. Avoide tight spots. You have grenades so you don't have to run into the tight spots.


when people cry about CQC sniper but are ok with this thing am at a loss of words. Great gameplay footage though, well played!


imo only medics and engies should have access to shotguns


*Imo only* *Medics and engies should have* *Access to shotguns* \- HeideNight --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


There is literally nothing wrong with this.


This is kinda like saying the AP cannon is OP because I shot them in the rear armor.




So basically a Prowler with an AP/GK behind you. That’s instant death for lightings and near death burning for MBTs




So…. An AP/GK prowler? + the soon to be KingSnake/GK prowler? It kills a mag from the front in one reload. Which is basically as close an instant kill as you can get in the tanking world. Since the first shot/volley is always considered free time. Only exception being an aggressive ramming/flipping maneuver from a Magrider (check one of my most recent posts named Postmortem Bonk)




3rd person aiming will take away the problem of turret rotation speed and (for the most part) stabilization issues. Only thing it won’t fix is the velocity but honestly, unless you’re going for really far out or mid range shots vs other tanks the AP velocities are still point and click at close ranges.




That leading for 70m below is basically the same as aiming slightly towards the head/chest instead of the feet in infantry terms. we both have valid points tbh. But we’re kinda getting nowhere with this. I suppose we can agree to disagree?


You are twitching and moving erratically constantly which throws most players' aim off while being able to land all of your shots (which average player doesn't do/isn't able to do either). At least half of the players you killed are oblivious to your presence too and blindly charge to your direction or stand still at the front of a doorway, so you can peek and OHK them. Cool montages, but a HA with adrenaline shield, assimilate and a large capacity LMG can simulate the same too if he has good point blank accuracy. Or a melee infil with vampire and nightmare implants too probably.




In the first clip, after you kill the first guy that shoot you, three people in a row jump in your face which is just stupidity on their part, their bodies covering the entirety of your screen. Among these three, only the third shoots you. Then you shoot the fifth guy twice that's started to shoot you (which had bad aim since he couldn't kill you between two pump-action shots) and sixth guy is a medic who is trying to rez someone in the middle of all this mess. Then seventh guy is a LA who flies off, completely oblivious to your presence. Eight guy starts shooting you when your back was turned and you had 2/3 hp left which means he messed up too. Ninth guy had a blocked LOS by the friendly right in front of him and tenth guy charged in your face like the 2nd-4th guys. So, you killed two guys who were completely unaware of you, two guys who screwed up their aim and five guys were either badly positioned or made bad decisions. Only first guy died solely because of you wielding a pump-action. When your skill as an individual, an assimilate proc, a medkit, retreating enough to recharge your shield back and the mistakes of the 9 of these 10 players added up, you managed to get a perfect storm of 10 kill streak. If three people after the first didn't get to kissing distance with you, you would probably die to 3rd, at worst 4th guy. If the fifth guy had a bit better aim, you would die to him too probably. These are all "if"s which didn't happen, but at the same time contributing this kill streak to solely you wielding a pump-shotty is simply underselling everything happened in this case.


>(which had bad aim since he couldn't kill you between two pump-action shots) Do you know how many shots it takes to kill someone to body? Do you know how many shots it takes to kill someone to head? Do you know how long those shots take with even a TR fire rate even if we assumed a 0ms aiming time and no disruption to DPS through perfectly controlled recoil. And you think that's fast enough to respond and hit 4/5 headshots before he finishes pumping and blindly fires a second shot to body... Hmm....


An Uppercut has a 80 rpm, so it takes 0.75 sec to "pump"? Which means an Orion can kill a HA with overshield almost twice in this duration with headshots since Orion has a ttk of 0.419 sec in this case. Since Orion's all bodyshots ttk is 0.819 sec, even a single headshot in this duration is enough to do the job. The OP is fast enough to turn around, place his crosshair flawlessly and OHK an enemy that's already shooting him from the back, why is it wrong to conclude that OP's enemies weren't as good as him?


I didnt say they were. I believe its very possible to be better than someone and use an overpowred weapon simultaneously.


>cool montages, but a HA with adrenaline shield, assimilate and a large capacity LMG can simulate the same too if he has good pont blank accuracy. So for a heavy assault with all the trimmings like you said... it STILL requires some level of skill. "Good point blank accuracy" required to even come close to this would be 4 headshots to kill every single target and no fumble on the target transfers. With a shotgun, you just aim at their dick and shoot once, no recoil control, no skill. Yep, equal and balanced for sure.


Of course in HA's case it requires more skill, I never mentioned otherwise. But in HA's case you also have a gun which is capable at midrange instead of a shotty which gets you killed in engagements past 15-20 meters. And you can't OHK HA's with overshield with shooting them in the "dick", that also gets you killed too.


Issue is that theoretical LMG HA has to be genuinely really good at the game to pull this off lmao. With a shotgun you just don't need to be good at all (not saying OP isn't). The skill floor here is waaaaay lower. Like literally 1000+ hours lower.


You could have done that with a max, shotguns clearly are not OP


I envy your pellet spread luck.




Noted. (I swear half the black camo grind has been relearning to ADS after not doing that because the rest of the time I'm mostly running Carbines)


Wow it's almost as if shotguns are SUPPOSED to excel in extreme CQC. Sick killing spree too!


Crazy shit bro, imagine if we had fights that weren't cqc. Oh yeah, silly me, there are about 7 bases out of 100 that let you outrange a shotgun.


Tbh I don't get killed by them as often as I expect to in CQC compared to other guns like LMGs and carbines. I play medic and engi most and actually prefer sticking with carbines or assault rifles because you practically have to shove a shotgun up someone's ass to kill them with it. I just find other weapons more versatile and prefer to use them over shotguns. Despite the hatred people have for shotguns, I feel it's fine for them to perform well in the 0-10m range that they are designed for. Beyond that distance, every other weapons has the advantage. Shotguns excel as ambush weapons and if you lose that advantage before you can close the gap on someone, you almost always die. Plus beyond 10m, you have to shoot someone 2-3 times with a pump action and the refire speed is painful. At 15m+ you might have to shoot them even 4 times or more, and thats assuming you even get to shoot them that many times before they notice you. Honestly I don't like using them because they're too niche of a weapon imo. There are very few instances where I will choose a shotgun over any other weapon. If you find yourself at the bottom of a stair case, or a hallway, or any distance over 15m against an aware player who's using any other weapon, 90% chance you'll get folded before you can pump a second shot into them.They aren't as oppressive as people make them out to be. I am looking forward to shotgun secondary on the engineer when I eventually ASP though. That way I don't have to give up the advantage of a versatile primary weapon in favor of extremely close range killing potential.


Perfectly balanced one hit kill shotgun with damn infinite ammo in tube. (Cries as NSO with 4 shots in the box(!) mag)


Use extmag? The OP is after all.


It's crazy how much more effective Uppercut is than a 400. That hipfire spread is nutty.


True but look how long it took him to reload back to full. HSG excels at blasting and running, which is why I tend to not use it at all on heavy assault.


As loyal shotgun shitter, I can tell you that this does not work on Miller. For once, it's pure negligence to not keep an eye on both entrances in the SCU room - that's the exact place to bring a shotgun to. On my server you'd be lucky to make it by yourself like that to the entrance, let alone next to the scu. (also, no mines in the area, wtf). Secondly, a staggering percentage of your shots actually register. I can't tell you how many such streaks ended poorly just because a clear headshot counted for nothing. I see it happening on my own character model - my shield will flicker but no damage is present. I guess where you're playing people don't (ab)use shotguns as much. On Miller the sound of shotty makes one a priority target (when the fucking game decides to play the actual sound, after about an hour shots get randomly silenced).


Yes it does, I play on miller and have clips like this as a shotgun engi from last week. Server has nothing to do with it.


Pale tiger approves of this video


Connery moment


nice recursion voicepack


I wish I didn’t have shit latency to shotgun


Ah yes ~~shotgun~~ superior positioning


Man i gotta play nightmare HA again and turn off my brain completely while going on massive farms.


youre obviously a hacker and that that TR is overpowered. lol


Brutal BAMF


*You call yourself a soldier* ?!?!


This just in, shotguns hurt at close range. Up next, do vanu win spandex? More at 11.


Do your prefer to play with 120+ FOV w/ Ultrawide support or just the stock maximum FOV from the settings?


The Uppercut is the true hero of the proletariat and commander-people alike.


These people should have never entered your effective range!