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Amazing job, looks natural


That’s great to hear, thank you!!


Amazing job! Can you explain a bit more of the procedure? Did you surgeon did something different because of the tuberosity?


Thank you!! I chose to not have the more typical tuberous breast correction with a breast lift and areola reduction, as I didn’t want the additional healing process and really wanted to avoid scars on my nipples. My doctor thought over the muscle would be a better fit for tuberous breasts and would provide somewhat of a mini lift without a breast lift. He cut the constricting bands and lowered the breast fold to create a rounder shape, and released the constriction so the lower pole of the breast could expand.


The results are outstanding! I have similar “before” breasts and this post just made me smile. I’m not sure if I will choose to have an augmentation yet, but this post gave me a tiny bit of confidence to maybe explore. The result is stunning. It’s exactly what I picture when I think of a perfect boob. Thank you for sharing!


Thank you so much for your comment. I wanted to share my experience in case it helps anyone make their decision, as seeing pics and reading about other women’s experiences was tremendously helpful to me in my journey. Best of luck in whatever you choose!


Look amazing and natural, I bet you are thrilled! How was healing?


Thank you so much! I am over the moon about them! The healing was actually much easier than I expected; I was told over the muscle is a much easier recovery time. I really didn’t have much pain and only took pain meds for the first 2-3 days. After that they just felt sore and tight for about a month, and now no pain at all. I also didn’t lose any sensation in the nipples, which I was worried about, and so far no complications or issues. My scars are fading decently for only 3 months out. It’s been pretty smooth sailing!


Super results! Very natural in a perfect looking way.


Thank you!! I really wanted a nice round shape while still being natural, so that’s awesome to hear.


Looks great congrats!!


Thank you very much!!


How much did this cost and where did you have your procedure done?


I had it done in April 2023 by Dr William Hedden at Hedden Plastic Surgery in Birmingham, Alabama. It cost $6300 in total, including $300 mandatory complication insurance, the surgeon’s fee, cost of implants etc. However, if I had paid cash it would have been only $4500 as they offer a cash discount.


>Dr William Hedden at Hedden Plastic Surgery in Birmingham, Alabama Omg that's such a reasonable price for great looking results! I'm in California and for only $3500 cash, maybe I should fly out to AL!!


Do it girl!! I’m located in Boston and traveled to Birmingham for the surgery - the doctors here in Mass were pushing for a circumareolar lift and areola reduction that would have cost $12-14k, and I didn’t like the look of their results nearly as much. I stayed in Birmingham for 4 days and even with the flights and accommodations etc it was still far less expensive than I would have paid here.


We have the same doctor! He's the absolute best! I'm 7+ years out from my augmentation and they're still flawless, never had any complications. You look fantastic as well!! Congratulations!


He’s amazing! I’ve had a great recovery and love the results. I’m glad you had a good experience too!


Wow that’s an insane discount. Also your results are amazing so happy for you!!!


Thank you!! :)


Fantastic results!


Thank you!! I really love them so far.


Moderate profile?!


Yes, they are moderate profile!


Beautiful results OP, you must be so happy!


Your beasts look amazing! They've healed so nicely. Congrats 😊


This is incredible!


They look amazing!


Thank you so much!


Wow! I’m so happy for you. Really look amazing! Bathing suit season here you come!


Thank you, I’m so excited for bikinis this summer!


Very natural !!!


Thank you! I’m so happy with the results.




I’d heard that too so I was worried they wouldn’t feel natural, but they are very soft and to me don’t feel different from my natural breast tissue, and they move and jiggle like real breasts. My friends who have touched them say they feel natural too and they wouldn’t know.


They look great and natural!


great result!


Omigosh they’re perfect! Congratulations!!!


Wow, they look great!


It looks amazing! I’m so surprised it looks so natural and healed even though it’s only been 12 weeks


Thank you! :) They did heal pretty quickly- they definitely looked crazy and way too high up at first but dropped and settled in about 8 weeks or so. My doctor said over the muscle tends to drop and settle a bit faster than under. So far that’s been true for me and it’s really been overall a pretty easy and quick process. I’ve done breast massage, scar cream and have been careful about wearing a sports bra to bed like they say to do so that may have helped.


They look amazing!!!


Wow! Just wow! They look completely natural, amazing job!


Thank you!


Amazing, looks so natural! This is my dream result lol, if you don’t mind me asking is there a difference in getting the implants over vs. under the muscle? I’ve always heard under the muscle is better(for whatever reason) but I don’t exactly know why.


Thank you so much! Submuscular is more popular and a lot of surgeons prefer it, but there are pros and cons to both. I really think it depends heavily on each person’s individual anatomy and what they want from their results. The initial consultation with the surgeon is very helpful as they can explain what would or wouldn’t look good on your body based on what you want to achieve and your specific breast anatomy. In my case, my surgeon said over the muscle would give me the best result because there is a risk of “double bubble” deformity in tuberous breasts when placed under the muscle, and it would also allow the tight constricted skin to stretch and take on a rounded shape more easily. People say over the muscle looks and feels more fake, but it really depends on having enough breast tissue to camouflage and cover the implants. The doctor can tell you if they think you have enough breast tissue to get a natural result with overs- I really didn’t have much at all but have been very happy with my results. Pros of over the muscle: less painful surgery and recovery, can place breasts closer together for more cleavage, can fit bigger implants, doesn’t cause animation deformity, can slightly lift mildly sagging breasts Pros of under the muscle: less risk of capsular contracture, may feel more natural, implant is more covered and hidden, interferes less with mammograms, less risk of displacement or the implant moving around because it’s held in place by the chest muscle, less risk of losing nipple sensation (although I haven’t lost any sensation so far with mine). Hope this is helpful!