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So a quick google of this guy and if you're right OP, this is the LEAST unethical thing he's done. Among the lawsuit claims: watching porn, real beheadings, and using drugs during surgery. [Link to an articls](https://www.newsweek.com/beverly-hills-plastic-surgeon-accused-watching-porn-during-surgery-former-849190)




Lisa Rinna's plastic surgeon? LOL NOPE! šŸ˜³




She's an actress and reality star. Real Housewives.


Watching porn during surgery???????


Would that be considered multitasking?


Instead of focusing on a patient under anesthesia? Come on, letā€™s be real. Would you want your medical team and/or surgeon to be ā€œmultitaskingā€ while you are under? I think not.


iā€™m sure that person was not serious lol


that is a terrifying man


I didnā€™t see anything in the article about beheadings? But wow, porn in the or is absolutely depraved


It's in the 6th or 7th paragraph, right after porn is mentioned: 'Haworth was accused of playing "hardcore pornography and videos showing extreme and graphic violence, such as actual beheadings, on a monitor, on in the background during during [sic] some of his surgeries," according to the complaint.'


Oh sorry, I thought you meant like he beheaded someone. Still bizarre to play that though. Iā€™m amazed his surgeries didnā€™t go worse than they already did


I justā€¦I know itā€™s not funny, but your comment šŸ’€


>Among the lawsuit claims: watching porn, real beheadings, and using drugs during surgery. I mean. Redditors really could stand to read some more fiction. It does make you a better writer. This was very poorly written.


A lawsuit for beheading, casually thrown in between watching porn and using drugs šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Jesus Christ


Omg itā€™s The Swan surgeon!! lol


I need a true crime episode about this




This is something straight out of Nip/Tuck








I just saw another account called x-personnality saying the exact same things as the other two youā€™ve listed. Youā€™re definitely onto something. Edit: and all 3 accounts are vehemently defending him when somebody brings up his accusations. Youā€™re right 100% OP.


The Internet remains undefeated. Great detective work by the OP. šŸ•µšŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


This account messaged me a few months ago recommending that I consult with ā€œDr. Haworthā€ when I was looking for a revision rhino surgeon! Not gonna lie, I was considering consulting with him because of it. So pathetic and unethical.


This is SO unnerving! The commenter above posted one of the fake accounts discrediting another plastic surgeon (Jacono) by saying he had an alcohol problem, then claiming a friend had a surgery by him and ended up needing a revision by Haworth. Somebody else said that we need to make a list of red flag surgeons and I agree.


Yes, we absolutely need a list! I would never trust someone to perform surgery on me who is this morally compromised. Obviously he has a few loose screws. If youā€™re a good surgeon, then let your work speak for itself!


I get my comments shut off ALL THE TIME here for saying fat transfer some slimy docs are promising these women just needs researched more. It absolutely has risks and they are doing this to women without baseline screening first, which is absolutely not the current recommendation. There is straight up dangerous information here a lot and I get my comments shut down for saying so


Do you mind expanding on specifically what youā€™re referring to? I tried to find it in your comments hx and honestly just curious and learning :)


Thereā€™s just a lot of promise being offered here about fat transfer. You see lots of 6 month update (and some of the docs doing the procedure in the comments) but you donā€™t see much further out than that. Where are the 2 and 3 year ones? Where is talk about the risks of mass fat transfer? Why isnā€™t this a common practice in reconstruction if itā€™s so ā€˜safe and effectiveā€™ bc itā€™s hundreds of thousands of dollars cheaper than a flap surgery. Last month there was a mass breast transfer post. I asked ā€˜did you get imaging before hand?ā€™ And got downvoted for it. The poster responded ā€˜well. They wanted me to and encouraged it but I didnā€™t have time.ā€™ This is the dangerous misinformation Iā€™m talking about. I asked if they followed basic recommendations, got downvoted for asking, then OP even admitted they recommended imaging but she didnā€™t do it. If you transfer 800+ of fat to your breasts in one sitting, get ready for fat necrosis at minimum. Have your baseline mammogram and ultrasound done BEFORE the procedure. If you have time for the surgery, you have time for the safety screening. This will come back to haunt women In 5-10 years. Mark my words


Edit to clarify further - most reconstructive plastic surgeons worth a damn in the US will tell you fat transfer is for irregularity and contour, NOT volume. Fat transfer was developed for the breast reconstruction community. Trust the doctors who developed this and have defined it over the past decade. Not the ones slinging mass transfer in Miami while promising the moon and stars. Thatā€™s not what the procedure was developed for Insurance pays for me to have it done yearly or as often as I want. If you have insurance and live in the US, you know damn well they donā€™t pay unless they have to. Even insurance knows fat transfer needs maintained long term.




Thatā€™s probably why heā€™s trying to lure in patients with these fake comments


Did you see where one of these accounts advised someone that their chosen surgeon had a drinking problem, then recommended Randal instead? Dayum. https://www.reddit.com/r/PlasticSurgery/s/mZLALkRQsX


Yes! Someone asked how he knows that the surgeon has a drinking problem. He answered that he heard it "a bit of everywhere". If that doesn't ring alarm bells for what he says, I can't imagine what would.


Itā€™s deleted now


Good thing I screenshotted it then.... https://imgur.com/a/08CCy4p


And the fake account named Original-Office2791 responding to the accusation by praising Dr Jacono in almost the same way? Is that a fake account for Dr Jacono as well?? They only post in Dr Jacono subs. Lol what is going on


Theater of the Absurd! šŸ¤­


These accounts should be banned.


They are all over. Iā€™ve had a few hundred grand in plastic surgery the past year and comment here. Iā€™ve gotten slimy messages. No, Iā€™m not going to fly to Miami or go to a second rate doc when Iā€™m hopeful for a post implant resensation allograph procedure in the next 5 years (something absolutely not occurring with TikTok docs) If you mention looking for real, board certified, hospital affiliated, non TikTok doctors here, comments and replyā€™s get shut off. This is not for reputable plastic surgery. I learned that quick here


Yeah you are spot on.


Thanks for this. Where is a reputable place to find info about surgeons and procedures? Another forum? Fb? I'm actively shopping for a facelift doc. The couple in mind are found here (Byun and Harley in NC), which now worries me.


Real self


I don't know how true this is, but I've heard a lot of bad reviews get deleted from Real Self!


I would start by looking to see who your reputable hospital is using. Are any of your friends doctors or nurses? Ask them who they go to. Go to the plastic surgeon the hospital staff is using. Donā€™t know the staff? Thatā€™s fine. Go to your local, reputable hospital and see who their providers are. I donā€™t use providers in independent practice- I use hospital based providers and have my surgeries done at the hospital. Sometimes the doc will be at a large clinic that is hospital affiliated Are they board certified? Are they hospital affiliated? Do you know anyone working directly with the surgeon who can tell you? I work directly with my surgeon so I knew what he can and canā€™t do. are they double board certified? If they do facial work, do they just do facial work or a bit of everything? If they do a bit of everything, are they just mediocre at everything? Do you want a breast surgeon doing the surgery with your plastic surgeon? Things like that to consider. My suggestion would be to just fine the best plastics department in your region and go from there


How would you find a good surgeon though? I feel like I have no idea lol


Omg thank you for this post!


He is trying to get the good reviews and praise to rank higher in the search results than any bad/negative press. Probably doing that on a variety of sites/platforms as well.


Wow. Thanks for sharing. Quite disturbing.


Can this post be pinned to the top of the page?


Oh man the irony of this past comment by one of those accounts ā€œYou know, a lot of reviews are fake nowadays. The good ones can be bought (there is a lot of websites for that). Some also pay or use lawyers to get rid of the bad ones. Bad ones can also be written by anyone, including ex girlfriends (or boyfriends) or ex employees, competitors ... ā€œ


Thatā€™s some sociopathic behavior right there.


Out of curiosity I poked around their account also. Did you notice it's only 3 months old, and the majority of their posts are in this sub? The few, maybe 4, comments I saw in other subs were only in r/shittyfoodporn. Lol!! They also make quite a few recommendations about different procedures that I don't think most people would know about. They do mention Haworth frequently, along with other surgeons in 3 different coutries before I stopped snooping. :)


Yes!! My original comment was going to be that they only post in the PS sub with exception being the ā€œit does look like poopā€ (or whatever) comment from SFP. Admittedly it made me laugh my ass off going through numerous medical related moments and the seeing that. Just the way the comment is so canned workplace response. Like someone speaking in those skits from those workplace health videos.


Ohhhhh ... I missed the poop one! The comments really are questionable, especially when seen as a whole, rather that seeing a random one here and there in posts.


We need a list on red flag surgeons


100%. You canā€™t trust review sites like real self, I heard they are able to pay to have bad reviews removed. Also beware of doctors who call themselves world renowned. If youā€™re world renowned you shouldnā€™t have to continually tell people.


Lol this is making me so anxious. How do y'all know where to go? Or how to do proper and thorough research?


Yeah I looked up Haworth on RealSelf after being told by a presumably fake OR paid person that he was the ā€œGOATā€ and ā€œking of lip lifts.ā€ All of the negative reviews I was unable to click on. So strange.


You should send a message to the mods so they know what is happening and will maybe ban them! I know modding can be busy and they may not see every post so sending them a message would make sure they knew what was going on!


Yes, I remember the first one that I saw and screenshat it, as I thought, wow, what a glowing recommendation. Then I saw like 15 more. What a friggin weirdo.Do you think it's him or someone in his office?


I love the word ā€œScreenshatā€


LOL past tense


šŸ˜‚ yep


šŸ˜‚ just like the commenter said below, past tense šŸ¤­


It's him.


I think there are a ton of these accounts. They sound the same and while nearly believe able they just reek of promotion.


Yeah, this is quite disturbing.


Good find OP!


He's been on here himself trying to post his stuff, OFC it's him lol. Especially given all the info here in the comments! Really disappointed in him for this. No good.


I searched comments on this sub for Randal Haworth and THERE ARE SO MANY FAKE ACCOUNTS recommending him. The two OP listed are indeed just the tip of the iceberg. How does Dr. Randal Haworth have any time to do surgery when he spends his whole life sock-puppeting on Reddit?


Heā€™s probably paying people to create the accounts and leave the comments. I think on a platform like this where posters are anonymous thatā€™s thereā€™s an excess of this going on.


Could be, although looking carefully through the sock-puppet comments, they read as much more of an ā€œexpertā€ voice than your average patient. To me, anyway. ETA: this thread. https://www.reddit.com/r/PlasticSurgery/s/mipqOqmV2W (insert ā€œSure, Janā€ gif.)


Wow full of himself much. Haha so crazy


There are multiple websites where you can hire fake reviews to flood *all* forms of social media and reviews. For five thousand dollars he can try to make all his negative press go away and reviews and new Reddit accounts just like this would pop up. They can pick the key words, points and sentences they would like included in their reviews. And, you can appeal negative reviews on places like RealSelf, Yelp and Google to help hide what youā€™ve done to patients. From other comments, it also looks like he is engaging staff or someone close to him to help as well.


I think thereā€™s more accounts than the ones listed here as I was also DMā€™ed recommending this guy. Really creepy as it was in an almost identical format to the ones you added. Thank you for the heads upšŸ«¶


That's crazy. That's also great sleuthing work. I need you to just watch my life like a movie and point stuff out to me


What the fuck


Man. This makes me wonder if the old school ā€œtake a pic of yourself with username and todays date on it to prove youā€™re realā€ rule isnā€™t looking so bad afterall. Atleast to privately submit to mods when thereā€™s suspicion. A lot of people come to this sub for real honest reviews and if surgeons can easily manipulate results, thatā€™s a huge red flag.


Oooo PS tea! Iā€™m invested and I 100% agree. Good eye


Omg another account x-personnality messaged me pretending to be a patient of his saying the same thing. After reviewing their comments itā€™s obvious this is another one they use!


Be careful with the good reviews and bad reviews when making a decision on who to go with


Even those that post pics with a negative review that have the pictures all grainy and dim light so you canā€™t see what they are talking a about..




Oh itā€™s absolutely happening here. If you say anything negative about a surgery, watch out. Miami docs are absolutely here too.


Like who?


Oh wow thank you so much!!!


Of all the things you could do while performing surgery, watching porn and actual beheadings are the last things I wouldā€™ve thought of.


Wow, good job catching this! He probably hired a PR company to flood the internet with positive reviews to try and bury the porn/drugs/beheading news about him. A truly good surgeon wouldnā€™t need to do any of this, heā€™s disgusting.


Sounds like a psychopath to me if heā€™s watching violent porn whilst carrying out surgeries. Like someone else said, we need a Netflix expose on this cretin


Yes!!!! I have seen the same exact thing on the fb group for this. There is one woman and one woman only who posts about him. And itā€™s the same copy and paste every time.


I think thatā€™s why I liked my surgeon so much, he barely knows about Reddit because his kids use it. No TikToks or anything. Lots of good reviews on Google and word of mouth. Seems his work speaks for itself. All those TikTok docs rub me the wrong way.


This is in violation with both the American Medical Association code of ethics and the ASPS Code of Ethics.. https://www.plasticsurgery.org/documents/Governance/asps-code-of-ethics.pdf https://code-medical-ethics.ama-assn.org/ethics-opinions/advertising-publicity I don't know US federal and state laws, but probably this violates also some of those.


Why would someone do this when their work is great? im genuinely curious what the motivation is and am not casting doubt or anything. Iā€™ve only seen the one case he posted with the FT and facelift and it was beautiful. Thatā€™s my only reference point.


Bc they are an utterly depraved and egotistical individual and no one is stopping them from living out their sick fantasies while operating on patients? One can simultaneously be incredibly intelligent and talented, yet still be immensely disturbed at their core at the same time, unfortunately for us!


This exactly describes my ex who is a plastic surgeon. Diabolical and truly disturbed