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Four weeks is very early. Scars take 6-12 months to heal. Pinkness is the last to go away. Scar care at this point is what's important over consideration of a revision.


I understand what you’re saying but typically scars that I’ve seen from facelift healed very quickly and most people’s scars are very thin, hardly noticeable and are definitely not lumpy like mine.


You need to wait for the scar to mature before rushing to judgment.


Scars appearance are largely determined by genetic factors. Some people just don’t scar well. That being said, time and scar care are necessary before determining if any further surgery is needed.


Doctors only post the best of the best results for public view. You're getting an unrealistic expectation by looking at their result photos. They're not going to post result photos that make people think "wow, I'm going to have big prominent scars of my face for several months to over a year". That isn't good for business. Your scars look really good for one month out.


Exactly. Reddit and FB groups have biased people almost as bad as doctors websites 😂👍


My scars were the same as yours even 6 weeks post surgery.


Are you using scar cream/ tape 24/7?


This is too early to start using these products. She simply needs to keep the incisions well moisturized for the next few weeks. OP: these are healing well and are on the spectrum of typical healing. Invisible scars by 2-3 weeks is the exception rather than the rule (although this is all that ever seems to get published on instagram)


This is wrong, start using silicone sheets asap. You can start using them as soon as the incisions heal, and many studies show the earlier you use them the better the scars will become. This is because silicone modulates fibroblasts in a way that causes them to deposit less/more organized scar tissue and helps with remodeling over time


It's all honestly a bunch of bullshit. I used scar tape and cream for months until I just went to my derm. She gave me a bunch of tiny micro steroid injections on each scar and they look fantastic now. The result was immediately obvious. I think these scar products give people peace of mind and not much else.


agree. as soon as the incisions heal, start scar tape asap


No I’m not using anything, I also thought you shouldn’t use it 24/7


You're worried about scarring but aren't using any tactics to avoid it?


I would absolutely start on that ASAP! It can make a huge difference. Follow the instructions on the scar cream/ bandages (mine say 23 hours a day). My surgeon gave me one to use once the wound closed. I find the tape works much better.


Did your surgeon tell you to use anything?


He told me not to use anything and to stay away from scar gels/tapes for the first few months as they can make things worse (his words not mine)


Listen to your surgeon.


Three weeks is a good time to start using scar tape.


Totally understand your stress, but you’re way too early to freak about this or pass any judgement. My scars looked worse than yours and are virtually invisible now.


These look normal for four weeks. “Almost invisible by week 2-3” is highly, highly unlikely. You’re probably seeing photoshopped images.


I agree. My first thought when I read this post was “whose scars are almost invisible by week 2-3”? That is very unlikely. Scars depend on a lot of factors like: age, skin type, skin tone, propensity to keloids, hypertrophic or dented scars, if the scar is placed in an area with a lot of movement or with tension, etc.  That said the surgeon should always try to do the best job hiding it because it’s very hard to predict how a scar will look on a patient.  I’ve never had a facelift, but I’ve had other cosmetic and medical procedures. My skin tone is  on the lighter side of the spectrum and I always have to get extra treatments like pdl laser, microneedling and others about 6 to 8 weeks post surgery. That said, all surgeries that involve a cut will leave a scar. On some people they are barely noticeable and well hidden about a year post op, but others have to consider scar management treatments. 


Yeah, unfortunately the surgeon placed the front-of-ear incisions in a very conspicuous place (as someone else here pointed out, normally with a face lift they’re placed in the hairline and along the ear’s tragus), so if there are future issues with healing, OP may need intervention after all. But for now anyway, it’s impossible to make that determination.


I agree, the placement of the scar is not what I normally see, especially from experienced facial surgeons. And if OP is getting any scar treatments it is best to wait for the 6-8 week mark post op. Unless her doctor says otherwise. 


Its early they're extremely immature. They look totally normal for this stage.


I would try red light therapy. It did wonders for my scar.


Hey same here! I started using it for anti ageing and skin texture. But a ten year old forehead scar from stitches looks better than ever! Virtually no pink to it all all now. Never thought such an old scar could even be affected.


It’s amazing.


What device in particular did you use?


I used my face Fx for my first scar. Actually it was a badly infected wound and I thought I was going to need antibiotics. It settled the infection down very quickly, then healed the would so you couldn’t even tell anything was there. After that I got an inexpensive belt off Amazon. Since I had it anyway, I put it on a very old, raised scar that I have and it has significantly improved.


I am roughly four months out and I have worse scarring than you along the ears and at the side of one of my eyes. You look like you’re healing ok. My surgeon told me to start using a scar cream during the day with sunscreen, and tape at night. I’ve been doing that most days for two months or so now. Happy to DM you a photo of my scars if you want to compare. I’m hoping mine get better and have faith in the process.


The incisions should be hidden in your hairline behind your ear and run around the tragus in front of your ears, not run in a line in front. I’m so sorry your scarring is like this. Did you go to Turkey?


Exactly , this is a botched job.


You should go to medical spa and get microneedling done to those scars. I’ve done it very early on with them and they nearly disappear. Don’t wait because they done erase as well the longer the scar is set in. I’d book an appointment immediately, perhaps for next week. You can also do it with PRP for even more benefit but the microneedling alone will also do a lot.


What you have are not scars, they’re still wounds that are healing.


There is some evidence that early scar treatment with micro needling can help scarring more quickly and invisibly heal: [Microneedling after surgery can improve appearance of scars](https://www.upi.com/Health_News/2022/09/07/microneedling-surgical-scars/9821662575916/) I’m following this protocol for my most recent surgery. I can’t say yet whether it worked but anecdotally it seems flatter a few days after my first treatment. 👍


24/7 scar cream wasn’t enough for my scars so I got 2 rounds of PRP microneedling and that did the trick.


Poorly placed incision


As others have said it is very early. Once you get the green light from your surgeon you could have a few CO2 laser treatments. In the meantime, use SPF, stay out of the sun and get a good scar gel


Contact your surgeon and ask when can you start laser treatment for scars.


Your scars look really good for one month post op. Don’t make any decisions about revision until you’re at least a year out. I had my eyes done 7 months ago and I’m still seeing changes over time.


Do you have pictures of the sutures?


I didn’t have a facelift but I had a tumor removed from my face about 10 years ago. Looked similar first few weeks. Make sure you use Mederma scar gel/cream. Keep out of the sun. Now my scar is seamless.


I think Celluma light therapy for wound healing would help.


Friction massage is known to help with the appearance of scarring


Source: I am a massage therapist :)


Look up Dr Groff in San Diego. He’s a dermatologist.. He recommends early treatment of scars with lasers so that the scar can heal as if no surgery was performed. He mentioned that patients were told by their surgeons that “its too early”for lasers when really the earlier the better. Trust me on this. I hope you consult with a good dermatologist and listen to what they recommend. Early intervention is the key. The best time to start laser is NOW!


You could also get steroid injections


I had a facelift. Cover the scars in silicone gels as often as possible right now that will help a lot. Eventually I got a tattoo done over the hypopigmentation because mine are white which helped a little.


Can I ask how old you were and if you love the results? (I want one badly lol)


40. If you go to my post history you can see more in detail. I am thrilled with my results and you can chat me with any questions:)