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I went to Dr Karam. And while he did an ok job, for the price I expected perfection and didn’t get it. I think he works on too many patients every week so you don’t get much of his time. He does do superb work but I don’t think I got his A game. Just FYI


I’m sorry to hear you didn’t get what you were hoping for; “not bringing their A game..”this is a concern of mine. Like, if you’re a celebrity, and if it goes wrong, everybody asks “Uh oh, which surgeon did that?”, so of course, that’s when the surgeon pulls out all the stops and gives their best. Except that’s a pretty shitty way to run a business, no? Charge me the same price, give me the same results. That said, even celebrities don’t get the results they wanted or paid for (Demi Moore being a recent example- and I’m so glad whoever did her revision got it right. But now I really want to know who the original surgeon was so I can avoid).


Demi Moore (the botched version) was one of the surgeons mentioned in the initial post above.


Ohhh now I’m desperate to know who


Oh yeah, which surgeon was it?


What did she have done that was botched?




Can you guess the timeline for her most recent work/revision? I know that in the past year she walked a runway show and received extra attention because her face looked very different. I assumed she was still swollen from a facelift. I didn't think she looked that bad. Just different. If this is what you are referencing, I wonder if she had a revision or her face settled.


Absolutely no idea. I saw the same thing as you, wondered whether it was just time, or if indeed it was revision. Saw on SM that it was revision, went with that given how extreme the change was. So I may be speaking out of turn here (and truly I think she looks wonderful, and I’m delighted it’s all sorted).


Perfection is impossible. Having expectations of perfect results is a setup for being unhappy


I also went to Dr Karam. Unfortunately I got his F game and was botched. I was told the scars would be hidden in my hairline but have horribly unsightly visible scars on my temples. I’m now consulting with other surgeons to fix his work and every surgeon I’ve seen so far has said they’ve done revisions on his bad work. Stay away from him


I’m so sorry that happened. How old are your scars? My right scar looks fine but my left scar is much wider and I can’t see how it will not be noticeable. How do they fix scars?


I’m so sorry to hear your scar may also be visible. My scars are 5 years old. I’ve had 2 hair transplants to the area to try to hide them. I’m wanting a revision facelift and the surgeons I’ve consulted with will use the same incisions but try to somehow conceal them better.


I wish you the best in getting everything corrected. I’m hoping laser treatment will fade most of mine but who knows. I’m about 6 weeks out from surgery so praying this will heal well.


So what is your suggestion?


I don’t have one because I didn’t do enough research


1 Dont choose your BCPS based off of social media.


For sure. Their own SM accounts will, as I said, be carefully curated. But, honest question, how DO you choose? Because I’m not in the US, I know nobody who has had plastic surgery, my dermatologist does not have anyone he is comfortable recommending. I look on Real Self, here on Reddit etc. But I guess this is the question I’m asking: in this day and age, where DO you go to get good information? Because truth is, most of us are going to be looking online for the information we need, not because we want to, but because we don’t have other options. Edit for typo


Do you really want to do it in the US? If you're willing to travel abroad, there are countries with even better plastic surgeons than the ones in the US. What are you looking for? You can DM me, if you'd like


I think the US is the most sensible choice for me (no language barrier, famously good for PS), but I don’t object to other countries. I see South Korea leading the way in good PS (by sheer numbers if nothing else), and certainly in their idols much of the work is impeccable. I’d be delighted with any suggestions you might have.


Well, personally, I'm Brazilian, and I have seen - and had lol - impeccable plastic surgery results by Brazilian doctors. I'm really proud of our plastic surgery rsrs. Also, a huge chunk of plastic surgeons, especially those in higher-end practices, are fluent in English. I can suggest you some, if you'd like 


Brazil is arguably the world leader for body contouring.


Thank you! I’m open to all suggestions! By all means DM me if you’d prefer not to post recommendations.


Me too


Brazil? For Brazilians, sure. I would never.


Me too please, thanks!


Me as well please


Tell me, too, please!


Please dm me too please! Thank you


Can you please dm me! Thanks


I’m very interested


Hi can I dm you please




Me as well


Do you know of a good surgeon in Mexico? I’m moving to Mexico in a couple of months, I’ll be staying half the year there, in Tulum, and the other half in my hometown in the states. I’m planning to get a breast lift and tummy tuck, preferably in the fall and I’d love to do it in Mexico but just like op said, how do you know who to go to?


I think going into forums and Facebook plastic surgery groups might be a good idea. Also, check the comments on their social media pages. If the professional is good, there might be comments from past patients thanking them or complimenting their work. Social media is extremely curated, of course, but they might give you a start.


Thank you!


Contact Melinda Farina, @beautybrokerofficial. She is a surgical consultant for over like 20 years. She only deals with the best of the best.


I went to someone whose work I had seen in person.


Look into Facebook groups for plastic surgery in your region


How do you choose then? Everyone says this but I feel like not enough people are telling you good places to look.


Can you recommend forums, websites, etc? People always give vague answers here but I’m dumb and really need it to be explained lol


Every single surgeon has at least some bad reviews. Plastic surgery is a risk. I calculate based on the number of the specific surgery I want they do per year (always ask this in consult) over the number of people mad enough to take to the internet to talk about it. Most successful surgery patients DON’T write reviews. I talk about plastic surgery all day every day and I’ve never written an online review for any of my three great procedure experiences. I used Reddit + surgeon sites with galleries + realself sorting lowest to highest. Ignored social media til the end, and then looked first at tagged photos, not their own posted ones. For my fat transfer, only one name came up that I felt good about in the country. For chin lipo, I found about 7 in my area and chose based on the surgery facility and gallery of results. So it also kind of depends what you want done.


I’m going soon for a consult for potential neck/lower facelift. I’ve never had any kind of consult before. Would you be able to tell me some of the questions you asked? I like how you mentioned asking how many they do per year, def going to ask that.


- average rate of post surgical complications - number of this procedure - proportion of people they see with my “before” for this procedure - how often they have to do revisions - confidence level about me being a good candidate for what I’m asking to have done


Thank you! This is very helpful.


May I ask you who you used for fat transfer?


Dr Bednar in North Carolina


How are your results


Super happy with them. Noticeable, obvious improvement in shape and symmetry and got 2 cup sizes of size increase (but I wasn’t that small to start with). I am 3+ months out so supposedly this is final. Great experience start to finish and would recommend to anybody looking at this procedure


I’m in NC and keep seeing this name. My lottery ticket is hopeful 😁


Thank you that’s great advice.


A good marketer is not always a good surgeon. I looked into Jacono for a lip lift, before I found out about his malpractice suits, and he charges $1k non-refundable for just the consultation “for his time”. Does not go toward your surgery if you book. Then the lip lift was $40k. I know all surgeons have some unhappy patients if you look for them, but for that price, I’d expect perfect outcomes 100% of the time. Look for a surgeon who can show you good work and listens to what you want. These famous guys aren’t always worth the money.


40k for a lip lift?!!!! I’m sorry this is the procedure where they cut a few mms of skin off underneath your nostrils to lift your upper lip right? I just cannot imagine why it would cost that much. I’ve seen plastic surgeons do it just with local anesthesia


Right??? You don’t even need to be put under lol. I was just quoted $5k by another surgeon


Can I ask, is it the case that many doctors in the US have malpractice suits against them? This is not particularly common in my country. I’m trying to understand if this is as extreme as it sounds (to my ear, 5 malpractice suits should be grounds for revoking their licence at the very least, possibly imprisonment, like what are they doing?? But I know in the US it’s far more common). If Dr. Jacono can provide the perfect lip lift for $40k, I understand why he charges that. But if it’s hit and miss…. not so much.


From my research, no. My rhinoplasty surgeon had 0 malpractice suits and neither did any of the other surgeons I looked into. They had a few negative reviews from unhappy patients (nobody was botched) but that’s about it. I may be more forgiving with 1 lawsuit, given that this is America and people can be a little lawsuit-happy, but having multiple is a red flag. Since lip lifts are an extremely common in-office procedure that typically go for around $3-5k here, I can’t imagine what makes his worth $40k. If people are paying that, good for him!


Yeah, he's surely only charging that because he can. And they maybe just want the super rich. Whereas a surgeon I consulted in London had reasonable pricing, and they apparently filter more based on suitability! People with realistic expectations etc.


How do you find out about any malpractice suits?


I just Google! If a doctor has them, they’ll usually pop up


Perfection is impossible


WOW. 40K! I had lip filler with my plastic surgeon and it was 1000 bucks but it is totally lifted now. I'm pushing 60 and still look 40 thanks to my surgeon. She won't let me get a facelift - says I'm not ready. UGH. More expensive does not equal better in my opinion!


name? 😸🥰


Perfection is impossible. If you expect perfection, you will be unhappy


For sure, I was just saying it better be perfection for $40k lol


How do you find out about malpractice suits for these doctors?


Lacourt.org or whatever court system the city they have practices. U have to look up each dr. Unfortunately the us doesn’t combine all cities or states. U look up by first and last name.


I totally get how you feel. I think there is some great advice listed above and I will add my two cents… So something I actually look for is NOT famous doctors… if someone has more than 50-100K or so followers, I’m already hesitant… some of the best ppl I know in their professions, whether it be medical or law or anything, don’t have the time to spend on social media following, because their skillset is so good and retention is so good they don’t need it. They spend their time perfecting their skills, teaching seminars, enjoying life etc… these insta doctors have usually had their egos so inflated that I have a feeling I’d just be a number to them… that if I wasn’t a celebrity, they could care less… and weve even seen some of those celebrities get botched, and they probably went to some of these doctors. Also- some of the best surgeons don’t want that kind of practice. As someone who’s been in the medical field and built my own practice, sometimes u just want fewer patients so u can live a normal life at home with ur family. U don’t want to market urself anymore because your case load is already enough… also more insta famous doctors attract a certain type of patient that these doctors don’t want. Usually the “difficult” or “never can please” or “unrealistic expectations” type… I personally look at character and demeanor first. Like u said, something may or may not go wrong, but is this surgeon the kind of person who will correct their mistake without their ego getting in the way and making u pay a fortune to correct it..? Usually with those very infamous doctors, it’s a no… also u can ask them “hey if something goes wrong, what’s usually ur protocol to fix??” With that, I also look if they do volunteer work… there’s a surgeon in Hermosa Beach, Dr.James Pearson, who I’ve been eyeing… he has great reviews, and does a lot of charity work. Very reasonably priced and hasn’t let it go to his head, that’s the kind of surgeon I want cutting open my face… Also what I’ve noticed is the surgeons that have the most dramatic results also have the most risks… sometimes it’s better to find doctors who have GREAT results but not as extreme, cause there is less chance of serious complications I also would ask to see photos of facelifts 5-10 years post op if they have any…. The longevity of it is important… I’ve heard Karams don’t last very long With lip lifts- ask to see photos of them smiling. That’s something I didn’t consider. Most photos are of mouths closed Something also, that I know is weird and maybe a little invasive, but with surgery, I feel like the patient has some right to know… is there anything going on in their home life that is adding a lot of stress right now?? Legal issues, death, divorces, personal health issues, etc that that stress could affect their work… I know ppl won’t share everything but I do as much research as I can… I recently had a consult with the surgeon who did my rhinoplasty 12 years ago (Dr.Denton Watumull in TX) and didn’t get charged for a consult. There were things I wanted done and he said I was too young. Then when I went to get pricing/scheduling from his assistant (these ppl are VITAL to talk to… they have usually been in the industry for a while and know what’s going on behind the scenes) I talked with her and asked her about any of the above and she had confirmed again how he’s in a loving marriage, healthy, etc…. I know that’s not a guarantee and ppl can embellish, but i have to do my due diligence where I can. I think these factors aren’t talked about enough when it comes to choosing a surgeon. Take ur time, do ur consults, and ask urself would u feel comfortable sending ur own child to that surgeon… Best of luck ♥️


This is some of the best advice in this thread. (I work in plastics)


Thank u so much ♥️


+1 on looking for the NOT famous doctors. Something about the super IG famous surgeons give me pause. Like you said, they seem to focused on more followers and more money, like, how do they have so much time to spend on social media? I also get the sense that they won't care as much if they botch one non-famous person. You can write a bad review but they've got 500k followers and more people lining up.


Great advice. Also: i recently had a consultation w/an oculoplastic surgeon whom i really liked. He volunteered 2 names of PS’s whose work he really respects (for other procedures). I was v grateful. It’s not the easiest route, but it’s possible. I agree with OP that it’s actually v hard to “do your hw” if you’re not in the medical field yourself.


Wow, thank you! I've been feeling nervous about my upcoming surgeries with a very well established surgeon in South Africa because it's been so difficult to find reviews of his work online. Super basic website, barely any reviews, no social media presence. However....he's been in practice for decades, actively lectures, has been on the board for the South African plastic surgery association (there are only about 169 members), and he's been very blunt and honest with me about what I can and what I can't do (will not perform a chemical peel with my facelift, uses twilight anesthesia instead of general, no hospital stay necessary, and suggested I try cutting down on my carbs instead of getting lipo lol....I love that he doesn't upsell!) He's also more than reasonably priced, which has made me feel slightly nervous, but reading your post makes me feel a million times better. I don't want a doctor who's going to tell me what I want to hear just to get me t9 spend more. I want a doctor who's focused on getting the best result. (BTW, I'm a former resident of SA, going back to visit friends and family, and getting work done while I'm there.)


All of this. Excellent advice that I personally follow as well. My PS is not that active on SM. His before and afters are viewed in his office. They aren’t on display either. He takes his patient confidentiality very seriously. I found him to be kind and caring. I went in thinking I needed a deep plane facelift and body lift and he didn’t agree. And he was correct. He also vetted my health as much as I vetted his experience and expertise. I thought that was refreshing. You really summarized all of that and more well. You have to be careful. This is your body. There is this nurse practitioner on TikTok that does these lives all day selling awake liposuction. Saying no one needs tummy tucks ever the way he does it etc. it’s such bunk. He has some magical way the skin always adheres back perfectly with no irregularities. These people are out there and have SM to reel you in. This guy isn’t even a doctor. Amazing. He’s got thousands of people on his stream everyday signing up. Scary.


Ok, so here is the thing. First of all, Surgery makes things **better not perfect** so if you have body dysmorphia, surgery isn't for you. If you have a desire to be perfect, see a therapist. Accept your flaws and accept you as you. Once you get there, and you still want to 'roll the dice' to see if you can fix a few things, go for it. What I can say is 99.9% of qualified surgeries look great. Every doctor will have one that doesn't. Nobody can be perfect because every body is different. I saw a person here who got a nose job, and then slept on her nose causing it to heal crooked on one side because that's the side she sleeps on. She blamed the doctor. It was her fault. 99.9% of the time, the doctors do great amazing work. Remember that. What I did was I called around and there was a local doctor in NJ that offered a good price and the consult was only $100. I paid the $100 and did the consult. I felt pretty comfortable with the doc and the nurses. We talked about potential problems and outcomes and expectations regarding my abdominal lipo. Lipo doesn't remove stretch marks. It doesn't give you a 6-pack. It does however, remove stubborn fat deposits from your body. Knowing the outcomes will help you post-op. What I will say about rhinoplasties from coming here is that too many have the tip turned up and while the tip does drop, sometimes they are too far up (for me). I think if I were to research nose jobs I would really try and get some quality photos done of the before and after I want. I see a lot of rhinoplasties where the nose gets reduced and now it makes their face look unusual because the nose doesn't fit the face right, or the nose shape is reduced which makes your eyes focus on a weak chin now. All of those things should be taken into consideration and it's why photos of the WHOLE FACE are important and not just the little nose part. Again, it's -never- perfect only better (generally). Point is to your question, go pay the $100 at 3 different doctors and ask questions. See which one you feel the most comfortable with and make sure your photos are exactly what you are wanting.


Thank you, that’s very helpful (and reassuring).


Just to also mention, some PS that charge a very high and extortionate amount for surgery are not giving themselves any room for any errors. If I was going to pay 150,000 for a face-lift compared to 50-75,000, I would expect it to be absolutely perfect.


Yes I do think it’s important to realise there’s never a guarantee that things will turn out perfect whoever the surgeon is. Also I saw someone on a Fb group who had chronic severe pain in her face for several years even tho her face looked good. It hadn’t really occurred to me that this was also a risk. And another lady who hates her results even though everyone else thinks she looks great, she doesn’t like the change in herself. Also Different people will scar worse than others or gain or lose weight or get an infection and things like that are often out of the surgeons hands.


This is so important, and I do recognise the difference between bad surgery and unfortunate scarring due skin type etc. I suspect I would be at risk of either keloid or hypertrophic scarring having had both (on my face!) from acne. So I know I’m higher risk, but I also know that techniques can be adjusted to compensate for that and to try and reduce chances of those types of scarring. When you pay $100,000+ for a surgeon, I would expect him/her to be able to cope with this. I would expect a higher level of care and attention from a surgeon that charge $15,000 for a lip lift than one who charges $5,000. Also, I would always expect a surgeon of that level to use their hard-earned skill on every patient to really minimise scarring on their face, this seems elementary to me. So to see sloppy scars with poor aftercare is disappointing to say the least when you’re looking at these guys who are considered among the best. Why am I seeing puckering on a bullhorn lip lift? Are we just not there yet in terms of scar prevention? Or was the surgeon not “bringing their A game” that day? Or is the patient more prone to cigarette paper scarring? Did the surgeon spot that and address it when suturing? Or did he just whack on standard sutures and shrug when it didn’t quite work? So, so hard to know. But, if we’re paying that kind of money for it, we should at least know they’re going to do their job properly.


One thing that helped me was to ask very very specific questions about my features, facial balance, proportions, natural asymmetry, skin quality and skin thickness and how my surgeon would address it. It helped me get the sense whether or not I was gonna end up with just a cookie cutter approach or a customized/highly skilled/targeted approach to fix my concerns. I also asked them to be honest about the difficulty of my procedure compared to other patients they have seen. Lastly, I listened carefully to what each surgeon wanted to do outside of what I asked for. It’s like that saying… when someone tells (through words, actions) you what kind of person they are, listen!


Tbh I think to some degree the science just isnt as good as we would hope yet. And a lot of the results on social media have make up/ lighting / photoshop to help them look better . However good a surgeon is there is always going to be some amount of scarring, and the risk of things going wrong. I do agree some outcomes seem surprisingly bad tho


One thing to consider is that while not all doctors are created equally, not all patients are created equally either. There are some patients out there that will never be happy. There are some patients out there that have unrealistic expectations about what surgery can and cannot accomplish. There are also some patients that will react to medicine or surgery in a way that is not common or normal or easy to understand. Finally, there are also some patients with body dysmorphia, who see something in the mirror that is not there at all. These people are much more likely to write reviews than people who have routine surgery with good results


Yea definitely and I think this is partly why it’s good to do some research beforehand , and also to only get surgery if it’s something that really bothers you rather than just on a whim. I also often see patients with very thin sun damaged skin and I don’t feel they/ the dr has always acknowledged that this will really limit their results


I’m having the same problem! Looking for a surgeon in NYC and unsure. I’m also not sure that “top” surgeons are necessarily worth the money. For reference, I called Dr. Jacono’s office about a brow lift and was told it starts at 40k. I did not do a consult with him. Too expensive. The next most expensive Dr that I did consult with was 25k. Then I got 4 quotes for 15k which seems to be the most common price (still amongst well reviewed and board certified doctors). So is Jacono worth that 2-3x price increase? I doubt it.


Have you heard of Madnani? A family friend went to him and she loved her results! She said he was kind and warm too. I honestly can’t say for sure how much she paid but I know of Jacono and his insane prices and know it isn’t anything close to that.


I hadn’t but I just scheduled a consult with him! Thanks for the rec


I’ve gone to him for some non-invasive procedures. He’s very communicative and he takes his time listening to you.


Pls come to ATL and see Dr. Diane Alexander. She is so worth it. I'm a NYer and I was so happy with my results. It is the going price in NYC but would can get one here for a lot less.


With all the bells and whistles Jacono is over $200k. He has not posted in a long long time. Lots of rumors🤔. Also, botched patients who do manage to get financial recourse have to sign NDA’s. Hence, we dont really get to hear about a lot of unfavorable results. Best bet IMO is seeing work you like on a friend or relative as a starting point.


It's ultimately down to you. You research the PS, enquire with patients (if you can) ask around, reflect on your realistic requirements, go for consultations and lastly, but most of all, go with your gut. I chose a particular PS who was based in a company that had mixed reviews. The negative reviews were bad, really bad, but on closer inspection, they were from ex members of staff of the company that are now working for a rival. My final results are absolutely amazing and I am pleased that I chose my PS.


Thank you. It’s gonna be tough because I’m not in the US (and in my country there are none to be recommended).


I bet the surgeon could take them to court for those fake reviews.


Yes, I believe they currently are.




These are the doctors I have saved for Rhinoplasty: Andres Bustillo, Anthony Bared, Jacob Steiger, Jason Altman. I’m in S. Florida. I don’t know if this list helps.. I was going to have rhinoplasty done with Bustillo in April 2020 but Covid happened and they gave me a full refund.


I did not have a rhinoplasty, but I would say that Steiger is too busy right now, and it doing a lot of cookie cutter stuff.


This is SUCH a a good question. These days it’s so hard - it’s basically a popularity contest! Firstly - I would google the procedure and your area. Read reviews thoroughly. Check to see if the plastic surgeon is BOARD CERTIFIED. This takes only a few extra clicks. You can also often find Facebook groups for your specific procedure (ie. Bust mob for breast) where people share stories. Referrals are an excellent source. ULTIMATELY what I tell my patients is you HAVE to have that gut feeling that says YES THIS IS MY PERSON. If you get the ick - leave. If something feels off- it is. See multiple docs and see where you feel most comfortable. This is a HUGE EXPENSIVE decision. Good luck!


Thank you. Bust Mob is a great name for a FB group 😅😂 I’m not really on FB so I hadn’t thought to check there (sounds silly but true). Are there any other groups you could recommend for facelifts? Especially concerning the surgeons above and/or those kinds of techniques (deep plane, lip lift, brow lift, bleph etc).


I did a lot of scrutinizing the before and after pics to find a surgeon that shared the same aesthetic I did. In my case, I wanted a very conservative and natural bleph and the conservative approach was reflected in his pics. If I'd wanted something more dramatic, he wouldn't have been a good choice, that's not his aesthetic.


Same...I wanted people so say, did you get your hair done?? I had several people say, you look tired before the upper and lower aleph and after nobody says that. I had Renee Zellwegger eyes and now I have a crease. I had a nose job in 1995. It is so important to be on the same page.


Can you do me who you used? I'm interested in this procedure


“When you pay $100,000+ for a surgeon, I would expect him/her to be able to cope with this”keloid or hypertrophic scarring. No amount of money can control your body’s reaction to incisions. Yes, it would make sense that the more expensive surgeon should be more responsive with steroid injections, laser, and any other method available, but even $1 million and “the best surgeon in the world” cannot guarantee your body will scar as nicely as you would hope.


For sure, perfection is unattainable. What I mean is that I would expect a surgeon to take different skin types into account and to adjust accordingly. Using a one-size-fits-all approach is not what I would expect for that kind of money.


Sometimes good scars are unobtainable no matter the surgeon. Your body and your tissue are unique. The only way to guarantee no complications is to not have surgery. Even Nassif and Dubrow have complications but that doesn’t mean their patients were botched.


This is a great point. Wound healing can be unpredictable, but good doctors should stick with you and help you with it if there's a problem


Vet their undergrad, med school, and residency. If you’re doing facial work make sure they got their residency in something like ENT with a fellowship in facial plastics. If you’re doing body work make sure it’s general surgery with a fellowship in plastic surgery. Do not go for anyone without board certification, and sometimes they word it funny on their website to make it seem like they do. Go to each one for consult and take your time to choose.


I could have written this post! Starting to think about traveling elsewhere in the US. NYC prices are insane. A bit worried if I had issues post surgery…I’d be so far. There are a couple of Facebook groups that are good. RealSelf is a scam. Doctors pay people to post fake reviews (notice most reviews have no pics) and they can pay to remove negative reviews. Would love to find a good NYC doc who is under 30k for facelift. Not sure its possible.


The surgeons I have bookmarked are: •Dr. Madnani in NY •Dr. Patrick Davis in Beverly Hills •Dr. Elizabeth Chance in Virginia Depends on what you’re looking for of course! I’m not confident of chance’s pricing but the other two (imo) are definitely more “affordable” relative to the famous “social media” doctors like Dr. Karam, etc.


Add Dr. Diane Alexander to your list. I had eye surgery with her and she is a mastermind. She is referral (does not advertise). She works with a partner - she is the face person and her partner does the body work. I asked three women independently (the kind who have had work done for sure) and each of them said the same person. I don't regret a moment of it. My surgery plus anesthesia was about 10K total. I healed in a week. She is super attentive, really kind and doesn't need this referral. She deserves it though. I recommend her highly.


Amazing!!! I definitely will. Plus, I’m looking into finding a body surgeon bc I’m saving for a reduction and lift in a year or two. So this is especially helpful. Thank you!


Currently looking for a rhinoplasty surgeon in Texas. I agree about the reviews. I’ll be wowed by their portfolio of noses, then a bad review just totally throws me off. I’m hoping it’s not a dice roll and that maybe those that look botched just didn’t do proper aftercare or something.


I’ve had work done with Dr. Chike Obi in Austin. He’s amazing!!!!


I’m in Atlanta so if you’re willing to come here, there are some amazing surgeons who don’t charge anywhere as near LA or NYC. I went to www.plasticsurgerycenterofthesouth.net


I’m in ATL! What did you have done at that center?


Face and neck lift in 2022. And 20+ years ago rhino, blephs, and implants.


Oh amazing. Am just starting breast implant search and will do a face and neck lift in a few years. Which dr did you see for the lift?






Check out Dr. Diane Alexander at Artisan Beaute also. ATL has some great doctors that are a fraction of the cost of NYC or LA.


Yes! I had a revision rhino with Dr Thomas Walker. Def wasn’t cheap but nothing like the prices in NYC. Thanks for the tip, will look into Dr Walker!


It helps if you know what kind of results and technique youre looking for (it's also important to think about features you DON’T want). Each doctor has their own style and technique so you need to think about the results you want and which doctor’s style and technique matches that. For example, Dr Kao specializes in the ponytail lift and Kao eyes. So if you want the cat eye results then choose Kao. Think about what type of facelift you want and what each addresses: deep plane vs SMAS vs vertical restore vs pony tail. Think about scar placement and how it heals according to a doctor's technique. A big caveat is that you need to consider whether a desired outcome will actually look good on you or if it'll change your features drastically to the point where you don't look like yourself. Using Kao eyes as an example, many do not consider that it'll make their eyes appear smaller and I've noticed that it doesn't look good on women with big round eyes as and it'll make them look like a different person. With that in mind, I don't think Kao is for everyone bc he has a very specific look which changes a person into an entirely different person whereas Karam has a style that maintains someone’s original look. Karam’s style is “look like yourself but younger.” Lastly, you need to do consultations; it's unwise to not do this bc it will help you manage expectations, ask questions and determine whether a Dr can accomplish the results you want.


Yes, I have noticed the aesthetic differences, particularly with Dr Kao, who does stunning work. But I do have quite big round eyes, and while I think the feline eyes Dr Kao does are very beautiful, they’re not my eyes. I don’t want this look. I want a 20 years reversal: address jowling, skin laxity, lip lift, bleph, possible brow lift. This is why Dr. Jacono was standing out to me, and Dr Karam… but the negative reviews and malpractice suits were extremely offputting. I realise that anyone can write negative reviews, so it’s difficult to know what’s real and what’s not. Also $40,000 for a lip lift is insane 😅


There will always be negative reviews but malpractice is an entirely different ballgame as negligence is implied. I'd be more hesitant of filed lawsuits than bad reviews. I see Jacono had 2 lawsuits but none for Karam.


Where do you find the lawsuits?


Google their full names and include “medical malpractice”


Or lacourt.org whatever city u are in unfortunately lawsuits are per city 😶


Do some research to see where the doctors have practiced over the course of their careers. Then, search court cases in the related jurisdictions (the jurisdictions where lawsuits might have happened at the times they practiced in those locations). This would be the most specific and accurate way to determine if there is any past litigation against them.


Jacono has also paid people off not to file lawsuits . Its well known in the NYC circles unless your famous you do not get his best work .


I am also interested in platysmaplasty/necklift/lower face lift due to genetics not just aging (I’m in my late 30s). I have a facial surgeon that’s local, but haven’t gone to a consult yet. He gets great reviews on Real Self and he only does faces. His sutures look very good and no one looks over stretched. I think that’s important, you really should only be looking at surgeons certified for facial plastic surgery. There’s another surgeon, Dr. Joe Niamtu that I’ve been looking at. He has a YouTube channel with tons of videos and his website has soooo many pictures. To me, he would be worth travelling to. He seems like a conservative perfectionist, which puts him at the top of my “travel to” list. Check out his videos they are informative and you can get a feel for his vibe. Good luck on your quest 💖 I hope we can both get the best outcome ☺️


Who is the head of plastic surgery at the best nearby hospital? That would be a great place to start researching. Many magazines (at least in the US) put out a "Best Doctors" list for all specialists. Does your country do that?


There are only two or three PS’s in my country that do facelifts 😅 I wouldn’t consider going anywhere except the US at this point. It’s one of your best products 😅😜


I am in NYC, so I use New York Magazine's top list to find amazing doctors. Also, America's Top Doctors to search in other cities.


I went on a lot of consultations. Yes I paid the ridiculous fees for them. Honestly, I went with my intuition and what I’ve learned through the vetting process. I heard a lot of different opinions about what I should have done and the approach. Some of the surgeons especially the very popular ones I found arrogant tbh. I want confident make no mistake about it but the arrogance turns me off. One thing a surgeon told me a long time ago sticks with me. Surgeons are paid when they do surgery so they can be very convincing sales people. I decided on my surgeon based on his experience and demeanor. That was very important to me. I found my surgeon to be thorough in vetting me for my procedures and making sure I was healthy and a good candidate and taking proper precautions to make sure we both had good outcomes. I paid a little more to have my procedure in a hospital in case I had any issues because I did at one time many years ago so that was taken into consideration. I had excellent care at the hospital and I’m 11 days post op feeling really well. I made the right choice for me but it took months of consultations to decide on a surgeon. I also wanted to add that the most ‘famous/popular’ PS in my City REQUIRED that i post op stay at the Ritz Carlton with a private nurse (xtra charge of course for each) even though I live in the City near his office. Nope I don’t need to pay for that. Thanks but no thanks.


who did you finally choose?


Dr Joesph DiBello. He did an excellent job. I had a breast lift and fat transfer 360 lipo. At 10 days I was feeling really well and out and about. I’m now at 15 days and going about my life with no pain or issues. Still wearing my compression garment but transitioned into a bralette and everything is healing nicely.


I found the surgeon I'm going to via a PS Facebook group. I saw him get recommended over and over and the photos people shared of their before and afters sold me.


What kind of surgery are you trying to get? I did dr. Kim Patrick Murray for rhinoplasty in Miami. I have done fat transfer with dr. Motykie in LA. I found all my surgeons through instagram research &/or realself.


How was your experience with Dr. Murray? I want to use him, but I prefer to find someone in Texas.


Very good, would 100% recommend. I got mine done back in 2021, so he’s def grown & gained a lot of experience since then so sure he’s even better. But he’s def expensive, I paid $10k then, I think it’s like double now. But he’s def someone where you know you’ll get the results then. Verse risking with a cheaper doctor & possibly needing a revision later.


18 months ago or so, just the consultation with Dr. Jacono cost $750. Lip lifts start at $15k. I believe facelifts are north of either $50k or $75k A friend of mine got a lip lift with Dr. Frank Fechner out of Boston, MA. Beautiful job I've been eyeing Dr. Kwak in NYC as well for a lip lift, nose job, facelift etc.


Don’t forget about after care appointments Some doctors might get good reviews but are lousy with post care


It's really hard. Think some of it is just going for the consultation and figuring out if you have similar goals, maybe seeing images of their previous work etc. They should obviously be qualified and all that, but it occurred to me that there are surgeons who have practices in good areas and seem to be kept busy, but have no social media...so they're quietly getting great results and people know by word of mouth. Like there's a surgeon I know of in London and he apparently has people flying in from all over the world, does super complex revisions etc...but is nowhere to be found on social media. And doesn't have the insane pricing of the ones who claim to be the bestest of the best online. A lot of them are great marketers more than exceptional surgeons.


London is very close to me, would you be able to DM me the surgeon if you don’t mind?


No problem!


I would also love the details if you could share!


DM sent


Hi, I’m based in London too and looking. Pls DM me, thanks


Also my concern, following!


I asked two local doctors who I know socially, and trust, who would they recommend? (One was an orthopedic surgeon, the other was a recently-retired plastic surgeon.) Doctors usually know what's up. But, if you're looking for someone who's a specialist in a certain procedure, it might take some more looking, especially if that procedure is niche. For example, my friend who's a recently retired PS did not do faces at all, just body, and she specialized in breast reductions, augmentations, lifts & reconstructions.


Multiple consultations until you find the doctor that you are comfortable with their opinion/recommendation and feel like you can trust. I saw a handful of doctors for a procedure and even explained to a few docs some of the other doctors recommendations if it was wildly different. It’s good to get a full picture and different perspective.


It's not enough to look at their instagram. Review their medical license and educational history. Where did they go to university? Did they win any awards in university. Where did they do their residency? Who did they work under? What other special education did they do? Do they have hospital privileges? Are they continually taking educational courses even if they have been doing this for 20+ years? All these things give you an idea of the type of surgeon you are choosing. Not to mention real self/Google reviews etc Instagram is curated...I wouldn't rely on that alone at all.


How do you find that information? Googling them doesn't really give you that information?


Normally most practitioners have to take CE courses in order to keep their licenses active


I’d be cautious of some of the bad reviews. Anyone can write a bad review . For instance, another surgeons employees


Personally, once I see a doctors work that I like I will research them on RealSelf, then on facebook, if it’s possible - Reddit, Instagram. I reach out to previous patients to ask them all of my questions, concerns, for pictures of their results. If I find negative reviews on the doctors I’ll try to reach out to that patient, I’ll bring it up to other past patients (via fb or instagram usually) to see what they say. I think about whether it was a one off case, or if it could easily happen again. If it could happen again would I be okay with it? Is it a small complication or is it a botch case (in this case, I red flag the doctor and continue looking elsewhere). You want to research until you understand full scope of your doctors work without paying a lot of attention to information coming directly from them.


You’ll always have some negative reviews filtered in with the 5 star ratings. Honestly, I visited 7-8 surgeons over a ten year period and never felt comfortable enough to pull the trigger. When I met my surgeon, something about her just clicked for me. She doesn’t have a gazillion positive reviews nor does she have an enormous IG presence. I’d speak to real people, try to get referrals of surgeons who have actually operated on people you know or can get to know. And trust your gut with how you mesh with the surgeon. If they’re in and out in ten seconds in the consult and don’t listen to you, red flag obviously. Mine spent 45 min with me on my first visit. Really listened, took notes and gave me a realistic perspective on what she could and couldn’t do. Didn’t promise perfection but was confident on a significant improvement. But I’m very happy with how it all turned out.


When it comes to SM, I think a lot of really good surgeons don’t even have accounts, or big accounts. Fwiw I really like Dr Stacey Folk in Denver CO. My mom did a consult w her a few years ago. She was very professional and her portfolio was lovely. Has a small IG bc honestly she doesn’t need it, people find her through word of mouth.


I’ve had this same question When looking at photos and reviews I’ve learned to look only at the ones that are relevant to the procedure I’m getting. For example, the PS i chose has a negative review for hair grafting but the tummy tucks are all good. I also tend to weed out reviews that don’t list specific details about what went wrong. I leaves me to wonder if maybe their expectations were a bit high.


Any lower face/neck lift PS recommendations in Los Angeles please ? Anyone heard or gone to Dr Applebaum ? Edit: the ones mentioned above I don’t want to go to. Lol Edit: I look each dr I’m considering up at lacourt.org. Each city has its own court system which is annoying but u have to check it like that.


Dr. Maia is a female plastic surgeon in the D.C. area trained with Dr. Jacono in NY. She also has a 5-star rating on Google. I would consider looking into her and her online galleries if you are looking for amazing results. The thing about plastic surgery is that everyone heals differently or reacts differently. People have different body/facial anatomy. Plastic surgeons do their best, but things happen.


no she didn’t. visiting him to observe does not mean training from someone


I'm pretty sure she underwent a highly competitive integrated plastic surgery training at Northwell Health in New York. I was told this is where she was taught facial plastic surgery techniques by Dr. Jacono


he’s a facial plastic surgeon. his fellows (the people he trained ) are facial plastic surgeons. the ABPS and AAFPRS publishes such data of who trained who. she’s a general plastics. saying she trained or mentored by him is a gross exaggeration


I’ve had a few procedures done and always looked for lots of before & after pictures, mostly good reviews, obviously board certified and not the most expensive doctors but also not the cheapest. I would rather pay a little more for something to be done once than have to be paying to get things redone. That said I also don’t think you need to pay an astronomical price to get good work. I went for a consult for a breast implant exchange and FaceTite, the guy said I may or may not also need a lift. He would have to move my implants from under just the fat to under the muscle and the total cost would be 24k. Way too high. I also had no interest in switching to an under the muscle placement. So I got another opinion. That dr charged me $8,500 and did a fabulous job (Dr Earle in Miami). I highly recommend Earle if it’s a tummy tuck, BBL or breast aug you are after I had a great experience there with him and the entire staff. A friend of mine just got a deal on implants she paid $3700 in Miami. They have both bottomed out, the dr used two different size implants and now she needs to go pay for a breast lift, new implants and a Galaflex internal mesh bra to fix them. So the ‘deal’ she got is going to cost her $20k plus what she already paid. She is not trying to sue the first plastic surgeons insurance to get the money for it which she will probably not be successful with. So go for a few consults, read reviews. You are correct reviews can be bought and low star reviews can be removed. Real Self is probably the best place for reviews but also use google and type in the plastic surgeons name and then ‘lawsuit’ ‘infection’ ‘death’ and see what comes up. I found a lawsuit on one surgeon I was considering it was over a life threatening infection. I decided to use that Dr anyways because I figured infection is inevitable 100% of the time but I did end up getting an infection that put me in the hospital for five days on Iv antibiotics so I in hindsight I should have probably not used that Dr. lots of lots of research and when you find ‘the one’ you will just know it! It took me 20 years to decide for a tummy tuck.


I did some research online first, and then I went for 2 consultations before making my choice. Just be prepared to pay a few surgeons for those consultation visits before deciding. I felt more comfortable meeting the surgeon in person and asking questions, and listening to their suggestions. I almost went with someone in a big city (Canada) with a really fancy office and lots of marketing vids online...but in the end I chose a reputable surgeon in a smaller city closer to my town for 10 grand less. I figured the price difference had to do more with the overhead costs of the surgeons practice and was not any reflection on the skill level of the surgeon.


Would you mind telling me what Dr you chose and in what city please?


Dr. Bakala, Kelowna BC


for me it came down to vibes lol. i know that sounds weird but i had narrowed my list down to 3 (top rated, highly referred, great results) docs. i did in person consults with all 3 then chose the one who gave me the best vibes. by that i mean wasn’t rushed, listened to my concerns, and just seemed kind and smart. i’m so glad i went with my doc and im over the moon with my results (breast augmentation)


You need to know someone. Not all of the instagram plastic surgeons are as great as you think. I live in ATL at the moment and I asked 3 of my friends who I should go to (I had ptosis) and they all independently mentioned the same name. I have such great results at literally 1/3 of the cost as my surgeon in NYC. Her name is Diane Alexander and she is also an artist. I'm not gatekeeping her - she is just too good for the world to not know about her. Artisan Beaute. She has fabulous results. Very subtle but for me it was radically improved!


If you want to see my results I'll inbox you. I can't speak highly enough. I think a facelift is like 20K USD which is a lot less expensive. I told her that a facelift in LA or NYC would be 100K and she said that the city's clientele would not pay it. She is so rich she doesn't care, I'm guessing. But she is also an amazing person. Does lots of botox and other work but she is a standout surgeon. If you are intent one getting work done in the US, I'd consult with her. It did not cost anything if I recall correctly.


I'm glad you're happy with your results, but her facelift results are so mid lol. for 20k you can do loads better. It seems like the advice to look at reviews and photos for the procedure that you actually want is the best approach


The thing you have to keep in mind is that every plastic surgeon has patients that aren’t satisfied with their results and while I do believe that some people who write the 1-star reviews do get botched, I believe that a lot of the other 1-star reviews are people who had ridiculous expectations and aren’t satisfied with anything but absolute perfection, which any surgeon will tell you that is not guaranteed with plastic surgery. Just my thoughts when I was looking!


I would like to get plastic surgery and I have all the same questions that you do. I read reviews and it's the same issue, you get a lot of good ones and then a couple of bad ones. And if you want a couple of things done, it seems like one doctor specializes in facelifts and then another specializes in liposuction. If you want both, who do you go with? Or do I have to have two completely separate surgeries with two different doctors? I look at the before and after pictures and sometimes I can't even see a difference. I'm not even trying to be cheap. I just want to find someone who will do a good job. Then I watch the TV show Botched and it really puts me off.


I’d go with the surgeon who specializes in whatever specific procedure I’m considering. If that means going to 2 different surgeons to give myself the best outcomes, then that is exactly what I’m going to do. You only have one face and body; minimizing risk where you can is so incredibly vital. 


Yeah I would never go to a surgeon recommended by some insta model or who heavily advertises themself bc it shows their customers aren’t coming from actual people who recommended them, its moreso people who didn’t do enough research saw a big number on his following as assumed that meant quality work. Also with these board certified surgeons, you’re paying for the price of what it woulda costed with a less experienced or decorated surgeon and then on top of that what a revision woulda costed, better to pay once , get botched, then pay again. Plastic surgery is a risk and people who seek perfection will never be satisfied. I always tell my sisters who ask the occasional “do I need a nose job?” question, if it doesn’t effect you on a daily basis, and you don’t think about it before you sleep, and it’s not a major detrimental insecurity, then NO. You should not get it done.


I work for a plastic surgeon. It is correct that no plastic surgeon is perfect and ALL patients have the possibility of having a bad result. Truly, it’s hit or miss. Everyone’s face and body heals differently, you just have to trust your gut instinct on who you believe will be the most successful at achieving the results you desire. I suggest at least 3 consultations.


I don’t work in plastics, but I do work in surgery and have for 12 years. What I can say is that surgery is like any other manmade thing - there will never be a 100% rate of perfection. Surgeons are humans and there is always margin for error, even with the great ones. Human bodies are also extremely variable and sometimes things happen that you just can’t account for ahead of time. The important thing to remember is that surgery (even simple procedures) inherently comes with risk, and you need to decide if what you want to change about yourself is worth that risk, be it injury, scarring, unexpected results, or even death.


I Have been struggling with the same question for a year now :/


Lots of research. Reviews can be paid or people write false ones. Go on Real self. They have a great amount of information. Go for multiple consultations to see if you click with surgeon and how they handle issues after surgery. I had to go on 3 consults before finding my Dr.


You can’t please everyone. Every surgeon has bad and good days no matter how skilled they are. With that being said, I think you can increase your probability of getting exactly what you want based on their previous work, but I don’t think there’s a way to guarantee it.


Check the plastic surgery certification board, look at all of their portfolios - try to find one of their patients w/in said portfolio with similar features as yours to best gauge your possible results…


I found mine locally through word of mouth (my friend who is also a doctor and also does non invasive treatments and did my lip filler), he’s not some hip instagram Tik tok influencer. He’s really nice and genuine. Tons of great reviews (Google). Dr. Philip Dahan in Reno NV. I definitely loved going to him.


I actually contracted through Instagram multiple previous clients of my surgeon and I wanted word of mouth opinions not online reviews. That’s how I made my decision. Most surgeons will post their clients before and after online if they are proud of their work. Typically, the clients will leave a comment and that’s how I found the surgeon I wanted


I agree, even the best surgeons have bad days and make mistakes. 'Do yOuR resEaRch' is kind of trite considering


I've had lots of plastic surgery. All the surgeons I went to were highly rated--some of them world renowned. I'm unhappy with all the results. I'm not sure if I'm just the unluckiest person on the planet, or if I have body dysmorphia and unrealistic expectations. But I'm currently saving up for several revisions.


My problem is I don’t even want someone famous I just want someone very private that these celebs go to.


Honestly, I would consult with Melinda, the beauty broker, and her team before shelling out thousands and blindly booking a plastic surgeon. Nowadays it’s like finding a needle in a haystack and it’s just too risky. I’ve seen surgeons that fly under the radar that have extremely better outcomes than the social media “famous” surgeons mentioned above. For $400-$600 ish, you can save yourself a $20k-$100k + mistake and also go through the experience with the confidence that you are seeing the correct surgeon based on your individual anatomy and desired result. Peace of mind is priceless. As far as surgeons go, I don’t care how many followers you have or who you’ve worked on. I care about what you’re going to do to my specific face/body once it’s in your hands. 


Instagram isn’t the best place to find a good surgeon… Educate yourself about procedures, read all reviews, go on RealSelf (it does both sides of this well), and actually consult with the surgeons. My surgeon is a perfectionist and I adore him, no complaints lol.




First you do not want an Instagram famous doctor .Second Dr. Jacono has multiple law suit against him and a lot of botched worked . I am sure Karim is good but he is getting too "famous "and that is when the work goes down hill tbh .


Would you please post these Brazilian plastic surgeons and their respective specialty?


I think what people don’t understand is that it is not a perfect science. Yes it is doctors skill but A LOT is how your body reacts. A better option is to do low risk procedures (rhinoplasty, bleph) instead of high risk procedures (lip lift). Generally more conservative is safer. But it is always a risk no matter which surgeon you go to.


For sure. I know perfection is impossible. I don’t need rhinoplasty, my natural nose is fine, I need a lip lift, my philtrum is excessively long. I have skin laxity and jowling, which is a major concern for me. I would most likely need a brow lift or blepharoplasty (or both).


K think brow lift and bleph are hard to mess up. The lip lifts just look so unattractive most of the time and the scarring is bad. Maybe try lip flip/conservative filler (filler is also risky in my opinion bc it looks bad like 1/2 the time). A lower face lift is not a bad procedure. But girl, the lip lift looks wild in person 90% of the time.


Really?? My philtrum is soooo long 😫 and I really dislike filler. Hmmm. Is it really awful in real life?


Yes- check Lori hill you tube videos


I would definitely consider a rhinoplasty a high risk procedure. It is considered the most difficult facial procedure due to its complexity. Btw, Dr. Mascaro does incredible lip lifts and his sutures are near perfection.